
Beautiful C++ - 30 Core Guidelines for Writing Clean, Safe, and Fast Code Index


cross-compiler, 79–85

purpose of, 80–81

abstract machine, 143–145, 165


aliasing namespaces, 176–177

in API design, 13–14

buffers, 256

class templates and, 231–233

of concepts, 240–242

declarations and, 45

in enumerations, 269–273

examples of usage, 273–274

function templates and, 229–231

history of, 32–34

levels of, 68–69

messy constructs example, 65–68

minimizing function arguments, 73–75

in multithreaded programming, 104–105

naming, difficulty of, 233

nouns/verbs in, 39–40

optimization through, 290–292

purpose of, 32, 65, 273

raising level with templates, 225–233

by refactoring, 69–70

scope and, 210

single-instance, 135

ACCU (Association of C and C++ Users), 11

acyclic graphs, 172


abstract machine optimization, 144–145

initializing, 141–143

<algorithm> header, 230–231

algorithms, repetition and, 69–70


namespaces, 176–177

with using keyword, 171

alignment, class layout and, 89–91

Annotated Reference Manual (Ellis and Stroustrup), 4

annotations in function signatures, 182–183

anonymous namespace, 204–205

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 4

API design

abstractions in, 13–14

self-documentation, 13

application binary interface (ABI)

cross-compiler, 79–85

purpose of, 80–81


default versus overloading, 13–21

function signatures, 181–182

minimizing number of, 71–78

parameters versus, 13–14

template arguments, concepts for, 235–243

unambiguous nature of default, 18–19

ARM. See Annotated Reference Manual (Ellis and Stroustrup)

array decay, 256

as-if rule, 94, 143–145, 185

asm declarations, 42

assembly language, levels of abstraction and, 227–228

assert macro, 166

assignment operators, preferring over memcpy, 139–148

Association of C and C++ Users (ACCU), 11

atomic objects, 101

attributes, declaring, 42

auto keyword, 8, 248

auto_ptr, 122

automatic storage duration, 293, 295


backward compatibility of C++, 9, 43–45, 215–216

BASIC language, 49–50

bit manipulation, 255

bit patterns, 247

bitwise const, 155–156, 261–262

block scope, 202–203

Boost classes for error handling, 163–164

buffer size, 255–257

built-in types, 82–83


C++ programming language. See also ISO Standard C++

defaults in, 215–216, 259–261

history of, 3–4

performance, 139–140

The C++ Programming Language (Stroustrup), 3

C++ Seasoning (Parent), 69–70

C++ Standards Committee, participation in, 303–304

caching, const keyword and, 154–155


const, avoiding, 149–158

enumerations, 199–200

type safety and, 250–253

Cfront, 3

class encapsulation, 63

class enumerations, preferred over unscoped, 193–200

class invariants

minimizing function arguments, 73–75

purpose of, 37–39

class layout, alignment and, 89–91

class members, importing, 171

class scope, 206–207

class templates, abstraction and, 231–233

Cline, Marshall, 130–131

cohesion, 76


abstract machine, 143–145

proper usage of, 147–148

variations in, 5–6

compile-time computation, 213–223

consteval keyword, 221–222

constexpr usage examples, 216–220

constinit keyword, 222–223

default C++, 215–216

history of constexpr keyword, 213–215

inline keyword, 220–221


abstraction of, 240–242

factoring via, 242–243

in ISO Standard C++, 235

parameter constraints and, 237–240

problem solved by, 236–237

for template arguments, 235–243

<concepts> header, 239

concurrency, multithreaded programming, 97–105

conferences, 11

const firewall, 151–152

const keyword, 149–158

caching and, 154–155

const firewall, 151–152

default C++ and, 215–216, 259–261

dual interface implementation, 152–154

in function declarations, 261–265

history of constexpr keyword, 213–215

logical versus bitwise const, 155–156

maintaining state, 149–151

pointers to const versus const pointers, 157–158

preferring immutable over mutable data, 259–265

const_cast keyword, 149–158, 252

constant initialization, 222–223


enumerations and, 194–195

as preprocessor macros, 193–194

consteval keyword, 221–222

constexpr if statement, 115–116

constexpr keyword

history of, 213–215

usage examples, 216–220

constinit keyword, 222–223

constraints on parameters, 237–240


default, purpose of, 23–24

default parameters, 29

member data initialization, 93–94

multiple, 27–28

performance overhead, 140–141

preferring over memset, 139–148

private, 133

context-specific functionality, localization of, 280–282

contracts, 166


implicit, 198–200

in standard conversion sequences, 16–17

copy elision, 184–186

CppCon, 11

Cpre, 3

cross-compiler ABIs, 79–85

C-style casting, 251–252

C-style declaration, 276–277

C-style subsets, 82–83


daisy-chaining functions, 190–191

data privacy

in abstraction, 39–40

with encapsulation, 34–37

data races

avoiding, 101–103

definition of, 98–99

data sources, member functions of, 73–75


avoiding, 101–103

definition of, 100

debugging libraries, 79–80


abstraction and, 45

backward compatibility, 43–45

const keyword in, 261–265

C-style, 276–277

declare-then-initialize, 277–278

delaying, 275–283

maximally delayed, 278–280

multiple, avoiding, 41–46

order of initialization, 87–95

purpose of, 41

structured binding, 46

types of, 41–43

declare-then-initialize style, 277–278

default arguments

overloading versus, 13–21

unambiguous nature of, 18–19

default C++, 215–216, 259–261

default constructors

multiple, 27–28

purpose of, 23–24

default member initializers, 26, 28

default parameters in constructors, 29

delaying declarations, 275–283

C-style declaration versus, 276–277

declare-then-initialize, 277–278

localization of context-specific functionality, 280–282

maximally delayed, 278–280

state, eliminating, 282–283

design for optimization, 285–292

design patterns, 130

Design Patterns, 130, 135

deterministic destruction, 92–93, 201, 293–295

directed acyclic graph (DAG), 172–173

directed graphs, 172

Discord chats, 11

documentation with SAL, 182–183

dual interface implementation, 152–154

duck typing, 247

Dusíková, Hana, 303–304

dynamic allocation, 8

dynamic storage duration, 293, 295

dynamic_cast keyword, 252


Elements of Programming (Stepanov), 239–240

Ellis, Margaret, 4

enable_if clause, 114–117


with concepts, 240

information hiding and, 64–65

with namespaces, 170–171

purpose of, 34–37, 63–64

of rule violations, 267–273

enumeration scope, 208–209


abstraction in, 269–273

constants and, 194–195

encapsulation, 63

implicit conversion, 198–200

purpose of scoped, 196–197

scoped versus unscoped, 193–200

underlying type, 197–198

errno object, 159–160

error handling, 186–188

avoiding based on global state, 159–166

Boost classes, 163–164

errno object, 159–160

exceptions, 162

proposals for, 166

return codes, 161

<system_error> header, 162–163

types of errors, 164–165

exact match standard conversion sequences, 16

exception handling

exception propagation, 84–85

RAII, 53–55

exception propagation, 84–85


in error handling, 162

zero-overhead deterministic exceptions, 166

exchanging messages, 103–104, 262

<experimental/scope> 300–303

explicit conversion of enumerations, 199–200

explicit sharing of writable data, minimizing, 97–105

expression templates, 110–113

expressions, importance of, 275–276

extensions to C++, 6


factoring via concepts, 242–243

file handling, 295–298

file scope, 32–33

forward compatibility of C++, 9–10

frame rate, maximizing, 285–286

“The Free Lunch Is Over” (Sutter), 100

free store, 121–123

function arguments. See arguments

function overloading

alternatives to, 19–20

default arguments versus, 13–21

necessity of, 20–21

overload resolution, 15–17

function parameter scope, 207–208

function signatures

annotations in, 182–183

in-out parameters, 188–191

input/output parameters, 181–182

objects, returning, 183–186

tuples, returning, 186–188

function templates

abstraction and, 229–231

arguments, concepts for, 235–243

parameter constraints, 237–240

problem solved by concepts, 236–237

function-body initialization, 25–26


abstraction, 65–68

cleanup, 51–53

compile-time computation, 213–223

daisy-chaining, 190–191

declaring, 41, 261–265

encapsulation, 63

exception handling, 53–55

good coding practice, 56–57

input/output parameters, 181–182

messy constructs example, 61–63, 268–269

naming, 34

“one function, one responsibility,” 75–76

overloading in namespaces, 175–176

pure, 56

simplicity of, 56

single-return rule, avoiding, 49–57

fundamental types, variations in, 7–8


business logic in, 36–37

class invariants, 37–39

encapsulation and data privacy, 34–37

purpose of, 31–32

trivial, avoiding, 31–40

global namespace, 129

scope, 204–205

using directives in, avoiding, 169–178

global objects

avoiding, 129

when to use, 136–137

global state, error handling based on, 159–166

Goldberg, Rube, 134

graphs, 172

GSL (Guidelines Support Library), 77, 126–128


Hacker’s Delight, 117

header files

header guards, 7

history of abstraction, 33–34

header guards, 7

hiding singletons, 132–134


of abstraction, 32–34

of C++, 3–4

of constexpr keyword, 213–215

Hoare, Tony, 290

Hyrum’s Law, 33


IILE (Immediately Invoked Lambda Expression), 94, 269, 281–282

immutable data, preferring over mutable, 259–265

implicit conversion of enumerations, 198–200

implicit conversion sequences, ranking, 16–17

importing class members, 171

information hiding, 64–65


of aggregates, 141–143

constinit keyword, 222–223

in C-style declaration, 276–277

declare-then-initialize, 277–278

default member initializers, 26, 28

delaying declaration, 275–283

function-body, 25–26

importance of, 24–25

in initializer list, 26

maximally delayed declaration, 278–280

order of, 87–95

RAII, 53–55, 270–273, 293–303

static initialization order fiasco, 130–132

two-phase, purpose of, 23–24

initializer list, initialization in, 26

inline keyword, 220–221

inline namespace, 205–206

inlining, 286

in-out parameters, 188–191

input parameters, 181–182

int type

enumerations and, 198–200

for money, 71

variations in, 7–8

intent, declaring, 229


class scope, 206–207

dual interface implementation, 152–154

static, 134

iostream library, 190, 296–297

ISO Standard C++

abstract machine, 143–145

backward compatibility, 9, 43–45

C++ Standards Committee participation, 303–304

concepts in, 235

forward compatibility, 9–10

history of C++, 3–4

resources for information, 10–11

variation encapsulation, 4–8


auto, 8, 248

const. See const keyword

const_cast, 149–158, 252

consteval, 221–222

constexpr, 213–215

constinit, 222–223

dynamic_cast, 252

inline, 220–221

mutable, 156–157

reinterpret_cast, 252–253

requires, 242

static_cast, 251–252

union, 249–250

unsigned, 253–255

using, 8, 171–172

virtual, 44–45


constraints, 238

IILE, 269, 281–282

initialization, 94–95

language level, variations in, 5–6

late function binding, 44–45

LCA (lowest common ancestor), 173–174

leading punctuation style, 93–94


in file handling, 295–298

future prevention possibilities, 300–303

memory, 121, 293–295

reasons for preventing, 298–300

Lenkov, Dmitry, 4

levels of abstraction, 68–69

purpose of, 227–228

raising with templates, 225–233


ABI and, 80–81, 84–85

creating, 79–80

debugging, 79–80

lifetime of objects, 202, 204–205, 293–295


declaring, 42

scope and storage duration and, 204–205

linkers, 132

localization of context-specific functionality, 280–282

locking mutexes, 101–103, 156

logical const, 155–156, 261–262

loop unrolling, 286

lowest common ancestor (LCA), 173–174


Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81 (Baker), 49

maximally delayed declaration, 278–280


frame rate, 285–286

performance, 139–140

Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS), 85

Meeting C++, 11

member data initialization

in aggregates, 142–143

default member initializers, 26, 28

function-body, 25–26

importance of, 24–25

in initializer list, 26

order of, 87–95

member functions

of data sources, 73–75

as mutable, 263

memcpy, 114–115, 139–148


buffer size, 255–257

free store, 121–123

realloc function, 75–76

memory leaks, 121, 293–295

memset, avoiding, 139–148

merge function, 77

messages, exchanging, 103–104, 262

messy constructs

abstraction, 65–68

encapsulation and information hiding, 63–65

example of, 61–63, 268–269

metaprogramming, template, 107–117

complexity of, 107–108

expression templates, 110–113

memcpy, 114–115

self-modifying code, 108–110

Meyers, Scott, 132, 200

Meyers Singleton, 132

millennium bug, 9–10


explicit sharing of writable data, 97–105

number of function arguments, 71–78

scope, 201–210, 275

MOCAS (Mechanization of Contract Administration Services), 85

Model-View-Controller, 39

modules, encapsulation, 63–64

money, int type for, 71

Moore’s Law, 100

multiple constructors, 27–28

multiple declarations, avoiding, 41–46

multiple processors, multithreaded programming with, 99–101

multiple return statements, 49–57

multithreaded programming, 97–105

abstraction in, 104–105

data races and deadlocks, avoiding, 101–103

exchanging messages, 103–104

with multiple processors, 99–101

traditional model, 97–99

mutable data, preferring immutable over, 259–265

mutable keyword, 156–157

mutexes, locking, 101–103, 156


name mangling, 81

named return value optimization (NRVO), 185–186

namespace aliases, declaring, 42

namespace scope, 203–206


aliasing, 176–177

declaring, 42

encapsulation, 63–64, 170–171

global, 129

nested, 172–174

overloaded functions in, 175–176

singletons as, 135

using directives at global scope, avoiding, 169–178


concepts, 240

difficulty of, 233, 239

functions, 34

nested namespaces, 172–174

nested scope, 203

no_discard attribute, 215–216

nouns/verbs in abstraction, 39–40



declaring, 43

global, 129, 136–137

lifetime (storage duration), 202, 204–205, 293–295

returning, 183–186

“one function, one responsibility,” 75–76

opaque enum declarations, 43


abstract machine and, 143–145

compiler usage and, 147–148

design for, 285–292

maximizing frame rate, 285–286

RVO and NRVO, 185–186

sort function example, 286–290

through abstraction, 290–292

order of initialization, 87–95

OSI model, 68

output parameters

in function signatures, 181–182

objects, returning, 183–186

tuples, returning, 186–188

overload resolution, 15–17


alternatives to, 19–20

default arguments versus, 13–21

in namespace functions, 175–176

necessity of, 20–21

ownership, transferring, 121–128, 269

free store, 121–123

GSL (Guidelines Support Library), 126–128

smart pointers, 122–125

unadorned reference semantics, 125–126



abstraction, 73–75

arguments versus, 13–14

constraints on, 237–240

default, in constructors, 29

documentation with SAL, 182–183

function parameter scope, 207–208

in-out, 188–191

input/output, 181–182

as mutable, 262–263, 264–265

template parameter scope, 209–210

Parent, Sean, 69–70

Pareto Principle, 291


constructor overhead, 140–141

maximizing, 139–140

optimization for, 285–292

returning objects, 183–186


const, 157–158

as mutable, 263

raw, 17

smart, 122–125

transferring ownership, 121–128, 269

portability, levels of abstraction and, 227–228

  1. pragma once, 7

preprocessor macros, 193–195

preventing leaks, 298–300

privacy of data

in abstraction, 39–40

with encapsulation, 34–37

private constructors, 133

processor instructions, 139–140

programming bugs, 164–165

Programming the Z80 (Zaks), 49

promotion in standard conversion sequences, 16

public data in abstraction, 39–40

pure functions, 56


Qt, 6


avoiding, 101–103

definition of, 98–99

RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), 53–55, 270–273, 293–303

file handling leaks, 295–298

future possibilities, 300–303

memory leaks, 293–295

reasons for preventing leaks, 298–300

ranges, identifying, 77–78

ranking implicit conversion sequences, 16–17

raw pointers, 17, 121–128, 269

realloc function, 75–76

recoverable errors, 164

refactoring, abstraction by, 69–70


as mutable, 263

transferring ownership, 121–128, 269

reference-counted singletons, 133–134

reflection, 117

regulatory constraints, 8

reinterpret_cast keyword, 252–253

repetition, algorithms and, 69–70

requires clause, 116–117

requires keyword, 242

Resource Acquisition Is Initialization. See RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)

resources for information, 10–11

return codes, 161

return statements

cleanup, 51–53

const-qualifying, 264

in function signatures, 181–182

objects in, 183–186

single-return rule, avoiding, 49–57

tuples in, 186–188

Robinson, W. Heath, 134

rule violations, encapsulation of, 267–273

run-time environment, variations in, 4–5

RVO (return value optimization), 185–186


SAL (source code annotation language), 182–183


block, 202–203

class, 206–207

context of, 210

enumeration, 208–209

function parameter, 207–208

future leak prevention possibilities, 300–303

minimizing, 201–210, 275

namespace, 203–206

nested, 203

purpose of, 201–202

template parameter, 209–210

types of, 202

scope creep, example of, 61–63, 268–269

scope resolution operators, 176–177, 204

scoped enumerations

preferred over unscoped, 193–200

purpose of, 196–197

self-documentation, 13, 34

self-modifying code, 108–110

setters. See getters/setters

SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error), 115

shared_ptr, 122–125

simple declarations, 43

Single Entry, Single Exit, 50–51

single-instance abstractions, 135

single-return rule, avoiding, 49–57


avoiding, 129–137

as design pattern, 130

hiding, 132–134

as namespaces, 135

static initialization order fiasco, 130–132

static interfaces, 134

when to use, 135–137

smart pointers, 122–125

sort function, optimization of, 286–290

sortable concept, 241–242

source code annotation language (SAL), 182–183

source files, encapsulation, 63–64

ssize function, 255

stack manipulation, 286

Standard C++. See ISO Standard C++

standard conversion sequences, 16–17


eliminating, 282–283

error handling based on, 159–166

maintaining across platforms, 149–151

statements, importance of, 275–276

static initialization order fiasco, 130–132

static interfaces, 134

static storage duration, 293

static_assert declarations, 43

static_cast keyword, 251–252

Stepanov, Alex, 239–240

storage duration of objects, 202, 204–205, 293–295

string literals, 78

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 3–4, 307

structured binding, 46, 187–188

Structured Design (Yourdon and Constantine), 76

Structured Programming (Johan-Dahl, Dijkstra, Hoare), 51

“Structured Programming with go to Statements” (Knuth), 290–291

subsets, C-style, 82–83

Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFINAE), 115

Sutter, Herb, 100, 307–308

synchronization, maintaining across platforms, 149–151

<system_error> header, 162–163


tags, 272–273

tasks, threads as, 104–105

taxonomy of types, 239–240

TCPL. See The C++ Programming Language (Stroustrup)

template instantiations, declaring, 42

template metaprogramming (TMP), 107–117

complexity of, 107–108

expression templates, 110–113

memcpy, 114–115

self-modifying code, 108–110

template parameter scope, 209–210


arguments, concepts for, 235–243

class templates, 231–233

function templates, 229–231

naming, difficulty of, 233

raising level of abstraction, 225–233

thread-local storage duration, 293


multithreaded programming, 97–105

as tasks, 104–105

TMP. See template metaprogramming (TMP)

“train model” for ISO Standard C++, 4

transferring ownership, 121–128, 269

free store, 121–123

GSL (Guidelines Support Library), 126–128

smart pointers, 122–125

unadorned reference semantics, 125–126

trivial getters/setters

avoiding, 31–40

encapsulation and data privacy, 34–37

tuples, returning, 186–188

two-phase initialization, purpose of, 23–24

type aliases, declaring, 42

type punning, 250

type safety

buffer size, 255–257

casting, 250–253

purpose of, 247–248

union keyword, 249–250

unsigned keyword, 253–255


built-in, 82–83

for enumerations, 197–198

for money, 71

as mutable, 263

taxonomy of, 239–240

variations in, 7–8


underlying type for enumerations, 197–198

union keyword, 249–250

unique_ptr, 122–124, 297–298

unscoped enumerations

implicit conversion, 198–200

preferring scoped over, 193–200

unsigned keyword, 253–255

user-defined conversion sequences, 17

using declarations, 42, 171–172

using directives, 43

at global scope, avoiding, 169–178

in nested namespaces, 172–174

overloaded namespace functions and, 175–176

purpose of, 172

using enum declarations, 43

using keyword, 171–172, 307–308



C-style declaration, 276–277

declare-then-initialize, 277–278

delaying declaration, 275–283

maximally delayed declaration, 278–280

variant object, 249

variation encapsulation

extensions to C++, 6

fundamental types, 7–8

header files, 7

language level and compiler, 5–6

regulatory constraints, 8

run-time environment, 4–5

vectors, 233

verbs/nouns in abstraction, 39–40

virtual keyword, 44–45


writable data, minimizing explicit sharing, 97–105


Y2K bug, 9–10


Z80 assembly language, 49–50, 285–286

zero initialization, 222–223

zero-overhead deterministic exceptions, 166

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beautiful_c_plus_plus_-_30_core_guidelines_for_writing_clean_safe_and_fast_code_index.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:32 (external edit)