
Character (computing)

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Snippet from Wikipedia: Character (computing)

In computer and machine-based telecommunications terminology, a character is a unit of information that roughly corresponds to a grapheme, grapheme-like unit, or symbol, such as in an alphabet or syllabary in the written form of a natural language.

Examples of characters include letters, numerical digits, common punctuation marks (such as "." or "-"), and whitespace. The concept also includes control characters, which do not correspond to visible symbols but rather to instructions to format or process the text. Examples of control characters include carriage return and tab as well as other instructions to printers or other devices that display or otherwise process text.

Characters are typically combined into strings.

Historically, the term character was used to denote a specific number of contiguous bits. While a character is most commonly assumed to refer to 8 bits (one byte) today, other options like the 6-bit character code were once popular, and the 5-bit Baudot code has been used in the past as well. The term has even been applied to 4 bits with only 16 possible values. All modern systems use a varying-size sequence of these fixed-sized pieces, for instance UTF-8 uses a varying number of 8-bit code units to define a "code point" and Unicode uses varying number of those to define a "character".

Data Structures: Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Heap, Hash Table, Graph, Trie, Skip List, Red-Black Tree, AVL Tree, B-Tree, B+ Tree, Splay Tree, Fibonacci Heap, Disjoint Set, Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Circular Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Priority Queue, Dynamic Array, Bloom Filter, Segment Tree, Fenwick Tree, Cartesian Tree, Rope, Suffix Array, Suffix Tree, Ternary Search Tree, Radix Tree, Quadtree, Octree, KD Tree, Interval Tree, Sparse Table, Union-Find, Min-Max Heap, Binomial Heap, And-Or Graph, Bit Array, Bitmask, Circular Buffer, Concurrent Data Structures, Content Addressable Memory, Deque, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), Edge List, Eulerian Path and Circuit, Expression Tree, Huffman Tree, Immutable Data Structure, Indexable Skip List, Inverted Index, Judy Array, K-ary Tree, Lattice, Linked Hash Map, Linked Hash Set, List, Matrix, Merkle Tree, Multimap, Multiset, Nested Data Structure, Object Pool, Pairing Heap, Persistent Data Structure, Quad-edge, Queue (Double-ended), R-Tree, Radix Sort Tree, Range Tree, Record, Ring Buffer, Scene Graph, Scapegoat Tree, Soft Heap, Sparse Matrix, Spatial Index, Stack (Min/Max), Suffix Automaton, Threaded Binary Tree, Treap, Triple Store, Turing Machine, Unrolled Linked List, Van Emde Boas Tree, Vector, VList, Weak Heap, Weight-balanced Tree, X-fast Trie, Y-fast Trie, Z-order, Zero-suppressed Decision Diagram, Zigzag Tree

Data Structures Fundamentals - Algorithms Fundamentals, Algorithms, Data Types; Primitive Types (Boolean data type, Character (computing), Floating-point arithmetic, Single-precision floating-point format - Double-precision floating-point format, IEEE 754, Category:Floating point types, Fixed-point arithmetic, Integer (computer science), Reference (computer science), Pointer (computer programming), Enumerated type, Date Time);

Composite Types or Non-Primitive Types: Array data structure, String (computer science) (Array of characters), Record (computer science) (also called Struct (C programming language)), Union type (Tagged union, also called Variant type, Variant record, Discriminated union, or Disjoint union);

Abstract Data Types: Container (data structure), List (abstract data type), Tuple, Associative array (also called Map, Multimap, Set (abstract data type), Multiset (abstract data type) (also called Multiset (bag)), Stack (abstract data type), Queue (abstract data type), (e.g. Priority queue), Double-ended queue, Graph (data structure) (e.g. Tree (data structure), Heap (data structure))

Data Structures and Algorithms, Data Structures Syntax, Data Structures and OOP - Data Structures and Design Patterns, Data Structures Best Practices, Data Structures and Containerization, Data Structures and IDEs (IntelliSense), Data Structures and Development Tools, Data Structures and Compilers, Data Structures and Data Science - Data Structures and DataOps, Machine Learning Data Structures - Data Structures and MLOps, Deep Learning Data Structures, Functional Data Structures, Data Structures and Concurrency - Data Structures and Parallel Programming, Data Structure Libraries, Data Structures History, Data Structures Bibliography (Grokking Data Structures), Data Structures Courses, Data Structures Glossary, Data Structures Topics, Data Structures Research, Data Structures GitHub, Written in Data Structures, Data Structures Popularity, Data Structures Awesome. (navbar_data_structures - see also navbar_cpp_containers, navbar_math_algorithms, navbar_data_algorithms, navbar_design_patterns, navbar_software_architecture)

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character_computing.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:45 by