
brew install gnu-cobol

Brew on Linux

Homebrew on Linux:

brew install gnu-cobol

=⇒ Downloading https://[[]]/v2/homebrew/core/berkeley-db/manifests/

  1. =#=# ##O#-# ######################################################################## 100.0%

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from https://[[]]/[[ghcr1]]

  1. =#=# ########## ################################### ########################################################### ######################################################################## 100.0%

=⇒ Downloading

  1. =#=# ######################################################################## 100.0%

=⇒ Downloading[[sha256]]

=⇒ Downloading from https://pkg-containers.[[]]/ghcr1

  1. =#=# ############################################ ######################################################################## 100.0%

=⇒ Installing dependencies for gnu-cobol: berkeley-db

=⇒ Installing gnu-cobol dependency: berkeley-db

=⇒ Pouring berkeley-db–18.1.40_1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz

🍺 /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/berkeley-db/18.1.40_1: 44 files, 8MB

=⇒ Installing gnu-cobol

=⇒ Pouring gnu-cobol–3.1.2.x86_64_linux.bottle.1.tar.gz 🍺 /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gnu-cobol/3.1.2: 76 files, 3.9MB

=⇒ Running `brew cleanup gnu-cobol`…

Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.

Hide these Brew hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

Brew on macOS

Homebrew on macOS

brew search cobol

=⇒ Formulae

gnu-cobol cobalt

iMac ~ % brew install gnu-cobol

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from

=⇒ Installing dependencies for gnu-cobol: berkeley-db

=⇒ Installing gnu-cobol dependency: berkeley-db

=⇒ Pouring berkeley-db–18.1.40_1.monterey.bottle.tar.gz

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db/18.1.40_1: 44 files, 6.2MB

=⇒ Installing gnu-cobol

=⇒ Pouring gnu-cobol–3.1.2.monterey.bottle.1.tar.gz

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/gnu-cobol/3.1.2: 64 files, 2.6MB

=⇒ Running `brew cleanup gnu-cobol`…

Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.

Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

iMac ~ % cobc --version

cobc (GnuCOBOL)

Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Written by Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart

Built Oct 29 2021 08:39:35

Packaged Dec 23 2020 12:04:58 UTC

C versionApple LLVM 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)”

iMac ~ % cobc --help

GnuCOBOL compiler for most COBOL dialects with lots of extensions

Usage: cobc [options]… file…


 -h, -help             display this help and exit
 -V, -version          display compiler version and exit
 -i, -info             display compiler information (build/environment)
                       and exit
 -v, -verbose          verbose mode, display additional information;
                       multiple -v options increase the verbosity,
                       the maximum is 3 as follows:
                       (1) display compiler version and the commands
                       invoked by the compiler,
                       (2) pass verbose option to assembler/compiler
                       (3) pass verbose option to linker
 -q, -brief            reduced displays, commands invoked not shown
 -###                  like -v but commands not executed
 -x                    build an executable program
 -m                    build a dynamically loadable module (default)
 -j [], -job[=]	run program after build, passing 
 -std=        warnings/features for a specific dialect
                        can be one of:
                       default, cobol2014, cobol2002, cobol85, xopen,
                       ibm-strict, ibm, mvs-strict, mvs,
                       mf-strict, mf, bs2000-strict, bs2000,
                       acu-strict, acu, rm-strict, rm;
                       see configuration files in directory config
 -F, -free             use free source format
 -fixed                use fixed source format (default)
 -O, -O2, -O3, -Os     enable optimization
 -O0                   disable optimization
 -g                    enable C compiler debug and stack check
 -d, -debug            enable all run-time error checking,
                       equal to -fstack-check -fec=EC-ALL
 -fec=	enable code generation for ,
                       sets -fsource-location
 -fno-ec=	disable code generation for 
 -o              place the output into 
 -b                    combine all input files into a single
                       dynamically loadable module
 -E                    preprocess only; do not compile or link
 -C                    translation only; convert COBOL to C
 -S                    compile only; output assembly file
 -c                    compile and assemble, but do not link
 -T              generate and place a wide program listing into 
 -t              generate and place a program listing into 
 --tlines=      specify lines per page in listing, default = 55
 -P[=]    generate preprocessed program listing (.lst)
 -Xref                 generate cross reference through 'cobxref'
                       (V. Coen's 'cobxref' must be in path)
 -I         add  to copy/include search path
 -L         add  to library search path
 -l               link the library 
 -A           add  to the C compile phase
 -Q           add  to the C link phase
 -D            define  for COBOL compilation
 -K             generate CALL to  as static
 -conf=          user-defined dialect configuration; see -std
 -list-reserved        display reserved words
 -list-intrinsics      display intrinsic functions
 -list-mnemonics       display mnemonic names
 -list-system          display system routines
 -save-temps[=]   save intermediate files
                       * default: current directory
 -ext       add file extension for resolving COPY

Warning options:

 -Wall                 enable most warnings (all except as noted below)
 -Wextra               like -Wall but enable some extra warning flags
 -w                    disable all warnings
 -Wno-        disable warning enabled by default, -Wall or -Wextra
 -Wadditional          additional warnings only raised with -Wall
 -Wno-unfinished       do not warn if unfinished features are used
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Wno-pending          do not warn if pending features are mentioned
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Wno-ignored-error    do not warn about errors in unreachable code parts and so normally ignored
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Wobsolete            warn if obsolete features are used
 -Warchaic             warn if archaic features are used
 -Wredefinition        warn about non-referenced ambiguous data items
 -Wtruncate            warn about field truncation from constant assignments
 -Wpossible-truncate   warn about possible field truncation
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Woverlap             warn about overlapping MOVE of items
 -Wpossible-overlap    warn about MOVE of items that may overlap depending on variables
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wparentheses         warn about lack of parentheses around AND within OR
 -Wstrict-typing       warn strictly about type mismatch
 -Wimplicit-define     warn about implicitly defined data items
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wno-corresponding    do not warn about CORRESPONDING with no matching items
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Winitial-value       warn if initial VALUE clause is ignored
 -Wprototypes          warn about missing FUNCTION prototypes/definitions
 -Warithmetic-osvs     warn if arithmetic expression precision has changed
 -Wcall-params         warn about non 01/77 items for CALL parameters
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wconstant-expression  warn about expressions that always resolve to true/false
 -Wcolumn-overflow     warn about text after program-text area, FIXED format
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wterminator          warn about lack of scope terminator END-XXX
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wlinkage             warn about dangling LINKAGE items
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wunreachable         warn about likely unreachable statements
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wno-dialect          do not warn about dialect specific issues
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Wdangling-text       warn source text after program-area
                       * NOT set with -Wall
 -Wno-others           do not warn about different issues
                       * ALWAYS active
 -Werror               treat all warnings as errors
 -Wno-error            don't treat warnings as errors
 -Werror=     treat specified  as error
 -Wno-error=  don't treat specified  as error

Compiler options:

 -fsign=[ASCII|EBCDIC]	define display sign representation
                       * default: machine native
 -ffold-copy=[UPPER|LOWER]	fold COPY subject to value
                       * default: no transformation
 -ffold-call=[UPPER|LOWER]	fold PROGRAM-ID, CALL, CANCEL subject to value
                       * default: no transformation
 -fdefaultbyte=	initialize fields without VALUE to value
                       * decimal 0..255 or any quoted character
                       * default: initialize to picture
 -fmax-errors=	maximum number of errors to report before
                       compilation is aborted
                       * default: 128
 -fintrinsics=[ALL|intrinsic function name(,name,...)]
                       intrinsics to be used without FUNCTION keyword
 -fdump=        dump data fields on abort,  may be
                       a combination of: ALL, WS, LS, RD, FD, SC, LO
 -fcallfh=       specifies  to be used for I/O
                       as external provided EXTFH interface module
 -fno-remove-unreachable	disable remove of unreachable code
                       * turned off by -g
 -ftrace               generate trace code
                       * scope: executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH
 -ftraceall            generate trace code
                       * scope: executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH/STATEMENTS
 -fsyntax-only         syntax error checking only; don't emit any output
 -fdebugging-line      enable debugging lines
                       * 'D' in indicator column or floating >>D
 -fsource-location     generate source location code
                       * turned on by -debug/-g/-ftraceall/-fec
 -fimplicit-init       automatic initialization of the COBOL runtime system
 -fno-recursive-check  disable check of recursive program call;
                       effectively compiling as RECURSIVE program
 -fstack-check         PERFORM stack checking
                       * turned on by -debug or -g
 -fwrite-after         use AFTER 1 for WRITE of LINE SEQUENTIAL
                       * default: BEFORE 1
 -fmfcomment           '*' or '/' in column 1 treated as comment
                       * FIXED format only
 -facucomment          '$' in indicator area treated as '*',
                       '|' treated as floating comment
 -fnotrunc             allow numeric field overflow
                       * non-ANSI behaviour
 -fodoslide            adjust items following OCCURS DEPENDING
                       * implies -fcomplex-odo
 -fsingle-quote        use a single quote (apostrophe) for QUOTE
                       * default: double quote
 -foptional-file       treat all files as OPTIONAL
                       * unless NOT OPTIONAL specified
 -fstatic-call         output static function calls for the CALL statement
 -fno-gen-c-decl-static-call	disable generation of C function declations
                       for subroutines with static CALL
 -fgen-c-line-directives	generate source location directives in C code;
                       * turned on by -g
 -fgen-c-labels        generate extra labels in C sources;
                       * turned on by -g
 -fno-theaders         suppress all headers and output of compilation
                       options from listing while keeping page breaks
 -fno-tsource          suppress source from listing
 -fno-tmessages        suppress warning and error summary from listing
 -ftsymbols            specify symbols in listing
 -fno-diagnostics-show-option	suppress output of option that directly
                       controls the diagnostic

Compiler dialect configuration options:

 -freserved-words=	use of complete/fixed reserved words
 -ftab-width=1..12      set number of spaces that are assumed for tabs
 -ftext-column=72..255  set right margin for source (fixed format only)
 -fpic-length=  maximum number of characters allowed in the PICTURE character-string
 -fword-length=1..63    maximum word-length for COBOL (= programmer defined) words
 -fliteral-length=	maximum literal size in general
 -fnumeric-literal-length=1..38	maximum numeric literal size
 -fbinary-size=  binary byte size - defines the allocated bytes according to PIC, may be one of: 2-4-8, 1-2-4-8, 1--8
 -fbinary-byteorder=	binary byte order, may be one of: native, big-endian
 -fassign-clause=	how to interpret 'ASSIGN word': as 'ASSIGN EXTERNAL word' or 'ASSIGN DYNAMIC word', may be one of: dynamic, external, ibm (= external), mf (= dynamic)
 -fscreen-section-rules=	which compiler's rules to apply to SCREEN SECTION item clauses, may be one of: acu, gc, mf, rm, std, xopen
 -fdpc-in-data=  whether DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA has effect in XML/JSON GENERATE, may be one of: none, xml, json, all
 -ffilename-mapping     resolve file names at run time using environment variables
 -fpretty-display       alternate formatting of numeric fields
 -fbinary-truncate      numeric truncation according to ANSI
 -fcomplex-odo          allow complex OCCURS DEPENDING ON
 -findirect-redefines   allow REDEFINES to other than last equal level number
 -flarger-redefines-ok  allow larger REDEFINES items
 -frelax-syntax-checks  allow certain syntax variations (e.g. REDEFINES position)
 -fref-mod-zero-length  allow zero length reference-modification (only changed with EC-BOUND-REF-MOD active)
 -frelax-level-hierarchy	allow non-matching level numbers
 -fselect-working       require ASSIGN USING items to be in WORKING-STORAGE
 -flocal-implies-recursive	LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION implies RECURSIVE attribute
 -fsticky-linkage       LINKAGE SECTION items remain allocated between invocations
 -fmove-ibm             MOVE operates as on IBM (left to right, byte by byte)
 -fperform-osvs         exit point of any currently executing perform is recognized if reached
 -farithmetic-osvs      limit precision in intermediate results to precision of final result (less accurate)
 -fconstant-folding     evaluate constant expressions at compile time
 -fhostsign             allow hexadecimal value 'F' for NUMERIC test of signed PACKED DECIMAL field
 -fprogram-name-redefinition	program names don't lead to a reserved identifier
 -faccept-update        set WITH UPDATE clause as default for ACCEPT dest-item, instead of WITH NO UPDATE
 -faccept-auto          set WITH AUTO clause as default for ACCEPT dest-item, instead of WITH TAB
 -fconsole-is-crt       assume CONSOLE IS CRT if not set otherwise
 -fno-echo-means-secure	NO-ECHO hides input with asterisks like SECURE
 -fline-col-zero-default	assume a field DISPLAY starts at LINE 0 COL 0 (i.e. at the cursor), not LINE 1 COL 1
 -fdisplay-special-fig-consts	special behaviour of DISPLAY SPACE/ALL X'01'/ALL X'02'/ALL X'07'
 -fbinary-comp-1        COMP-1 is a 16-bit signed integer
 -fnumeric-pointer      POINTER is a 64-bit unsigned integer
 -fmove-non-numeric-lit-to-numeric-is-zero	imply zero in move of non-numeric literal to numeric items
 -fimplicit-assign-dynamic-var	implicitly define a variable if an ASSIGN DYNAMIC does not match any data item
 -fcomment-paragraphs=	comment paragraphs in IDENTIFICATION DIVISION (AUTHOR, DATE-WRITTEN, ...)
 -fmemory-size-clause=	MEMORY-SIZE clause
 -fmultiple-file-tape-clause=	MULTIPLE-FILE-TAPE clause
 -flabel-records-clause=	LABEL-RECORDS clause
 -fvalue-of-clause=	VALUE-OF clause
 -fdata-records-clause=	DATA-RECORDS clause
 -ftop-level-occurs-clause=	OCCURS clause on top-level
 -fsame-as-clause=	SAME AS clause
 -ftype-to-clause=	TYPE TO clause
 -fusage-type=	USAGE type-name
 -fsynchronized-clause=	SYNCHRONIZED clause
 -fspecial-names-clause=	SPECIAL-NAMES clause
 -fgoto-statement-without-name=	GOTO statement without name
 -fstop-literal-statement=	STOP-literal statement
 -fstop-identifier-statement=	STOP-identifier statement
 -fdebugging-mode=	DEBUGGING MODE and debugging indicator
 -fuse-for-debugging=	USE FOR DEBUGGING
 -fpadding-character-clause=	PADDING CHARACTER clause
 -fnext-sentence-phrase=	NEXT SENTENCE phrase
 -flisting-statements=	listing-directive statements EJECT, SKIP1, SKIP2, SKIP3
 -ftitle-statement=	listing-directive statement TITLE
 -fentry-statement=	ENTRY statement
 -fmove-noninteger-to-alphanumeric=	move noninteger to alphanumeric
 -fmove-figurative-constant-to-numeric=	move figurative constants to numeric
 -fmove-figurative-space-to-numeric=	move figurative constant SPACE to numeric
 -fmove-figurative-quote-to-numeric=	move figurative constant QUOTE to numeric
 -fodo-without-to=	OCCURS DEPENDING ON without to
 -fsection-segments=	section segments
 -falter-statement=	ALTER statement
 -fcall-overflow=	OVERFLOW clause for CALL
 -fnumeric-boolean=	boolean literals (B'1010')
 -fhexadecimal-boolean=	hexadecimal-boolean literals (BX'A')
 -fnational-literals=	national literals (N'UTF-16 string')
 -fhexadecimal-national-literals=	hexadecimal-national literals (NX'265E')
 -fnational-character-literals=	non-standard national literals (NC'UTF-16 string')
 -fhp-octal-literals=	HP COBOL octal literals (%377)
 -facu-literals=	ACUCOBOL-GT literals (#B #O #H #X)
 -fword-continuation=	continuation of COBOL words
 -fnot-exception-before-exception=	NOT ON EXCEPTION before ON EXCEPTION
 -faccept-display-extensions=	extensions to ACCEPT and DISPLAY
 -frenames-uncommon-levels=	RENAMES of 01-, 66- and 77-level items
 -fsymbolic-constant=	constants defined in SPECIAL-NAMES
 -fconstant-78=	constant with level 78 item (note: has left to right precedence in expressions)
 -fconstant-01=	constant with level 01 CONSTANT AS/FROM item
 -fperform-varying-without-by=	PERFORM VARYING without BY phrase (implies BY 1)
 -freference-out-of-declaratives=	references to sections not in DECLARATIVES from within DECLARATIVES
 -fprogram-prototypes=	CALL/CANCEL with program-prototype-name
 -fcall-convention-mnemonic=	specifying call-convention by mnemonic
 -fcall-convention-linkage=	specifying call-convention by WITH ... LINKAGE
 -fnumeric-value-for-edited-item=	numeric literals in VALUE clause of numeric-edited items
 -fincorrect-conf-sec-order=	incorrect order of CONFIGURATION SECTION paragraphs
 -fdefine-constant-directive=	allow >> DEFINE CONSTANT var AS literal
 -ffree-redefines-position=	REDEFINES clause not following entry-name in definition
 -frecords-mismatch-record-clause=	record sizes does not match RECORD clause
 -frecord-delimiter=	RECORD DELIMITER clause
 -fsequential-delimiters=	BINARY-SEQUENTIAL and LINE-SEQUENTIAL phrases in RECORD DELIMITER
 -frecord-delim-with-fixed-recs=	RECORD DELIMITER clause on file with fixed-length records
 -fmissing-statement=	missing statement (e.g. empty IF / PERFORM)
 -fzero-length-literals=	zero-length literals, e.g. '' and ""
 -fxml-generate-extra-phrases=	XML GENERATE's phrases other than COUNT IN
 -fcontinue-after=	AFTER phrase in CONTINUE statement
 -fgoto-entry=	ENTRY FOR GOTO and GOTO ENTRY statements
 -fassign-variable=	ASSIGN [TO] variable in SELECT
 -fassign-using-variable=	ASSIGN USING/VARYING variable in SELECT
 -fassign-disk-from=	ASSIGN DISK FROM variable in SELECT
 -fvsam-status=	VSAM status in FILE STATUS

where <support> is one of the following:
'ok', 'warning', 'archaic', 'obsolete', 'skip', 'ignore', 'error', 'unconformable'
-fnot-reserved=<word>  word to be taken out of the reserved words list
-freserved=<word>      word to be added to reserved words list
-freserved=<word>:<alias>	word to be added to reserved words list as alias
-fnot-register=<word>  special register to disable
-fregister=<word>      special register to enable

Report bugs to: [email protected] or (preferably) use the issue tracker via the home page. GnuCOBOL home page: <> General help using GNU software: <>

COBOL: COBOL Fundamentals, COBOL Inventor - COBOL Language Designer: 1959 by Howard Bromberg, Norman Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, with indirect influence from Grace Hopper, CODASYL, ANSI COBOL, ISO/IEC COBOL; Modern COBOL - Legacy COBOL, IBM COBOL, COBOL keywords, COBOL data structures - COBOL algorithms, COBOL syntax, Visual COBOL, COBOL on Windows, COBOL on Linux, COBOL on UNIX, COBOL on macOS, Mainframe COBOL, IBM i COBOL, IBM Mainframe DevOps, COBOL Standards, COBOL Paradigms (Imperative COBOL, Procedural COBOL, Object-Oriented COBOL - COBOL OOP, Functional COBOL), COBOL syntax, COBOL installation, COBOL containerization, COBOL configuration, COBOL compilers, COBOL IDEs, COBOL development tools, COBOL DevOps - COBOL SRE, COBOL data science - COBOL DataOps, COBOL machine learning, COBOL deep learning, COBOL concurrency, COBOL history, COBOL bibliography, COBOL glossary, COBOL topics, COBOL courses, COBOL Standard Library, COBOL libraries, COBOL frameworks, COBOL research, Grace Hopper, COBOL GitHub, Written in COBOL, COBOL popularity, COBOL Awesome list, COBOL Versions. (navbar_cobol)

Homebrew: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book Homebrew Chapter, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Homebrew Glossary, Homebrew Fundamentals, Homebrew Inventor - Homebrew Designer: Mike McQuaid, Brew DevOps - Homebrew on macOS - macOS DevOps - MacOps, Homebrew on Linux - Linux DevOps - LinuxOps, Homebrew Automation, Idempotent, Refreshenv, Homebrew Topics, macOS Package Managers, Package managers, macOS Configuration Management, PowerShell on macOS Ansible on macOS, Chef on macOS, Puppet on macOS (navbar_brew - see also navbar_choco, navbar_package_manager)

© 1994 - 2024 Cloud Monk Losang Jinpa or Fair Use. Disclaimers


brew_install_gnu-cobol.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:46 by