
C++20 for Programmers Table of Contents

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Before You Begin

1 Intro and Test-Driving Popular, Free CPP Compilers

1.1 CPP Introduction

1.2 Test-Driving a CPP20 Application

1.2.1 CPP Compiling and CPP Running a CPP20 Application with CPP Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition on Windows

1.2.2 Compiling and Running a CPP20 Application with CPP Xcode on CPP macOS

1.2.3 Compiling and Running a CPP20 Application with GNU CPP on CPP Linux

1.2.4 Compiling and Running a CPP20 Application with CPP gpp (G Plus Plus |g++]] in the GCC Docker Container

1.2.5 Compiling and Running a CPP20 Application with CPP clang++ in a CPP Docker Container

1.3 Moore’s Law, CPP Multi-Core Processors and CPP Concurrent Programming

1.4 A Brief Refresher on CPP Object Orientation

1.5 Wrap-Up

2 Intro to CPP20 Programming

2.1 Introduction

2.2 First Program in CPP: Displaying a Line of Text

2.3 Modifying Our First CPP Program

2.4 Another CPP Program: Adding CPP Integers

2.5 CPP Arithmetic

2.6 CPP Decision Making: CPP Equality Operators and CPP Relational Operators

2.7 Objects Natural: Creating and Using CPP Objects of CPP Standard-Library Class CPP string

2.8 Wrap-Up

3 CPP Control Statements: Part 1

3.1 CPP Introduction

3.2 CPP Control Structures

3.2.1 CPP Sequence Structure

3.2.2 CPP Selection Statements

3.2.3 CPP Iteration Statements

3.2.4 CPP Summary of Control Statements

3.3 CPP if Single-Selection Statement

3.4 CPP if…else Double-Selection Statement

3.4.1 CPP Nested if…else Statements

3.4.2 CPP Blocks

3.4.3 CPP Conditional Operator (?:)

3.5 CPP while Iteration Statement

3.6 CPP Counter-Controlled Iteration

3.6.1 CPP Implementing Counter-Controlled Iteration

3.6.2 CPP Integer Division and CPP Truncation

3.7 CPP Sentinel-Controlled Iteration

3.7.1 CPP Implementing Sentinel-Controlled Iteration

3.7.2 CPP Converting Between Fundamental Types Explicitly and Implicitly

3.7.3 CPP Formatting Floating-Point Numbers

3.8 CPP Nested Control Statements

3.8.1 CPP Problem Statement

3.8.2 Implementing the Program

3.8.3 Preventing CPP Narrowing Conversions with CPP Braced Initialization

3.9 CPP Compound Assignment Operators

3.10 CPP Increment Operators and CPP Decrement Operators

3.11 CPP Fundamental Types Are Not CPP Portable

3.12 CPP Objects-Natural Case Study: CPP Arbitrary-Sized Integers

3.13 CPP20: CPP Text Formatting with CPP Function format

3.14 Wrap-Up

4 CPP Control Statements: Part 2

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Essentials of CPP Counter-Controlled Iteration

4.3 CPP for Iteration Statement

4.4 Examples Using the CPP for Statement

4.5 Application: CPP Summing Even Integers

4.6 Application: CPP Compound-Interest Calculations

4.7 CPP do…while Iteration Statement

4.8 CPP switch Multiple-Selection Statement

4.9 CPP17 Selection Statements with Initializers

4.10 CPP break and CPP continue Statements

4.11 CPP Logical Operators

4.11.1 CPP Logical AND (&&) Operator

4.11.2 CPP Logical OR (||) Operator

4.11.3 CPP Short-Circuit Evaluation

4.11.4 CPP Logical Negation (!) Operator

4.11.5 Example: Producing Logical-Operator Truth Tables

4.12 Confusing the CPP Equality Operator (==) and CPP Assignment Operator (=)

4.13 CPP Objects-Natural Case Study: Using the CPP miniz-cpp Library to CPP Write and Read ZIP files

4.14 CPP20 Text Formatting with Field Widths and Precisions

4.15 Wrap-Up

5 CPP Functions and an Intro to CPP Function Templates

5.1 Introduction

5.2 CPP Program Components

5.3 CPP Math Library Functions

5.4 CPP Function Definitions and CPP Function Prototypes

5.5 CPP Order of Evaluation of a Function’s Arguments

5.6 Function-Prototype and Argument-Coercion Notes

5.6.1 Function Signatures and Function Prototypes

5.6.2 Argument Coercion

5.6.3 Argument-Promotion Rules and Implicit Conversions

5.7 CPP Standard Library Headers

5.8 Case Study: Random-Number Generation

5.8.1 Rolling a Six-Sided Die

5.8.2 Rolling a Six-Sided Die 60,000,000 Times

5.8.3 Seeding the Random-Number Generator

5.8.4 Seeding the Random-Number Generator with random_device

5.9 Case Study: Game of Chance; Introducing Scoped enums

5.10 Scope Rules

5.11 Inline Functions

5.12 References and Reference Parameters

5.13 Default Arguments

5.14 Unary Scope Resolution Operator

5.15 Function Overloading

5.16 Function Templates

5.17 Recursion

5.18 Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series

5.19 Recursion vs. Iteration

5.20 Lnfylun Lhqtomh Wjtz Qarcv: Qjwazkrplm xzz Xndmwwqhlz

5.21 Wrap-Up

6 arrays, vectors, Ranges and Functional-Style Programming

6.1 Introduction

6.2 arrays

6.3 Declaring arrays

6.4 Initializing array Elements in a Loop

6.5 Initializing an array with an Initializer List

6.6 CPP11 Range-Based for and CPP20 Range-Based for with Initializer

6.7 Calculating array Element Values and an Intro to constexpr

6.8 Totaling array Elements

6.9 Using a Primitive Bar Chart to Display array Data Graphically

6.10 Using array Elements as Counters

6.11 Using arrays to Summarize Survey Results

6.12 Sorting and Searching arrays

6.13 Multidimensional arrays

6.14 Intro to Functional-Style Programming

6.14.1 What vs. How

6.14.2 Passing Functions as Arguments to Other Functions: Introducing Lambda Expressions

6.14.3 Filter, Map and Reduce: Intro to CPP20’s Ranges Library

6.15 Objects-Natural Case Study: CPP Standard Library Class Template vector

6.16 Wrap-Up

7 (Downplaying) Pointers in Modern CPP

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization

7.2.1 Declaring Pointers

7.2.2 Initializing Pointers

7.2.3 Null Pointers Before CPP11

7.3 Pointer Operators

7.3.1 Address (&) Operator

7.3.2 Indirection (*) Operator

7.3.3 Using the Address (&) and Indirection (*) Operators

7.4 Pass-by-Reference with Pointers

7.5 Built-In Arrays

7.5.1 Declaring and Accessing a Built-In Array

7.5.2 Initializing Built-In Arrays

7.5.3 Passing Built-In Arrays to Functions

7.5.4 Declaring Built-In Array Parameters

7.5.5 CPP11 Standard Library Functions begin and end

7.5.6 Built-In Array Limitations

7.6 Using CPP20 to_array to Convert a Built-In Array to a std::array

7.7 Using const with Pointers and the Data Pointed To

7.7.1 Using a Nonconstant Pointer to Nonconstant Data

7.7.2 Using a Nonconstant Pointer to Constant Data

7.7.3 Using a Constant Pointer to Nonconstant Data

7.7.4 Using a Constant Pointer to Constant Data

7.8 sizeof Operator

7.9 Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic

7.9.1 Adding Integers to and Subtracting Integers from Pointers

7.9.2 Subtracting One Pointer from Another

7.9.3 Pointer Assignment

7.9.4 Cannot Dereference a void*

7.9.5 Comparing Pointers

7.10 Objects-Natural Case Study: CPP20 spans—Views of Contiguous Container Elements

7.11 A Brief Intro to Pointer-Based Strings

7.11.1 Command-Line Arguments

7.11.2 Revisiting CPP20’s to_array Function

7.12 Looking Ahead to Other Pointer Topics

7.13 Wrap-Up

8 strings, string_views, Text Files, CSV Files and Regex

8.1 Introduction

8.2 CPP string Assignment and CPP string Concatenation

8.3 Comparing strings

8.4 Substrings

8.5 Swapping strings

8.6 string Characteristics

8.7 Finding Substrings and Characters in a string

8.8 Replacing and Erasing Characters in a string

8.9 Inserting Characters into a string

8.10 CPP11 Numeric Conversions

8.11 CPP17 string_view

8.12 Files and Streams

8.13 Creating a Sequential File

8.14 Reading Data from a Sequential File

8.15 CPP14 Reading and Writing Quoted Text

8.16 Updating Sequential Files

8.17 String Stream Processing

8.18 Raw String Literals

8.19 Objects-Natural Case Study: Reading and Analyzing a CSV File Containing Titanic Disaster Data

8.19.1 Using rapidcsv to Read the Contents of a CSV File

8.19.2 Reading and Analyzing the Titanic Disaster Dataset

8.20 Objects-Natural Case Study: Intro to Regular Expressions

8.20.1 Matching Complete Strings to Patterns

8.20.2 Replacing Substrings

8.20.3 Searching for Matches

8.21 Wrap-Up

9 Custom Classes

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Test-Driving an Account Object

9.3 Account Class with a Data Member and Set and Get Member Functions

9.3.1 Class Definition

9.3.2 Access Specifiers private and public

9.4 Account Class: Custom Constructors

9.5 Software Engineering with Set and Get Member Functions

9.6 Account Class with a Balance

9.7 Time Class Case Study: Separating Interface from Implementation

9.7.1 Interface of a Class

9.7.2 Separating the Interface from the Implementation

9.7.3 Class Definition

9.7.4 Member Functions

9.7.5 Including the Class Header in the Source-Code File

9.7.6 Scope Resolution Operator (::)

9.7.7 Member Function setTime and Throwing Exceptions

9.7.8 Member Functions to24HourString and to12HourString

9.7.9 Implicitly Inlining Member Functions

9.7.10 Member Functions vs. Global Functions

9.7.11 Using Class Time

9.7.12 Object Size

9.8 Compilation and Linking Process

9.9 Class Scope and Accessing Class Members

9.10 Access Functions and Utility Functions

9.11 Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments

9.11.1 Class Time

9.11.2 Overloaded Constructors and CPP11 Delegating Constructors

9.12 Destructors

9.13 When Constructors and Destructors Are Called

9.14 Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap —Returning a Reference or a Pointer to a private Data Member

9.15 Default Assignment Operator

9.16 const Objects and const Member Functions

9.17 Composition: Objects as Members of Classes

9.18 friend Functions and friend Classes

9.19 The this Pointer

9.19.1 Implicitly and Explicitly Using the this Pointer to Access an Object’s Data Members

9.19.2 Using the this Pointer to Enable Cascaded Function Calls

9.20 static Class Members: Classwide Data and Member Functions

9.21 Aggregates in CPP20

9.21.1 Initializing an Aggregate

9.21.2 CPP20: Designated Initializers

9.22 Objects-Natural Case Study: Serialization with JSON

9.22.1 Serializing a vector of Objects Containing public Data

9.22.2 Serializing a vector of Objects Containing private Data

9.23 Wrap-Up

10 OOP: Inheritance and Runtime Polymorphism

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes

10.2.1 CommunityMember Class Hierarchy

10.2.2 Shape Class Hierarchy and public Inheritance

10.3 Relationship Between Base and Derived Classes

10.3.1 Creating and Using a SalariedEmployee Class

10.3.2 Creating a SalariedEmployee–SalariedCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy

10.4 Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes

10.5 Intro to Runtime Polymorphism: Polymorphic Video Game

10.6 Relationships Among Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy

10.6.1 Invoking Base-Class Functions from Derived-Class Objects

10.6.2 Aiming Derived-Class Pointers at Base-Class Objects

10.6.3 Derived-Class Member-Function Calls via Base-Class Pointers

10.7 Virtual Functions and Virtual Destructors

10.7.1 Why virtual Functions Are Useful

10.7.2 Declaring virtual Functions

10.7.3 Invoking a virtual Function

10.7.4 virtual Functions in the SalariedEmployee Hierarchy

10.7.5 virtual Destructors

10.7.6 final Member Functions and Classes

10.8 Abstract Classes and Pure virtual Functions

10.8.1 Pure virtual Functions

10.8.2 Device Drivers: Polymorphism in Operating Systems

10.9 Case Study: Payroll System Using Runtime Polymorphism

10.9.1 Creating Abstract Base Class Employee

10.9.2 Creating Concrete Derived Class SalariedEmployee

10.9.3 Creating Concrete Derived Class CommissionEmployee

10.9.4 Demonstrating Runtime Polymorphic Processing

10.10 Runtime Polymorphism, Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding “Under the Hood“

10.11 Non-Virtual Interface (NVI) Idiom

10.12 Program to an Interface, Not an Implementation

10.12.1 Rethinking the Employee Hierarchy—CompensationModel Interface

10.12.2 Class Employee

10.12.3 CompensationModel Implementations

10.12.4 Testing the New Hierarchy

10.12.5 Dependency Injection Design Benefits

10.13 Runtime Polymorphism with std::variant and std::visit

10.14 Multiple Inheritance

10.14.1 Diamond Inheritance

10.14.2 Eliminating Duplicate Subobjects with virtual Base-Class Inheritance

10.15 protected Class Members: A Deeper Look

10.16 public, protected and private Inheritance

10.17 More Runtime Polymorphism Techniques; Compile-Time Polymorphism

10.17.1 Other Runtime Polymorphism Techniques

10.17.2 Compile-Time (Static) Polymorphism Techniques

10.17.3 Other Polymorphism Concepts

10.18 Wrap-Up

11 Operator Overloading, Copy/Move Semantics and Smart Pointers

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Using the Overloaded Operators of Standard Library Class string

11.3 Operator Overloading Fundamentals

11.3.1 Operator Overloading Is Not Automatic

11.3.2 Operators That Cannot Be Overloaded

11.3.3 Operators That You Do Not Have to Overload

11.3.4 Rules and Restrictions on Operator Overloading

11.4 (Downplaying) Dynamic Memory Management with new and delete

11.5 Modern CPP Dynamic Memory Management: RAII and Smart Pointers

11.5.1 Smart Pointers

11.5.2 Demonstrating unique_ptr

11.5.3 unique_ptr Ownership

11.5.4 unique_ptr to a Built-In Array

11.6 MyArray Case Study: Crafting a Valuable Class with Operator Overloading

11.6.1 Special Member Functions

11.6.2 Using Class MyArray

11.6.3 MyArray Class Definition

11.6.4 Constructor That Specifies a MyArray’s Size

11.6.5 CPP11 Passing a Braced Initializer to a Constructor

11.6.6 Copy Constructor and Copy Assignment Operator

11.6.7 Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator

11.6.8 Destructor

11.6.9 toString and size Functions

11.6.10 Overloading the Equality (==) and Inequality (!=) Operators

11.6.11 Overloading the Subscript ([]) Operator

11.6.12 Overloading the Unary bool Conversion Operator

11.6.13 Overloading the Preincrement Operator

11.6.14 Overloading the Postincrement Operator

11.6.15 Overloading the Addition Assignment Operator (+=)

11.6.16 Overloading the Binary Stream Extraction (») and Stream Insertion («) Operators

11.6.17 friend Function swap

11.7 CPP20 Three-Way Comparison Operator (⇔)

11.8 Converting Between Types

11.9 explicit Constructors and Conversion Operators

11.10 Overloading the Function Call Operator ()

11.11 Wrap-Up

12 Exceptions and a Look Forward to Contracts

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Exception-Handling Flow of Control

12.2.1 Defining an Exception Class to Represent the Type of Problem That Might Occur

12.2.2 Demonstrating Exception Handling

12.2.3 Enclosing Code in a try Block

12.2.4 Defining a catch Handler for DivideByZeroExceptions

12.2.5 Termination Model of Exception Handling

12.2.6 Flow of Control When the User Enters a Nonzero Denominator

12.2.7 Flow of Control When the User Enters a Zero Denominator

12.3 Exception Safety Guarantees and noexcept

12.4 Rethrowing an Exception

12.5 Stack Unwinding and Uncaught Exceptions

12.6 When to Use Exception Handling

12.6.1 assert Macro

12.6.2 Failing Fast

12.7 Constructors, Destructors and Exception Handling

12.7.1 Throwing Exceptions from Constructors

12.7.2 Catching Exceptions in Constructors via Function try Blocks

12.7.3 Exceptions and Destructors: Revisiting noexcept(false)

12.8 Processing new Failures

12.8.1 new Throwing bad_alloc on Failure

12.8.2 new Returning nullptr on Failure

12.8.3 Handling new Failures Using Function set_new_handler

12.9 Standard Library Exception Hierarchy

12.10 CPP’s Alternative to the finally Block: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)

12.11 Some Libraries Support Both Exceptions and Error Codes

12.12 Logging

12.13 Looking Ahead to Contracts

12.14 Wrap-Up

13 Standard Library Containers and Iterators

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Introduction to Containers

13.2.1 Common Nested Types in Sequence and Associative Containers

13.2.2 Common Container Member and Non-Member Functions

13.2.3 Requirements for Container Elements

13.3 Working with Iterators

13.3.1 Using istream_iterator for Input and ostream_iterator for Output

13.3.2 Iterator Categories

13.3.3 Container Support for Iterators

13.3.4 Predefined Iterator Type Names

13.3.5 Iterator Operators

13.4 A Brief Introduction to Algorithms

13.5 Sequence Containers

13.6 vector Sequence Container

13.6.1 Using vectors and Iterators

13.6.2 vector Element-Manipulation Functions

13.7 list Sequence Container

13.8 deque Sequence Container

13.9 Associative Containers

13.9.1 multiset Associative Container

13.9.2 set Associative Container

13.9.3 multimap Associative Container

13.9.4 map Associative Container

13.10 Container Adaptors

13.10.1 stack Adaptor

13.10.2 queue Adaptor

13.10.3 priority_queue Adaptor

13.11 bitset Near Container

13.12 Optional: A Brief Intro to Big O

13.13 Optional: A Brief Intro to Hash Tables

13.14 Wrap-Up

14 Standard Library Algorithms and CPP20 Ranges & Views

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Algorithm Requirements: CPP20 Concepts

14.3 Lambdas and Algorithms

14.4 Algorithms

14.4.1 fill, fill_n, generate and generate_n

14.4.2 equal, mismatch and lexicographical_compare

14.4.3 remove, remove_if, remove_copy and remove_copy_if

14.4.4 replace, replace_if, replace_copy and replace_copy_if

14.4.5 Shuffling, Counting, and Minimum and Maximum Element Algorithms

14.4.6 Searching and Sorting Algorithms

14.4.7 swap, iter_swap and swap_ranges

14.4.8 copy_backward, merge, unique, reverse, copy_if and copy_n

14.4.9 inplace_merge, unique_copy and reverse_copy

14.4.10 Set Operations

14.4.11 lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range

14.4.12 min, max and minmax

14.4.13 Algorithms gcd, lcm, iota, reduce and partial_sum from Header <numeric>

14.4.14 Heapsort and Priority Queues

14.5 Function Objects (Functors)

14.6 Projections

14.7 CPP20 Views and Functional-Style Programming

14.7.1 Range Adaptors

14.7.2 Working with Range Adaptors and Views

14.8 Intro to Parallel Algorithms

14.9 Standard Library Algorithm Summary

14.10 A Look Ahead to CPP23 Ranges

14.11 Wrap-Up

15 Templates, CPP20 Concepts and Metaprogramming

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Custom Class Templates and Compile-Time Polymorphism

15.3 CPP20 Function Template Enhancements

15.3.1 CPP20 Abbreviated Function Templates

15.3.2 CPP20 Templated Lambdas

15.4 CPP20 Concepts: A First Look

15.4.1 Unconstrained Function Template multiply

15.4.2 Constrained Function Template with a CPP20 Concepts requires Clause

15.4.3 CPP20 Predefined Concepts

15.5 Type Traits

15.6 CPP20 Concepts: A Deeper Look

15.6.1 Creating a Custom Concept

15.6.2 Using a Concept

15.6.3 Using Concepts in Abbreviated Function Templates

15.6.4 Concept-Based Overloading

15.6.5 requires Expressions

15.6.6 CPP20 Exposition-Only Concepts

15.6.7 Techniques Before CPP20 Concepts: SFINAE and Tag Dispatch

15.7 Testing CPP20 Concepts with static_assert

15.8 Creating a Custom Algorithm

15.9 Creating a Custom Container and Iterators

15.9.1 Class Template ConstIterator

15.9.2 Class Template Iterator

15.9.3 Class Template MyArray

15.9.4 MyArray Deduction Guide for Braced Initialization

15.9.5 Using MyArray and Its Custom Iterators with std::ranges Algorithms

15.10 Default Arguments for Template Type Parameters

15.11 Variable Templates

15.12 Variadic Templates and Fold Expressions

15.12.1 tuple Variadic Class Template

15.12.2 Variadic Function Templates and an Intro to CPP17 Fold Expressions

15.12.3 Types of Fold Expressions

15.12.4 How Unary-Fold Expressions Apply Their Operators

15.12.5 How Binary-Fold Expressions Apply Their Operators

15.12.6 Using the Comma Operator to Repeatedly Perform an Operation

15.12.7 Constraining Parameter Pack Elements to the Same Type

15.13 Template Metaprogramming

15.13.1 CPP Templates Are Turing Complete

15.13.2 Computing Values at Compile-Time

15.13.3 Conditional Compilation with Template Metaprogramming and constexpr if

15.13.4 Type Metafunctions

15.14 Wrap-Up

16 CPP20 Modules: Large-Scale Development

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Compilation and Linking Before CPP20

16.3 Advantages and Goals of Modules

16.4 Example: Transitioning to Modules—Header Units

16.5 Modules Can Reduce Translation Unit Sizes and Compilation Times

16.6 Example: Creating and Using a Module

16.6.1 module Declaration for a Module Interface Unit

16.6.2 Exporting a Declaration

16.6.3 Exporting a Group of Declarations

16.6.4 Exporting a namespace

16.6.5 Exporting a namespace Member

16.6.6 Importing a Module to Use Its Exported Declarations

16.6.7 Example: Attempting to Access Non-Exported Module Contents

16.7 Global Module Fragment

16.8 Separating Interface from Implementation

16.8.1 Example: Module Implementation Units

16.8.2 Example: Modularizing a Class

16.8.3 :private Module Fragment

16.9 Partitions

16.9.1 Example: Module Interface Partition Units

16.9.2 Module Implementation Partition Units

16.9.3 Example: “Submodules” vs. Partitions

16.10 Additional Modules Examples

16.10.1 Example: Importing the CPP Standard Library as Modules

16.10.2 Example: Cyclic Dependencies Are Not Allowed

16.10.3 Example: imports Are Not Transitive

16.10.4 Example: Visibility vs. Reachability

16.11 Migrating Code to Modules

16.12 Future of Modules and Modules Tooling

16.13 Wrap-Up

17 Parallel Algorithms and Concurrency: A High-Level View

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Standard Library Parallel Algorithms (CPP17)

17.2.1 Example: Profiling Sequential and Parallel Sorting Algorithms

17.2.2 When to Use Parallel Algorithms

17.2.3 Execution Policies

17.2.4 Example: Profiling Parallel and Vectorized Operations

17.2.5 Additional Parallel Algorithm Notes

17.3 Multithreaded Programming

17.3.1 Thread States and the Thread Life Cycle

17.3.2 Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement

17.4 Launching Tasks with std::jthread

17.4.1 Defining a Task to Perform in a Thread

17.4.2 Executing a Task in a jthread

17.4.3 How jthread Fixes thread

17.5 Producer–Consumer Relationship: A First Attempt

17.6 Producer–Consumer: Synchronizing Access to Shared Mutable Data

17.6.1 Class SynchronizedBuffer: Mutexes, Locks and Condition Variables

17.6.2 Testing SynchronizedBuffer

17.7 Producer–Consumer: Minimizing Waits with a Circular Buffer

17.8 Readers and Writers

17.9 Cooperatively Canceling jthreads

17.10 Launching Tasks with std::async

17.11 Thread-Safe, One-Time Initialization

17.12 A Brief Introduction to Atomics

17.13 Coordinating Threads with CPP20 Latches and Barriers

17.13.1 CPP20 std::latch

17.13.2 CPP20 std::barrier

17.14 CPP20 Semaphores

17.15 CPP23: A Look to the Future of CPP Concurrency

17.15.1 Parallel Ranges Algorithms

17.15.2 Concurrent Containers

17.15.3 Other Concurrency-Related Proposals

17.16 Wrap-Up

18 CPP20 Coroutines

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Coroutine Support Libraries

18.3 Installing the concurrencpp and generator Libraries

18.4 Creating a Generator Coroutine with co_yield and the generator Library

18.5 Launching Tasks with concurrencpp

18.6 Creating a Coroutine with co_await and co_return

18.7 Low-Level Coroutines Concepts

18.8 CPP23 Coroutines Enhancements

18.9 Wrap-Up

A Operator Precedence and Grouping

B Character Set


Online Chapters and Appendices

19 Stream I/O and CPP20 Text Formatting

20 Other Topics and a Look Toward CPP23

C Number Systems

D Preprocessor

E Bit Manipulation

Fair Use Sources

C++: C++ Fundamentals, C++ Inventor - C++ Language Designer: Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985; C++ Keywords, C++ Built-In Data Types, C++ Data Structures (CPP Containers) - C++ Algorithms, C++ Syntax, C++ OOP - C++ Design Patterns, Clean C++ - C++ Style Guide, C++ Best Practices ( C++ Core Guidelines (CG)) - C++ BDD, C++ Standards ( C++ 23, C++ 20, C++ 17, C++ 14, C++ 11, C++ 03, C++ 98), Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Glossary, CppReference.com, CPlusPlus.com, ISOcpp.org, C++ Compilers (Compiler Explorer, MinGW), C++ IDEs, C++ Development Tools, C++ Linter, C++ Debugging, C++ Modules ( C++20), C++ Packages, C++ Package Manager ( Conan - the C/C++ Package Manager), C++ Standard Library, C++ Libraries, C++ Frameworks, C++ DevOps - C++ SRE, C++ CI/CD ( C++ Build Pipeline), C++ Data Science - C++ DataOps, C++ Machine Learning, C++ Deep Learning, Functional C++, C++ Concurrency, C++ History, C++ Topics, C++ Bibliography, Manning C++ Series, C++ Courses, CppCon, C++ Research, C++ GitHub, Written in C++, C++ Popularity, C++ Awesome , C++ Versions. (navbar_cplusplus – see also navbar_cpp_containers, navbar_cppcon, navbar_cpp_core_guidelines, navbar_cpp23, navbar_cpp20, navbar_cpp17, navbar_cpp14, navbar_cpp11)

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c_plus_plus_20_for_programmers_table_of_contents.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:45 by