
CPP23 - C++ 23

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C++23 introduces a wide array of features and improvements aimed at enhancing the language's utility, performance, and ease of use. This summary, presented in MediaWiki format, outlines the significant updates and enhancements that C++23 brings to the table.

Library Features

C++23 enriches the standard library with new functionalities and improvements. Notable additions include the stacktrace library for enhanced diagnostic capabilities, utilities like `std::expected` for managing expected outcomes or errors, and `std::mdspan` for multidimensional array views. Enhancements in string and text processing, such as `std::basic_string::contains` and updates to `std::format` for formatting ranges and tuples, are also part of the update【5†source】【6†source】.

Compile-time Support

The standard now supports `constexpr` for an extended set of functions, including `std::type_info::operator==`, various `<cmath>` functions, and integral overloads of `std::to_chars` and `std::from_chars`. Metaprogramming utilities have been expanded with new type traits like `std::is_scoped_enum` and improvements to support move-only types in comparison concepts【6†source】.

Iterators, Ranges, and Algorithm Support

C++23 introduces new range conversion functions, such as `std::ranges::to`, and a suite of constrained ranges algorithms, including `std::ranges::starts_with` and `std::ranges::ends_with`. New range adaptors like `std::views::zip` and `std::views::adjacent` enhance the flexibility of working with ranges【6†source】.

Memory Management Support

Enhancements in memory management include the introduction of `std::out_ptr` and `std::inout_ptr` for C interoperability and the `allocate_at_least` function for more efficient memory allocation strategies【6†source】【7†source】.

String and Text Processing Support

C++23 makes significant improvements in string manipulation and text processing, including new member functions for strings and views, and enhancements in formatting capabilities【6†source】.

Diagnostic Support

The introduction of the stacktrace library provides developers with powerful tools for diagnosing and understanding program execution and errors【6†source】.

I/O Support

New formatted output functions `std::print` and `std::println` have been added to simplify common I/O operations, alongside improvements in stream handling and manipulation【6†source】.

Containers Support

The update includes new container types like flat set and flat map, improvements in container constructability and assignability from ranges, and enhancements to existing containers for better performance and usability【6†source】.

C-Compatibility Support

C++23 adds a new header `<stdatomic.h>` to improve compatibility with C code, particularly in the area of atomic operations【6†source】.

Language Defect Reports

Numerous defect reports have been addressed in C++23, covering a wide range of issues from identifier syntax to lambda expressions and comparison operators. This effort helps to refine the language and ensure its robustness【6†source】.

Library Defect Reports

Similar to language defects, library defect reports have been addressed, focusing on the ranges library, input range adaptors, and various other standard library components【6†source】.

Monadic Operations

Monadic operations for `std::optional` and `std::expected` introduce a more functional programming style, allowing for chaining operations in a concise and expressive manner【6†source】.

Utility Functions

Utility functions such as `std::to_underlying` for extracting the underlying value of enums and `std::move_only_function` for move-only callable wrappers enhance the language's utility and flexibility【6†source】.

Compile-time Improvements

`constexpr` enhancements extend to `std::bitset`, `std::unique_ptr`, and some `<cmath>` functions, allowing more computations to be performed at compile time【6†source】.

Range-based Algorithms and Adaptors

New algorithms and adaptors for ranges, including `std::ranges::find_last` and `std::views::join_with`, increase the power and expressiveness of range-based programming【6†source】.

Memory Management Enhancements

The introduction of `std::allocate_at_least` and updates to the `std::allocator` interface reflect a continued focus on improving memory management in C++【6†source】【7†source】.

String Processing Enhancements

Improvements to string processing include new functionalities for `std::basic_string` and `std::basic_string_view`, such as disabling construction from `nullptr` and introducing explicit range constructors【6†source】.

Formatting and I/O Enhancements

Enhancements in formatting and I/O include new capabilities for formatting ranges, tuples, and other types, as well as introducing easier ways to perform formatted output【6†source】.

Container Improvements

Updates to containers not only introduce new types but also improve the usability

and flexibility of existing ones, such as through enhancements to associative containers and the introduction of iterator pair construction for stack and queue【6†source】.


Improvements aimed at enhancing C compatibility, like the introduction of `<stdatomic.h>`, demonstrate an ongoing effort to maintain and improve interoperability with C【6†source】.

Defect Reports

C++23 addresses a number of language and library defect reports, which helps to refine and clarify the specification, making the language more robust and consistent【6†source】.

Enhanced constexpr Support

The expansion of `constexpr` to more parts of the standard library, including `std::type_info::operator==` and various metaprogramming utilities, underscores a commitment to compile-time programming【6†source】.

Ranges and Algorithms

The introduction of new ranges algorithms and adaptors signifies a continued investment in modernizing the way C++ handles sequences and collections of data【6†source】.

Memory Management

The addition of `std::allocate_at_least` and enhancements to memory management interfaces reflect a focus on efficiency and flexibility in resource allocation【6†source】【7†source】.

String and Text Processing

C++23's improvements in string and text processing capabilities, such as the introduction of new member functions for strings and views, aim to make text manipulation more intuitive and powerful【6†source】.

Diagnostic Tools

The stacktrace library and other diagnostic support features in C++23 are designed to aid developers in debugging and understanding complex software systems【6†source】.

I/O Enhancements

With the introduction of formatted output functions `std::print` and `std::println`, C++23 simplifies common output operations, making code more readable and easier to write【6†source】.

Container and Adaptor Improvements

The standard's focus on containers includes not only the introduction of new adaptors and types but also improvements to make existing containers more versatile and user-friendly【6†source】.

Focus on Modernization

C++23 reflects a broad effort to modernize the language, addressing both longstanding issues and incorporating new programming paradigms to keep C++ relevant in a rapidly evolving technological landscape【6†source】.

Enhancements for Practicality and Efficiency

The updates in C++23 strive to make the language more practical and efficient for everyday use, targeting areas that impact developer productivity and software performance【5†source】【6†source】.

Community-Driven Improvements

Many of the updates in C++23 were driven by community feedback and contributions, highlighting the collaborative nature of C++'s evolution and the commitment to meeting the needs of modern developers【6†source】.

Future-Proofing the Language

By introducing features like monadic operations for `std::optional` and `std::expected`, C++23 takes steps to future-proof the language, incorporating concepts from functional programming to enhance expressiveness and safety【6†source】.

Commitment to Compatibility

C++23's enhancements in C-compatibility and the careful consideration of defect reports show a commitment to maintaining the language's robustness and ensuring its continued viability across a wide range of applications【6†source】.

Emphasis on Type Safety and Expressiveness

The introduction of utilities like `std::move_only_function` and enhancements to type traits underscore C++23's emphasis on type safety, expressiveness, and support for modern programming techniques【6†source】.

Streamlining Development Processes

C++23's features are designed to streamline development processes, reduce boilerplate code, and make the language more approachable for both new and experienced developers【6†source】.

Enhancing Language Clarity and Precision

The resolution of language and library defect reports in C++23 enhances the clarity and precision of the language, making it easier for developers to write correct and efficient code【6†source】.

Supporting Modern Hardware and Systems

With updates to memory management and support for modern hardware features, C++23 ensures that the language remains relevant and performant on contemporary computing platforms【6†source】【7†source】.


C++23 represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the C++ language, introducing a wide range of features and improvements that address both developer needs and modern programming practices. Through its comprehensive updates, C++23 aims to enhance the language's utility, performance, and ease of use, ensuring that C++ remains a powerful tool for software development across diverse domains.

For more detailed information, including specific proposals and technical specifications, the official ISO C++ website and WG21 documentation serve as the primary sources. Unfortunately, direct links to these resources cannot be provided in this format, but they are readily accessible through official ISO C++ and WG21 webpages.

C++: C++ Fundamentals, C++ Inventor - C++ Language Designer: Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985; C++ Keywords, C++ Built-In Data Types, C++ Data Structures (CPP Containers) - C++ Algorithms, C++ Syntax, C++ OOP - C++ Design Patterns, Clean C++ - C++ Style Guide, C++ Best Practices ( C++ Core Guidelines (CG)) - C++ BDD, C++ Standards ( C++ 23, C++ 20, C++ 17, C++ 14, C++ 11, C++ 03, C++ 98), Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Glossary, CppReference.com, CPlusPlus.com, ISOcpp.org, C++ Compilers (Compiler Explorer, MinGW), C++ IDEs, C++ Development Tools, C++ Linter, C++ Debugging, C++ Modules ( C++20), C++ Packages, C++ Package Manager ( Conan - the C/C++ Package Manager), C++ Standard Library, C++ Libraries, C++ Frameworks, C++ DevOps - C++ SRE, C++ CI/CD ( C++ Build Pipeline), C++ Data Science - C++ DataOps, C++ Machine Learning, C++ Deep Learning, Functional C++, C++ Concurrency, C++ History, C++ Topics, C++ Bibliography, Manning C++ Series, C++ Courses, CppCon, C++ Research, C++ GitHub, Written in C++, C++ Popularity, C++ Awesome , C++ Versions. (navbar_cplusplus – see also navbar_cpp_containers, navbar_cppcon, navbar_cpp_core_guidelines, navbar_cpp23, navbar_cpp20, navbar_cpp17, navbar_cpp14, navbar_cpp11)

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cpp23.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 by