
C++ Ranges library


The ranges library is an extension and generalization of the algorithms and iterator libraries that makes them more powerful by making them composable and less error-prone.

The library creates and manipulates range views, lightweight objects that indirectly represent iterable sequences (ranges). Ranges are an abstraction on top of

  • [begin, end) iterator pairs, e.g. ranges made by implicit conversion from containers. All algorithms that take iterator pairs now have overloads that accept ranges (e.g


  • [start, size) counted sequences, e.g. range returned by
  • [start, predicate) conditionally-terminated sequences, e.g. range returned by
  • [start..) unbounded sequences, e.g. range returned by

The ranges library includes range algorithms, which are applied to ranges eagerly, and range adaptors, which are applied to views lazily. Adaptors can be composed into pipelines, so that their actions take place as the view is iterated.

The namespace alias

is provided as a shorthand for


Range factories

Range adaptors



Some range adaptors wrap their elements or function objects with the ''copyable wrapper''.

Range adaptor objects

Range adaptor objects are customization point objects that accept

as their first arguments and return a

. Some range adaptor objects are unary, i.e. they take one

as their only argument. Other range adaptor objects take a

and other trailing arguments.

If a range adaptor object takes more than one argument, it also supports partial application: let

  • be such a range adaptor object, and

  • be arguments (generally suitable for trailing arguments),


has following properties:

  • it is valid if and only if for every argument


    such that





  • when the call is valid, its result object stores a subobject of type

    direct-non-list-initialized with

    , for every argument


    (in other words, range adaptor objects bind arguments by value), and

  • the result object is a range adaptor closure object.

Like other customization point objects, let

  • be an object of the cv-unqualified version of the type of any range adaptor objects,

  • be any group of arguments that satisfies the constraints of the

    of the type of


calls to

  • ,

  • ,

  • , and

are all equivalent.

The result object of each of these expressions is either a

object or a range adaptor closure object.


is unsupported for volatile-qualified or const-volatile-qualified version of range adaptor object types. Arrays and functions are converted to pointers while binding.

Range adaptor closure objects

Range adaptor closure objects are objects whose type is the same as one of the following objects (ignoring cv-qualification):

  • unary range adaptor objects,
  • the results of binding trailing arguments by range adaptor objects, and
  • the results of chaining two range adaptor closure objects by


Range adaptor closure objects take one

as its only argument and return a

. They are callable via the pipe operator: if

is a range adaptor closure object and

is a

, these two expressions are equivalent (both well-formed or ill-formed):

C }}

This call forwards the bound arguments (if any) to the associated range adaptor object. The bound arguments (if any) are identically treated as lvalue or rvalue and cv-qualified to


Two range adaptor closure objects can be chained by

}} to produce another range adaptor closure object: if


are range adaptor closure objects, then

D}} is also a range adaptor closure object if it is valid.

The bound arguments of

D}} is determined as follows:

  • there is a subobject in the result object of the same type (cv-qualification discarded) for every subobject in both operands that is a bound argument,
  • such a bound argument is direct-non-list-initialized with the source subobject in its containing operand, where the source is identically treated as lvalue or rvalue and cv-qualified to the operand,
  • the result is valid if and only if the initialization of all bound arguments are valid.

The effect and validity of the

of the result is determined as follows: given a

, these two expressions are equivalent (both well-formed or ill-formed):


D // (R




D) }}


is unsupported for volatile-qualified or const-volatile-qualified version of range adaptor object closure types.

Helper concepts

Following exposition-only concepts are used for several types, but they are not parts of the interface of standard library.




std::views::transform(square)) {

       std::cout << i << ' ';
   std::cout << '\n';
   // a traditional "functional" composing syntax:
   for (int i : std::views::transform(std::views::filter(ints, even), square)) {
       std::cout << i << ' ';

0 4 16 0 4 16 }}

Defect reports

c_plus_plus_ranges.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:32 (external edit)