
all macOS Homebrew formulae

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This is a listing of all packages available via the Homebrew package manager for macOS.

/api/formula.json (JSON API)

  • a2ps - ver. 4.14 - Any-to-PostScript filter
  • a52dec- ver. 0.7.4 - Library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (AKA 'AC-3')
  • aacgain]] - ver. 1.8 - AAC-supporting version of mp3gain
  • aalib]] - ver. 1.4rc5 - Portable ASCII art graphics library
  • aamath]] - ver. 0.3 - Renders mathematical expressions as ASCII art
  • aardvark_shell_utils]] - ver. 1.0 - Utilities to aid shell scripts or command-line users
  • abcde - ver. 2.9.3 - Better CD Encoder
  • abcl - ver. 1.6.0 - Armed Bear Common Lisp: a full implementation of Common Lisp
  • abcm2ps - ver. 8.14.6 - ABC music notation software
  • abcmidi - ver. 2020.02.12 - Converts abc music notation files to MIDI files
  • abduco - ver. 0.6 - Provides session management: i.e. separate programs from terminals
  • abnfgen - ver. 0.20 - Quickly generate random documents that match an ABFN grammar
  • abook - ver. 0.5.6 - Address book with mutt support
  • abuse - ver. 0.8 - Dark 2D side-scrolling platform game
  • abyss - ver. 2.2.3 - Genome sequence assembler for short reads
  • ace - ver. 6.5.8 - ADAPTIVE Communication Environment: OO network programming in C++
  • aces_container - ver. 1.0.2 - Reference implementation of SMPTE ST2065-4
  • ack - ver. 3.3.1 - Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
  • acme - ver. 0.96.4 - Crossassembler for multiple environments
  • acmetool - ver. 0.0.67 - Automatic certificate acquisition tool for ACME (Let's Encrypt)
  • acpica - ver. 20200214 - OS-independent implementation of the ACPI specification
  • activemq - ver. 5.15.11 - Apache ActiveMQ: powerful open source messaging server
  • activemq-cpp - ver. 3.9.5 - C++ API for message brokers such as Apache ActiveMQ
  • adns - ver. 1.5.1 - C/C++ resolver library and DNS resolver utilities
  • adplug - ver. 2.3.1 - Free, hardware independent AdLib sound player library
  • adr-tools - ver. 3.0.0 - CLI tool for working with Architecture Decision Records
  • advancecomp - ver. 2.1 - Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG, .ZIP, and .GZ files
  • advancemame - ver. 3.9 - MAME with advanced video support
  • advancemenu - ver. 2.9 - Frontend for AdvanceMAME/MESS
  • advancescan - ver. 1.18 - Rom manager for AdvanceMAME/MESS
  • adwaita-icon-theme - ver. 3.34.3 - Icons for the GNOME project
  • aescrypt - ver. 0.7 - Program for encryption/decryption
  • aescrypt-packetizer - ver. 3.14 - Encrypt and decrypt using 256-bit AES encryption
  • aespipe - ver. 2.4f]] - ver. AES encryption or decryption for pipes
  • afflib - ver. 3.7.18 - Advanced Forensic Format
  • afio - ver. 2.5.2 - Creates cpio-format archives
  • afl-fuzz - ver. 2.56 - American fuzzy lop: Security-oriented fuzzer
  • afsctool - ver. 1.6.4 - Utility for manipulating HFS+ compressed files
  • aften - ver. 0.0.8 - Audio encoder which generates ATSC A/52 compressed audio streams
  • afuse - ver. 0.4.1 - Automounting file system implemented in userspace with FUSE
  • agda - ver. - Dependently typed functional programming language
  • agedu - ver. 20200206 - Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space
  • aggregate - ver. 1.6 - Optimizes lists of prefixes to reduce list lengths
  • aha - ver. 0.5 - ANSI HTML adapter
  • ahcpd - ver. 0.53 - Autoconfiguration protocol] for [[IPv6 and IPv6/IPv4 networks
  • ahcpd - ver. 0.53 - Autoconfiguration protocol] for [[IPv6 and IPv6/IPv4 networks
  • ahoy - ver. 2.0.0 - Creates self documenting CLI programs from commands in YAML files
  • aide - ver. 0.16.2 - File and directory integrity checker
  • aircrack-ng - ver. 1.6 - Next-generation aircrack with lots of new features
  • airspy - ver. 1.0.9 - The usemode driver and associated tools for airspy
  • akamai - ver. 1.1.5 - CLI toolkit for working with Akamai's APIs
  • akka - ver. 2.4.20 - Toolkit for building concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant apps
  • alac - ver. 0.2.0 - Basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files (ALAC)
  • aldo - ver. 0.7.7 - Morse code learning tool released under GPL
  • alexjs - ver. 8.1.1 - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing

algernon]] - ver. 1.12.6 - Pure Go web server with Lua, Markdown, HTTP/2 and template support algol68g]] - ver. 2.8.4 - Algol 68 compiler-interpreter align]] - ver. 1.7.5 - Text column alignment filter aliyun-cli]] - ver. 3.0.35 - Universal Command-Line Interface for Alibaba Cloud allegro]] - ver. - C/C++ multimedia library for cross-platform game development allure]] - ver. 2.13.1 - Flexible lightweight test report tool allureofthestars]] - ver. - Near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game alluxio]] - ver. 1.8.1 - Open Source Memory Speed Virtual Distributed Storage alot]] - ver. 0.9 - Text mode MUA using notmuch mail alp]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Access Log Profiler alpine]] - ver. 2.22 - News and email agent alure]] - ver. 1.2 - Manage common tasks with OpenAL applications amap]] - ver. 5.4 - Perform application protocol] detection amazon-ecs-cli - ver. 1.18.0 - CLI for Amazon ECS to manage clusters and tasks for development amdatu-bootstrap]] - ver. 9 - Bootstrapping OSGi development ammonite-repl]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Ammonite is a cleanroom re-implementation of the Scala REPL ampl-mp]] - ver. 3.1.0 - The AMPL modeling language solver library amqp-cpp]] - ver. 4.1.5 - C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker amtk]] - ver. 5.0.2 - Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GNOME amtterm]] - ver. 1.6 - Serial-over-LAN (sol) client for Intel AMT analog]] - ver. 6.0 - Logfile analyzer angband]] - ver. 4.2.0 - Dungeon exploration game angle-grinder]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Slice and dice log files on the command-line angular-cli]] - ver. 9.0.3 - CLI tool for Angular anime-downloader]] - ver. 4.0.1 - Download your favourite anime anjuta]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME Integrated Development Environment annie]] - ver. 0.9.8 - Fast, simple and clean video downloader ansible]] - ver. 2.9.4 - Automate deployment, configuration, and upgrading ansible-cmdb]] - ver. 1.30 - Generates static HTML overview page from Ansible facts ansible-lint]] - ver. 4.2.0 - Checks ansible playbooks for practices and behaviour ansible@2.8 - 2.8.7 - Automate deployment, configuration, and upgrading ansifilter]] - ver. 2.16 - Strip or convert ANSI codes into HTML, (La)Tex, RTF, or BBCode ansiweather]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols ant]] - ver. 1.10.7 - Java build tool ant-contrib]] - ver. 1.0b3 - Collection of tasks for Apache Ant ant@1.9 - 1.9.14 - Java build tool antibody]] - ver. 4.3.1 - The fastest shell plugin manager antigen]] - ver. 2.2.3 - Plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle antiword]] - ver. 0.37 - Utility to read Word (.doc) files antlr]] - ver. 4.8 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition antlr@2 - 2.7.7 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition antlr4-cpp-runtime]] - ver. 4.8 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition C++ Runtime Library anttweakbar]] - ver. 1.16 - C/C++ library for adding GUIs to OpenGL apps anycable-go]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Anycable Go WebSocket Server anyenv]] - ver. 1.1.1 - All in one for **env aoeui]] - ver. 1.6 - Lightweight text editor optimized for Dvorak and QWERTY keyboards aom]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Codec library for encoding and decoding AV1 video streams apache-archiva]] - ver. 2.2.4 - The Build Artifact Repository Manager apache-arrow]] - ver. 0.16.0 - Columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate big data apache-arrow-glib]] - ver. 0.16.0 - GLib bindings for Apache Arrow apache-brooklyn-cli]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Apache Brooklyn command-line interface apache-ctakes]] - ver. 4.0.0 - NLP system for extraction of information from EMR clinical text apache-drill]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage apache-flink]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Scalable batch and stream data processing apache-forrest]] - ver. 0.9 - Publishing framework providing multiple output formats apache-geode]] - ver. 1.11.0 - In-memory Data Grid for fast transactional data processing apache-opennlp]] - ver. 1.9.2 - Machine learning toolkit for processing natural language text apache-spark]] - ver. 2.4.5 - Engine for large-scale data processing apache-zeppelin]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics apachetop]] - ver. 0.19.7 - Top-like display of Apache log apcupsd]] - ver. 3.14.14 - Daemon for controlling APC UPSes ape]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Ajax Push Engine apgdiff]] - ver. 2.4 - Another PostgreSQL diff tool apib]] - ver. 1.0 - HTTP performance-testing tool apibuilder-cli]] - ver. 0.1.33 - Command-line interface to generate clients for api builder apktool]] - ver. 2.4.1 - Tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps apm-bash-completion]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Completion for Atom Package Manager apng2gif]] - ver. 1.8 - Convert APNG animations into animated GIF format apngasm]] - ver. 3.1.6 - Next generation of apngasm, the APNG assembler apollo]] - ver. 1.7.1 - Multi-protocol] messaging broker based on ActiveMQ apollo-cli - ver. 2.24.0 - Command-line tool for Apollo GraphQL app-engine-java]] - ver. 1.9.72 - Google App Engine for Java app-engine-python]] - ver. 1.9.86 - Google App Engine apparix]] - ver. 11-062 - File system navigation via bookmarking directories appium]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Automation for Apps appledoc]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Objective-C API documentation generator appscale-tools]] - ver. 3.5.3 - Command-line tools for working with AppScale appstream-glib]] - ver. 0.7.16 - Helper library for reading and writing AppStream metadata apr]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Apache Portable Runtime library apr-util]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Companion library to apr, the Apache Portable Runtime library apt-dater]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Manage package updates on remote hosts using SSH aptly]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Swiss army knife for Debian repository management aqbanking]] - ver. 5.8.2 - Generic online banking interface arabica]] - ver. 20160214 - XML toolkit written in C++ arangodb]] - ver. 3.6.0 - The Multi-Model NoSQL Database aravis]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Vision library for genicam based cameras arcade-learning-environment]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Platform for AI research archey]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Graphical system information display for macOS archi-steam-farm]] - ver. - ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards archivemount]] - ver. 0.8.12 - File system for accessing archives using libarchive arduino-cli]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Arduino command-line interface argon2 - 20190702 - Password hashing library and CLI utility argp-standalone]] - ver. 1.3 - Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC argtable]] - ver. 2.13 - ANSI C library for parsing GNU-style command-line options argus]] - ver. - Audit Record Generation and Utilization System server argus-clients]] - ver. - Audit Record Generation and Utilization System clients argyll-cms]] - ver. 2.1.2 - ICC compatible color management system aria2 - 1.35.0 - Download with resuming and segmented downloading arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils]] - ver. 2.33.1 - FSF/GNU binutils for cross-compiling to arm-linux armadillo]] - ver. 9.850.1 - C++ linear algebra library armor]] - ver. 0.4.14 - Uncomplicated, modern HTTP server arp-scan]] - ver. 1.9.7 - ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool arp-sk]] - ver. 0.0.16 - ARP traffic generation tool arpack]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Routines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems arping]] - ver. 2.20 - Utility to check whether MAC addresses are already taken on a LAN arpoison]] - ver. 0.7 - UNIX arp cache update utility arss]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Analyze a sound file into a spectrogram artifactory]] - ver. 6.17.0 - Manages binaries arx]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Bundles files and programs for easy transfer and repeatable execution arx-libertatis]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis ascii]] - ver. 3.18 - List ASCII idiomatic names and octal/decimal code-point forms asciidoc]] - ver. 8.6.10 - Formatter/translator for text files to numerous formats. Includes a2x asciidoctor]] - ver. 2.0.10 - Text processor and publishing toolchain for AsciiDoc asciidoctorj]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Java wrapper and bindings for Asciidoctor asciinema]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Record and share terminal sessions asciiquarium]] - ver. 1.1 - Aquarium animation in ASCII art asciitex]] - ver. 0.21 - Generate ASCII-art representations of mathematical equations asdf]] - ver. 0.7.6 - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Erlang & more asio]] - ver. 1.14.0 - Cross-platform C++ Library for asynchronous programming ask-cli]] - ver. 1.7.23 - CLI tool for Alexa Skill Kit asn1c]] - ver. 0.9.28 - Compile ASN.1 specifications into C source code aspcud]] - ver. 1.9.4 - Package dependency solver aspectj]] - ver. 1.9.5 - Aspect-oriented programming for Java aspell]] - ver. 0.60.8 - Spell checker with better logic than ispell assh]] - ver. 2.8.0 - Advanced SSH config - Regex, aliases, gateways, includes and dynamic hosts assimp]] - ver. 5.0.1 - Portable library for importing many well-known 3D model formats astrometry-net]] - ver. 0.78 - Automatic identification of astronomical images astyle]] - ver. 3.1 - Source code beautifier for C, C++, C#, and Java asymptote]] - ver. 2.62 - Powerful descriptive vector graphics language asyncplusplus]] - ver. 1.0 - Concurrency framework for C++11 atari800 - 4.2.0 - Atari 8-bit machine emulator atasm]] - ver. 1.07d]] - ver. Atari MAC/65 compatible assembler for Unix atdtool]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Command-line interface for After the Deadline language checker aterm]] - ver. 2.8 - Annotated Term for tree-like ADT exchange atf]] - ver. 0.21 - ATF: Automated Testing Framework atk]] - ver. 2.34.1 - GNOME accessibility toolkit atkmm]] - ver. 2.28.0 - Official C++ interface for the ATK accessibility toolkit library atlantis]] - ver. 0.11.1 - Terraform Pull Request Automation tool atlassian-cli]] - ver. 9.1.1 - Command-line interface clients for Atlassian products atomicparsley]] - ver. 0.9.6 - MPEG-4 command-line tool atomist-cli]] - ver. 1.8.0 - The Atomist CLI atool]] - ver. 0.39.0 - Archival front-end ats2-postiats]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Programming language with formal specification features aubio]] - ver. 0.4.9 - Extract annotations from audio signals audacious]] - ver. 3.10.1 - Free and advanced audio player based on GTK+ audiofile]] - ver. 0.3.6 - Reads and writes many common audio file formats auditbeat]] - ver. 6.8.6 - Lightweight Shipper for Audit Data augeas]] - ver. 1.12.0 - Configuration editing tool and API augustus]] - ver. 3.3.3 - Predict genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences aurora]] - ver. 2.2 - Beanstalkd queue server console aurora-cli]] - ver. 0.22.0 - Apache Aurora Scheduler Client autobench]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Automatic webserver benchmark tool autocode]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Code automation for every language, library and framework autoconf]] - ver. 2.69 - Automatic configure script builder autoconf-archive]] - ver. 2019.01.06 - Collection of over 500 reusable autoconf macros autoconf@2.13 - 2.13 - Automatic configure script builder autoenv]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Per-project, per-directory shell environments autogen]] - ver. 5.18.16 - Automated text file generator autojump]] - ver. 22.5.3 - Shell extension to jump to frequently used directories automake]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles automysqlbackup]] - ver. 3.0-rc6 - Automate MySQL backups autopano-sift-c]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Find control points in overlapping image pairs autopep8 - 1.5 - Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide autopsy]] - ver. 2.24 - Graphical interface to Sleuth Kit investigation tools autorest]] - ver. 3.0.6187 - Swagger (OpenAPI) Specification code generator autossh]] - ver. 1.4g]] - ver. Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels avanor]] - ver. 0.5.8 - Quick-growing roguelike game with easy ADOM-like UI avce00 - 2.0.0 - Make Arc/Info (binary) Vector Coverages appear as E00 avfs]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Virtual file system that facilitates looking inside archives avian]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Lightweight VM and class library for a subset of Java features aview]] - ver. 1.3.0rc1 - ASCII-art image browser and animation viewer avimetaedit]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Tool for embedding, validating, and exporting of AVI files metadata avra]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Assember for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family avrdude]] - ver. 6.3 - Atmel AVR MCU programmer avro-c]] - ver. 1.9.2 - Data serialization system avro-cpp]] - ver. 1.9.2 - Data serialization system avro-tools]] - ver. 1.9.2 - Avro command-line tools and utilities awf]] - ver. 1.4.0 - 'A Widget Factory' is a theme preview application for gtk2 and gtk3 awk]] - ver. 20180827 - Text processing scripting language aws-apigateway-importer]] - ver. 1.0.1 - AWS API Gateway Importer aws-cdk]] - ver. 1.26.0 - AWS Cloud Development Kit - framework for defining AWS infra as code aws-cfn-tools]] - ver. 1.0.12 - Client for Amazon CloudFormation web service aws-elasticbeanstalk]] - ver. 3.17.1 - Client for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk web service aws-es-proxy]] - ver. 0.9 - Small proxy between HTTP client and AWS Elasticsearch aws-google-auth]] - ver. 0.0.34 - Acquire AWS credentials using Google Apps aws-iam-authenticator]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to Kubernetes aws-keychain]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Uses macOS keychain for storage of AWS credentials aws-okta]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Authenticate with AWS using your Okta credentials aws-sdk-cpp]] - ver. 1.7.280 - AWS SDK for C++ aws-shell]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI awscli]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Official Amazon AWS command-line interface awscli@1 - 1.18.0 - Official Amazon AWS command-line interface awscurl]] - ver. 0.20 - Curl like simplicity to access AWS resources awslogs]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Simple command-line tool to read AWS CloudWatch logs awsume]] - ver. 4.1.10 - Utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command-line axel]] - ver. 2.17.7 - Light UNIX download accelerator azure-cli]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Microsoft Azure CLI 2.0 azure-storage-cpp]] - ver. 7.2.0 - Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for C++ b2-tools]] - ver. 1.4.2 - B2 Cloud Storage Command-Line Tools b2sum]] - ver. 20160619 - BLAKE2 b2sum reference binary b3sum]] - ver. 0.1.3 - The BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function b43-fwcutter]] - ver. 019 - Extract firmware from Braodcom 43xx driver files babel]] - ver. 7.8.4 - Compiler for writing next generation JavaScript babeld]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol] babl - ver. 0.1.68 - Dynamic, any-to-any, pixel format translation library backupninja]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Backup automation tool bacula-fd]] - ver. 9.4.4 - Network backup solution badtouch]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Scriptable network authentication cracker bagit]] - ver. 4.12.3 - Library for creation, manipulation, and validation of bags baidupcs-go]] - ver. 3.6.1 - The terminal utility for Baidu Network Disk balance]] - ver. 3.57 - Software load balancer balena-cli]] - ver. 11.28.1 - The official balena CLI tool ballerburg]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Castle combat game ballerina]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Programming Language for Network Distributed Applications bam]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Build system that uses Lua to describe the build process bamtools]] - ver. 2.5.1 - C++ API and command-line toolkit for BAM data bandcamp-dl]] - ver. 0.0.8-12 - Simple python script to download Bandcamp albums bandwhich]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool baobab]] - ver. 3.34.0 - Gnome disk usage analyzer bar]] - ver. 1.4 - Provide progress bars for shell scripts bareos-client]] - ver. 17.2.7 - Client for Bareos (Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced) baresip]] - ver. 0.6.5 - Modular SIP useragent bartycrouch]] - ver. 4.0.2 - Incrementally update/translate your Strings files base64 - 1.5 - Encode and decode base64 files base91 - 0.6.0 - Utility to encode and decode base91 files basex]] - ver. 9.3.1 - Light-weight XML database and XPath/XQuery processor bash]] - ver. 5.0.16 - Bourne-Again SHell, a UNIX command interpreter bash-completion]] - ver. 1.3 - Programmable completion for Bash 3.2 bash-completion@2 - 2.10 - Programmable completion for Bash 4.1+ bash-git-prompt]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Informative, fancy bash prompt for Git users bash-preexec]] - ver. 0.3.7 - preexec and precmd functions for Bash (just like Zsh) bash-snippets]] - ver. 1.23.0 - Collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users bashdb]] - ver. 5.0-1.1.2 - Bash shell debugger bashish]] - ver. 2.2.4 - Theme environment for text terminals bastet]] - ver. 0.43.2 - Bastard Tetris bat]] - ver. 0.12.1 - Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration batik]] - ver. 1.12 - Java-based toolkit for SVG images bats]] - ver. 0.4.0 - TAP-compliant test framework for Bash scripts bats-core]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Bash Automated Testing System bazaar]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Friendly powerful distributed version control system bazel]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Google's own build tool bazelisk]] - ver. 1.3.0 - User-friendly launcher for Bazel bbcolors]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Save and load color schemes for BBEdit and TextWrangler bbe]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Sed-like editor for binary files bbftp-client]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Secure file transfer software, optimized for large files bc]] - ver. 1.07.1 - Arbitrary precision numeric processing language bcal]] - ver. 2.2 - Storage conversion and expression calculator bcftools]] - ver. 1.10.2 - Tools for BCF/VCF files and variant calling from samtools bchunk]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Convert CD images from .bin/.cue to .iso/.cdr bcpp]] - ver. 20180401 - C(++) beautifier bcrypt]] - ver. 1.1 - Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish bde]] - ver. - Basic Development Environment: foundational C++ libraries used at Bloomberg bdw-gc]] - ver. 8.0.4 - Garbage collector for C and C++ beagle]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Evaluate the likelihood of sequence evolution on trees beansdb]] - ver. - Yet another distributed key-value storage system beanstalkd]] - ver. 1.11 - Generic work queue originally designed to reduce web latency bear]] - ver. 2.4.2 - Generate compilation database for clang tooling beast]] - ver. 1.10.4 - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees bedops]] - ver. 2.4.37 - Set and statistical operations on genomic data of arbitrary scale bedtools]] - ver. 2.29.2 - Tools for genome arithmetic (set theory on the genome) bee]] - ver. 1.75 - Tool for managing database changes beecrypt]] - ver. 4.2.1 - C/C++ cryptography library befunge93 - 2.25 - Esoteric programming language bench]] - ver. 1.0.12 - Command-line benchmark tool benthos]] - ver. 3.10.0 - Stream processor for mundane tasks written in Go bento4 - 1.5.1-629 - Full-featured MP4 format and MPEG DASH library and tools berglas]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Tool for managing secrets on Google Cloud berkeley-db]] - ver. 18.1.32 - High performance key/value database berkeley-db@4 - 4.8.30 - High performance key/value database bettercap]] - ver. 2.26.1 - Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring betty]] - ver. 0.1.7 - English-like interface for the command-line bfg]] - ver. 1.13.0 - Remove large files or passwords from Git history like git-filter-branch bgpdump]] - ver. 1.6.0 - C library for analyzing MRT/Zebra/Quagga dump files bgpq3 - 0.1.35 - BGP filtering automation for Cisco, Juniper, BIRD and OpenBGPD routers bgpstream]] - ver. 1.2.3 - For live and historical BGP data analysis bgrep]] - ver. 0.2 - Like grep but for binary strings bib-tool]] - ver. 2.67 - Manipulates BibTeX databases bibclean]] - ver. 2.17 - BibTeX bibliography file pretty printer and syntax checker bibtex2html]] - ver. 1.99 - BibTeX to HTML converter bibtexconv]] - ver. 1.1.18 - BibTeX file converter bibutils]] - ver. 6.8 - Bibliography conversion utilities bic]] - ver. 1.0.0 - C interpreter and API explorer bigloo]] - ver. 4.3e]] - ver. Scheme implementation with object system, C, and Java interfaces binaryen]] - ver. 91 - Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly bind]] - ver. 9.16.0 - Implementation of the DNS protocol]s bindfs - ver. 1.14.3 - FUSE file system for mounting to another location bingrep]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures binkd]] - ver. 1.0.4 - TCP/IP FTN Mailer binutils]] - ver. 2.34 - GNU binary tools for native development binwalk]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Searches a binary image for embedded files and executable code bioawk]] - ver. 1.0 - AWK modified for biological data biogeme]] - ver. 2.6a]] - ver. Maximum likelihood estimation of choice models biosig]] - ver. 1.9.5 - Tools for biomedical signal processing and data conversion bison]] - ver. 3.5.2 - Parser generator bison@2.7 - 2.7.1 - Parser generator bit]] - ver. 14.7.6 - Distributed Code Component Manager bitchx]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Text-based, scriptable IRC client bitcoin]] - ver. - Decentralized, peer to peer payment network bitlbee]] - ver. 3.6 - IRC to other chat networks gateway bitrise]] - ver. 1.39.1 - Command-line automation tool bittwist]] - ver. 2.0 - Libcap-based Ethernet packet generator bitwarden-cli]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Secure and free password manager for all of your devices bitwise]] - ver. 0.41 - Terminal based bit manipulator in ncurses black]] - ver. 19.10b0 - Python code formatter blackbox]] - ver. 1.20181219 - Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion blahtexml]] - ver. 0.9 - Converts equations into Math ML blast]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool blastem]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Fast and accurate Genesis emulator blazeblogger]] - ver. 1.2.0 - CMS for the command-line blazegraph]] - ver. 2.1.4 - Graph database supporting RDF data model, Sesame, and Blueprint APIs blink1 - 2.0.5 - Control blink(1) indicator light blis]] - ver. 0.6.1 - BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework blitz]] - ver. 0.10 - C++ class library for scientific computing blitzwave]] - ver. 0.8.0 - C++ wavelet library bloaty]] - ver. 1.0 - Size profiler for binaries blockhash]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Perceptual image hash calculation tool bltool]] - ver. 0.2.4 - Tool for command-line interaction with bluepill]] - ver. 5.1.1 - iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators bluetoothconnector]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Connect and disconnect Bluetooth devices blueutil]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Get/set bluetooth power and discoverable state bmake]] - ver. 20200212 - Portable version of NetBSD make(1) bmon]] - ver. 4.0 - Interface bandwidth monitor bnd]] - ver. 5.0.0 - The Swiss Army Knife for OSGi bundles bochs]] - ver. 2.6.9 - Open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++ bogofilter]] - ver. 1.2.5 - Mail filter via statistical analysis bonnie++]] - ver. 1.97.3 - Benchmark suite for file systems and hard drives bookloupe]] - ver. 2.0 - List common formatting errors in a Project Gutenberg candidate file boom-completion]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Bash and Zsh completion for Boom boost]] - ver. 1.72.0 - Collection of portable C++ source libraries boost-bcp]] - ver. 1.72.0 - Utility for extracting subsets of the Boost library boost-build]] - ver. 1.72.0 - C++ build system boost-mpi]] - ver. 1.72.0 - C++ library for C++/MPI interoperability boost-python]] - ver. 1.72.0 - C++ library for C++/Python2 interoperability boost-python3 - 1.72.0 - C++ library for C++/Python3 interoperability boost@1.55 - 1.55.0 - Collection of portable C++ source libraries boost@1.57 - 1.57.0 - Collection of portable C++ source libraries boost@1.59 - 1.59.0 - Collection of portable C++ source libraries boost@1.60 - 1.60.0 - Collection of portable C++ source libraries boot-clj]] - ver. 2.8.3 - Build tooling for Clojure borgmatic]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Simple wrapper script for the Borg backup software boringtun]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Userspace WireGuard implementation in Rust bork]] - ver. 0.11.1 - Bash-Operated Reconciling Kludge botan]] - ver. 2.13.0 - Cryptographic algorithms and formats library in C++ bower]] - ver. 1.8.8 - Package manager for the web bowtie2 - - Fast and sensitive gapped read aligner boxes]] - ver. 1.3 - Draw boxes around text bpm-tools]] - ver. 0.3 - Detect tempo of audio files using beats-per-minute (BPM) brag]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Download and assemble multipart binaries from newsgroups braid]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Simple tool to help track vendor branches in a Git repository brainfuck]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Interpreter for the brainfuck language breezy]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Version control system implemented in Python with multi-format support brew-cask-completion]] - ver. 2.1 - Fish completion for brew-cask brew-gem]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Install RubyGems as Homebrew formulae brew-php-switcher]] - ver. 2.2 - Switch Apache / Valet / CLI configs between PHP versions brew-pip]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Install pip packages as homebrew formulae brightness]] - ver. 1.2 - Change macOS display brightness from the command-line briss]] - ver. 0.9 - Crop PDF files brogue]] - ver. 1.7.5 - Roguelike game broot]] - ver. 0.13.2 - New way to see and navigate directory trees brotli]] - ver. 1.0.7 - Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm by Google browser]] - ver. 7 - Pipe HTML to a browser bsdconv]] - ver. 11.5 - Charset/encoding converter library bsdiff]] - ver. 4.3 - Generate and apply patches to binary files bsdmake]] - ver. 24 - BSD make (build tool) bsdsfv]] - ver. 1.18 - SFV utility tools bsponmpi]] - ver. 0.3 - Implements the BSPlib standard on top of MPI btfs]] - ver. 2.20 - BitTorrent filesystem based on FUSE btparse]] - ver. 0.35 - BibTeX utility libraries btpd]] - ver. 0.16 - BitTorrent Protocol Daemon buildapp]] - ver. 1.5.6 - Creates executables with SBCL buildifier]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Format bazel BUILD files with a standard convention buildkit]] - ver. 0.6.3 - Сoncurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit buku]] - ver. 4.3 - Powerful command-line bookmark manager bulk_extractor]] - ver. 1.5.5 - Stream-based forensics tool bullet]] - ver. 2.88 - Physics SDK bumpversion]] - ver. 0.5.11 - Increase version numbers with SemVer terms bundler-completion]] - ver. 2 - Bash completion for Bundler bundletool]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Command-line tool to manipulate Android App Bundles bup]] - ver. 0.30 - Backup tool burl]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Shell script wrapper that offers helpful shortcuts for curl(1) burp]] - ver. 2.2.18 - Network backup and restore bvi]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Vi-like binary file (hex) editor bwa]] - ver. 0.7.17 - Burrow-Wheeler Aligner for pairwise alignment of DNA bwctl]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Command-line tool and daemon for network measuring tools bwfmetaedit]] - ver. 1.3.8 - Tool for embedding, validating, and exporting BWF file metadata bwm-ng]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Console-based live network and disk I/O bandwidth monitor byacc]] - ver. 20191125 - (Arguably) the best yacc variant byobu]] - ver. 5.133 - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer byteman]] - ver. 4.0.10 - Java bytecode manipulation tool for testing, monitoring and tracing bzip2 - 1.0.8 - Freely available high-quality data compressor bzr-builder]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Bazaar plugin to construct a branch based on a recipe bzr-colo]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Git style colocated branches for Bazaar bzr-externals]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Bazaar support for external branches like svn:externals bzr-extmerge]] - ver. 1.0.0 - External merge tool support for Bazaar bzr-rewrite]] - ver. 0.6.3 - Bazaar plugin to support rewriting revisions and rebasing bzr-upload]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Bazaar plugin to incrementally upload changes to a dumb server bzr-xmloutput]] - ver. 0.8.8 - Bazaar plugin that provides a option to generate XML output bzrtools]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Bazaar plugin that supplies useful additional utilities bzt]] - ver. 1.14.0 - BlazeMeter Taurus c-ares]] - ver. 1.15.0 - Asynchronous DNS library c-blosc]] - ver. 1.17.1 - Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library c-kermit]] - ver. 9.0.302 - Scriptable network and serial communication for UNIX and VMS c10t]] - ver. 1.7 - Minecraft cartography tool c14-cli]] - ver. 0.3 - Manage your Online C14 archives from the command-line c2048 - 0+20150805 - Console version of 2048 cabal-install]] - ver. - Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage cabextract]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Extract files from Microsoft cabinet files cabocha]] - ver. 0.69 - Yet Another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer cacli]] - ver. 1.2.29 - Train machine learning models from Cloud Annotations cadaver]] - ver. 0.23.3 - Command-line client for DAV caddy]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Alternative general-purpose HTTP/2 web server cadubi]] - ver. 1.3.4 - Creative ASCII drawing utility caf]] - ver. 0.17.4 - Implementation of the Actor Model for C++ cafeobj]] - ver. 1.6.0 - New generation algebraic specification and programming language caffe]] - ver. 1.0 - Fast open framework for deep learning cairo]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Vector graphics library with cross-device output support cairomm]] - ver. 1.12.2 - Vector graphics library with cross-device output support cake]] - ver. 0.37.0 - Cross platform build automation system with a C# DSL calabash]] - ver. 1.1.24-98 - XProc (XML Pipeline Language) implementation calc]] - ver. - Arbitrary precision calculator calceph]] - ver. 3.4.2 - C library to access the binary planetary ephemeris files calcurse]] - ver. 4.5.1 - Text-based personal organizer calicoctl]] - ver. 3.12.0 - Calico CLI tool camellia]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Image Processing & Computer Vision library written in C camlp4 - 4.08+1 - Tool to write extensible parsers in OCaml camlp5 - 7.10 - Preprocessor and pretty-printer for OCaml cap-completion]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Bash completion for Capistrano capnp]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Data interchange format and capability-based RPC system capstone]] - ver. 4.0.1 - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework cargo-c]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Helper program to build and install c-like libraries cargo-completion]] - ver. 0.41.0 - Bash and Zsh completion for Cargo cargo-instruments]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Easily generate Instruments traces for your rust crate carina]] - ver. 2.1.3 - Command-line client for Carina carla]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, LV2, VST2/3, SF2 and more carrot2 - 3.16.3 - Search results clustering engine carthage]] - ver. 0.34.0 - Decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa cartridge-cli]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Tarantool Cartridge command-line utility cash-cli]] - ver. 4.2.1 - Convert currency rates directly from your terminal cask]] - ver. 0.8.4 - Emacs dependency management cassandra]] - ver. 3.11.6 - Eventually consistent, distributed key-value store cassandra-cpp-driver]] - ver. 2.15.0 - DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra cassandra-reaper]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Management interface for Cassandra cassandra@2.1 - 2.1.21 - Distributed key-value store cassandra@2.2 - 2.2.15 - Eventually consistent, distributed key-value db castxml]] - ver. 0.2.0 - C-family Abstract Syntax Tree XML Output cataclysm]] - ver. 0.D]] - ver. Fork/variant of Cataclysm Roguelike catch2 - 2.11.1 - Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework catimg]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Insanely fast image printing in your terminal cattle]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Brainfuck language toolkit cayley]] - ver. 0.7.7 - Graph database inspired by Freebase and Knowledge Graph cbmbasic]] - ver. 1.0 - Commodore BASIC V2 as a scripting language cc65 - 2.18 - 6502 C compiler ccache]] - ver. 3.7.7 - Object-file caching compiler wrapper ccal]] - ver. 2.5.3 - Create Chinese calendars for print or browsing ccat]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Like cat but displays content with syntax highlighting ccd2iso]] - ver. 0.3 - Convert CloneCD images to ISO images ccextractor]] - ver. 0.88 - Free, GPL licensed closed caption tool ccfits]] - ver. 2.5 - Object oriented interface to the cfitsio library ccls]] - ver. 0.20190823.5 - C/C++/ObjC language server ccm]] - ver. 3.1.4 - Create and destroy an Apache Cassandra cluster on localhost cconv]] - ver. 0.6.3 - Iconv based simplified-traditional Chinese conversion tool ccrypt]] - ver. 1.11 - Encrypt and decrypt files and streams cctz]] - ver. 2.3 - C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times ccze]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Robust and modular log colorizer cd-discid]] - ver. 1.4 - Read CD and get CDDB discid information cdargs]] - ver. 1.35 - Bookmarks for the shell cdb]] - ver. 0.75 - Create and read constant databases cdecl]] - ver. 2.5 - Turn English phrases to C or C++ declarations cdk]] - ver. 5.0.20191231 - Curses development kit provides predefined curses widget for apps cdlabelgen]] - ver. 4.3.0 - CD/DVD inserts and envelopes cdogs-sdl]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Classic overhead run-and-gun game cdparanoia]] - ver. 10.2 - Audio extraction tool for sampling CDs cdpr]] - ver. 2.4 - Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter cdrdao]] - ver. 1.2.4 - Record CDs in Disk-At-Once mode cdrtools]] - ver. 3.01 - CD/DVD/Blu-ray premastering and recording software cedille]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Language based on the Calculus of Dependent Lambda Eliminations celero]] - ver. 2.6.0 - C++ Benchmark Authoring Library/Framework center-im]] - ver. 4.22.10 - Text-mode multi-protocol] instant messaging client cereal - ver. 1.3.0 - C++11 library for serialization ceres-solver]] - ver. 1.14.0 - C++ library for large-scale optimization cern-ndiff]] - ver. 5.05.01 - Numerical diff tool certbot]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and autoenable HTTPS certigo]] - ver. 1.11.0 - Utility to examine and validate certificates in a variety of formats certstrap]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates ceylon]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Programming language for writing large programs in teams cf]] - ver. 1.2.5 - Filter to replace numeric timestamps with a formated date time cf-tool]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Command-line tool for Codeforces contests cf4ocl]] - ver. 2.1.0 - C Framework for OpenCL cfengine]] - ver. 3.14.0 - Help manage and understand IT infrastructure cfitsio]] - ver. 3.470 - C access to FITS data files with optional Fortran wrappers cflow]] - ver. 1.6 - Generate call graphs from C code cfn-lint]] - ver. 0.28.2 - Validate CloudFormation templates against the CloudFormation spec cfr-decompiler]] - ver. 0.148 - Yet Another Java Decompiler cfssl]] - ver. 1.4.1 - CloudFlare's PKI toolkit cfv]] - ver. 1.18.3 - Test and create various files (e.g., .sfv, .csv, .crc., .torrent) cgal]] - ver. 5.0.2 - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library cgdb]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger cgit]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Hyperfast web frontend for Git repositories written in C cglm]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Optimized OpenGL/Graphics Math (glm) for C cgns]] - ver. 3.4.0 - CFD General Notation System cgoban]] - ver. 1.9.12 - Go-related services cgrep]] - ver. 6.6.31 - Context-aware grep for source code cgvg]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Command-line source browsing tool chadwick]] - ver. 0.6.5 - Tools for parsing Retrosheet MLB play-by-play files chafa]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Versatile and fast Unicode/ASCII/ANSI graphics renderer chaiscript]] - ver. 6.1.0 - Easy to use embedded scripting language for C++ chakra]] - ver. 1.11.16 - The core part of the JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge chamber]] - ver. 2.7.5 - CLI for managing secrets through AWS SSM Parameter Store chapel]] - ver. 1.20.0 - Emerging programming language designed for parallel computing charm]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Tool for managing Juju Charms charm-tools]] - ver. 2.7.2 - Tools for authoring and maintaining juju charms chcase]] - ver. 2.0 - Perl file-renaming script cheapglk]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Extremely minimal Glk library cheat]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Create and view interactive cheat sheets for *nix commands check]] - ver. 0.14.0 - C unit testing framework check_postgres]] - ver. 2.25.0 - Monitor Postgres databases checkbashisms]] - ver. 2.20.2 - Checks for bashisms in shell scripts checkstyle]] - ver. 8.29 - Check Java source against a coding standard cheops]] - ver. 1.3 - CHEss OPponent Simulator chezscheme]] - ver. 9.5.2 - Chez Scheme chgems]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Chroot for Ruby gems chibi-scheme]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Small footprint Scheme for use as a C Extension Language chicken]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Compiler for the Scheme programming language chinadns-c]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Port of ChinaDNS to C: fix irregularities with DNS in China chipmunk]] - ver. 7.0.3 - 2D rigid body physics library written in C chisel]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps chkrootkit]] - ver. 0.53 - Rootkit detector chmlib]] - ver. 0.40 - Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM files chocolate-doom]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Accurate source port of Doom choose]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Make choices on the command-line choose-gui]] - ver. 1.0 - Fuzzy matcher that uses std{in,out} and a native GUI chordii]] - ver. 4.5.3 - Text file to music sheet converter chromaprint]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Core component of the AcoustID project (Audio fingerprinting) chrome-cli]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Control Google Chrome from the command-line chrome-export]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Convert Chrome’s bookmarks and history to HTML bookmarks files chronograf]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack chruby]] - ver. 0.3.9 - Ruby environment tool chruby-fish]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Thin wrapper around chruby to make it work with the Fish shell chuck]] - ver. - Concurrent, on-the-fly audio programming language cidrmerge]] - ver. 1.5.3 - CIDR merging with white listing (network exclusion) cifer]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Work on automating classical cipher cracking in C cig]] - ver. 0.1.5 - CLI app for checking the state of your git repositories cimg]] - ver. 2.8.4 - C++ toolkit for image processing circleci]] - ver. 0.1.6494 - Enables you to reproduce the CircleCI environment locally citus]] - ver. 9.2.1 - PostgreSQL-based distributed RDBMS cityhash]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Hash functions for strings civl]] - ver. 1.7-3157 - The Concurrency Intermediate Verification Language cjdns]] - ver. 20.5 - Advanced mesh routing system with cryptographic addressing cjson]] - ver. 1.7.12 - Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C ck]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Concurrency primitives and non-blocking data structures library ckan]] - ver. 1.27.0 - The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network cksfv]] - ver. 1.3.14 - File verification utility clac]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Command-line, stack-based calculator with postfix notation clamav]] - ver. 0.102.2 - Anti-virus software clamz]] - ver. 0.5 - Download MP3 files from Amazon's music store clang-format]] - ver. 2019-05-14 - Formatting tools for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript classads]] - ver. 1.0.10 - Classified Advertisements (used by HTCondor Central Manager) clblas]] - ver. 2.12 - Library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL clblast]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Tuned OpenCL BLAS library clean]] - ver. 3.4 - Search for files matching a regex and delete them clearlooks-phenix]] - ver. 7.0.1 - GTK+3 port of the Clearlooks Theme clens]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Library to help port code from OpenBSD to other operating systems cless]] - ver. - Display file contents with colorized syntax highlighting clfft]] - ver. 2.12.2 - FFT functions written in OpenCL clhep]] - ver. - Class Library for High Energy Physics cli53 - 0.8.16 - Command-line tool for Amazon Route 53 clib]] - ver. 1.11.2 - Package manager for C programming click]] - ver. 0.4.3 - The command-line interactive controller for Kubernetes cliclick]] - ver. 4.0.1 - Tool for emulating mouse and keyboard events clinfo]] - ver. - Print information about OpenCL platforms and devices cling]] - ver. 0.6 - The cling C++ interpreter clingo]] - ver. 5.4.0 - ASP system to ground and solve logic programs clipper]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Share macOS clipboard with tmux and other local and remote apps clipsafe]] - ver. 1.1 - Command-line interface to Password Safe clisp]] - ver. 2.49 - GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation cln]] - ver. 1.3.6 - Class Library for Numbers cloc]] - ver. 1.84 - Statistics utility to count lines of code clockywock]] - ver. 0.3.1a]] - ver. Ncurses analog clock clog]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Colorized pattern-matching log tail utility clojure]] - ver. - The Clojure Programming Language clojure-lsp]] - ver. 20200121T234305 - Language Server (LSP) for Clojure clojurescript]] - ver. 1.10.597 - Clojure to JS compiler cloog]] - ver. 0.18.4 - Generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra closure-compiler]] - ver. 20200204 - JavaScript optimizing compiler closure-stylesheets]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Extended CSS preprocessor, linter, and internationalizer cloud-watch]] - ver. - Amazon CloudWatch command-line Tool clozure-cl]] - ver. 1.11.6 - Common Lisp implementation with a long history clp]] - ver. 1.17.5 - Linear programming solver clpbar]] - ver. 1.11.1 - Command-line progress bar clucene]] - ver. - C++ port of Lucene: high-performance, full-featured text search engine clutter]] - ver. 1.26.2 - Generic high-level canvas library clutter-gst]] - ver. 3.0.27 - ClutterMedia interface using GStreamer for video and audio clutter-gtk]] - ver. 1.8.4 - GTK+ integration library for Clutter clzip]] - ver. 1.11 - C language version of lzip cmake]] - ver. 3.16.4 - Cross-platform make cmark]] - ver. 0.29.0 - Strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown cmark-gfm]] - ver. 0.29.0.gfm.0 - C implementation of GitHub Flavored Markdown cmatrix]] - ver. 2.0 - Console Matrix cmdshelf]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Better scripting life with cmdshelf cmigemo]] - ver. 20110227 - Migemo is a tool that supports Japanese incremental search with Romaji cminpack]] - ver. 1.3.6 - Solves nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems cmix]] - ver. 18.0.0 - Data compression program with high compression ratio cmocka]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Unit testing framework for C cmockery]] - ver. 0.1.2 - Unit testing and mocking library for C cmockery2 - 1.3.9 - Reviving cmockery unit test framework from Google cmt]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Write consistent git commit messages based on a custom template cmu-pocketsphinx]] - ver. 0.8 - Lightweight speech recognition engine for mobile devices cmu-sphinxbase]] - ver. 0.8 - Lightweight speech recognition engine for mobile devices cmuclmtk]] - ver. 0.7 - Language model tools (from CMU Sphinx) cmus]] - ver. 2.8.0 - Music player with an ncurses based interface cmusfm]] - ver. 0.3.3 - standalone scrobbler for the cmus music player cnats]] - ver. 2.1.0 - C client for the NATS messaging system cntlm]] - ver. 0.92.3 - NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling cobalt]] - ver. 0.15.10 - Static site generator written in Rust coccinelle]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Program matching and transformation engine for C code cocoapods]] - ver. 1.8.4 - Dependency manager for Cocoa projects cocot]] - ver. 1.2-20171118 - Code converter on tty coda-cli]] - ver. 1.0.5 - Shell integration for Panic's Coda codec2 - 0.8.1 - Open source speech codec codemod]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Large-scale codebase refactors assistant tool codequery]] - ver. 0.21.1 - Code-understanding, code-browsing or code-search tool codespell]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Fix common misspellings in source code and text files coffeescript]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Unfancy JavaScript cogl]] - ver. 1.22.4 - Low level OpenGL abstraction library developed for Clutter cointop]] - ver. 1.4.5 - Interactive terminal based UI application for tracking cryptocurrencies coinutils]] - ver. 2.11.4 - COIN-OR utilities collada-dom]] - ver. 2.5.0 - C++ library for loading and saving COLLADA data collectd]] - ver. 5.10.0 - Statistics collection and monitoring daemon collector-sidecar]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Manage log collectors through Graylog color-code]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Free advanced MasterMind clone colordiff]] - ver. 1.0.18 - Color-highlighted diff(1) output colormake]] - ver. 0.9.20140503 - Wrapper around make to colorize the output colorsvn]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Subversion output colorizer colortail]] - ver. 0.3.4 - Like tail(1), but with various colors for specified output comby]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Tool for changing code across many languages commandbox]] - ver. 4.8.0 - CFML embedded server, package manager, and app scaffolding tools compcert]] - ver. 3.6 - Formally verified C compiler compface]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Convert to and from the X-Face format composer]] - ver. 1.9.3 - Dependency Manager for PHP conan]] - ver. 1.22.2 - Distributed, open source, package manager for C/C++ concurrencykit]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Aid design and implementation of concurrent systems configen]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Configuration file code generator for use in Xcode projects confluent-platform]] - ver. 5.4.0 - Developer-optimized distribution of Apache Kafka confuse]] - ver. 3.2.2 - Configuration file parser library written in C conjure-up]] - ver. 2.6.9 - Big software deployments so easy it's almost magical connect]] - ver. 1.105 - Provides SOCKS and HTTPS proxy support to SSH conserver]] - ver. 8.2.4 - Allows multiple users to watch a serial console at the same time console_bridge]] - ver. 0.4.4 - Robot Operating System-independent package for logging consul]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration consul-backinator]] - ver. 1.6.5 - Consul backup and restoration application consul-template]] - ver. 0.24.1 - Generic template rendering and notifications with Consul contacts]] - ver. 1.1a-3 - Command-line tool to access macOS's Contacts (formerly 'Address Book') container-diff]] - ver. 0.15.0 - Diff your Docker containers contentful-cli]] - ver. 1.2.13 - Contentful command-line tools convertlit]] - ver. 1.8 - Convert Microsoft Reader format eBooks into open format convmv]] - ver. 2.05 - Filename encoding conversion tool convox]] - ver. 20200129210159 - Command-line interface for the Rack PaaS on AWS cookiecutter]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Utility that creates projects from templates coq]] - ver. 8.11.0 - Proof assistant for higher-order logic corectl]] - ver. 0.7.18 - CoreOS over macOS made very simple coreos-ct]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Convert a Container Linux Config into Ignition coreutils]] - ver. 8.31 - GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities corkscrew]] - ver. 2.0 - Tunnel SSH through HTTP proxies corral]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Dependency manager for the Pony language corsixth]] - ver. 0.63 - Open source clone of Theme Hospital cosi]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Implementation of scalable collective signing coturn]] - ver. - Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server couchdb]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Apache CouchDB database server couchdb-lucene]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Full-text search of CouchDB documents using Lucene couchpotatoserver]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Download movies automatically cowsay]] - ver. 3.04 - Configurable talking characters in ASCII art cp2k]] - ver. 6.1 - Quantum chemistry and solid state physics software package cpanminus]] - ver. 1.9019 - Get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN cpansearch]] - ver. 0.2 - CPAN module search written in C cpl]] - ver. 7.1.2 - ISO-C libraries for developing astronomical data-reduction tasks cpmtools]] - ver. 2.20 - Tools to access CP/M file systems cpp-gsl]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Microsoft's C++ Guidelines Support Library cppad]] - ver. 20200000.2 - Differentiation of C++ Algorithms cppcheck]] - ver. 1.90 - Static analysis of C and C++ code cppcms]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Free High Performance Web Development Framework cppi]] - ver. 1.18 - Indent C preprocessor directives to reflect their nesting cppman]] - ver. 0.5.0 - C++ 98/11/14/17/20 manual pages from and cppp]] - ver. 2.6 - Partial Preprocessor for C cpprestsdk]] - ver. 2.10.15 - C++ libraries for cloud-based client-server communication cpptest]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Unit testing framework handling automated tests in C++ cppunit]] - ver. 1.15.1 - Unit testing framework for C++ cpputest]] - ver. 3.8 - C /C++ based unit xUnit test framework cproto]] - ver. 4.7o]] - ver. Generate function prototypes for functions in input files cpu_features]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime cpulimit]] - ver. 0.2 - CPU usage limiter cql]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Decentralized SQL database with blockchain features cquery]] - ver. 20180718 - C/C++ language server cracklib]] - ver. 2.9.7 - LibCrack password checking library crash]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Kernel debugging shell for Java that allows gdb-like syntax crc]] - ver. 1.6.0 - OpenShift 4 cluster on your local machine crc32c]] - ver. 1.1.1 - CRC32C implementation with CPU-specific acceleration create-dmg]] - ver. - Shell script to build fancy DMGs credstash]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Little utility for managing credentials in the cloud creduce]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Reduce a C/C++ program while keeping a property of interest crf++]] - ver. 0.58 - Conditional random fields for segmenting/labeling sequential data crm114 - 20100106 - Examine, sort, filter or alter logs or data streams cromwell]] - ver. 49 - Workflow Execution Engine using Workflow Description Language cronolog]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Web log rotation crosstool-ng]] - ver. 1.24.0 - Tool for building toolchains crowdin]] - ver. 2.0.31 - Command-line tool that allows to manage your resources with crunch]] - ver. 3.6 - Wordlist generator crush-tools]] - ver. 20150716 - Command-line tools for processing delimited text data cryfs]] - ver. 0.10.2 - Encrypts your files so you can safely store them in Dropbox, iCloud, etc. cryptol]] - ver. 2.8.0 - Domain-specific language for specifying cryptographic algorithms cryptominisat]] - ver. 5.6.8 - Advanced SAT solver cryptopp]] - ver. 8.1.0 - Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes crystal]] - ver. 0.33.0 - Fast and statically typed, compiled language with Ruby-like syntax crystal-icr]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Interactive console for Crystal programming language cscope]] - ver. 15.9 - Tool for browsing source code csfml]] - ver. 2.5 - SMFL bindings for C csmith]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Generates random C programs conforming to the C99 standard csound]] - ver. 6.14.0 - Sound and music computing system cspice]] - ver. 66 - Observation geometry system for robotic space science missions css-crush]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Extensible PHP based CSS preprocessor cssembed]] - ver. 0.4.5 - Automatic data URI embedding in CSS files csshx]] - ver. 0.74 - Cluster ssh tool for cstore_fdw]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Columnar store for analytics with Postgres csv-fix]] - ver. 1.6 - Tool for manipulating CSV data csvkit]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV csvprintf]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Command-line utility for parsing CSV files csvq]] - ver. 1.12.4 - SQL-like query language for csv csvtomd]] - ver. 0.2.1 - CSV to Markdown table converter ctags]] - ver. 5.8 - Reimplementation of ctags(1) ctail]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Tool for operating tail across large clusters of machines ctemplate]] - ver. 2.3 - Template language for C++ ctl]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Programming language for digital color management ctop]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Top-like interface for container metrics cuba]] - ver. 4.2 - Library for multidimensional numerical integration cubeb]] - ver. 0.2 - Cross-platform audio library cubelib]] - ver. 4.4.4 - Cube, is a performance report explorer for Scalasca and Score-P cucumber-cpp]] - ver. 0.5 - Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in C++ cuetools]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Utilities for .cue and .toc files cunit]] - ver. 2.1-3 - Lightweight unit testing framework for C cups]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Common UNIX Printing System curaengine]] - ver. 15.04.6 - C++ 3D printing GCode generator curl]] - ver. 7.68.0 - Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server curl-openssl]] - ver. 7.68.0 - Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server curlftpfs]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl curlpp]] - ver. 0.8.1 - C++ wrapper for libcURL curseofwar]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Fast-paced action strategy game cutter]] - ver. 1.2.7 - Unit Testing Framework for C and C++ cvs]] - ver. 1.12.13 - Version control system cvsps]] - ver. 3.13 - Create patchset information from CVS cvsutils]] - ver. 0.2.6 - CVS utilities for use in working directories cvsync]] - ver. 0.24.19 - Portable CVS repository synchronization utility cweb]] - ver. 3.64b]] - ver. Literate documentation system for C, C++, and Java cwlogs]] - ver. 1.2.0 - CLI tool for reading logs from Cloudwatch Logs cxxopts]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Lightweight C++ command-line option parser cxxtest]] - ver. 4.4 - xUnit-style unit testing framework for C++ cypher-shell]] - ver. 4.0.2 - Command-line shell where you can execute Cypher against Neo4j cython]] - ver. 0.29.15 - Compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language czmq]] - ver. 4.2.0 - High-level C binding for ZeroMQ daemon]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Turn other processes into daemons daemonize]] - ver. 1.7.8 - Run a command as a UNIX daemon daemonlogger]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Network packet logger and soft tap daemon daemontools]] - ver. 0.76 - Collection of tools for managing UNIX services dafny]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Verification-aware programming language dante]] - ver. 1.4.2 - SOCKS server and client, implementing RFC 1928 and related standards daq]] - ver. 2.0.6 - Network intrusion prevention and detection system dar]] - ver. 2.6.8 - Backup directory tree and files darcs]] - ver. 2.14.2 - Distributed version control system that tracks changes, via Haskell dark-mode]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line darkhttpd]] - ver. 1.12 - Small static webserver without CGI darkice]] - ver. 1.3 - Live audio streamer darksky-weather]] - ver. 0.15.7 - Command-line weather from the API darkstat]] - ver. 3.0.719 - Network traffic analyzer dartsim]] - ver. 6.9.2 - Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit dash]] - ver. - POSIX-compliant descendant of NetBSD's ash (the Almquist SHell) dashing]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Generate Dash documentation from HTML files dasht]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Search API docs offline, in your terminal or browser dasm]] - ver. 2.20.11 - Macro assembler with support for several 8-bit microprocessors datamash]] - ver. 1.5 - Tool to perform numerical, textual & statistical operations datetime-fortran]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Fortran time and date manipulation library dateutils]] - ver. 0.4.7 - Tools to manipulate dates with a focus on financial data dav1d]] - ver. 0.5.2 - AV1 decoder targeted to be small and fast davix]] - ver. 0.7.5 - Library and tools for advanced file I/O with HTTP-based protocol]s davmail - ver. 5.3.0 - POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP exchange gateway db-vcs]] - ver. 1.0 - Version control for MySQL databases dbacl]] - ver. 1.14.1 - Digramic Bayesian classifier dbhash]] - ver. 3.31.1 - Computes the SHA1 hash of schema and content of a SQLite database dbmate]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool dbus]] - ver. 1.12.16 - Message bus system, providing inter-application communication dbus-glib]] - ver. 0.110 - GLib bindings for the D-Bus message bus system dbxml]] - ver. 6.1.4 - Embeddable XML database with XQuery support and other advanced features dc3dd]] - ver. 7.2.646 - Patched GNU dd that is intended for forensic acquisition of data dcadec]] - ver. 0.2.0 - DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions dcd]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Auto-complete program for the D programming language dcfldd]] - ver. 1.3.4-1 - Enhanced version of dd for forensics and security dcled]] - ver. 2.2 - Linux driver for dream cheeky USB message board dcm2niix]] - ver. 1.0.20190902 - DICOM to NIfTI converter dcmtk]] - ver. 3.6.5 - OFFIS DICOM toolkit command-line utilities dcos-cli]] - ver. 1.1.2 - The DC/OS command-line interface dcraw]] - ver. 9.28.0 - Digital camera RAW photo decoding software ddate]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Converts boring normal dates to fun Discordian Date ddclient]] - ver. 3.9.0 - Update dynamic DNS entries ddd]] - ver. 3.3.12 - Graphical front-end for command-line debuggers ddgr]] - ver. 1.7 - DuckDuckGo from the terminal ddrescue]] - ver. 1.24 - GNU data recovery tool deark]] - ver. 1.5.3 - File conversion utility for older formats debianutils]] - ver. 4.9.1 - Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian defaultbrowser]] - ver. 1.1 - Command-line tool for getting & setting the default browser deheader]] - ver. 1.6 - Analyze C/C++ files for unnecessary headers dehydrated]] - ver. 0.6.5 - LetsEncrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script deis]] - ver. 2.18.0 - The CLI for Deis Workflow deisctl]] - ver. 1.13.4 - Deis Control Utility deja-gnu]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Framework for testing other programs delta]] - ver. 2006.08.03 - Programatically minimize files to isolate features of interest deno]] - ver. 0.34.0 - Command-line JavaScript / TypeScript engine denominator]] - ver. 4.7.1 - Portable Java library for manipulating DNS clouds density]] - ver. 0.14.2 - Superfast compression library dep]] - ver. 0.5.4 - Go dependency management tool dependency-check]] - ver. 5.3.0 - OWASP dependency-check deployer]] - ver. 6.7.3 - Deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks depqbf]] - ver. 6.03 - Solver for quantified boolean formulae (QBF) derby]] - ver. - Apache Derby is an embedded relational database running on JVM desk]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Lightweight workspace manager for the shell desktop-file-utils]] - ver. 0.24 - Command-line utilities for working with desktop entries detekt]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Static code analysis for Kotlin detox]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Utility to replace problematic characters in filenames devd]] - ver. 0.9 - Local webserver for developers devdash]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Highly Configurable Terminal Dashboard for Developers devil]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Cross-platform image library devspace]] - ver. 4.5.4 - CLI helps develop/deploy/debug apps with Docker and k8s devtodo]] - ver. 0.1.20 - Command-line task lists dex]] - ver. 1.0 - Dextrous text editor dex2jar]] - ver. 2.0 - Tools to work with Android .dex and Java .class files dfc]] - ver. 3.1.1 - Display graphs and colors of file system space/usage dfix]] - ver. 0.3.5 - Auto-upgrade tool for D source code dfmt]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Formatter for D source code dfu-programmer]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Device firmware update based USB programmer for Atmel chips dfu-util]] - ver. 0.9 - USB programmer dgen]] - ver. 1.33 - Sega Genesis / Mega Drive emulator dhall]] - ver. 1.29.0 - Interpreter for the Dhall language dhall-bash]] - ver. 1.0.25 - Compile Dhall to Bash dhall-json]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Dhall to JSON compiler and a Dhall to YAML compiler dhall-lsp-server]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Dhall dhcpdump]] - ver. 1.8 - Monitor DHCP traffic for debugging purposes dhcping]] - ver. 1.2 - Perform a dhcp-request to check whether a dhcp-server is running dhex]] - ver. 0.69 - Ncurses based advanced hex editor featuring diff mode and more di]] - ver. 4.47.3 - Advanced df-like disk information utility dialog]] - ver. 1.3-20191210 - Display user-friendly message boxes from shell scripts diamond]] - ver. 0.9.30 - Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner diceware]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Passphrases to remember dict]] - ver. 1.12.1 - Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client diction]] - ver. 1.11 - GNU diction and style dieharder]] - ver. 3.31.1 - Random number test suite diesel]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Command-line tool for Rust ORM Diesel diff-pdf]] - ver. 0.3 - Visually compare two PDF files diff-so-fancy]] - ver. 1.2.7 - Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more diffoscope]] - ver. 128 - In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories diffr]] - ver. 0.1.3 - LCS based diff highlighting tool to ease code review from your terminal diffstat]] - ver. 1.63 - Produce graph of changes introduced by a diff file diffutils]] - ver. 3.7 - File comparison utilities digdag]] - ver. 0.9.41 - Workload Automation System digitemp]] - ver. 3.7.2 - Read temperature sensors in a 1-Wire net dirac]] - ver. 1.0.2 - General-purpose video codec aimed at a range of resolutions direnv]] - ver. 2.21.2 - Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD direvent]] - ver. 5.2 - Monitors events in the file system directories dirt]] - ver. 1.1 - Experimental sample playback discount]] - ver. 2.2.4 - C implementation of Markdown disktype]] - ver. 9 - Detect content format of a disk or disk image diskus]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh' dislocker]] - ver. 0.7.1 - FUSE driver to read/write Windows' BitLocker-ed volumes distcc]] - ver. 3.3.3 - Distributed compiler client and server distribution]] - ver. 1.3 - Create ASCII graphical histograms in the terminal dita-ot]] - ver. 3.4 - DITA Open Toolkit is an implementation of the OASIS DITA specification ditaa]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Convert ASCII diagrams into proper bitmap graphics dive]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Tool for exploring each layer in a docker image django-completion]] - ver. 3.0.3 - Bash completion for Django djbdns]] - ver. 1.05 - D.J. Bernstein's DNS tools djmount]] - ver. 0.71 - File system client for mounting network media servers djview4 - 4.10.6 - Viewer for the DjVu image format djvu2pdf]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Small tool to convert Djvu files to PDF files djvulibre]] - ver. 3.5.27 - DjVu viewer dlib]] - ver. 19.19 - C++ library for machine learning dlite]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Provides a way to use docker on macOS without docker-machine dmalloc]] - ver. 5.5.2 - Debug versions of system memory management routines dmd]] - ver. 2.090.1 - D programming language compiler for macOS dmenu]] - ver. 4.9 - Dynamic menu for X11 dmg2img]] - ver. 1.6.7 - Utilities for converting macOS DMG images dmtx-utils]] - ver. 0.7.6 - Read and write data matrix barcodes dns2tcp]] - ver. 0.5.2 - TCP over DNS tunnel dnscontrol]] - ver. 2.11 - It is system for maintaining DNS zones dnscrypt-proxy]] - ver. 2.0.39 - Secure communications between a client and a DNS resolver dnscrypt-wrapper]] - ver. 0.4.2 - Server-side proxy that adds dnscrypt support to name resolvers dnsdist]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer dnsmap]] - ver. 0.30 - Passive DNS network mapper (a.k.a. subdomains bruteforcer) dnsmasq]] - ver. 2.80 - Lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server dnsperf]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Measure DNS performance by simulating network conditions dnsrend]] - ver. 0.08 - DNS message dissector dnstop]] - ver. 20140915 - Console tool to analyze DNS traffic dnstracer]] - ver. 1.9 - Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source dnstwist]] - ver. 20190706 - Test domains for typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage dnsviz]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Tools for analyzing and visualizing DNS and DNSSEC behavior docbook]] - ver. 5.0 - Standard SGML representation system for technical documents docbook-xsl]] - ver. 1.79.1 - XML vocabulary to create presentation-neutral documents docbook2x]] - ver. 0.8.8 - Convert DocBook to UNIX manpages and GNU TeXinfo docfx]] - ver. 2.48.1 - Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects docker]] - ver. 19.03.6 - Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container docker-clean]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Clean Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes docker-completion]] - ver. 19.03.6 - Bash, Zsh and Fish completion for Docker docker-compose]] - ver. 1.25.4 - Isolated development environments using Docker docker-compose-completion]] - ver. 1.25.4 - Docker-compose completion script docker-credential-helper]] - ver. 0.6.3 - macOS Credential Helper for Docker docker-credential-helper-ecr]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Docker Credential Helper for Amazon ECR docker-gen]] - ver. 0.7.4 - Generate files from docker container metadata docker-ls]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries docker-machine]] - ver. 0.16.2 - Create Docker hosts locally and on cloud providers docker-machine-completion]] - ver. 0.16.2 - Docker-machine completion script docker-machine-driver-hyperkit]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Docker Machine driver for hyperkit docker-machine-driver-vmware]] - ver. 0.1.1 - VMware Fusion & Workstation docker-machine driver docker-machine-driver-vultr]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Docker Machine driver plugin for Vultr Cloud docker-machine-driver-xhyve]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Docker Machine driver for xhyve docker-machine-nfs]] - ver. 0.5.3 - Activates NFS on docker-machine docker-machine-parallels]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Docker Machine Parallels Driver docker-slim]] - ver. 1.26.1 - Minify and secure Docker images docker-squash]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Docker image squashing tool docker-swarm]] - ver. 1.2.9 - Turn a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual host docker2aci]] - ver. 0.17.2 - Library and CLI tool to convert Docker images to ACIs dockerize]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers dockutil]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Tool for managing dock items dockviz]] - ver. 0.6.3 - Visualizing docker data dockward]] - ver. 0.0.4 - Port forwarding tool for Docker containers doctl]] - ver. 1.38.0 - Command-line tool for DigitalOcean docutils]] - ver. 0.16 - Text processing system for reStructuredText docx2txt]] - ver. 1.4 - Converts Microsoft Office docx documents to equivalent text documents doitlive]] - ver. 4.3.0 - Replay stored shell commands for live presentations dopewars]] - ver. 1.5.12 - Free rewrite of a game originally based on “Drug Wars” dos2unix]] - ver. 7.4.1 - Convert text between DOS, UNIX, and Mac formats dosbox]] - ver. 0.74-3 - DOS Emulator dosbox-x]] - ver. 0.82.22 - DOSBox with accurate emulation and wide testing dosfstools]] - ver. 4.1 - Tools to create, check and label file systems of the FAT family double-conversion]] - ver. 3.1.5 - Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles doublecpp]] - ver. 0.6.3 - Double dispatch in C++ doubledown]] - ver. 0.0.2 - Sync local changes to a remote directory dovecot]] - ver. - IMAP/POP3 server doxygen]] - ver. 1.8.17 - Generate documentation for several programming languages doxymacs]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Elisp package for using doxygen under Emacs dpkg]] - ver. 1.19.7 - Debian package management system dps8m]] - ver. 1.0 - Simulator for the Multics dps-8/m mainframe draco]] - ver. 1.3.5 - 3D geometric mesh and point cloud compression library drafter]] - ver. 4.1.0 - Native C/C++ API Blueprint Parser drake]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Data workflow tool meant to be 'make for data' drip]] - ver. 0.2.4 - JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs dromeaudio]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Small C++ audio manipulation and playback library drone-cli]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Drone CLI dropbear]] - ver. 2019.78 - Small SSH server/client for POSIX-based system dropbox-uploader]] - ver. 1.0 - Bash script for interacting with Dropbox druid]] - ver. 0.12.3 - High-performance, column-oriented, distributed data store dscanner]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Analyses e.g. the style and syntax of D code dsh]] - ver. 0.25.10 - Dancer's shell, or distributed shell dshb]] - ver. 0.2.0 - macOS system monitor in Swift dsocks]] - ver. 1.8 - SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD/macOS dspdfviewer]] - ver. 1.15.1 - Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for latex-beamer dssim]] - ver. 2.10.0 - RGBA Structural Similarity Rust implementation dsvpn]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Dead Simple VPN dtach]] - ver. 0.9 - Emulates the detach feature of screen dtc]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Device tree compiler dterm]] - ver. 0.5 - Terminal emulator for use with xterm and friends dtrx]] - ver. 7.1 - Intelligent archive extraction dub]] - ver. 1.19.0 - Build tool for D projects duc]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Suite of tools for inspecting disk usage duck]] - ver. - Command-line interface for Cyberduck (a multi-protocol] file transfer tool) duff - ver. 0.5.2 - Quickly find duplicates in a set of files from the command-line dumb]] - ver. 0.9.3 - IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library dune]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Composable build system for OCaml dungeon]] - ver. 4.0 - The classic text adventure duo_unix]] - ver. 1.11.3 - Two-factor authentication for SSH duplicity]] - ver. 0.8.10 - Bandwidth-efficient encrypted backup duply]] - ver. 2.2 - Frontend to the duplicity backup system dupseek]] - ver. 1.3 - Interactive program to find and remove duplicate files dust]] - ver. 0.5.0 - More intuitive version of du in rust duti]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Select default apps for documents and URL schemes on macOS dvanalyzer]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Quality control tool for examining tape-to-file DV streams dvc]] - ver. 0.87.0 - Git for data science projects dvd-vr]] - ver. 0.9.7 - Utility to identify and extract recordings from DVD-VR files dvd+rw-tools]] - ver. 7.1 - DVD+-RW/R tools dvdauthor]] - ver. 0.7.2 - DVD-authoring toolset dvdbackup]] - ver. 0.4.2 - Rip DVD's from the command-line dvdrtools]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Fork of cdrtools DVD writer support dvm]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Docker Version Manager dvorak7min]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Dvorak (simplified keyboard layout) typing tutor dwarf]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Object file manipulation tool dwarfutils]] - ver. 20200114 - Dump and produce DWARF debug information in ELF objects dwatch]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Watch programs and perform actions based on a configuration file dwdiff]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Diff that operates at the word level dwm]] - ver. 6.2 - Dynamic window manager dxflib]] - ver. - C++ library for parsing DXF files dxpy]] - ver. 0.289.1 - DNAnexus toolkit utilities and platform API bindings for Python dyld-headers]] - ver. 732.8 - Header files for the dynamic linker dylibbundler]] - ver. 0.4.5 - Utility to bundle libraries into executables for macOS dynamips]] - ver. 0.2.21 - Cisco 7200/3600/3725/3745/2600/1700 Router Emulator dynare]] - ver. 4.5.7 - Platform for economic models, particularly DSGE and OLG models dynet]] - ver. 2.1 - Dynamic Neural Network Toolkit e2fsprogs]] - ver. 1.44.5 - Utilities for the ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems e2tools]] - ver. 0.0.16 - Utilities to read, write, and manipulate files in ext2/3/4 filesystems easy-git]] - ver. - Wrapper to simplify learning and using git easy-tag]] - ver. 2.4.3 - Application for viewing and editing audio file tags easyengine]] - ver. 4.0.17 - Command-line control panel to manage WordPress sites easyrpg-player]] - ver. 0.6.0 - RPG Maker 2000/2003 games interpreter ebook-tools]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Access and convert several ebook formats ec2-ami-tools]] - ver. 1.5.7 - Amazon EC2 AMI Tools (helps bundle Amazon Machine Images) ec2-api-tools]] - ver. - Client interface to the Amazon EC2 web service ecasound]] - ver. 2.9.2 - Multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor eccodes]] - ver. 2.16.0 - Decode and encode messages in the GRIB 1/2 and BUFR 3/4 formats echoprint-codegen]] - ver. 4.12 - Codegen for Echoprint ecl]] - ver. 16.1.3 - Embeddable Common Lisp ecm]] - ver. 1.0 - Prepare CD image files so they compress better ed]] - ver. 1.16 - Classic UNIX line editor editorconfig]] - ver. 0.12.3 - Maintain consistent coding style between multiple editors efl]] - ver. 1.22.4 - Enlightenment Foundation Libraries eg]] - ver. 1.02 - Expert Guide. Norton Guide Reader For GNU/Linux eg-examples]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Useful examples at the command-line eiffelstudio]] - ver. - Development environment for the Eiffel language eigen]] - ver. 3.3.7 - C++ template library for linear algebra einstein]] - ver. 2.0 - Remake of the old DOS game Sherlock ejabberd]] - ver. 20.02 - XMPP application server ejdb]] - ver. 2.0.36 - Embeddable JSON Database engine C11 library eject]] - ver. 0.1.27 - Generate swift code from Interface Builder xibs ekg2 - 0.3.1 - Multiplatform, multiprotocol], plugin-based instant messenger ekhtml - ver. 0.3.2 - Forgiving SAX-style HTML parser elasticsearch]] - ver. 6.8.6 - Distributed search & analytics engine elasticsearch@2.4 - 2.4.6 - Distributed search & analytics engine elasticsearch@5.6 - 5.6.16 - Distributed search & analytics engine elb-tools]] - ver. - Client interface to the Amazon Elastic Load Balancing web service elektra]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Framework to access config settings in a global key database eless]] - ver. 0.6 - Better `less` using Emacs view-mode and Bash elinks]] - ver. 0.11.7 - Text mode web browser elixir]] - ver. 1.10.2 - Functional metaprogramming aware language built on Erlang VM elixir-build]] - ver. 20141001 - Elixir version of ruby-build elm]] - ver. 0.19.1 - Functional programming language for building browser-based GUIs elm-format]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Elm source code formatter, inspired by gofmt elvish]] - ver. 0.13 - Friendly and expressive shell emacs]] - ver. 26.3 - GNU Emacs text editor emacs-clang-complete-async]] - ver. 0.5 - Emacs plugin using libclang to complete C/C++ code embree]] - ver. 3.8.0 - High-performance ray tracing kernels embulk]] - ver. 0.9.23 - Data transfer between various databases, file formats and services emojify]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Emoji on the command-line :scream: emp]] - ver. 0.13.0 - CLI for Empire ems-flasher]] - ver. 0.03 - Software for flashing the EMS Gameboy USB cart emscripten]] - ver. 1.39.8 - LLVM bytecode to JavaScript compiler enca]] - ver. 1.19 - Charset analyzer and converter encfs]] - ver. 1.9.5 - Encrypted pass-through FUSE file system enchant]] - ver. 2.2.7 - Spellchecker wrapping library enet]] - ver. 1.3.14 - Provides a network communication layer on top of UDP enigma]] - ver. 1.21 - Puzzle game inspired by Oxyd and Rock'n'Roll enscript]] - ver. 1.6.6 - Convert text to Postscript, HTML, or RTF, with syntax highlighting ensmallen]] - ver. 2.11.3 - Flexible C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization ent]] - ver. 1.0 - Pseudorandom number sequence test program entityx]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System entr]] - ver. 4.4 - Run arbitrary commands when files change envchain]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Secure your credentials in environment variables envconsul]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Launch process with environment variables from Consul and Vault envv]] - ver. 1.7 - Shell-independent handling of environment variables eot-utils]] - ver. 1.1 - Tools to convert fonts from OTF/TTF to EOT format epeg]] - ver. 0.9.2 - JPEG/JPG thumbnail scaling ephemeralpg]] - ver. 2.9 - Run tests on an isolated, temporary Postgres database epic5 - 2.1.1 - Enhanced, programmable IRC client eprover]] - ver. 2.4 - Theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality epsilon]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Powerful wavelet image compressor epstool]] - ver. 3.08 - Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files epubcheck]] - ver. 4.2.2 - Validate EPUB files, version 2.0 and later eralchemy]] - ver. 1.2.10 - Simple entity relation (ER) diagrams generation erlang]] - ver. 22.2.7 - Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems erlang@20 - - Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems erlang@21 - - Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems es]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Extensible shell with first class functions, lexical scoping, and more eslint]] - ver. 6.8.0 - AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript esniper]] - ver. 2.35.0 - Snipe eBay auctions from the command-line espeak]] - ver. 1.48.04 - Text to speech, software speech synthesizer esptool]] - ver. 2.8 - ESP8266 and ESP32 serial bootloader utility etcd]] - ver. 3.4.4 - Key value store for shared configuration and service discovery ethereum]] - ver. 1.9.11 - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol] etl - ver. 1.2.2 - Extensible Template Library etsh]] - ver. 5.3.1 - Two ports of /bin/sh from V6 UNIX (circa 1975) ettercap]] - ver. 0.8.3 - Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN euler-py]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Project Euler command-line tool written in Python eureka]] - ver. 1.6.2 - CLI tool to input and store your ideas without leaving the terminal eventlog]] - ver. 0.2.13 - Replacement for syslog API providing structure to messages eventql]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Database for large-scale event analytics evince]] - ver. 3.34.2 - GNOME document viewer ex-vi]] - ver. 050325 - UTF8-friendly version of tradition vi exa]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Modern replacement for 'ls' exact-image]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Image processing library excel-compare]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Command-line tool (and API) for diffing Excel Workbooks exempi]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Library to parse XMP metadata exenv]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Elixir versions management tool exercism]] - ver. 3.0.13 - Command-line tool to interact with exif]] - ver. 0.6.21 - Read, write, modify, and display EXIF data on the command-line exiftags]] - ver. 1.01 - Utility to read EXIF tags from a digital camera JPEG file exiftool]] - ver. 11.85 - Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata exiftran]] - ver. 2.14 - Transform digital camera jpegs and their EXIF data exim]] - ver. 4.92.3 - Complete replacement for sendmail exiv2 - 0.27.2 - EXIF and IPTC metadata manipulation library and tools exodriver]] - ver. 2.5.3 - Thin interface to LabJack devices exomizer]] - ver. 3.0.2 - 6502 compressor with CBM PET 4032 support expat]] - ver. 2.2.9 - XML 1.0 parser expect]] - ver. 5.45.4 - Program that can automate interactive applications exploitdb]] - ver. 2020-02-26 - The official Exploit Database ext2fuse]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Compact implementation of ext2 file system using FUSE ext4fuse]] - ver. 0.1.3 - Read-only implementation of ext4 for FUSE extract_url]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Perl script to extracts URLs from emails or plain text exult]] - ver. 1.4.9rc1+r7520 - Recreation of Ultima 7 eye-d3 - 0.9.2 - Work with ID3 metadata in .mp3 files ezstream]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Client for Icecast streaming servers f3 - 7.2 - Test various flash cards faac]] - ver. - ISO AAC audio encoder faad2 - 2.8.8 - ISO AAC audio decoder faas-cli]] - ver. 0.11.8 - CLI for templating and/or deploying FaaS functions fabio]] - ver. 1.5.13 - Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router fabric]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Library and command-line tool for SSH fabric-completion]] - ver. 1 - Bash completion for Fabric fades]] - ver. 8.1 - Automatically handle virtualenvs for python scripts fail2ban]] - ver. 0.11.1 - Scan log files and ban IPs showing malicious signs fairymax]] - ver. 4.8V]] - ver. AI for playing Chess variants faiss]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors fakeroot]] - ver. 1.23 - Provide a fake root environment falcon]] - ver. - Multi-paradigm programming language and scripting engine fantom]] - ver. 1.0.73 - Object oriented, portable programming language fasd]] - ver. 1.0.1 - CLI tool for quick access to files and directories fastbit]] - ver. 2.0.3 - Open-source data processing library in NoSQL spirit fastd]] - ver. 18 - Fast and Secure Tunnelling Daemon fastjar]] - ver. 0.98 - Implementation of Sun's jar tool fastlane]] - ver. 2.142.0 - Easiest way to build and release mobile apps fastme]] - ver. - Accurate and fast distance-based phylogeny inference program fastmod]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Fast partial replacement for the codemod tool fastqc]] - ver. 0.11.9 - Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data fasttext]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Library for fast text representation and classification fatsort]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Sorts FAT16 and FAT32 partitions faudio]] - ver. 20.01 - Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation for open platforms fauna-shell]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Interactive shell for FaunaDB faust]] - ver. 2.20.2 - Functional programming language for real time signal processing fb-client]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Shell-script client for fbi-servefiles]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Serve local files to Nintendo 3DS via FBI remote installer fceux]] - ver. 2.2.3 - The all in one NES/Famicom Emulator fcgi]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server fcgiwrap]] - ver. 1.1.0 - CGI support for Nginx fcitx-remote-for-osx]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Handle input method in command-line fcl]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Flexible Collision Library fcrackzip]] - ver. 1.0 - Zip password cracker fd]] - ver. 7.4.0 - Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find fdclone]] - ver. 3.01j]] - ver. Console-based file manager fdk-aac]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android fdk-aac-encoder]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line encoder frontend for libfdk-aac fdroidserver]] - ver. 1.1.6 - Create and manage Android app repositories for F-Droid fdupes]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Identify or delete duplicate files feedgnuplot]] - ver. 1.53 - Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the command-line feh]] - ver. 3.3 - X11 image viewer fetch-crl]] - ver. 3.0.21 - Retrieve certificate revocation lists (CRLs) fetchmail]] - ver. 6.4.2 - Fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server fex]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Powerful field extraction tool ffe]] - ver. 0.3.9 - Parse flat file structures and print them in different formats fff]] - ver. 2.1 - Simple file manager written in bash ffind]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Friendlier find ffmpeg]] - ver. 4.2.2 - Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video ffmpeg@2.8 - 2.8.15 - Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video ffmpeg2theora]] - ver. 0.30 - Convert video files to Ogg Theora format ffmpegthumbnailer]] - ver. 2.2.2 - Create thumbnails for your video files ffms2 - 2.23 - Libav/ffmpeg based source library and Avisynth plugin ffsend]] - ver. 0.2.58 - Fully featured Firefox Send client fftw]] - ver. 3.3.8 - C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform ffuf]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Fast web fuzzer written in Go fibjs]] - ver. 0.29.0 - JavaScript on Fiber ficy]] - ver. 1.0.21 - Icecast/Shoutcast stream grabber suite field3d]] - ver. 1.7.2 - Library for storing voxel data on disk and in memory fifechan]] - ver. 0.1.5 - C++ GUI library designed for games fig2dev]] - ver. 3.2.7b]] - ver. Translates figures generated by xfig to other formats figlet]] - ver. 2.2.5 - Banner-like program prints strings as ASCII art file-formula]] - ver. 5.38 - Utility to determine file types file-roller]] - ver. 3.32.4 - GNOME archive manager filebeat]] - ver. 6.2.4 - File harvester to ship log files to Elasticsearch or Logstash fileicon]] - ver. 0.2.2 - macOS CLI for managing custom icons for files and folders finatra]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Scala web framework inspired by Sinatra findent]] - ver. 3.1.3 - Indent and beautify Fortran sources and generate dependency information findomain]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Cross-platform subdomain enumerator findutils]] - ver. 4.7.0 - Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate fio]] - ver. 3.18 - I/O benchmark and stress test firebase-cli]] - ver. 7.14.0 - Firebase command-line tools fish]] - ver. 3.1.0 - User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems fits]] - ver. 1.5.0 - File Information Tool Set fizmo]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Z-Machine interpreter fizsh]] - ver. 1.0.9 - Fish-like front end for ZSH flac]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Free lossless audio codec flac123 - 0.0.12 - Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files flactag]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Tag single album FLAC files with MusicBrainz CUE sheets flake]] - ver. 0.11 - FLAC audio encoder flake8 - 3.7.9 - Lint your Python code for style and logical errors flann]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors flashrom]] - ver. 1.2 - Identify, read, write, verify, and erase flash chips flasm]] - ver. 1.62 - Flash command-line assembler and disassembler flatbuffers]] - ver. 1.11.0 - Serialization library for C++, supporting Java, C#, and Go flatcc]] - ver. 0.6.0 - FlatBuffers Compiler and Library in C for C flawfinder]] - ver. 2.0.11 - Examines code and reports possible security weaknesses fleetctl]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Distributed init system flex]] - ver. 2.6.4 - Fast Lexical Analyzer, generates Scanners (tokenizers) flickcurl]] - ver. 1.26 - Library for the Flickr API flif]] - ver. 0.3 - Free Loseless Image Format flint]] - ver. 2.5.2 - C library for number theory flint-checker]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Check your project for common sources of contributor friction flintrock]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Tool for launching Apache Spark clusters flow]] - ver. 0.119.1 - Static type checker for JavaScript flow-tools]] - ver. - Collect, send, process, and generate NetFlow data reports flowgrind]] - ver. 0.8.0 - TCP measurement tool, similar to iperf or netperf fltk]] - ver. 1.3.5 - Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit fluent-bit]] - ver. 1.3.7 - Data Collector for IoT fluid-synth]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specs flume]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Hadoop-based distributed log collection and aggregation fluxctl]] - ver. 1.18.0 - Command-line tool to access Weave Flux, the Kubernetes GitOps operator flvmeta]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Manipulate Adobe flash video files (FLV) flvstreamer]] - ver. 2.1c1 - Stream audio and video from flash & RTMP Servers flyway]] - ver. 6.2.3 - Database version control to control migrations fmdiff]] - ver. 20150915 - Use FileMerge as a diff command for Subversion and Mercurial fmpp]] - ver. 0.9.16 - Text file preprocessing tool using FreeMarker templates fmsx]] - ver. 5.4 - MSX emulator fmt]] - ver. 6.1.2 - Open-source formatting library for C++ fn]] - ver. 0.5.92 - Command-line tool for the fn project fobis]] - ver. 2.9.5 - KISS build tool for automaticaly building modern Fortran projects folly]] - ver. 2020.02.10.00 - Collection of reusable C++ library artifacts developed at Facebook foma]] - ver. 0.9.18 - Finite-state compiler and C library fon-flash-cli]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Flash La Fonera and Atheros chipset compatible devices fondu]] - ver. 060102 - Tools to convert between different font formats fontconfig]] - ver. 2.13.1 - XML-based font configuration API for X Windows fontforge]] - ver. 20190801 - Command-line outline and bitmap font editor/converter fonttools]] - ver. 4.4.0 - Library for manipulating fonts fop]] - ver. 2.4 - XSL-FO print formatter for making PDF or PS documents ford]] - ver. 6.0.0 - Automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs forego]] - ver. 20180216151118 - Foreman in Go for Procfile-based application management foremost]] - ver. 1.5.7 - Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers fork-cleaner]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Cleans up old and inactive forks on your GitHub account format-udf]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Bash script to format a block device to UDF fortio]] - ver. 1.3.1 - HTTP and gRPC load testing and visualization tool and server fortune]] - ver. 9708 - Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator fossil]] - ver. 2.10 - Distributed software configuration management fourstore]] - ver. 1.1.6 - Efficient, stable RDF database fox]] - ver. 1.6.56 - Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily fpc]] - ver. 3.0.4 - Free Pascal: multi-architecture Pascal compiler fping]] - ver. 4.2 - Scriptable ping program for checking if multiple hosts are up fpp]] - ver. 0.9.2 - CLI program that accepts piped input and presents files for selection fprobe]] - ver. 1.1 - Libpcap-based NetFlow probe fq]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Brokered message queue optimized for performance fragroute]] - ver. 1.2 - Intercepts, modifies and rewrites egress traffic for a specified host freealut]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard freeciv]] - ver. 2.6.2 - Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game freediameter]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Open source Diameter (Authentication) protocol] implementation freedink - ver. 109.6 - Portable version of the Dink Smallwood game engine freeglut]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library freeimage]] - ver. 3.18.0 - Library for FreeImage, a dependency-free graphics library freeipmi]] - ver. 1.6.4 - In-band and out-of-band IPMI (v1.5/2.0) software freeling]] - ver. 4.1 - Suite of language analyzers freeradius-server]] - ver. 3.0.20 - High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server freerdp]] - ver. 2.0.0-rc4 - X11 implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) freeswitch]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Telephony platform to route various communication protocol]s freetds - ver. 1.1.24 - Libraries to talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases freetype]] - ver. 2.10.1 - Software library to render fonts freexl]] - ver. 1.0.5 - Library to extract data from Excel .xls files frege]] - ver. 3.24.405 - Non-strict, functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell frege-repl]] - ver. 1.4-SNAPSHOT]] - ver. REPL (read-eval-print loop) for Frege frei0r]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Minimalistic plugin API for video effects fribidi]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm frobtads]] - ver. 1.2.4 - TADS interpreter and compilers frotz]] - ver. 2.51 - Infocom-style interactive fiction player frpc]] - ver. 0.31.2 - Client app of fast reverse proxy to expose a local server to the internet frps]] - ver. 0.31.2 - Server app of fast reverse proxy to expose a local server to the internet frugal]] - ver. 3.7.1 - Cross language code generator for creating scalable microservices fruit]] - ver. 3.4.0 - Dependency injection framework for C++ fs-uae]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Amiga emulator fselect]] - ver. 0.6.8 - Find files with SQL-like queries fsevent_watch]] - ver. 0.1 - macOS FSEvents client fsevents-tools]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line utilities for the FSEvents API fsh]] - ver. 1.2 - Provides remote command execution fsql]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Search through your filesystem with SQL-esque queries fstrm]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Frame Streams implementation in C fsw]] - ver. 1.3.9 - File change monitor with multiple backends fswatch]] - ver. 1.14.0 - Monitor a directory for changes and run a shell command ftgl]] - ver. 2.1.3-rc5 - Freetype / OpenGL bridge ftjam]] - ver. 2.5.2 - Build tool that can be used as a replacement for Make fuego]] - ver. 1.1.SVN]] - ver. Collection of C++ libraries for the game of Go funcoeszz]] - ver. 15.5 - Dozens of command-line mini-applications (Portuguese) fuse-emulator]] - ver. 1.5.7 - Free Unix Spectrum Emulator fuse-zip]] - ver. 0.7.0 - FUSE file system to create & manipulate ZIP archives fuseki]] - ver. 3.14.0 - SPARQL server futhark]] - ver. 0.14.1 - Data-parallel functional programming language fuzzy-find]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Fuzzy filename finder matching across directories as well as files fwknop]] - ver. 2.6.10 - Single Packet Authorization and Port Knocking fwup]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Configurable embedded Linux firmware update creator and runner fx]] - ver. 18.0.1 - Command-line JSON processing tool fzf]] - ver. 0.20.0 - Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go fzy]] - ver. 1.0 - Fast, simple fuzzy text selector with an advanced scoring algorithm g2 - 1.1 - Friendly git client g3log]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Asynchronous, 'crash safe', logger that is easy to use gabedit]] - ver. 2.5.0 - GUI to computational chemistry packages like Gamess-US, Gaussian, etc. gaffitter]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Efficiently fit files/folders to fixed size volumes (like DVDs) galen]] - ver. 2.4.4 - Automated testing of look and feel for responsive websites gambit]] - ver. 15.1.1 - Software tools for game theory gambit-scheme]] - ver. 4.9.3 - Gambit Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme Language game-music-emu]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Videogame music file emulator collection gammaray]] - ver. 2.11.0 - Examine and manipulate Qt application internals at runtime gammu]] - ver. 1.41.0 - Command-line utility to control a phone gandi.cli]] - ver. 1.5 - Command-line interface to products using the public API ganglia]] - ver. 3.7.2 - Scalable distributed monitoring system garmintools]] - ver. 0.10 - Interface to the Garmin Forerunner GPS units gatsby-cli]] - ver. 2.9.0 - Gatsby command-line interface gauche]] - ver. 0.9.9 - R7RS Scheme implementation, developed to be a handy script interpreter gauge]] - ver. 1.0.7 - Test automation tool that supports executable documentation gaul]] - ver. 0.1850-0 - Genetic Algorithm Utility Library gawk]] - ver. 5.0.1 - GNU awk utility gbdfed]] - ver. 1.6 - Bitmap Font Editor gcab]] - ver. 1.4 - Windows installer (.MSI) tool gcal]] - ver. 4.1 - Program for calculating and printing calendars gcc]] - ver. 9.2.0 - GNU compiler collection gcc@4.9 - 4.9.4 - The GNU Compiler Collection gcc@5 - 5.5.0 - The GNU Compiler Collection gcc@6 - 6.5.0 - GNU compiler collection gcc@7 - 7.5.0 - GNU compiler collection gcc@8 - 8.3.0 - GNU compiler collection gconf]] - ver. 3.2.6 - System for storing user application preferences gcore]] - ver. 1.3 - Produce a snapshot (core dump) of a running process gcovr]] - ver. 4.1 - Reports from gcov test coverage program gcsfuse]] - ver. 0.29.0 - User-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud gcutil]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Manage your Google Compute Engine resources gcviewer]] - ver. 1.35 - Java garbage collection visualization tool gd]] - ver. 2.2.5 - Graphics library to dynamically manipulate images gdal]] - ver. 2.4.4 - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library gdb]] - ver. 9.1 - GNU debugger gdbm]] - ver. 1.18.1 - GNU database manager gdcm]] - ver. 3.0.5 - Grassroots DICOM library and utilities for medical files gdk-pixbuf]] - ver. 2.40.0 - Toolkit for image loading and pixel buffer manipulation gdl]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME Docking Library provides docking features for GTK+ 3 gdm]] - ver. 1.4 - Go Dependency Manager (gdm) gdmap]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Tool to inspect the used space of folders gdrive]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Google Drive CLI Client gdub]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Gradlew/gradle wrapper geant4 - 10.5.1 - Simulation toolkit for particle transport through matter gearboy]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Nintendo Game Boy (Color) emulator gearman]] - ver. 1.1.18 - Application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes gearsystem]] - ver. 2.6.1 - Sega Master System / Game Gear / SG-1000 emulator geckodriver]] - ver. 0.26.0 - WebDriver ↔ Marionette proxy gecode]] - ver. 6.2.0 - Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications gedit]] - ver. 3.34.1 - The GNOME text editor geeqie]] - ver. 1.4 - Lightweight Gtk+ based image viewer gegl]] - ver. 0.4.16 - Graph based image processing framework gel]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Modern gem manager gem-completion]] - ver. 2 - Bash completion for gem genact]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Nonsense activity generator genders]] - ver. 1.22 - Static cluster configuration database for cluster management generate-json-schema]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Generate a JSON Schema from Sample JSON genext2fs]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Generates an ext2 filesystem as a normal (non-root) user gengetopt]] - ver. 2.23 - Generate C code to parse command-line arguments via getopt_long genometools]] - ver. 1.5.10 - GenomeTools: The versatile open source genome analysis software genstats]] - ver. 1.2 - Generate statistics about stdin or textfiles geocode-glib]] - ver. 3.26.1 - GNOME library for gecoding and reverse geocoding geogram]] - ver. 1.7.3 - Programming library of geometric algorithms geographiclib]] - ver. 1.50.1 - C++ geography library geoip]] - ver. 1.6.12 - This library is for the GeoIP Legacy format (dat) geoipupdate]] - ver. 4.1.5 - Automatic updates of GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy databases geomview]] - ver. 1.9.5 - Interactive 3D viewing program geos]] - ver. 3.8.0 - Geometry Engine geoserver]] - ver. 2.16.2 - Java server to share and edit geospatial data gerbil-scheme]] - ver. 0.15.1 - Opinionated dialect of Scheme designed for Systems Programming gerbv]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Gerber (RS-274X) viewer gerrit-tools]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Tools to ease Gerrit code review get-flash-videos]] - ver. - Download or play videos from various Flash-based websites get_iplayer]] - ver. 3.25 - Utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer getdns]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Modern asynchronous DNS API getmail]] - ver. 5.14 - Extensible mail retrieval system with POP3, IMAP4, SSL support gettext]] - ver. 0.20.1 - GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library getxbook]] - ver. 1.2 - Tools to download ebooks from various sources gexiv2 - 0.12.0 - GObject wrapper around the Exiv2 photo metadata library gf-complete]] - ver. 2.0 - Comprehensive Library for Galois Field Arithmetic gflags]] - ver. 2.2.2 - Library for processing command-line flags gforth]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Implementation of the ANS Forth language gh]] - ver. 0.5.7 - GitHub command-line tool ghc]] - ver. 8.8.2 - Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System ghc@8.6 - 8.6.5 - Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System ghex]] - ver. 3.18.4 - GNOME hex editor ghi]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Work on GitHub issues on the command-line ghostscript]] - ver. 9.50 - Interpreter for PostScript and PDF ghq]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Remote repository management made easy ghr]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Upload multiple artifacts to GitHub Release in parallel gibbslda]] - ver. 0.2 - Library wrapping imlib2's context API gibo]] - ver. 2.2.3 - Access GitHub's .gitignore boilerplates gif2png]] - ver. 2.5.13 - Convert GIFs to PNGs gifcap]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Capture video from an Android device and make a gif gifify]] - ver. 4.0 - Turn movies into GIFs giflib]] - ver. 5.2.1 - Library and utilities for processing GIFs giflossy]] - ver. 1.91 - Lossy LZW compression, reduces GIF file sizes by 30-50% gifsicle]] - ver. 1.92 - GIF image/animation creator/editor gifski]] - ver. 0.10.2 - Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant gimme]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Shell script to install any Go version gimme-aws-creds]] - ver. 2.3.1 - CLI to retrieve AWS credentials from Okta ginac]] - ver. 1.7.8 - Not a Computer algebra system gist]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Command-line utility for uploading Gists gistit]] - ver. 0.1.3 - Command-line utility for creating Gists git]] - ver. 2.25.0 - Distributed revision control system git-absorb]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Automatic git commit –fixup git-annex]] - ver. 7.20200219 - Manage files with git without checking in file contents git-annex-remote-rclone]] - ver. 0.6 - Use rclone supported cloud storage with git-annex git-appraise]] - ver. 0.6 - Distributed code review system for Git repos git-archive-all]] - ver. 1.21.0 - Archive a project and its submodules git-cal]] - ver. 0.9.1 - GitHub-like contributions calendar but on the command-line git-cinnabar]] - ver. 0.5.3 - Git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories git-cola]] - ver. 3.6 - Highly caffeinated git GUI git-credential-manager]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Stores Git credentials for Visual Studio Team Services git-crypt]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Enable transparent encryption/decryption of files in a git repo git-delta]] - ver. 0.0.16 - Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output git-extras]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Small git utilities git-filter-repo]] - ver. 2.24.0 - Quickly rewrite git repository history git-fixup]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Alias for git commit –fixup <ref> git-flow]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Extensions to follow Vincent Driessen's branching model git-flow-avh]] - ver. 1.12.3 - AVH edition of git-flow git-fresh]] - ver. 1.12.1 - Utility to keep git repos fresh git-ftp]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Git-powered FTP client git-game]] - ver. 1.2 - Game for git to guess who made which commit git-gerrit]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Gerrit code review helper scripts git-gui]] - ver. 2.25.1 - Tcl/Tk UI for the git revision control system git-hooks]] - ver. 1.00.0 - Manage project, user, and global Git hooks git-if]] - ver. 1.3.5 - Glulx interpreter that is optimized for speed git-imerge]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Incremental merge for git git-integration]] - ver. 0.4 - Manage git integration branches git-lfs]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Git extension for versioning large files git-multipush]] - ver. 2.3 - Push a branch to multiple remotes in one command git-now]] - ver. - Light, temporary commits for git git-number]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Use numbers for dealing with files in git git-octopus]] - ver. 1.4 - The continuous merge workflow git-open]] - ver. 1.3 - Open GitHub webpages from a terminal git-plus]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Git utilities: git multi, git relation, git old-branches, git recent git-quick-stats]] - ver. 2.0.12 - Simple and efficient way to access statistics in git git-recent]] - ver. 1.1.1 - See your latest local git branches, formatted real fancy git-remote-gcrypt]] - ver. 1.2 - GPG-encrypted git remotes git-remote-hg]] - ver. 0.4 - Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial git-review]] - ver. 1.28.0 - Submit git branches to gerrit for review git-revise]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Rebase alternative for easy & efficient in-memory rebases and fixups git-secret]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Bash-tool to store the private data inside a git repo git-secrets]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Prevents you from committing sensitive information to a git repo git-series]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Track changes to a patch series over time git-sh]] - ver. 1.3 - Customized Bash environment for git work git-sizer]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Compute various size metrics for a Git repository git-ssh]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Proxy for serving git repositories over SSH git-standup]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Git extension to generate reports for standup meetings git-subrepo]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Git Submodule Alternative git-svn-abandon]] - ver. 0.0.1 - History-preserving svn-to-git migration git-test]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Run tests on each distinct tree in a revision list git-tf]] - ver. - Share changes between TFS and git git-town]] - ver. 7.3.0 - High-level command-line interface for Git git-tracker]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Integrate Pivotal Tracker into your Git workflow git-url-sub]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Recursively substitute remote URLs for multiple repos git-utils]] - ver. 1.0 - Various Git helper utilities git-vendor]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Command for managing git vendored dependencies git-when-merged]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Find where a commit was merged in git gitbatch]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Manage your git repositories in one place gitbucket]] - ver. 4.33.0 - Git platform powered by Scala offering giter8 - 0.12.0 - Generate files and directories from templates in a git repo gitfs]] - ver. 0.5.2 - Version controlled file system gitg]] - ver. 3.32.1 - GNOME GUI client to view git repositories github-keygen]] - ver. 1.305 - Bootstrap GitHub SSH configuration github-markdown-toc]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Easy TOC creation for GitHub (in go) github-release]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Create and edit releases on Github (and upload artifacts) gitlab-gem]] - ver. 4.11.0 - Ruby client and CLI for GitLab API gitlab-runner]] - ver. 12.8.0 - The official GitLab CI runner written in Go gitleaks]] - ver. 3.3.0 - Audit git repos for secrets gitless]] - ver. 0.8.8 - Simplified version control system on top of git gitmoji]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Emoji guide for your commit messages gitslave]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Create group of related repos with one as superproject gitter-cli]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Extremely simple Gitter client for terminals gitup]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Update multiple git repositories at once gitversion]] - ver. 5.1.3 - Easy semantic versioning for projects using Git gjs]] - ver. 1.58.5 - JavaScript Bindings for GNOME gkrellm]] - ver. 2.3.11 - Extensible GTK system monitoring application gl2ps]] - ver. 1.4.0 - OpenGL to PostScript printing library glade]] - ver. 3.22.2 - RAD tool for the GTK+ and GNOME environment glances]] - ver. 3.1.3 - Alternative to top/htop glassfish]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Java EE application server glbinding]] - ver. 2.1.4 - C++ binding for the OpenGL API gleam]] - ver. 0.6.0 - ✨ A statically typed language for the Erlang VM glew]] - ver. 2.1.0 - OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library glfw]] - ver. 3.3.2 - Multi-platform library for OpenGL applications glib]] - ver. 2.62.5 - Core application library for C glib-networking]] - ver. 2.62.3 - Network related modules for glib glib-openssl]] - ver. 2.50.8 - OpenSSL GIO module for glib glibmm]] - ver. 2.62.0 - C++ interface to glib glide]] - ver. 0.13.3 - Simplified Go project management, dependency management, and vendoring glkterm]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Terminal-window Glk library glktermw]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Terminal-window Glk library with Unicode support glm]] - ver. - C++ mathematics library for graphics software global]] - ver. 6.6.4 - Source code tag system globe]] - ver. 0.0.20140814 - Prints ASCII graphic of currently-lit side of the Earth globjects]] - ver. 1.1.0 - C++ library strictly wrapping OpenGL objects glog]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Application-level logging library glooctl]] - ver. 1.3.9 - Envoy-Powered API Gateway gloox]] - ver. 1.0.23 - C++ Jabber/XMPP library that handles the low-level protocol] glow - ver. 0.2.0 - Render markdown on the CLI glpk]] - ver. 4.65 - Library for Linear and Mixed-Integer Programming glslang]] - ver. 8.13.3559 - OpenGL and OpenGL ES reference compiler for shading languages glslviewer]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Live-coding console tool that renders GLSL Shaders glui]] - ver. 2.37 - C++ user interface library glulxe]] - ver. 0.5.4 - Portable VM like the Z-machine glyr]] - ver. 1.0.10 - Music related metadata search engine with command-line interface and C API gmail-backup]] - ver. 20110307 - Backup and restore the content of your Gmail account gmediaserver]] - ver. 0.13.0 - UPnP Mediaserver gmic]] - ver. 2.8.4 - Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing gmime]] - ver. 3.2.6 - MIME mail utilities gmp]] - ver. 6.2.0 - GNU multiple precision arithmetic library gmsh]] - ver. 4.5.2 - 3D finite element grid generator with CAD engine gmt]] - ver. 6.0.0 - Tools for manipulating and plotting geographic and Cartesian data gmt@5 - 5.4.5 - Tools for manipulating and plotting geographic and Cartesian data gnirehtet]] - ver. 2.4 - Reverse tethering tool for Android gnome-autoar]] - ver. 0.2.4 - GNOME library for archive handling gnome-builder]] - ver. 3.30.3 - IDE for GNOME gnome-common]] - ver. 3.18.0 - Core files for GNOME gnome-latex]] - ver. 3.32.0 - LaTeX editor for the GNOME desktop gnome-recipes]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Formula for GNOME recipes gnome-themes-standard]] - ver. 3.22.3 - Default themes for the GNOME desktop environment gnu-apl]] - ver. 1.8 - GNU implementation of the programming language APL gnu-barcode]] - ver. 0.99 - Convert text strings to printed bars gnu-chess]] - ver. 6.2.5 - GNU Chess gnu-cobol]] - ver. 2.2 - Implements much of the COBOL 85 and COBOL 2002 standards gnu-complexity]] - ver. 1.10 - Measures complexity of C source gnu-getopt]] - ver. 2.35.1 - Command-line option parsing utility gnu-go]] - ver. 3.8 - GNU Go gnu-indent]] - ver. 2.2.12 - C code prettifier gnu-prolog]] - ver. 1.4.5 - Prolog compiler with constraint solving gnu-sed]] - ver. 4.8 - GNU implementation of the famous stream editor gnu-shogi]] - ver. 1.4.2 - GNU Shogi (Japanese Chess) gnu-smalltalk]] - ver. 3.2.5 - GNU Smalltalk interpreter and image gnu-tar]] - ver. 1.32 - GNU version of the tar archiving utility gnu-time]] - ver. 1.9 - GNU implementation of time utility gnu-typist]] - ver. 2.9.5 - GNU typing tutor gnu-units]] - ver. 2.19 - GNU unit conversion tool gnu-which]] - ver. 2.21 - GNU implementation of which utility gnumeric]] - ver. 1.12.46 - GNOME Spreadsheet Application gnunet]] - ver. 0.12.2 - Framework for distributed, secure and privacy-preserving applications gnupg]] - ver. 2.2.19 - GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package gnupg-pkcs11-scd]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Enable the use of PKCS#11 tokens with GnuPG gnupg@1.4 - 1.4.23 - GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package gnuplot]] - ver. 5.2.8 - Command-driven, interactive function plotting gnuplot@4 - 4.6.7 - Command-driven, interactive function plotting gnuradio]] - ver. - SDK providing the signal processing runtime and processing blocks gnuski]] - ver. 0.3 - Open source clone of Skifree gnustep-make]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Basic GNUstep Makefiles gnutls]] - ver. 3.6.12 - GNU Transport Layer Security (TLS) Library go]] - ver. 1.14 - Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software go-bindata]] - ver. 3.17.0 - Small utility that generates Go code from any file go-jira]] - ver. 1.0.23 - Simple jira command-line client in Go go-md2man]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Converts markdown into roff (man pages) go-statik]] - ver. 0.1.6 - Embed files into a Go executable go@1.10 - 1.10.8 - Go programming environment (1.10) go@1.11 - 1.11.13 - Go programming environment (1.11) go@1.12 - 1.12.17 - Go programming environment (1.12) go@1.13 - 1.13.8 - Go programming environment (1.13) go@1.9 - 1.9.7 - Go programming environment (1.9) goaccess]] - ver. 1.3 - Log analyzer and interactive viewer for the Apache Webserver goad]] - ver. 2.0.4 - AWS Lambda powered, highly distributed, load testing tool built in Go gobby]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Multi-platform collaborative text editor gobject-introspection]] - ver. 1.62.0 - Generate introspection data for GObject libraries gobuster]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go gocr]] - ver. 0.52 - Optical Character Recognition (OCR), converts images back to text gocryptfs]] - ver. 1.7.1 - Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go godep]] - ver. 80 - Dependency tool for go goenv]] - ver. 1.23.3 - Go version management gofabric8 - 0.4.176 - CLI for fabric8 running on Kubernetes or OpenShift goffice]] - ver. 0.10.46 - Gnumeric spreadsheet program golang-migrate]] - ver. 4.9.1 - Database migrations CLI tool gollum]] - ver. 0.5.4 - n:m message multiplexer written in Go golo]] - ver. 3.3.0 - Lightweight dynamic language for the JVM gom]] - ver. 0.4 - GObject wrapper around SQLite gomplate]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Command-line Golang template processor goocanvas]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Canvas widget for GTK+ using the Cairo 2D library for drawing goofys]] - ver. 0.23.1 - Filey-System interface to Amazon S3 google-authenticator-libpam]] - ver. 1.08 - PAM module for two-factor authentication google-benchmark]] - ver. 1.5.0 - C++ microbenchmark support library google-java-format]] - ver. 1.7 - Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style google-sparsehash]] - ver. 2.0.3 - Extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation google-sql-tool]] - ver. r10 - Command-line tool for executing common SQL statements googler]] - ver. 4.0 - Google Search and News from the command-line goolabs]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Command-line tool for morphologically analyzing Japanese language goose]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Go Language's command-line interface for database migrations gopass]] - ver. 1.8.6 - The slightly more awesome Standard Unix Password Manager for Teams gor]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Real-time HTTP traffic replay tool written in Go goreleaser]] - ver. 0.127.0 - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible goreman]] - ver. 0.3.5 - Foreman clone written in Go gosu]] - ver. 1.14.17 - Pragmatic language for the JVM gotags]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Tag generator for Go, compatible with ctags goto]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Bash tool for navigation to aliased directories with auto-completion gotop]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop gource]] - ver. 0.51 - Version Control Visualization Tool govc]] - ver. 0.22.1 - Command-line tool for VMware vSphere govendor]] - ver. 1.0.9 - Go vendor tool that works with the standard vendor file gowsdl]] - ver. 0.3.1 - WSDL2Go code generation as well as its SOAP proxy gox]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Go cross compile tool gpa]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Graphical user interface for the GnuPG gpac]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Multimedia framework for research and academic purposes gpatch]] - ver. 2.7.6 - Apply a diff file to an original gpcslots2 - 0.4.5b]] - ver. Casino text-console game gperf]] - ver. 3.1 - Perfect hash function generator gperftools]] - ver. 2.7 - Multi-threaded malloc() and performance analysis tools gpgme]] - ver. 1.13.1 - Library access to GnuPG gphoto2 - 2.5.23 - Command-line interface to libgphoto2 gplcver]] - ver. 2.12a]] - ver. Pragmatic C Software GPL Cver 2001 gpm]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Barebones dependency manager for Go gpp]] - ver. 2.25 - General-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax gpredict]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Real-time satellite tracking/prediction application gprof2dot]] - ver. 2017.9.19 - Convert the output from many profilers into a Graphviz dot graph gpsbabel]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Converts/uploads GPS waypoints, tracks, and routes gpsd]] - ver. 3.17 - Global Positioning System (GPS) daemon gpsim]] - ver. 0.31.0 - Simulator for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers gptfdisk]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Text-mode partitioning tools gptsync]] - ver. 0.14 - GPT and MBR partition tables synchronization tool gputils]] - ver. 1.5.0-1 - GNU PIC Utilities gpx]] - ver. 2.5.2 - Gcode to x3g converter for 3D printers running Sailfish gqlplus]] - ver. 1.16 - Drop-in replacement for sqlplus, an Oracle SQL client gqview]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Image browser gr-osmosdr]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Osmocom GNU Radio Blocks grace]] - ver. 5.1.25 - WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for X11 gradio]] - ver. 7.3 - GTK3 app for finding and listening to internet radio stations gradle]] - ver. 6.2.1 - Open-source build automation tool based on the Groovy and Kotlin DSL gradle-completion]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Bash and Zsh completion for Gradle grafana]] - ver. 6.6.2 - Gorgeous metric visualizations and dashboards for timeseries databases grails]] - ver. 4.0.1 - Web application framework for the Groovy language grakn]] - ver. 1.6.2 - The distributed hyper-relational database for knowledge engineering grap]] - ver. 1.45 - Language for typesetting graphs graph-tool]] - ver. 2.29 - Efficient network analysis for Python 3 graphene]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Thin layer of graphic data types graphicsmagick]] - ver. 1.3.34 - Image processing tools collection graphite2 - 1.3.13 - Smart font renderer for non-Roman scripts graphviz]] - ver. 2.42.2 - Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs grc]] - ver. 1.11.3 - Colorize logfiles and command output greed]] - ver. 4.2 - Game of consumption grep]] - ver. 3.4 - GNU grep, egrep and fgrep grepcidr]] - ver. 2.0 - Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 CIDR/network specification grex]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line tool for generating regular expressions griffon]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Application framework for desktop applications in the JVM grin]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol] grin-wallet - ver. 3.0.0 - Official wallet for the cryptocurrency Grin grip]] - ver. 4.5.2 - GitHub Markdown previewer groff]] - ver. 1.22.4 - GNU troff text-formatting system grok]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Powerful pattern-matching/reacting too gromacs]] - ver. 2019.3 - Versatile package for molecular dynamics calculations gron]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Make JSON greppable groonga]] - ver. 9.1.2 - Fulltext search engine and column store groovy]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Java-based scripting language groovysdk]] - ver. 3.0.1 - SDK for Groovy: a Java-based scripting language groovyserv]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Speed up Groovy startup time growly]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Redirect command output to a growl notification grpc]] - ver. 1.27.3 - Next generation open source RPC library and framework grpc-swift]] - ver. 0.9.1 - The Swift language implementation of gRPC grpcurl]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Like cURL, but for gRPC grsync]] - ver. 1.2.6 - GUI for rsync grt]] - ver. 0.2.4 - The Gesture Recognition Toolkit for real-time machine learning grunt-cli]] - ver. 1.3.2 - JavaScript Task Runner grunt-completion]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Bash and Zsh completion for Grunt grv]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Terminal interface for viewing git repositories gsar]] - ver. 1.21 - General Search And Replace on files gsasl]] - ver. 1.8.1 - SASL library command-line interface gsettings-desktop-schemas]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GSettings schemas for desktop components gsl]] - ver. 2.6 - Numerical library for C and C++ gsmartcontrol]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Graphical user interface for smartctl gsoap]] - ver. 2.8.98 - SOAP stub and skeleton compiler for C and C++ gspell]] - ver. 1.8.3 - Flexible API to implement spellchecking in GTK+ applications gssdp]] - ver. 1.2.2 - GUPnP library for resource discovery and announcement over SSDP gssh]] - ver. 2.10.1 - SSH automation tool based on Groovy DSL gst-editing-services]] - ver. 1.16.2 - GStreamer Editing Services gst-libav]] - ver. 1.16.2 - GStreamer plugins for Libav (a fork of FFmpeg) gst-plugins-bad]] - ver. 1.16.2 - GStreamer plugins less supported, not fully tested gst-plugins-base]] - ver. 1.16.2 - GStreamer plugins (well-supported, basic set) gst-plugins-good]] - ver. 1.16.2 - GStreamer plugins (well-supported, under the LGPL) gst-plugins-ugly]] - ver. 1.16.2 - Library for constructing graphs of media-handling components gst-python]] - ver. 1.16.2 - Python overrides for gobject-introspection-based pygst bindings gst-rtsp-server]] - ver. 1.16.2 - RTSP server library based on GStreamer gst-validate]] - ver. 1.16.2 - Tools to validate GstElements from GStreamer gstreamer]] - ver. 1.16.2 - Development framework for multimedia applications gstreamermm]] - ver. 1.10.0 - GStreamer C++ bindings gti]] - ver. 1.6.1 - ASCII-art displaying typo-corrector for commands gtk-chtheme]] - ver. 0.3.1 - GTK+ 2.0 theme changer GUI gtk-doc]] - ver. 1.32 - GTK+ documentation tool gtk-gnutella]] - ver. 1.1.15 - Share files in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network gtk-mac-integration]] - ver. 2.1.3 - Integrates GTK macOS applications with the Mac desktop gtk-vnc]] - ver. 1.0.0 - VNC viewer widget for GTK gtk+]] - ver. 2.24.32 - GUI toolkit gtk+3 - 3.24.14 - Toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces gtkdatabox]] - ver. - Widget for live display of large amounts of changing data gtkextra]] - ver. 3.3.4 - Widgets for creating GUIs for GTK+ gtkglext]] - ver. 1.2.0 - OpenGL extension to GTK+ gtkmm]] - ver. 2.24.5 - C++ interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME gtkmm3 - 3.24.2 - C++ interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME gtksourceview]] - ver. 2.10.5 - Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks gtksourceview3 - 3.24.11 - Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks gtksourceview4 - 4.4.0 - Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks gtksourceviewmm]] - ver. 2.10.3 - C++ bindings for gtksourceview gtksourceviewmm3 - 3.18.0 - C++ bindings for gtksourceview3 gtkspell3 - 3.0.10 - Gtk widget for highlighting and replacing misspelled words gtmess]] - ver. 0.97 - Console MSN messenger client gtranslator]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME gettext PO file editor gts]] - ver. 0.7.6 - GNU triangulated surface library gucharmap]] - ver. 12.0.1 - GNOME Character Map, based on the Unicode Character Database guetzli]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Perceptual JPEG encoder guichan]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games guile]] - ver. 2.2.6 - GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions gumbo-parser]] - ver. 0.10.1 - C99 library for parsing HTML5 gupnp]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Framework for creating UPnP devices and control points gupnp-av]] - ver. 0.12.11 - Library to help implement UPnP A/V profiles gupnp-tools]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Free replacements of Intel's UPnP tools gvp]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Go versioning packager gwenhywfar]] - ver. 4.20.2 - Utility library required by aqbanking and related software gws]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Manage workspaces composed of git repositories gwt]] - ver. 2.8.2 - Google web toolkit gwyddion]] - ver. 2.55 - Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool gx]] - ver. 0.14.2 - The language-agnostic, universal package manager gx-go]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Tool to use with the gx package manager for packages written in go gxml]] - ver. 0.18.1 - GObject-based XML DOM API gzip]] - ver. 1.10 - Popular GNU data compression program gzrt]] - ver. 0.8 - Gzip recovery toolkit h2 - 1.4.200 - Java SQL database h264bitstream]] - ver. 0.1.9 - Library for reading and writing H264 video streams h2o]] - ver. 2.2.6 - HTTP server with support for HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 h3 - 3.6.3 - Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system hackrf]] - ver. 2018.01.1 - Low cost software radio platform hadolint]] - ver. 1.17.5 - Smarter Dockerfile linter to validate best practices hadoop]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Framework for distributed processing of large data sets halibut]] - ver. 1.2 - Yet another free document preparation system hamlib]] - ver. 3.3 - Ham radio control libraries handbrake]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Open-source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows hapi-fhir-cli]] - ver. 4.1.0 - Command-line interface for the HAPI FHIR library haproxy]] - ver. 2.1.3 - Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer harbour]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Portable, xBase-compatible programming language and environment hardlink]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Replace file copies using hardlinks hardlink-osx]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Command-line utility that implements hardlinks on macOS harfbuzz]] - ver. 2.6.4 - OpenType text shaping engine hashcash]] - ver. 1.22 - Proof-of-work algorithm to counter denial-of-service (DoS) attacks hashcat]] - ver. 5.1.0 - World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility hashpump]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Tool to exploit hash length extension attack haskell-stack]] - ver. 2.1.3 - The Haskell Tool Stack haste-client]] - ver. 0.2.3 - CLI client for haste-server hatari]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator haxe]] - ver. 4.0.5 - Multi-platform programming language hayai]] - ver. 1.0.2 - C++ benchmarking framework inspired by the googletest framework hbase]] - ver. 1.3.5 - Hadoop database: a distributed, scalable, big data store hcloud]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud hdf5 - 1.10.6 - File format designed to store large amounts of data hdf5@1.8 - 1.8.21 - File format designed to store large amounts of data healpix]] - ver. 3.50 - Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere heartbeat]] - ver. 6.2.4 - Lightweight Shipper for Uptime Monitoring heatshrink]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Data compression library for embedded/real-time systems heimdal]] - ver. 7.6.0 - Free Kerberos 5 implementation helib]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Implementation of homomorphic encryption hello]] - ver. 2.10 - Program providing model for GNU coding standards and practices helm]] - ver. 3.1.1 - The Kubernetes package manager helm@2 - 2.16.3 - The Kubernetes package manager helmfile]] - ver. 0.101.0 - Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts helmsman]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Helm Charts as Code tool help2man]] - ver. 1.47.12 - Automatically generate simple man pages henplus]] - ver. 0.9.8 - SQL shell that can handle multiple sessions in parallel hercules]] - ver. 3.13 - System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator herrie]] - ver. 2.2 - Minimalistic audio player built upon Ncurses hesiod]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Library for the simple string lookup service built on top of DNS hevea]] - ver. 2.33 - LaTeX-to-HTML translator hexcurse]] - ver. 1.60.0 - Ncurses-based console hex editor hexedit]] - ver. 1.4.2 - View and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII hexgui]] - ver. 0.9.2 - GUI for playing Hex over Hex Text Protocol hexyl]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Command-line hex viewer hey]] - ver. 0.1.3 - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement hfstospell]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Helsinki Finite-State Technology ospell hfsutils]] - ver. 3.2.6 - Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes hg-fast-export]] - ver. 190913 - Fast Mercurial to Git converter hicolor-icon-theme]] - ver. 0.17 - Fallback theme for icon themes hidapi]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices highlight]] - ver. 3.55 - Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting highlighting-kate]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Haskell syntax highlighting library, based on the Kate editor hilite]] - ver. 1.5 - CLI tool that runs a command and highlights STDERR output hiredis]] - ver. 0.14.0 - Minimalistic client for Redis historian]] - ver. 0.0.2 - Command-line utility for managing shell history in a SQLite database hive]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Hadoop-based data summarization, query, and analysis hivemind]] - ver. 1.0.6 - The mind to rule processes of your development environment hledger]] - ver. 1.16.2 - Command-line accounting tool hlint]] - ver. 2.2.11 - Haskell source code suggestions hmmer]] - ver. 3.3 - Build profile HMMs and scan against sequence databases hoedown]] - ver. 3.0.7 - Secure Markdown processing (a revived fork of Sundown) homeassistant-cli]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Command-line utility for Home Assistant homebank]] - ver. 5.3.2 - Manage your personal accounts at home homeshick]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash homesick-completion]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Bash completion for Homesick homeworlds]] - ver. 20141022 - C++ framework for the game of Binary Homeworlds honcho]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Python clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications hopenpgp-tools]] - ver. 0.21.3 - Command-line tools for OpenPGP-related operations hornetq]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Multi-protocol], embeddable, clustered, asynchronous messaging system hostdb - ver. 1.004 - Generate DNS zones and DHCP configuration from hostlist.txt hostess]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/hosts file howard-hinnant-date]] - ver. 2.4.1 - C++ library for date and time operations based on <chrono> howdoi]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Instant coding answers via the command-line hpack]] - ver. 0.33.0 - Modern format for Haskell packages hping]] - ver. 3.20051105 - Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer hqx]] - ver. 1.2 - Magnification filter designed for pixel art hr]] - ver. 1.2 - <hr />, for your terminal window hss]] - ver. 1.8 - Interactive parallel SSH client hstr]] - ver. 2.2 - Bash and zsh history suggest box ht]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Viewer/editor/analyzer for executables html-xml-utils]] - ver. 7.8 - Tools for manipulating HTML and XML files html2text]] - ver. 1.3.2a]] - ver. Advanced HTML-to-text converter htmlcleaner]] - ver. 2.21 - HTML parser written in Java htmlcompressor]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Minify HTML or XML htmlcxx]] - ver. 0.87 - Non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++ htmldoc]] - ver. 1.9.7 - Convert HTML to PDF or PostScript htop]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Improved top (interactive process viewer) htpdate]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Synchronize time with remote web servers htslib]] - ver. 1.10.2 - C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats http-parser]] - ver. 2.9.3 - HTTP request/response parser for c http-server]] - ver. 0.12.1 - Simple zero-configuration command-line HTTP server http_load]] - ver. 20160309 - Test throughput of a web server by running parallel fetches httpd]] - ver. 2.4.41 - Apache HTTP server httpdiff]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Compare two HTTP(S) responses httperf]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Tool for measuring webserver performance httpflow]] - ver. 0.0.7 - Packet capture and analysis utility similar to tcpdump for HTTP httpie]] - ver. 2.0.0 - User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client) httping]] - ver. 2.5 - Ping-like tool for HTTP requests httpry]] - ver. 0.1.8 - Packet sniffer for displaying and logging HTTP traffic httpstat]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Curl statistics made simple httptunnel]] - ver. 3.3 - Tunnels a data stream in HTTP requests httrack]] - ver. 3.49.2 - Website copier/offline browser hub]] - ver. 2.14.1 - Add GitHub support to git on the command-line hubflow]] - ver. 1.5.3 - GitFlow for GitHub huexpress]] - ver. 3.0.4 - PC Engine emulator hugo]] - ver. 0.65.3 - Configurable static site generator hunspell]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Spell checker and morphological analyzer hwloc]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures hydra]] - ver. 9.0 - Network logon cracker which supports many services hyperestraier]] - ver. 1.4.13 - Full-text search system for communities hyperfine]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Command-line benchmarking tool hyperkit]] - ver. 0.20190802 - Toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in your application hyperscan]] - ver. 5.2.1 - High-performance regular expression matching library hyperspec]] - ver. 7.0 - Common Lisp ANSI-standard Hyperspec hypre]] - ver. 2.18.2 - Library featuring parallel multigrid methods for grid problems i2p]] - ver. 0.9.44 - Anonymous overlay network - a network within a network i2pd]] - ver. 2.30.0 - Full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client i2util]] - ver. 1.2 - Internet2 utility tools i386-elf-gdb]] - ver. 9.1 - GNU debugger for i386-elf cross development i386-elf-grub]] - ver. 2.04 - GNU GRUB 2 for i386-elf iam-policy-json-to-terraform]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Convert a JSON IAM Policy into terraform iamy]] - ver. 2.3.2 - AWS IAM import and export tool iat]] - ver. 0.1.7 - Converts many CD-ROM image formats to ISO9660 ibex]] - ver. 2.8.2 - C++ library for constraint processing over real numbers iblinter]] - ver. 0.4.22 - Linter tool for Interface Builder ical-buddy]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Get events and tasks from the macOS calendar database icarus-verilog]] - ver. 10.3 - Verilog simulation and synthesis tool icbirc]] - ver. 2.1 - Proxy IRC client and ICB server icdiff]] - ver. 1.9.5 - Improved colored diff ice]] - ver. 3.7.3 - Comprehensive RPC framework icecast]] - ver. 2.4.4 - Streaming MP3 audio server icecream]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Distributed compiler with a central scheduler to share build load icemon]] - ver. 3.3 - Icecream GUI Monitor icon]] - ver. 9.5.1 - General-purpose programming language icon-naming-utils]] - ver. 0.8.90 - Script to handle icon names in desktop icon themes icoutils]] - ver. 0.32.3 - Create and extract MS Windows icons and cursors icu4c]] - ver. 64.2 - C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization id3ed]] - ver. 1.10.4 - ID3 tag editor for MP3 files id3lib]] - ver. 3.8.3 - ID3 tag manipulation id3tool]] - ver. 1.2a]] - ver. ID3 editing tool id3v2 - 0.1.12 - Command-line editor ideviceinstaller]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Tool for managing apps on iOS devices idnits]] - ver. 2.16.02 - Looks for problems in internet draft formatting idris]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Pure functional programming language with dependent types idutils]] - ver. 4.6 - ID database and query tools ievms]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Automated installation of Microsoft IE AppCompat virtual machines ifstat]] - ver. 1.1 - Tool to report network interface bandwidth iftop]] - ver. 1.0pre4 - Display an interface's bandwidth usage ifuse]] - ver. 1.1.3 - FUSE module for iOS devices igraph]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Network analysis package igv]] - ver. 2.7.2 - Interactive Genomics Viewer ii]] - ver. 1.8 - Minimalist IRC client ike-scan]] - ver. 1.9.4 - Discover and fingerprint IKE hosts ilmbase]] - ver. 2.4.0 - OpenEXR ILM Base libraries (high dynamic-range image file format) imagejs]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Tool to hide JavaScript inside valid image files imagemagick]] - ver. 7.0.9-26 - Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats imagemagick@6 - 6.9.10-96 - Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats imageoptim-cli]] - ver. 3.0.2 - CLI for ImageOptim, ImageAlpha and JPEGmini imagesnap]] - ver. 0.2.6 - Tool to capture still images from an iSight or other video source imageworsener]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Utility and library for image scaling and processing imake]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Build automation system written for X11 imap-uw]] - ver. 2007f]] - ver. University of Washington IMAP toolkit imapfilter]] - ver. 2.6.14 - IMAP message processor/filter imapsync]] - ver. 1.945 - Migrate or backup IMAP mail accounts imessage-ruby]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Command-line tool to send iMessage imgproxy]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Fast and secure server for resizing and converting remote images imgur-screenshot]] - ver. 1.7.4 - Take screenshot selection, upload to imgur. + more cool things imlib2 - 1.6.1 - Image loading and rendering library immortal]] - ver. 0.23.0 - OS agnostic (*nix) cross-platform supervisor inadyn]] - ver. 2.5 - Dynamic DNS client with IPv4, IPv6, and SSL/TLS support include-what-you-use]] - ver. 0.13 - Tool to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files inetutils]] - ver. 1.9.4 - GNU utilities for networking infer]] - ver. 0.17.0 - Static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C influxdb]] - ver. 1.7.9 - Time series, events, and metrics database inform6 - 6.33-6.12.1 - Design system for interactive fiction infrakit]] - ver. 0.5 - Toolkit for creating and managing declarative infrastructure iniparser]] - ver. 4.1 - Library for parsing ini files inlets]] - ver. 2.6.4 - Expose your local endpoints to the Internet innoextract]] - ver. 1.7 - Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup innotop]] - ver. 1.12.0 - Top clone for MySQL insect]] - ver. 5.4.0 - High precision scientific calculator with support for physical units inspectrum]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Offline radio signal analyser inspircd]] - ver. 2.0.27 - Modular C++ Internet Relay Chat daemon instalooter]] - ver. 2.4.1 - Download any picture or video associated from an Instagram profile instead]] - ver. 3.3.1 - Interpreter of simple text adventures interactive-rebase-tool]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Native sequence editor for Git interactive rebase intercal]] - ver. 0.31 - Esoteric, parody programming language internetarchive]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Python wrapper for the various Internet Archive APIs intltool]] - ver. 0.51.0 - String tool io]] - ver. 2017.09.06 - Small prototype-based programming language ioke]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Dynamic language targeted at virtual machines ioping]] - ver. 1.2 - Tool to monitor I/O latency in real time ios-class-guard]] - ver. 0.8 - Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables ios-deploy]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line ios-sim]] - ver. 8.0.2 - Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator ios-webkit-debug-proxy]] - ver. 1.8.5 - DevTools proxy for iOS devices iozone]] - ver. 3.489 - File system benchmark tool ip_relay]] - ver. 0.71 - TCP traffic shaping relay application ipbt]] - ver. 20190601 - Program for recording a UNIX terminal session ipcalc]] - ver. 0.41 - Calculate various network masks, etc. from a given IP address iperf]] - ver. 2.0.13 - Tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth iperf3 - 3.7 - Update of iperf: measures TCP, UDP, and SCTP bandwidth ipfs]] - ver. 0.4.23 - Peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol] iphotoexport - ver. 1.6.4 - Export and synchronize iPhoto library to a folder tree ipinfo]] - ver. 1.2 - Tool for calculation of IP networks ipmitool]] - ver. 1.8.18 - Utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface ipmiutil]] - ver. 3.1.4 - IPMI server management utility ipopt]] - ver. 3.12.13 - Interior point optimizer iprint]] - ver. 1.3-9 - Provides a print_one function iproute2mac]] - ver. 1.2.3 - CLI wrapper for basic network utilities on macOS - ip command ipsumdump]] - ver. 1.86 - Summarizes TCP/IP dump files into a self-describing ASCII format ipv6calc]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Small utility for manipulating IPv6 addresses ipv6toolkit]] - ver. 2.0 - Security assessment and troubleshooting tool for IPv6 ipython]] - ver. 7.12.0 - Interactive computing in Python ircd-hybrid]] - ver. 8.2.24 - High-performance secure IRC server ircd-irc2 - 2.11.2p3 - Original IRC server daemon ircii]] - ver. 20190117 - IRC and ICB client ired]] - ver. 0.6 - Minimalistic hexadecimal editor designed to be used in scripts ironcli]] - ver. 0.1.6 - Go version of the command-line tools irrlicht]] - ver. 1.8.4 - Realtime 3D engine irrtoolset]] - ver. 5.0.1 - Tools to work with Internet routing policies irssi]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Modular IRC client isc-dhcp]] - ver. 4.4.2 - Production-grade DHCP solution isl]] - ver. 0.22 - Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model iso-codes]] - ver. 4.4 - Provides lists of various ISO standards ispc]] - ver. 1.12.0 - Compiler for SIMD programming on the CPU ispell]] - ver. 3.4.00 - International Ispell istioctl]] - ver. 1.4.5 - Istio configuration command-line utility isync]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Synchronize a maildir with an IMAP server itex2mml]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Text filter to convert itex equations to MathML itk]] - ver. 5.0.1 - Insight Toolkit is a toolkit for performing registration and segmentation itpp]] - ver. 4.3.1 - Library of math, signal, and communication classes and functions itstool]] - ver. 2.0.6 - Make XML documents translatable through PO files ivy]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Agile dependency manager ivykis]] - ver. 0.42.4 - Async I/O-assisting library jabba]] - ver. 0.11.2 - Cross-platform Java Version Manager jack]] - ver. 0.125.0 - Audio Connection Kit jadx]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Dex to Java decompiler jags]] - ver. 4.3.0 - Just Another Gibbs Sampler for Bayesian MCMC simulation jailkit]] - ver. 2.21 - Utilities to create limited user accounts in a chroot jail jam]] - ver. 2.6 - Make-like build tool janet]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Dynamic language and bytecode vm jansson]] - ver. 2.12 - C library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating JSON jasmin]] - ver. 2.4 - Assembler for the Java Virtual Machine jasper]] - ver. 2.0.16 - Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images javacc]] - ver. 7.0.5 - Parser generator for use with Java applications javarepl]] - ver. 428 - Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) for Java jbake]] - ver. 2.6.4 - Java based static site/blog generator jbig2dec]] - ver. 0.16 - JBIG2 decoder and library (for monochrome documents) jbig2enc]] - ver. 0.29 - JBIG2 encoder (for monochrome documents) jbigkit]] - ver. 2.1 - JBIG1 data compression standard implementation jboss-forge]] - ver. 3.9.6.Final]] - ver. Tools to help set up and configure a project jcal]] - ver. 0.4.1 - UNIX-cal-like tool to display Jalali calendar jd]] - ver. 1.1 - JSON diff and patch jdnssec-tools]] - ver. 0.15 - Java command-line tools for DNSSEC jdupes]] - ver. 1.14.0 - Duplicate file finder and an enhanced fork of 'fdupes' jed]] - ver. 0.99-19 - Powerful editor for programmers jemalloc]] - ver. 5.2.1 - malloc implementation emphasizing fragmentation avoidance jena]] - ver. 3.14.0 - Framework for building semantic web and linked data apps jenkins]] - ver. 2.222 - Extendable open source continuous integration server jenkins-job-builder]] - ver. 3.2.0 - Configure Jenkins jobs with YAML files stored in Git jenkins-lts]] - ver. 2.204.2 - Extendable open-source CI server jenv]] - ver. 0.5.2 - Manage your Java environment jerasure]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Library in C that supports erasure coding in storage applications jerm]] - ver. 0.8096 - Communication terminal through serial and TCP/IP interfaces jetty]] - ver. 9.4.26.v20200117 - Java servlet engine and webserver jetty-runner]] - ver. 9.4.15.v20190215 - Use Jetty without an installed distribution jflex]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Lexical analyzer generator for Java, written in Java jfrog-cli-go]] - ver. 1.33.2 - Command-line interface for Jfrog Artifactory and Bintray jhead]] - ver. 3.03 - Extract Digicam setting info from EXIF JPEG headers jhiccup]] - ver. 2.0.10 - Measure pauses and stalls of an app's Java runtime platform jhipster]] - ver. 6.7.1 - Generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular/React applications jid]] - ver. 0.7.6 - Json incremental digger jigdo]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Tool to distribute very large files over the internet jing-trang]] - ver. 20181222 - Schema validation and conversion based on RELAX NG jinja2-cli]] - ver. 0.7.0 - CLI for the Jinja2 templating language jlog]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Pure C message queue with subscribers and publishers for logs jmeter]] - ver. 5.2.1 - Load testing and performance measurement application jmxterm]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Open source, command-line based interactive JMX client jmxtrans]] - ver. 270 - Tool to connect to JVMs and query their attributes jnethack]] - ver. 3.4.3-0.11 - Japanese localization of Nethack jnettop]] - ver. 0.13.0 - View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic jo]] - ver. 1.3 - JSON output from a shell joe]] - ver. 4.6 - Joe's Own Editor (JOE) john]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Featureful UNIX password cracker john-jumbo]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Enhanced version of john, a UNIX password cracker jooby-bootstrap]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Script to simplify the creation of jooby apps joplin]] - ver. 1.0.153 - Note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities jose]] - ver. 10 - C-language implementation of Javascript Object Signing and Encryption joshua]] - ver. 6.0.5 - Statistical machine translation decoder jove]] - ver. - Emacs-style editor with vi-like memory, CPU, and size requirements jp]] - ver. 1.1.12 - Dead simple terminal plots from JSON data jp2a]] - ver. 1.0.7 - Convert JPG images to ASCII jpeg]] - ver. 9d]] - ver. Image manipulation library jpeg-archive]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Utilities for archiving JPEGs for long term storage jpeg-turbo]] - ver. 2.0.4 - JPEG image codec that aids compression and decompression jpeginfo]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Prints information and tests integrity of JPEG/JFIF files jpegoptim]] - ver. 1.4.6 - Utility to optimize JPEG files jpegrescan]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Losslessly shrink any JPEG file jq]] - ver. 1.6 - Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor jrnl]] - ver. 1.9.8 - Command-line note taker jrtplib]] - ver. 3.11.1 - Fully featured C++ Library for RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) jruby]] - ver. - Ruby implementation in pure Java jsawk]] - ver. 1.4 - Like awk, but for JSON, using JavaScript objects and arrays jsdoc3 - 3.6.3 - API documentation generator for JavaScript jshon]] - ver. 20131105 - Parse, read, and create JSON from the shell jslint4java]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Java wrapper for JavaScript Lint (jsl) jsmin]] - ver. 2013-03-29 - Minify JavaScript code json-c]] - ver. 0.13.1 - JSON parser for C json-fortran]] - ver. 7.1.0 - Fortran 2008 JSON API json-glib]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Library for JSON, based on GLib json-table]] - ver. 4.3.3 - Transform nested JSON data into tabular data in the shell json11 - 1.0.0 - Tiny JSON library for C++11 json_spirit]] - ver. 4.08 - C++ JSON parser/generator jsoncpp]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Library for interacting with JSON jsonlint]] - ver. 1.6.0 - JSON parser and validator with a CLI jsonnet]] - ver. 0.15.0 - Domain specific configuration language for defining JSON data jsonpp]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Command-line JSON pretty-printer jsonrpc-glib]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME library to communicate with JSON-RPC based peers jsonschema2pojo]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Generates Java types from JSON Schema (or example JSON) jsvc]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Wrapper to launch Java applications as daemons jthread]] - ver. 1.3.3 - C++ class to make use of threads easy juise]] - ver. 0.8.0 - JUNOS user interface scripting environment juju]] - ver. 2.7.3 - DevOps management tool juju-wait]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Juju plugin for waiting for deployments to settle julius]] - ver. 4.5 - Two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition engine juman]] - ver. 7.01 - Japanese morphological analysis system jumanpp]] - ver. 1.02 - Japanese Morphological Analyzer based on RNNLM jump]] - ver. 0.30.1 - Helps you navigate your file system faster by learning your habits jupyterlab]] - ver. 1.2.6 - Interactive environments for writing and running code just]] - ver. 0.5.8 - Handy way to save and run project-specific commands jvgrep]] - ver. 5.8.2 - Grep for Japanese users of Vim jvm-mon]] - ver. 0.3 - Console-based JVM monitoring jvmtop]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Console application for monitoring all running JVMs on a machine jxrlib]] - ver. 1.1 - Tools for JPEG-XR image encoding/decoding jython]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Python implementation written in Java (successor to JPython) k3d]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Little helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker k6 - 0.26.1 - Modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript kafka]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log kafkacat]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Generic command-line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer kahip]] - ver. 2.12 - Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning kaitai-struct-compiler]] - ver. 0.8 - Compiler for generating binary data parsers kakasi]] - ver. 2.3.6 - Convert Kanji characters to Hiragana, Katakana, or Romaji kakoune]] - ver. 2020.01.16 - Selection-based modal text editor kallisto]] - ver. 0.46.1 - Quantify abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data kanif]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Cluster management and administration tool kapacitor]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Open source time series data processor karn]] - ver. 0.0.4 - Manage multiple Git identities katago]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Neural Network Go engine with no human-provided knowledge kawa]] - ver. 3.1.1 - Programming language for Java (implementation of Scheme) kcov]] - ver. 38 - Code coverage tester for compiled programs, Python, and shell scripts kcptun]] - ver. 20200226 - Stable & Secure Tunnel based on KCP with N:M multiplexing and FEC kedge]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Deployment tool for Kubernetes artifacts keepassc]] - ver. 1.8.2 - Curses-based password manager for KeePass v.1.x and KeePassX keepkey-agent]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Keepkey Hardware-based SSH/GPG agent kepubify]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Convert ebooks from epub to kepub kerl]] - ver. 1.8.6 - Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances kestrel]] - ver. 2.4.1 - Distributed message queue kettle]] - ver. - Pentaho Data Integration software keychain]] - ver. 2.8.5 - User-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1) keydb]] - ver. 5.3.1 - Multithreaded fork of Redis keystone]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Assembler framework: Core + bindings khal]] - ver. 0.10.1 - CLI calendar application khard]] - ver. 0.15.1 - Console carddav client kibana]] - ver. 6.8.6 - Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch kibana@5.6 - 5.6.16 - Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch kim-api]] - ver. 2.1.3 - The Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) API kimwitu++]] - ver. 2.3.13 - Tool for processing trees (i.e. terms) kind]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Run local Kubernetes cluster in Docker kitchen-completion]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Bash completion for Kitchen kitchen-sync]] - ver. 2.0 - Fast efficiently sync database without dumping & reloading kite]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Programming language designed to minimize programmer experience klavaro]] - ver. 3.09 - Free touch typing tutor program knock]] - ver. 0.7 - Port-knock server knot]] - ver. 2.8.4 - High-performance authoritative-only DNS server knot-resolver]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Minimalistic, caching, DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver known_hosts]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line manager for known hosts kobalt]] - ver. 1.0.129 - Build system kommit]] - ver. 1.1.0 - More detailed commit messages without committing! kompose]] - ver. 1.21.0 - Tool to move from `docker-compose` to Kubernetes komposition]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Video editor built for screencasters kops]] - ver. 1.16.0 - Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management kore]] - ver. 3.3.1 - Web application framework for writing web APIs in C kotlin]] - ver. 1.3.61 - Statically typed programming language for the JVM kpcli]] - ver. 3.3 - Command-line interface to KeePass database files kqwait]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Wait for events on files or directories on macOS krakend]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Ultra-High performance API Gateway built in Go krb5 - 1.18 - Network authentication protocol] krew - ver. 0.3.3 - Package manager for kubectl plugins ksh]] - ver. 2020.0.0 - KornShell, ksh93 kstart]] - ver. 4.2 - Modified version of kinit that can use keytabs to authenticate ktlint]] - ver. 0.36.0 - Anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter ktmpl]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Parameterized templates for Kubernetes manifests ktoblzcheck]] - ver. 1.49 - Library for German banks kube-aws]] - ver. 0.15.2 - Command-line tool to declaratively manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS kube-ps1 - 0.7.0 - Kubernetes prompt info for bash and zsh kubeaudit]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Helps audit your Kubernetes clusters against common security controls kubebuilder]] - ver. 2.2.0 - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs kubecfg]] - ver. 0.15.1 - Manage complex enterprise Kubernetes environments as code kubectx]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Tool that can switch between kubectl contexts easily and create aliases kubeless]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework kubeprod]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Installer for the Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR) kubernetes-cli]] - ver. 1.17.3 - Kubernetes command-line interface kubernetes-service-catalog-client]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Consume Services in k8s using the OSB API kubeseal]] - ver. 0.9.8 - Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets kubespy]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Tools for observing Kubernetes resources in realtime kumo]] - ver. 1.17 - Word Clouds in Java kustomize]] - ver. 3.5.4 - Template-free customization of Kubernetes YAML manifests kvazaar]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Ultravideo HEVC encoder kyma-cli]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Kyma command-line interface kyoto-cabinet]] - ver. 1.2.77 - Library of routines for managing a database kyoto-tycoon]] - ver. 0.9.56 - Database server with interface to Kyoto Cabinet kytea]] - ver. 0.4.7 - Toolkit for analyzing text, especially Japanese and Chinese kyua]] - ver. 0.13 - Testing framework for infrastructure software l-smash]] - ver. 2.9.1 - Tool for working with MP4 files lablgtk]] - ver. 2.18.8 - Objective Caml interface to gtk+ lame]] - ver. 3.100 - High quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder lammps]] - ver. 2019-08-07 - Molecular Dynamics Simulator landscaper]] - ver. 1.0.24 - Manage the application landscape in a Kubernetes cluster languagetool]] - ver. 4.8 - Style and grammar checker lapack]] - ver. 3.9.0 - Linear Algebra PACKage lasi]] - ver. 1.1.3 - C++ stream output interface for creating Postscript documents lasso]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Library for Liberty Alliance and SAML protocol]s lastpass-cli - ver. 1.3.3 - LastPass command-line interface tool laszip]] - ver. 3.4.3 - Lossless LiDAR compression latex2html]] - ver. 2020 - LaTeX-to-HTML translator latex2rtf]] - ver. 2.3.17 - Translate LaTeX to RTF latexdiff]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Compare and mark up LaTeX file differences latexml]] - ver. 0.8.4 - LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter launch]] - ver. 1.2.5 - Command-line launcher for macOS, in the spirit of `open` launch4j]] - ver. 3.12 - Cross-platform Java executable wrapper launch_socket_server]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Bind to privileged ports without running a server as root launchctl-completion]] - ver. 1.0 - Bash completion for Launchctl launchdns]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Mini DNS server designed solely to route queries to localhost lazydocker]] - ver. 0.8 - The lazier way to manage everything docker lazygit]] - ver. 0.15.3 - Simple terminal UI for git commands lbdb]] - ver. 0.48.1 - Little brother's database for the mutt mail reader lbzip2 - 2.5 - Parallel bzip2 utility lcdf-typetools]] - ver. 2.108 - Manipulate OpenType and multiple-master fonts lcdproc]] - ver. 0.5.9 - Display real-time system information on a LCD lci]] - ver. 0.6 - Interpreter for the lambda calculus lcm]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling lcov]] - ver. 1.14 - Graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool (gcov) lcrack]] - ver. 20040914 - Generic password cracker lcs]] - ver. 4.07.4b]] - ver. Satirical console-based political role-playing/strategy game ldapvi]] - ver. 1.7 - Update LDAP entries with a text editor ldc]] - ver. 1.20.0 - Portable D programming language compiler ldid]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Lets you manipulate the signature block in a Mach-O binary ldns]] - ver. 1.7.1 - DNS library written in C le]] - ver. 1.16.5 - Text editor with block and binary operations lean]] - ver. 3.4.2 - Theorem prover lean-cli]] - ver. 0.21.0 - Command-line tool to develop and manage LeanCloud apps leaps]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Collaborative web-based text editing service written in Golang ledger]] - ver. 3.1.3 - Command-line, double-entry accounting tool ledit]] - ver. 2.04 - Line editor for interactive commands leela-zero]] - ver. 0.17 - Neural Network Go engine with no human-provided knowledge legit]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Command-line interface for Git, optimized for workflow simplicity lego]] - ver. 3.4.0 - Let's Encrypt client leiningen]] - ver. 2.9.1 - Build tool for Clojure lemon]] - ver. 1.69 - LALR(1) parser generator like yacc or bison lensfun]] - ver. 0.3.95 - Remove defects from digital images lepton]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Tool and file format for losslessly compressing JPEGs leptonica]] - ver. 1.79.0 - Image processing and image analysis library lerna]] - ver. 3.20.2 - Tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages less]] - ver. 551 - Pager program similar to more lesspipe]] - ver. 1.84 - Input filter for the pager less lesstif]] - ver. 0.95.2 - Open source implementation of OSF/Motif leveldb]] - ver. 1.22 - Key-value storage library with ordered mapping lf]] - ver. 13 - Terminal file manager lfe]] - ver. 1.3 - Concurrent Lisp for the Erlang VM lft]] - ver. 3.80 - Layer Four Traceroute (LFT), an advanced traceroute tool lftp]] - ver. 4.9.1 - Sophisticated file transfer program lgogdownloader]] - ver. 3.5 - Unofficial downloader for games lha]] - ver. 1.14i-ac20050924p1 - Utility for creating and opening lzh archives lhasa]] - ver. 0.3.1 - LHA implementation to decompress .lzh and .lzs archives lib3ds]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Library for managing 3D-Studio Release 3 and 4 '.3DS' files libaacs]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Implements the Advanced Access Content System specification libagg]] - ver. 2.5 - High fidelity 2D graphics library for C++ libantlr3c]] - ver. 3.4 - ANTLRv3 parsing library for C libao]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Cross-platform Audio Library libarchive]] - ver. 3.4.2 - Multi-format archive and compression library libart]] - ver. 2.3.21 - Library for high-performance 2D graphics libass]] - ver. 0.14.0 - Subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format libassuan]] - ver. 2.5.3 - Assuan IPC Library libatomic_ops]] - ver. 7.6.10 - Implementations for atomic memory update operations libav]] - ver. 12.3 - Audio and video processing tools libb2 - 0.98.1 - Secure hashing function libb64 - 1.2.1 - Base64 encoding/decoding library libbdplus]] - ver. 0.1.2 - Implements the BD+ System Specifications libbi]] - ver. 1.4.5 - Bayesian state-space modelling on parallel computer hardware libbind]] - ver. 6.0 - Original resolver library from ISC libbinio]] - ver. 1.4 - Binary I/O stream class library libbitcoin]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Cross-Platform C++ Development Toolkit libbitcoin-blockchain]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Blockchain Library libbitcoin-client]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Client Query Library libbitcoin-consensus]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Consensus Library (optional) libbitcoin-database]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin High Performance Blockchain Database libbitcoin-explorer]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin command-line tool libbitcoin-network]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin P2P Network Library libbitcoin-node]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Full Node libbitcoin-protocol] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Blockchain Query Protocol libbitcoin-server]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Bitcoin Full Node and Query Server libbladerf]] - ver. 2018.08 - USB 3.0 Superspeed Software Defined Radio Source libbluray]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Blu-Ray disc playback library for media players like VLC libbpg]] - ver. 0.9.8 - Image format meant to improve on JPEG quality and file size libbs2b]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP libbtbb]] - ver. 2018-12-R1 - Bluetooth baseband decoding library libcaca]] - ver. 0.99b19 - Convert pixel information into colored ASCII art libcanberra]] - ver. 0.30 - Implementation of XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications libcapn]] - ver. 2.0.0 - C library to send push notifications to Apple devices libcbor]] - ver. 0.5.0 - CBOR protocol] implementation for C and others libccd - ver. 2.1 - Collision detection between two convex shapes libcddb]] - ver. 1.3.2 - CDDB server access library libcdio]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Compact Disc Input and Control Library libcdr]] - ver. 0.1.6 - C++ library to parse the file format of CorelDRAW documents libcds]] - ver. 2.3.3 - C++ library of Concurrent Data Structures libcec]] - ver. 4.0.4 - Control devices with TV remote control and HDMI cabling libcello]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Higher-level programming in C libcerf]] - ver. 1.13 - Numeric library for complex error functions libchamplain]] - ver. 0.12.20 - ClutterActor for displaying maps libchaos]] - ver. 1.0 - Advanced library for randomization, hashing and statistical analysis libchewing]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Intelligent phonetic input method library libcmph]] - ver. 2.0 - C minimal perfect hashing library libcoap]] - ver. 4.2.1 - Lightweight application-protocol] for resource-constrained devices libconfig - ver. 1.7.2 - Configuration file processing library libcouchbase]] - ver. 2.10.5 - C library for Couchbase libcroco]] - ver. 0.6.13 - CSS parsing and manipulation toolkit for GNOME libcsv]] - ver. 3.0.3 - CSV library in ANSI C89 libcue]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Cue sheet parser library for C libcuefile]] - ver. r475 - Library to work with CUE files libdaemon]] - ver. 0.14 - C library that eases writing UNIX daemons libdap]] - ver. 3.20.5 - Framework for scientific data networking libdazzle]] - ver. 3.34.1 - GNOME companion library to GObject and Gtk+ libdbi]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to DBI/DBD in Perl libdc1394 - 2.2.6 - Provides API for IEEE 1394 cameras libdca]] - ver. 0.0.6 - Library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams libde265 - 1.0.5 - Open h.265 video codec implementation libdeflate]] - ver. 1.5 - Heavily optimized DEFLATE/zlib/gzip compression and decompression libdill]] - ver. 2.14 - Structured concurrency in C libdiscid]] - ver. 0.6.2 - C library for creating MusicBrainz and freedb disc IDs libdivecomputer]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Library for communication with various dive computers libdmtx]] - ver. 0.7.5 - Data Matrix library libdnet]] - ver. 1.12 - Portable low-level networking library libdrawtext]] - ver. 0.4 - Library for anti-aliased text rendering in OpenGL libdshconfig]] - ver. 0.20.13 - Distributed shell library libdsk]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Library for accessing discs and disc image files libdv]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Codec for DV video encoding format libdvbpsi]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Library to decode/generate MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables libdvdcss]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Access DVDs as block devices without the decryption libdvdnav]] - ver. 6.0.1 - DVD navigation library libdvdread]] - ver. 6.0.2 - C library for reading DVD-video images libebml]] - ver. 1.3.10 - Sort of a sbinary version of XML libebur128 - 1.2.4 - Library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard libedit]] - ver. 20191231-3.1 - BSD-style licensed readline alternative libelf]] - ver. 0.8.13 - ELF object file access library libepoxy]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management liberasurecode]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable backends libestr]] - ver. 0.1.11 - C library for string handling (and a bit more) libetonyek]] - ver. 0.1.9 - Interpret and import Apple Keynote presentations libetpan]] - ver. 1.9.4 - Portable mail library handling several protocol]s libev - ver. 4.31 - Asynchronous event library libevent]] - ver. 2.1.11 - Asynchronous event library libevhtp]] - ver. 1.2.18 - Create extremely-fast and secure embedded HTTP servers with ease libewf]] - ver. 20140608 - Library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format libexif]] - ver. 0.6.21 - EXIF parsing library libexosip]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Toolkit for eXosip2 libextractor]] - ver. 1.9 - Library to extract meta data from files libfabric]] - ver. 1.9.0 - OpenFabrics libfabric libfaketime]] - ver. 0.9.8 - Report faked system time to programs libffcall]] - ver. 2.2 - GNU Foreign Function Interface library libffi]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Portable Foreign Function Interface library libfido2 - 1.3.1 - Provides library functionality for FIDO U2F & FIDO 2.0, including USB libfishsound]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Decode and encode audio data using the codecs libfixbuf]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Implements the IPFIX Protocol as a C library libfixposix]] - ver. 0.4.3 - Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls libflowmanager]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Flow-based measurement tasks with packet-based inputs libforensic1394 - 0.2 - Live memory forensics over IEEE 1394 (“FireWire”) interface libfreefare]] - ver. 0.4.0 - API for MIFARE card manipulations libfreehand]] - ver. 0.1.2 - Interpret and import Aldus/Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents libfreenect]] - ver. 0.5.7 - Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device libftdi]] - ver. 1.4 - Library to talk to FTDI chips libftdi0 - 0.20 - Library to talk to FTDI chips libgadu]] - ver. 1.12.2 - Library for ICQ instant messenger protocol] libgaiagraphics - ver. 0.5 - Library supporting common-utility raster handling libgcrypt]] - ver. 1.8.5 - Cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG libgda]] - ver. 5.2.9 - Provides unified data access to the GNOME project libgdata]] - ver. 0.16.1 - GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs libgee]] - ver. 0.20.3 - Collection library providing GObject-based interfaces libgeotiff]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Library and tools for dealing with GeoTIFF libgetdata]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Reference implementation of the Dirfile Standards libgfshare]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Library for sharing secrets libghthash]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Generic hash table for C++ libgig]] - ver. 4.2.0 - Library for Gigasampler and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files libgit2 - 0.28.4 - C library of Git core methods that is re-entrant and linkable libgit2-glib]] - ver. - Glib wrapper library around libgit2 git access library libglade]] - ver. 2.6.4 - RAD tool to help build GTK+ interfaces libglademm]] - ver. 2.6.7 - C++ wrapper around libglade libgnomecanvas]] - ver. 2.30.3 - Highlevel, structured graphics library libgnomecanvasmm]] - ver. 2.26.0 - C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas libgosu]] - ver. 0.14.5 - 2D game development library libgpg-error]] - ver. 1.37 - Common error values for all GnuPG components libgphoto2 - 2.5.23 - Gphoto2 digital camera library libgr]] - ver. 0.46.0 - GR framework: a graphics library for visualisation applications libgraphqlparser]] - ver. 0.7.0 - GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs libgsf]] - ver. 1.14.46 - I/O abstraction library for dealing with structured file formats libgsm]] - ver. 1.0.18 - Lossy speech compression library libgtop]] - ver. 2.40.0 - Library for portably obtaining information about processes libgusb]] - ver. 0.3.1 - GObject wrappers for libusb1 libgweather]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME library for weather, locations and timezones libgxps]] - ver. 0.3.1 - GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents libharu]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Library for generating PDF files libhdhomerun]] - ver. 20190621 - C library for controlling SiliconDust HDHomeRun TV tuners libheif]] - ver. 1.6.2 - ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder libhid]] - ver. 0.2.16 - Library to access and interact with USB HID devices libhttpserver]] - ver. 0.17.5 - C++ library of embedded Rest HTTP server libhttpseverywhere]] - ver. 0.8.3 - Bring HTTPSEverywhere to desktop apps libical]] - ver. 3.0.7 - Implementation of iCalendar protocol]s and data formats libicns - ver. 0.8.1 - Library for manipulation of the macOS .icns resource format libiconv]] - ver. 1.16 - Conversion library libid3tag]] - ver. 0.15.1b]] - ver. ID3 tag manipulation library libident]] - ver. 0.32 - Ident protocol] library libidl - ver. 0.8.14 - Library for creating CORBA IDL files libidn]] - ver. 1.35 - International domain name library libidn2 - 2.3.0 - International domain name library (IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46) libilbc]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Packaged version of iLBC codec from the WebRTC project libimagequant]] - ver. 2.12.6 - Palette quantization library extracted from pnquant2 libimobiledevice]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Library to communicate with iOS devices natively libinfinity]] - ver. 0.6.8 - GObject-based C implementation of the Infinote protocol] libiodbc - ver. 3.52.13 - Database connectivity layer based on ODBC. (alternative to unixodbc) libiptcdata]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Virtual package provided by libiptcdata0 libiscsi]] - ver. 1.19.0 - Client library and utilities for iscsi libjson-rpc-cpp]] - ver. 1.2.0 - C++ framework for json-rpc libjwt]] - ver. 1.11.0 - JSON Web Token C library libkate]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Overlay codec for multiplexed audio/video in Ogg libkeccak]] - ver. 1.2 - Keccak-family hashing library libkml]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Library to parse, generate and operate on KML libksba]] - ver. 1.3.5 - X.509 and CMS library liblas]] - ver. 1.8.1 - C/C++ library for reading and writing the LAS LiDAR format liblcf]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Library for RPG Maker 2000/2003 games data liblinear]] - ver. 2.30 - Library for large linear classification liblo]] - ver. 0.29 - Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation liblockfile]] - ver. 1.16 - Library providing functions to lock standard mailboxes liblouis]] - ver. 3.12.0 - Open-source braille translator and back-translator liblqr]] - ver. 0.4.2 - C/C++ seam carving library libltc]] - ver. 1.3.1 - POSIX-C Library for handling Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) liblunar]] - ver. 2.2.5 - Lunar date calendar liblwgeom]] - ver. 2.5.2 - Allows SpatiaLite to support ST_MakeValid() like PostGIS liblzf]] - ver. 3.6 - Very small, very fast data compression library libmaa]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Low-level data structures including hash tables, sets, lists libmagic]] - ver. 5.38 - Implementation of the file(1) command libmatio]] - ver. 1.5.17 - C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files libmatroska]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Extensible, open standard container format for audio/video libmaxminddb]] - ver. 1.4.2 - C library for the MaxMind DB file format libmemcached]] - ver. 1.0.18 - C and C++ client library to the memcached server libmetalink]] - ver. 0.1.3 - C library to parse Metalink XML files libmicrohttpd]] - ver. 0.9.63 - Light HTTP/1.1 server library libmikmod]] - ver. - Portable sound library libmill]] - ver. 1.18 - Go-style concurrency in C libming]] - ver. 0.4.8 - C library for generating Macromedia Flash files libmms]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// network streams libmodbus]] - ver. 3.1.6 - Portable modbus library libmodplug]] - ver. - Library from the Modplug-XMMS project libmonome]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Interact with monome devices via C, Python, or FFI libmowgli]] - ver. 2.1.3 - Core framework for Atheme applications libmp3splt]] - ver. 0.9.2 - Utility library to split mp3, ogg, and FLAC files libmpc]] - ver. 1.1.0 - C library for the arithmetic of high precision complex numbers libmpd]] - ver. 11.8.17 - Higher level access to MPD functions libmpdclient]] - ver. 2.17 - Library for MPD in the C, C++, and Objective-C languages libmpeg2 - 0.5.1 - Library to decode mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams libmrss]] - ver. 0.19.2 - C library for RSS files or streams libmspub]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Interpret and import Microsoft Publisher content libmtp]] - ver. 1.1.17 - Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) libmusicbrainz]] - ver. 5.1.0 - MusicBrainz Client Library libmwaw]] - ver. 0.3.15 - Library for converting legacy Mac document formats libmxml]] - ver. 3.1 - Mini-XML library libmypaint]] - ver. 1.4.0 - MyPaint brush engine library libnatpmp]] - ver. 20150609 - NAT port mapping protocol] library libnet - ver. 1.1.6 - C library for creating IP packets libnfc]] - ver. 1.7.1 - Low level NFC SDK and Programmers API libnfs]] - ver. 4.0.0 - C client library for NFS libngspice]] - ver. 31 - Spice circuit simulator as shared library libnice]] - ver. 0.1.16 - GLib ICE implementation libnids]] - ver. 1.24 - Implements E-component of network intrusion detection system libnotify]] - ver. 0.7.8 - Library that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon libnova]] - ver. 0.15.0 - Celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library libntlm]] - ver. 1.5 - Implements Microsoft's NTLM authentication libnxml]] - ver. 0.18.3 - C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML files liboauth]] - ver. 1.0.3 - C library for the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard libodfgen]] - ver. 0.1.7 - ODF export library for projects using librevenge libofx]] - ver. 0.9.15 - Library to support OFX command responses libogg]] - ver. 1.3.4 - Ogg Bitstream Library liboil]] - ver. 0.3.17 - C library of simple functions optimized for various CPUs libomp]] - ver. 9.0.1 - LLVM's OpenMP runtime library libopendkim]] - ver. 2.10.3 - Implementation of Domain Keys Identified Mail authentication libopenmpt]] - ver. 0.4.11 - Software library to decode tracked music files libopennet]] - ver. 0.9.9 - open_net(), similar to open() liboping]] - ver. 1.10.0 - C library to generate ICMP echo requests libopusenc]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Convenience libraray for creating .opus files libosinfo]] - ver. 1.7.1 - The Operating System information database libosip]] - ver. 5.1.1 - Implementation of the eXosip2 stack libosmium]] - ver. 2.15.4 - Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data libotr]] - ver. 4.1.1 - Off-The-Record (OTR) messaging library libowfat]] - ver. 0.31 - Reimplements libdjb libp11 - 0.4.10 - PKCS#11 wrapper library in C libpagemaker]] - ver. 0.0.4 - Imports file format of Aldus/Adobe PageMaker documents libpano]] - ver. 13-2.9.19 - Build panoramic images from a set of overlapping images libpcap]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Portable library for network traffic capture libpcl]] - ver. 1.12 - C library and API for coroutines libpeas]] - ver. 1.24.1 - GObject plugin library libpgm]] - ver. 5.2.122 - Implements the PGM reliable multicast protocol] libphonenumber - ver. 8.11.4 - C++ Phone Number library by Google libplctag]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Portable and simple API for accessing AB PLC data over Ethernet libplist]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Library for Apple Binary- and XML-Property Lists libpng]] - ver. 1.6.37 - Library for manipulating PNG images libpointing]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Provides direct access to HID pointing devices libpoker-eval]] - ver. 138.0 - C library to evaluate poker hands libpq]] - ver. 12.2 - Postgres C API library libpqxx]] - ver. 6.4.5 - C++ connector for PostgreSQL libprotoident]] - ver. 2.0.13 - Performs application layer protocol] identification for flows libproxy - ver. 0.4.15 - Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management libpsl]] - ver. 0.21.0 - C library for the Public Suffix List libpst]] - ver. 0.6.74 - Utilities for the PST file format libpulsar]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Apache Pulsar C++ library libpuzzle]] - ver. 0.11 - Library to find visually similar images libqalculate]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Library for Qalculate! program libquantum]] - ver. 1.0.0 - C library for the simulation of quantum mechanics libquicktime]] - ver. 1.2.4 - Library for reading and writing quicktime files libquvi]] - ver. 0.4.1 - C library to parse flash media stream properties libraqm]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Library for complex text layout librasterlite]] - ver. 1.1g]] - ver. Library to store and retrieve huge raster coverages libraw]] - ver. 0.19.5 - Library for reading RAW files from digital photo cameras librcsc]] - ver. 4.1.0 - RoboCup Soccer Simulator library librdkafka]] - ver. 1.3.0 - The Apache Kafka C/C++ library libre]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Toolkit library for asynchronous network I/O with protocol] stacks libreadline-java - ver. 0.8.0 - Port of GNU readline for Java librealsense]] - ver. 2.32.1 - Intel RealSense D400 series and SR300 capture librem]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Toolkit library for real-time audio and video processing libreplaygain]] - ver. r475 - Library to implement ReplayGain standard for audio libresample]] - ver. 0.1.3 - Audio resampling C library libressl]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Version of the SSL/TLS protocol] forked from OpenSSL librest - ver. 0.8.1 - Library to access RESTful web services librevenge]] - ver. 0.0.4 - Base library for writing document import filters librsvg]] - ver. 2.46.4 - Library to render SVG files using Cairo librsync]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Library that implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm librtlsdr]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Use Realtek DVB-T dongles as a cheap SDR libsamplerate]] - ver. 0.1.9 - Library for sample rate conversion of audio data libsass]] - ver. 3.6.3 - C implementation of a Sass compiler libsbol]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Read and write files in the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) libscrypt]] - ver. 1.21 - Library for scrypt libsecret]] - ver. 0.20.1 - Library for storing/retrieving passwords and other secrets libserdes]] - ver. 5.3.1 - Schema ser/deserializer lib for Avro + Confluent Schema Registry libserialport]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Cross-platform serial port C library libshout]] - ver. 2.4.3 - Data and connectivity library for the icecast server libsigc++]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Callback framework for C++ libsigc++@2 - 2.10.2 - Callback framework for C++ libsignal-protocol]-c - ver. 2.3.2 - Signal Protocol C Library libsigsegv]] - ver. 2.12 - Library for handling page faults in user mode libsixel]] - ver. 1.8.6 - SIXEL encoder/decoder implementation libslax]] - ver. 0.22.1 - Implementation of the SLAX language (an XSLT alternative) libsmf]] - ver. 1.3 - C library for handling SMF ('*.mid') files libsmi]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Library to Access SMI MIB Information libsndfile]] - ver. 1.0.28 - C library for files containing sampled sound libsodium]] - ver. 1.0.18 - NaCl networking and cryptography library libsoundio]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Cross-platform audio input and output libsoup]] - ver. 2.68.4 - HTTP client/server library for GNOME libsoxr]] - ver. 0.1.3 - High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library libspatialite]] - ver. 4.3.0a]] - ver. Adds spatial SQL capabilities to SQLite libspectre]] - ver. 0.2.8 - Small library for rendering Postscript documents libspectrum]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Support library for ZX Spectrum emulator libspiro]] - ver. 0.5.20150702 - Library to simplify the drawing of curves libspnav]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Client library for connecting to 3Dconnexion's 3D input devices libspng]] - ver. 0.5.0 - C library for reading and writing PNG format files libsquish]] - ver. 1.15 - Library for compressing images with the DXT standard libssh]] - ver. 0.9.3 - C library SSHv1/SSHv2 client and server protocol]s libssh2 - 1.9.0 - C library implementing the SSH2 [[protocol] libstatgrab - ver. 0.92 - Provides cross-platform access to statistics about the system libstfl]] - ver. 0.24 - Library implementing a curses-based widget set for terminals libstrophe]] - ver. 0.9.3 - XMPP library for C libstxxl]] - ver. 1.4.1 - C++ implementation of STL for extra large data sets libsvg]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Library for SVG files libsvg-cairo]] - ver. 0.1.6 - SVG rendering library using Cairo libsvm]] - ver. 3.23 - Library for support vector machines libswiften]] - ver. 4.0 - C++ library for implementing XMPP applications libswiftnav]] - ver. 0.21 - C library implementing GNSS related functions and algorithms libtar]] - ver. 1.2.20 - C library for manipulating POSIX tar files libtasn1 - 4.16.0 - ASN.1 structure parser library libtcod]] - ver. 1.8.2 - API for roguelike developers libtecla]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Command-line editing facilities similar to the tcsh shell libtensorflow]] - ver. 2.1.0 - C interface for Google's OS library for Machine Intelligence libtensorflow@1 - 1.15.2 - C interface for Google's OS library for Machine Intelligence libtermkey]] - ver. 0.22 - Library for processing keyboard entry from the terminal libtextcat]] - ver. 2.2 - N-gram-based text categorization library libtiff]] - ver. 4.1.0 - TIFF library and utilities libtins]] - ver. 4.2 - C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library libtomcrypt]] - ver. 1.18.2 - Comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit libtommath]] - ver. 1.2.0 - C library for number theoretic multiple-precision integers libtool]] - ver. 2.4.6 - Generic library support script libtorch]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Tensors and dynamic neural networks libtorrent-rasterbar]] - ver. 1.2.3 - C++ bittorrent library with Python bindings libtrace]] - ver. 4.0.11 - Library for trace processing supporting multiple inputs libtrng]] - ver. 4.20 - Tina's Random Number Generator Library libu2f-host]] - ver. 1.1.10 - Host-side of the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) protocol] libu2f-server - ver. 1.1.0 - Server-side of the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) protocol] libucl - ver. 0.8.1 - Universal configuration library parser libuecc]] - ver. 7 - Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library libuninameslist]] - ver. 20190701 - Library of Unicode names and annotation data libunistring]] - ver. 0.9.10 - C string library for manipulating Unicode strings libunwind-headers]] - ver. 35.4 - C API for determining the call-chain of a program libupnp]] - ver. 1.6.25 - Portable UPnP development kit libusb]] - ver. 1.0.23 - Library for USB device access libusb-compat]] - ver. 0.1.5 - Library for USB device access libusbmuxd]] - ver. 2.0.1 - USB multiplexor library for iOS devices libusrsctp]] - ver. - Portable SCTP userland stack libuv]] - ver. 1.34.2 - Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O libuvc]] - ver. 0.0.6 - Cross-platform library for USB video devices libvbucket]] - ver. - Utility library providing mapping to virtual buckets libvidstab]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Transcode video stabilization plugin libvirt]] - ver. 6.0.0 - C virtualization API libvirt-glib]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Libvirt API for glib-based programs libvisio]] - ver. 0.1.7 - Interpret and import Visio diagrams libvmaf]] - ver. 1.3.15 - Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion libvncserver]] - ver. 0.9.12 - VNC server and client libraries libvo-aacenc]] - ver. 0.1.3 - VisualOn AAC encoder library libvoikko]] - ver. 4.3 - Linguistic software and Finnish dictionary libvorbis]] - ver. 1.3.6 - Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec libvpx]] - ver. 1.8.2 - VP8/VP9 video codec libvterm]] - ver. 0.1.3 - C99 library which implements a VT220 or xterm terminal emulator libwandevent]] - ver. 3.0.2 - API for developing event-driven programs libwbxml]] - ver. 0.11.6 - Library and tools to parse and encode WBXML documents libwebm]] - ver. - WebM container libwebsockets]] - ver. 3.2.2 - C websockets server library libwmf]] - ver. - Library for converting WMF (Window Metafile Format) files libwpd]] - ver. 0.10.3 - General purpose library for reading WordPerfect files libwpg]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Library for reading and parsing Word Perfect Graphics format libwps]] - ver. 0.4.10 - Library to import files in MS Works format libxc]] - ver. 4.3.4 - Library of exchange and correlation functionals for codes libxdg-basedir]] - ver. 1.2.0 - C implementation of the XDG Base Directory specifications libxdiff]] - ver. 0.23 - Implements diff functions for binary and text files libxkbcommon]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Keyboard handling library libxlsxwriter]] - ver. 0.9.4 - C library for creating Excel XLSX files libxmi]] - ver. 1.2 - C/C++ function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics libxml2 - 2.9.10 - GNOME XML library libxml++]] - ver. 2.40.1 - C++ wrapper for libxml libxml++3 - 3.2.0 - C++ wrapper for libxml libxmlsec1 - 1.2.29 - XML security library libxmp]] - ver. 4.4.1 - C library for playback of module music (MOD, S3M, IT, etc) libxmp-lite]] - ver. 4.4.1 - Lite libxmp libxo]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Allows an application to generate text, XML, JSON, and HTML output libxslt]] - ver. 1.1.34 - C XSLT library for GNOME libxspf]] - ver. 1.2.0 - C++ library for XSPF playlist reading and writing libyaml]] - ver. 0.2.2 - YAML Parser libyubikey]] - ver. 1.13 - C library for manipulating Yubico one-time passwords libzdb]] - ver. 3.2 - Database connection pool library libzip]] - ver. 1.6.1 - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives libzt]] - ver. 1 - Encrypted P2P networking library for applications (GPLv3) libzzip]] - ver. 0.13.69 - Library providing read access on ZIP-archives lifelines]] - ver. 3.0.62 - Text-based genealogy software lightgbm]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting framework lightning]] - ver. 2.1.3 - Generates assembly language code at run-time lighttpd]] - ver. 1.4.55 - Small memory footprint, flexible web-server lilv]] - ver. 0.24.6 - C library to use LV2 plugins lincity-ng]] - ver. 2.0 - City simulation game link-grammar]] - ver. 5.6.2 - Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser linkerd]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Command-line utility to interact with linkerd linklint]] - ver. 2.3.5 - Link checker and web site maintenance tool links]] - ver. 2.20.2 - Lynx-like WWW browser that supports tables, menus, etc. liquibase]] - ver. 3.8.6 - Library for database change tracking liquid-dsp]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Digital signal processing library for software-defined radios liquidctl]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices liquidprompt]] - ver. 1.11 - Adaptive prompt for bash and zsh shells liquigraph]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Migration runner for Neo4j literate-git]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Render hierarchical git repositories into HTML little-cms]] - ver. 1.19 - Version 1 of the Little CMS library little-cms2 - 2.9 - Color management engine supporting ICC profiles livestreamer]] - ver. 1.12.2 - Pipes video from streaming services into a player such as VLC lizard]] - ver. 2.0 - Efficient compressor with very fast decompression lldpd]] - ver. 1.0.5 - Implementation of IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP) llnode]] - ver. 2.2.0 - LLDB plugin for live/post-mortem debugging of node.js apps llvm]] - ver. 9.0.1 - Next-gen compiler infrastructure llvm@6 - 6.0.1 - Next-gen compiler infrastructure llvm@7 - 7.1.0 - Next-gen compiler infrastructure llvm@8 - 8.0.1 - Next-gen compiler infrastructure lm4tools]] - ver. 0.1.3 - Tools for TI Stellaris Launchpad boards lmdb]] - ver. 0.9.24 - Lightning memory-mapped database: key-value data store lmod]] - ver. 8.3 - Lua-based environment modules system to modify PATH variable lnav]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files loc]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Count lines of code quickly locateme]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Find your location using Apple's geolocation services lockrun]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Run cron jobs with overrun protection log4c]] - ver. 1.2.4 - Logging Framework for C log4cplus]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Logging Framework for C++ log4cpp]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Configurable logging for C++ log4cxx]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Library of C++ classes for flexible logging log4shib]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Forked version of log4cpp for the Shibboleth project logcheck]] - ver. 1.3.20 - Mail anomalies in the system logfiles to the administrator logrotate]] - ver. 3.15.1 - Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs logstalgia]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Web server access log visualizer with retro style logstash]] - ver. 7.5.2 - Tool for managing events and logs logtalk]] - ver. 3.35.0 - Object-oriented logic programming language lolcat]] - ver. 100.0.0 - Rainbows and unicorns in your console! lolcode]] - ver. 0.11.2 - Esoteric programming language lorem]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Python generator for the console loudmouth]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Lightweight C library for the Jabber protocol] lout - ver. 3.40 - Text formatting like TeX, but simpler lpc21isp]] - ver. 1.97 - In-circuit programming (ISP) tool for several NXP microcontrollers lrdf]] - ver. 0.6.1 - RDF library for accessing plugin metadata in the LADSPA plugin system lrzip]] - ver. 0.631 - Compression program with a very high compression ratio lrzsz]] - ver. 0.12.20 - Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem file transfer lsd]] - ver. 0.16.0 - Clone of ls with colorful output, file type icons, and more lsdvd]] - ver. 0.17 - Read the content info of a DVD lsof]] - ver. 4.93.2 - Utility to list open files lsusb]] - ver. 1.0 - List USB devices, just like the Linux lsusb command lsyncd]] - ver. 2.2.3 - Synchronize local directories with remote targets ltc-tools]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Tools to deal with linear-timecode (LTC) ltl2ba]] - ver. 1.2b1 - Translate LTL formulae to Buchi automata lua]] - ver. 5.3.5 - Powerful, lightweight programming language lua@5.1 - 5.1.5 - Powerful, lightweight programming language (v5.1.5) luabind]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Library for bindings between C++ and Lua luajit]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Just-In-Time Compiler (JIT) for the Lua programming language luaradio]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Lightweight, embeddable flow graph signal processing framework for SDR luarocks]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Package manager for the Lua programming language luaver]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Manage and switch between versions of Lua, LuaJIT, and Luarocks luit]] - ver. 20180628 - Filter run between arbitrary application and UTF-8 terminal emulator lumo]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment lutok]] - ver. 0.4 - Lightweight C++ API for Lua luvit]] - ver. 2.16.0 - Asynchronous I/O for Lua lv]] - ver. 4.51 - Powerful multi-lingual file viewer/grep lv2 - 1.16.0 - Portable plugin standard for audio systems lwtools]] - ver. 4.17 - Cross-development tools for Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 lxc]] - ver. 3.21 - CLI client for interacting with LXD lxsplit]] - ver. 0.2.4 - Tool for splitting or joining files lynis]] - ver. 2.7.5 - Security and system auditing tool to harden systems lynx]] - ver. 2.8.9rel.1 - Text-based web browser lz4 - 1.9.2 - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm lzfse]] - ver. 1.0 - Apple LZFSE compression library and command-line tool lzip]] - ver. 1.21 - LZMA-based compression program similar to gzip or bzip2 lzlib]] - ver. 1.11 - Data compression library lzo]] - ver. 2.10 - Real-time data compression library lzop]] - ver. 1.04 - File compressor m-cli]] - ver. 0.2.5 - Swiss Army Knife for macOS m2c]] - ver. 0.7 - Modula-2 to C compiler m4 - 1.4.18 - Macro processing language mac-robber]] - ver. 1.02 - Digital investigation tool mackup]] - ver. 0.8.27 - Keep your Mac's application settings in sync macosvpn]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Create Mac OS VPNs programmatically macvim]] - ver. 8.1-161 - GUI for vim, made for macOS mad]] - ver. 0.15.1b]] - ver. MPEG audio decoder madplay]] - ver. 0.15.2b]] - ver. MPEG Audio Decoder mafft]] - ver. 7.453 - Multiple alignments with fast Fourier transforms mage]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Make/rake-like build tool using Go magic-wormhole]] - ver. 0.11.2 - Securely transfers data between computers magnetix]] - ver. 3.1 - Interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls adventures mahout]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Library to help build scalable machine learning libraries mailcheck]] - ver. 1.91.2 - Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail mailhog]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Web and API based SMTP testing tool mailutils]] - ver. 3.8 - Swiss Army knife of email handling mairix]] - ver. 0.24 - Email index and search tool make]] - ver. 4.3 - Utility for directing compilation makedepend]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Creates dependencies in makefiles makefile2graph]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Create a graph of dependencies from GNU-Make makeicns]] - ver. 1.4.10a]] - ver. Create icns files from the command-line makensis]] - ver. 3.05 - System to create Windows installers makepkg]] - ver. 5.0.2 - Compile and build packages suitable for installation with pacman makepp]] - ver. 2.0 - Drop-in replacement for GNU make makeself]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Make self-extractable archives on UNIX malbolge]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Deliberately difficult to program esoteric programming language mallet]] - ver. 2.0.8 - MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit mame]] - ver. 0.218 - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator man-db]] - ver. 2.9.1 - Unix documentation system man2html]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Convert nroff man pages to HTML mandoc]] - ver. 1.14.5 - The mandoc UNIX manpage compiler toolset manticoresearch]] - ver. 3.3.0 - Open source text search engine mapcrafter]] - ver. 2.4 - Minecraft map renderer mapnik]] - ver. 3.0.22 - Toolkit for developing mapping applications mapserver]] - ver. 7.4.3 - Publish spatial data and interactive mapping apps to the web marathon-swift]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts mariadb]] - ver. 10.4.11 - Drop-in replacement for MySQL mariadb-connector-c]] - ver. 3.1.7 - MariaDB database connector for C applications mariadb-connector-odbc]] - ver. 3.1.5 - Database driver using the industry standard ODBC API mariadb@10.1 - 10.1.44 - Drop-in replacement for MySQL mariadb@10.2 - 10.2.30 - Drop-in replacement for MySQL mariadb@10.3 - 10.3.21 - Drop-in replacement for MySQL markdown]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Text-to-HTML conversion tool marst]] - ver. 2.7 - Algol-to-C translator mas]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Mac App Store command-line interface masscan]] - ver. 1.0.5 - TCP port scanner, scans entire Internet in under 5 minutes massren]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Easily rename multiple files using your text editor mat2 - 0.10.1 - Metadata anonymization toolkit math-comp]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Mathematical Components for the Coq proof assistant matlab2tikz]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Convert MATLAB(R) figures into TikZ/Pgfplots figures maven]] - ver. 3.6.3 - Java-based project management maven-completion]] - ver. 20160501 - Bash completion for Maven maven-shell]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Shell for Maven maven@3.2 - 3.2.5 - Java-based project management maven@3.3 - 3.3.9 - Java-based project management maven@3.5 - 3.5.4 - Java-based project management mavsdk]] - ver. 0.24.0 - API and library for MAVLink compatible systems written in C++11 mawk]] - ver. 1.3.4-20200120 - Interpreter for the AWK Programming Language maxima]] - ver. 5.43.2 - Computer algebra system maxwell]] - ver. 1.24.1 - Maxwell's daemon, a mysql-to-json kafka producer mbedtls]] - ver. 2.16.4 - Cryptographic & SSL/TLS library mbelib]] - ver. 1.3.0 - P25 Phase 1 and ProVoice vocoder mboxgrep]] - ver. 0.7.9 - Scan a mailbox for messages matching a regular expression mcabber]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Console Jabber client mcpp]] - ver. 2.7.2 - Alternative C/C++ preprocessor mcrypt]] - ver. 2.6.8 - Replacement for the old crypt package and crypt(1) command md]] - ver. 147 - Process raw dependency files produced by cpp md5deep]] - ver. 4.4 - Recursively compute digests on files/directories md5sha1sum]] - ver. 0.9.5 - Hash utilities mda-lv2 - 1.2.4 - LV2 port of the MDA plugins mdbook]] - ver. 0.3.5 - Create modern online books from Markdown files mdbtools]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Tools to facilitate the use of Microsoft Access databases mdcat]] - ver. 0.15.1 - Show markdown documents on text terminals mdds]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithm mdf2iso]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Tool to convert MDF (Alcohol 120% images) images to ISO images mdk]] - ver. 1.2.10 - GNU MIX development kit mdp]] - ver. 1.0.15 - Command-line based markdown presentation tool mdr]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Make diffs readable mdv]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Styled terminal markdown viewer mdxmini]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Plays music in X68000 MDX chiptune format mecab]] - ver. 0.996 - Yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer mecab-ipadic]] - ver. 2.7.0-20070801 - IPA dictionary compiled for MeCab mecab-jumandic]] - ver. 7.0-20130310 - See mecab mecab-ko]] - ver. 0.996-ko-0.9.2 - See mecab mecab-ko-dic]] - ver. 1.6.1-20140814 - See mecab mecab-unidic]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Morphological analyzer for MeCab mecab-unidic-extended]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Extended morphological analyzer for MeCab media-info]] - ver. 19.09 - Unified display of technical and tag data for audio/video mediaconch]] - ver. 18.03.2 - Conformance checker and technical metadata reporter mednafen]] - ver. 1.22.2 - Multi-system emulator megacmd]] - ver. 0.016 - Command-line client for storage service megatools]] - ver. 1.10.2 - Command-line client for meilisearch]] - ver. 0.8.4 - Ultra relevant, instant and typo-tolerant full-text search API memcache-top]] - ver. 0.6 - Grab real-time stats from memcache memcached]] - ver. 1.5.22 - High performance, distributed memory object caching system memcacheq]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Queue service for memcache memtester]] - ver. 4.3.0 - Utility for testing the memory subsystem menhir]] - ver. 20190924 - LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml programming language mercurial]] - ver. 5.3 - Scalable distributed version control system mercury]] - ver. 14.01.1 - Logic/functional programming language mergelog]] - ver. 4.5 - Merges httpd logs from web servers behind round-robin DNS mergepbx]] - ver. 0.10 - Merge XCode project files in git mesa]] - ver. 20.0.0 - Graphics Library mesalib-glw]] - ver. 8.0.0 - Open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification meson]] - ver. 0.53.2 - Fast and user friendly build system meson-internal]] - ver. 0.46.1 - Fast and user friendly build system mesos]] - ver. 1.8.1 - Apache cluster manager metabase]] - ver. 0.34.2 - Business intelligence report server metaproxy]] - ver. 1.17.1 - Z39.50 proxy and router utilizing Yaz toolkit metashell]] - ver. 4.0.0 - Metaprogramming shell for C++ templates metis]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Programs that partition graphs and order matrices metricbeat]] - ver. 6.8.6 - Collect metrics from your systems and services mfcuk]] - ver. 0.3.8 - MiFare Classic Universal toolKit mfoc]] - ver. 0.10.7 - Implementation of 'offline nested' attack by Nethemba mfterm]] - ver. 1.0.7 - Terminal for working with Mifare Classic 1-4k Tags mftrace]] - ver. 1.2.19 - Trace TeX bitmap font to PFA, PFB, or TTF font mg]] - ver. 6.6 - Small Emacs-like editor mgba]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Game Boy Advance emulator mhash]] - ver. - Uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms micro]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor micronaut]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Modern JVM-based framework for building modular microservices micropython]] - ver. 1.12 - Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems midgard2 - 12.09 - Generic content repository for web and desktop applications midicsv]] - ver. 1.1 - Convert MIDI audio files to human-readable CSV format midnight-commander]] - ver. 4.8.24 - Terminal-based visual file manager mighttpd2 - 3.4.6 - HTTP server mikmod]] - ver. 3.2.8 - Portable tracked music player mikutter]] - ver. 4.0.4 - Extensible Twitter client mill]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Scala build tool miller]] - ver. 5.6.2 - Like sed, awk, cut, join & sort for name-indexed data such as CSV mimic]] - ver. - Lightweight text-to-speech engine based on CMU Flite minbif]] - ver. 1.0.5-20150505 - IRC-to-other-IM-networks gateway using Pidgin library minetest]] - ver. 5.1.1 - Free, open source voxel game engine and game mingw-w64 - 7.0.0 - Minimalist GNU for Windows and GCC cross-compilers minica]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Small, simple certificate authority minicom]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Menu-driven communications program minidjvu]] - ver. 0.8 - DjVu multipage encoder, single page encoder/decoder minidlna]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Media server software, compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients minikube]] - ver. 1.7.3 - Run a Kubernetes cluster locally minimal-racket]] - ver. 7.5 - Modern programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family minimesos]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Testing infrastructure for Mesos frameworks minimodem]] - ver. 0.24 - General-purpose software audio FSK modem minio]] - ver. 20200220225123 - Amazon S3 compatible object storage server minio-mc]] - ver. 20200225181003 - Replacement for ls, cp and other commands for object storage minised]] - ver. 1.15 - Smaller, cheaper, faster SED implementation miniserve]] - ver. 0.5.0 - High performance static file server minisign]] - ver. 0.8 - Sign files & verify signatures. Works with signify in OpenBSD miniupnpc]] - ver. 2.1 - UPnP IGD client library and daemon minizinc]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Medium-level constraint modeling language minizip]] - ver. 1.2.11 - C library for zip/unzip via zLib minizip2 - 2.9.1 - Zip file manipulation library with minizip 1.x compatibility layer mint]] - ver. 0.14.1 - Dependency manager that installs and runs Swift command-line tool packages minuit2 - 5.34.14 - Physics analysis tool for function minimization miruo]] - ver. 0.9.6b]] - ver. Pretty-print TCP session monitor/analyzer mit-scheme]] - ver. 10.1.10 - MIT/GNU Scheme development tools and runtime library mitie]] - ver. 0.7 - Library and tools for information extraction mitmproxy]] - ver. 5.0.1 - Intercept, modify, replay, save HTTP/S traffic mix-completion]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Elixir Mix completion plus shortcuts/colors mjpegtools]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Record and playback videos and perform simple edits mk-configure]] - ver. 0.34.0 - Lightweight replacement for GNU autotools mkcert]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Simple tool to make locally trusted development certificates mkclean]] - ver. 0.8.10 - Optimizes Matroska and WebM files mkcue]] - ver. 1 - Generate a CUE sheet from a CD mkdocs]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Project documentation with Markdown mkhexgrid]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Fully-configurable hex grid generator mkl-dnn]] - ver. 1.2 - Intel Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks mksh]] - ver. 57 - MirBSD Korn Shell mktorrent]] - ver. 1.1 - Create BitTorrent metainfo files mkvalidator]] - ver. 0.5.2 - Tool to verify Matroska and WebM files for spec conformance mkvdts2ac3 - 1.6.0 - Convert DTS audio to AC3 within a matroska file mkvtomp4 - 2.0 - Convert mkv files to mp4 mkvtoolnix]] - ver. 40.0.0 - Matroska media files manipulation tools mlkit]] - ver. 4.4.3 - Compiler for the Standard ML programming language mlogger]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Log to syslog from the command-line mlpack]] - ver. 3.2.2 - Scalable C++ machine learning library mlt]] - ver. 6.20.0 - Author, manage, and run multitrack audio/video compositions mlton]] - ver. 20180207 - Whole-program, optimizing compiler for Standard ML mm-common]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Build utilities for C++ interfaces of GTK+ and GNOME packages mmark]] - ver. 2.2.4 - Powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF mmctl]] - ver. 5.21 - Remote CLI tool for Mattermost server mmix]] - ver. 20160804 - 64-bit RISC architecture designed by Donald Knuth mmseqs2 - 11-e1a1c]] - ver. Software suite for very fast sequence search and clustering mmsrip]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Client for the MMS:// protocol] mmv - ver. 1.01b]] - ver. Move, copy, append, and link multiple files moarvm]] - ver. 2020.01.1 - Virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo Perl 6 mobiledevice]] - ver. 2.0.0 - CLI for Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework moc]] - ver. 2.5.2 - Terminal-based music player mockserver]] - ver. 5.9.0 - Mock HTTP server and proxy moco]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Stub server with Maven, Gradle, Scala, and shell integration modd]] - ver. 0.8 - Flexible tool for responding to filesystem changes modgit]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Tool for git repo deploy with filters. Used for magento development modman]] - ver. 1.12 - Module deployment script geared towards Magento development modules]] - ver. 4.4.1 - Dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles moe]] - ver. 1.10 - Console text editor for ISO-8859 and ASCII mogenerator]] - ver. 1.32 - Generate Objective-C & Swift classes from your Core Data model molecule]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Automated testing for Ansible roles molten-vk]] - ver. 1.0.40 - Implementation of the Vulkan graphics and compute API on top of Metal mon]] - ver. 1.2.3 - Monitor hosts/services/whatever and alert about problems monero]] - ver. - Official monero wallet and cpu miner monetdb]] - ver. 11.35.19 - Column-store database mongo-c-driver]] - ver. 1.16.2 - C driver for MongoDB mongo-cxx-driver]] - ver. 3.4.0 - C++ driver for MongoDB mongo-orchestration]] - ver. 0.6.11 - REST API to manage MongoDB configurations on a single host mongoose]] - ver. 6.16 - Web server build on top of Libmongoose embedded library mongrel2 - 1.11.0 - Application, language, and network architecture agnostic web server mongroup]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Monitor a group of processes with mon monit]] - ver. 5.26.0 - Manage and monitor processes, files, directories, and devices monitoring-plugins]] - ver. 2.2 - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems monkeysphere]] - ver. 0.44 - Use the OpenPGP web of trust to verify ssh connections mono]] - ver. - Cross platform, open source .NET development framework mono-libgdiplus]] - ver. 6.0.4 - GDI+-compatible API on non-Windows operating systems monolith]] - ver. 2.1.2 - CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file montage]] - ver. 4.0 - Toolkit for assembling FITS images into custom mosaics moon-buggy]] - ver. 1.0 - Drive some car across the moon moreutils]] - ver. 0.63 - Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young morse]] - ver. 2.5 - Morse-code training program and QSO generator mosh]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Remote terminal application mosml]] - ver. 2.10.1 - Moscow ML mosquitto]] - ver. 1.6.8 - Message broker implementing the MQTT protocol] most - ver. 5.1.0 - Powerful paging program movgrab]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Downloader for youtube, dailymotion, and other video websites moz-git-tools]] - ver. 0.1 - Tools for working with Git at Mozilla mozilla-addon-sdk]] - ver. 1.17 - Create Firefox add-ons using JS, HTML, and CSS mozjpeg]] - ver. 3.3.1 - Improved JPEG encoder mp3blaster]] - ver. 3.2.6 - Text-based mp3 player mp3cat]] - ver. 0.5 - Reads and writes mp3 files mp3check]] - ver. 0.8.7 - Tool to check mp3 files for consistency mp3fs]] - ver. 0.91 - Read-only FUSE file system: transcodes audio formats to MP3 mp3gain]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Lossless mp3 normalizer with statistical analysis mp3info]] - ver. 0.8.5a]] - ver. MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor mp3splt]] - ver. 2.6.2 - Command-line interface to split MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files mp3unicode]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Command-line utility to convert mp3 tags between different encodings mp3val]] - ver. 0.1.8 - Program for MPEG audio stream validation mp3wrap]] - ver. 0.5 - Wrap two or more mp3 files in a single large file mp4v2 - 2.0.0 - Read, create, and modify MP4 files mpack]] - ver. 1.6 - MIME mail packing and unpacking mpage]] - ver. 2.5.7 - Many to one page printing utility mpc]] - ver. 0.33 - Command-line music player client for mpd mpck]] - ver. 0.21 - Check MP3 files for errors mpd]] - ver. 0.21.20 - Music Player Daemon mpdas]] - ver. 0.4.5 - C++ client to submit tracks to audioscrobbler mpdscribble]] - ver. 0.22 - reporting client for mpd mpdviz]] - ver. 0.4.6 - Standalone console MPD visualizer mpegdemux]] - ver. 0.1.4 - MPEG1/2 system stream demultiplexer mpfi]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Multiple precision interval arithmetic library mpfr]] - ver. 4.0.2 - C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations mpg123 - 1.25.13 - MP3 player for Linux and UNIX mpg321 - 0.3.2 - Command-line MP3 player mpgtx]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Toolbox to manipulate MPEG files mpi4py]] - ver. 3.0.3 - Python bindings for MPI mpich]] - ver. 3.3.2 - Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard mpir]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals (fork of GMP) mplayer]] - ver. 1.4 - UNIX movie player mplayershell]] - ver. 0.9.3 - Improved visual experience for MPlayer on macOS mpop]] - ver. 1.4.7 - POP3 client mps-youtube]] - ver. 0.2.8 - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader mpssh]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Mass parallel ssh mpv]] - ver. 0.32.0 - Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 mpw]] - ver. 2.6-cli-5 - Stateless/deterministic password and identity manager mr]] - ver. 1.20180726 - Multiple Repository management tool mrboom]] - ver. 4.9 - Eight player Bomberman clone mrtg]] - ver. 2.17.7 - Multi router traffic grapher mruby]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Lightweight implementation of the Ruby language mruby-cli]] - ver. 0.0.4 - Build native command-line applications for Linux, MacOS, and Windows mscgen]] - ver. 0.20 - Parses Message Sequence Chart descriptions and produces images msdl]] - ver. 1.2.7-r2 - Downloader for various streaming protocol]s msgpack - ver. 3.2.1 - Library for a binary-based efficient data interchange format msgpack-tools]] - ver. 0.6 - Command-line tools for converting between MessagePack and JSON msgpuck]] - ver. 2.0 - Simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library msitools]] - ver. 0.100 - Windows installer (.MSI) tool msktutil]] - ver. 1.1 - Active Directory keytab management msmtp]] - ver. 1.8.7 - SMTP client that can be used as an SMTP plugin for Mutt mspdebug]] - ver. 0.25 - Debugger for use with MSP430 MCUs mstch]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Complete implementation of

templates using modern C++ mtools]] - ver. 4.0.23 - Tools for manipulating MSDOS files mtr]] - ver. 0.93 - 'traceroute' and 'ping' in a single tool mu]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Tool for searching e-mail messages stored in the maildir-format mujs]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Embeddable Javascript interpreter multimarkdown]] - ver. 6.5.1 - Turn marked-up plain text into well-formatted documents multitail]] - ver. 6.5.0 - Tail multiple files in one terminal simultaneously muparser]] - ver. - C++ math expression parser library mupdf]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer mupdf-tools]] - ver. 1.16.1 - Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer mupen64plus]] - ver. 2.5 - Cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator musepack]] - ver. r475 - Audio compression format and tools mussh]] - ver. 1.0 - Multi-host SSH wrapper mutt]] - ver. 1.13.4 - Mongrel of mail user agents (part elm, pine, mush, mh, etc.) mvnvm]] - ver. 1.0.13 - Maven version manager mvtools]] - ver. 21 - Filters for motion estimation and compensation mycli]] - ver. 1.20.1 - CLI for MySQL with auto-completion and syntax highlighting mydumper]] - ver. 0.9.5 - How MySQL DBA & support engineer would imagine 'mysqldump' ;-) myman]] - ver. 2009-10-30 - Text-mode videogame inspired by Namco's Pac-Man mypy]] - ver. 0.761 - Experimental optional static type checker for Python mysql]] - ver. 8.0.19 - Open source relational database management system mysql-client]] - ver. 8.0.18 - Open source relational database management system mysql-client@5.7 - 5.7.28 - Open source relational database management system mysql-connector-c++]] - ver. 8.0.18 - MySQL database connector for C++ applications mysql-connector-c++@1.1 - 1.1.13 - MySQL database connector for C++ applications mysql-sandbox]] - ver. 3.2.17 - Install one or more MySQL servers mysql-search-replace]] - ver. 3.1 - Database search and replace script in PHP mysql@5.6 - 5.6.47 - Open source relational database management system mysql@5.7 - 5.7.29 - Open source relational database management system mysql++]] - ver. 3.2.5 - C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API mysqltuner]] - ver. 1.7.17 - Increase performance and stability of a MySQL installation mytop]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Top-like query monitor for MySQL n]] - ver. 6.3.1 - Node version management nacl]] - ver. 20110221 - Network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures library naga]] - ver. 1.0 - Terminal implementation of the Snake game nagios]] - ver. 4.4.5 - Network monitoring and management system nagios-plugins]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Plugins for the nagios network monitoring system nailgun]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line client, protocol] and server for Java programs namazu - ver. 2.0.21 - Full-text search engine namebench]] - ver. 1.3.1 - DNS benchmark utility nano]] - ver. 4.8 - Free (GNU) replacement for the Pico text editor nanomsg]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Socket library in C nanomsgxx]] - ver. 0.2 - Nanomsg binding for C++11 nanopb-generator]] - ver. - C library for encoding and decoding Protocol Buffer messages narwhal]] - ver. 0.3.2 - General purpose JavaScript platform for building applications nasm]] - ver. 2.14.02 - Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an 80×86 assembler natalie]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift) nativefier]] - ver. 7.7.1 - Wrap web apps natively nats-server]] - ver. 2.1.4 - Lightweight cloud messaging system nats-streaming-server]] - ver. 0.17.0 - Lightweight cloud messaging system naturaldocs]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Extensible, multi-language documentation generator nauty]] - ver. 26r12 - Automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs nave]] - ver. 2.4.2 - Virtual environments for Node.js navi]] - ver. 0.18.3 - Interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line nbdime]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Jupyter Notebook Diff and Merge tools nbimg]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Smartphone boot splash screen converter for Android and winCE ncdc]] - ver. 1.22.1 - NCurses direct connect ncdu]] - ver. 1.14.2 - NCurses Disk Usage ncftp]] - ver. 3.2.6 - FTP client with an advanced user interface ncmpc]] - ver. 0.37 - Curses Music Player Daemon (MPD) client ncmpcpp]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon nco]] - ver. 4.9.2 - Command-line operators for netCDF and HDF files ncompress]] - ver. - Fast, simple LZW file compressor ncp]] - ver. 1.2.4 - File copy tool for LANs ncrack]] - ver. 0.7 - Network authentication cracking tool ncurses]] - ver. 6.2 - Text-based UI library ncview]] - ver. 2.1.8 - Visual browser for netCDF format files ndenv]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Node version manager ndiff]] - ver. 2.00 - Virtual package provided by nmap ndpi]] - ver. 3.0 - Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) library ne]] - ver. 3.3.0 - The nice editor neatvi]] - ver. 07 - ex/vi clone for editing bidirectional utf-8 text nebula]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Scalable overlay networking tool for connecting computers anywhere nedit]] - ver. 5.7 - Fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor needle]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework with real code negfix8 - 8.3 - Turn scanned negative images into positives neko]] - ver. 2.3.0 - High-level, dynamically typed programming language neo4j]] - ver. 3.5.14 - Robust (fully ACID) transactional property graph database neofetch]] - ver. 6.1.0 - Fast, highly customisable system info script neomutt]] - ver. 20191207 - E-mail reader with support for Notmuch, NNTP and much more neon]] - ver. 0.30.2 - HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface neopop-sdl]] - ver. 0.2 - NeoGeo Pocket emulator neovim]] - ver. 0.4.3 - Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility nesc]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Programming language for deeply networked systems nestopia-ue]] - ver. 1.49 - Nestopia UE (Undead Edition): NES emulator net-snmp]] - ver. 5.8 - Implements SNMP v1, v2c, and v3, using IPv4 and IPv6 netcat]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Utility for managing network connections netcat6 - 1.0 - Rewrite of netcat that supports IPv6, plus other improvements netcdf]] - ver. 4.7.3 - Libraries and data formats for array-oriented scientific data netdata]] - ver. 1.20.0 - Distributed real-time performance and health monitoring nethack]] - ver. 3.6.5 - Single-player roguelike video game nethacked]] - ver. 1.0 - Bugfixed and interface-patched Nethack nethogs]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process netlify-cli]] - ver. 2.36.0 - Netlify command-line tool netpbm]] - ver. 10.86.09 - Image manipulation netperf]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Benchmarks performance of many different types of networking netris]] - ver. 0.52 - Networked variant of tetris nettle]] - ver. 3.4.1 - Low-level cryptographic library nettoe]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Tic Tac Toe-like game for the console newlisp]] - ver. 10.7.5 - Lisp-like, general-purpose scripting language newman]] - ver. 4.6.0 - Command-line collection runner for Postman newsboat]] - ver. 2.18 - RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals newt]] - ver. 0.52.21 - Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces nexus]] - ver. 2.14.13-01 - Repository manager for binary software components nfcutils]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Near Field Communication (NFC) tools under POSIX systems nfdump]] - ver. 1.6.19 - Tools to collect and process netflow data on the command-line nghttp2 - 1.40.0 - HTTP/2 C Library nginx]] - ver. 1.17.8 - HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server ngircd]] - ver. 25 - Lightweight Internet Relay Chat server ngrep]] - ver. 1.47 - Network grep ngspice]] - ver. 31 - Spice circuit simulator ngt]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Neighborhood graph and tree for indexing high-dimensional data nickle]] - ver. 2.85 - Desk calculator language nicovideo-dl]] - ver. 0.0.20190126 - Command-line program to download videos from nifi]] - ver. 1.11.3 - Easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data nifi-registry]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Centralized storage & management of NiFi/MiNiFi shared resources nift]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Cross-platform open source framework for managing and generating websites nikto]] - ver. 2.1.6 - Web server scanner nim]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Statically typed compiled systems programming language ninja]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Small build system for use with gyp or CMake ninvaders]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Space Invaders in the terminal nkf]] - ver. 2.1.5 - Network Kanji code conversion Filter (NKF) nload]] - ver. 0.7.4 - Realtime console network usage monitor nlohmann-json]] - ver. 3.7.3 - JSON for modern C++ nlopt]] - ver. 2.6.1 - Free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization nmap]] - ver. 7.80 - Port scanning utility for large networks nmh]] - ver. 1.7.1 - The new version of the MH mail handler nng]] - ver. 1.2.6 - Nanomsg-next-generation – light-weight brokerless messaging nnn]] - ver. 3.0 - Tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager no-more-secrets]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Recreates the SETEC ASTRONOMY effect from 'Sneakers' node]] - ver. 13.8.0 - Platform built on V8 to build network applications node-build]] - ver. 4.7.2 - Install NodeJS versions node-sass]] - ver. 1.24.0 - JavaScript implementation of a Sass compiler node@10 - 10.19.0 - Platform built on V8 to build network applications node@12 - 12.16.1 - Platform built on V8 to build network applications node_exporter]] - ver. 0.18.1 - Prometheus exporter for machine metrics nodebrew]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Node.js version manager nodeenv]] - ver. 1.3.4 - Node.js virtual environment builder nodenv]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Manage multiple NodeJS versions nomad]] - ver. 0.10.4 - Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler nopoll]] - ver. 0.4.6.b400 - Open-source C WebSocket toolkit norm]] - ver. 1.5.8 - NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast normalize]] - ver. 0.7.7 - Adjust volume of audio files to a standard level noti]] - ver. 3.4.0 - Trigger notifications when a process completes notifiers]] - ver. 1.2.1 - The easy way to send notifications notmuch]] - ver. 0.29.3 - Thread-based email index, search, and tagging now-cli]] - ver. 17.0.4 - The command-line interface for Now noweb]] - ver. 2.11b]] - ver. WEB-like literate-programming tool npth]] - ver. 1.6 - New GNU portable threads library npush]] - ver. 0.7 - Logic game simliar to Sokoban and Boulder Dash nq]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Unix command-line queue utility nqp]] - ver. 2020.01 - Lightweight Perl 6-like environment for virtual machines nrg2iso]] - ver. 0.4 - Extract ISO9660 data from Nero nrg files nrpe]] - ver. 4.0.0 - Nagios remote plugin executor nsd]] - ver. 4.2.4 - Name server daemon nsnake]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Classic snake game with textual interface nspr]] - ver. 4.25 - Platform-neutral API for system-level and libc-like functions nsq]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Realtime distributed messaging platform nss]] - ver. 3.50 - Libraries for security-enabled client and server applications nsuds]] - ver. 0.7B]] - ver. Ncurses Sudoku system ntfs-3g]] - ver. 2017.3.23 - Read-write NTFS driver for FUSE ntl]] - ver. 11.4.3 - C++ number theory library ntopng]] - ver. 3.8.1 - Next generation version of the original ntop ntp]] - ver. 4.2.8p13 - The Network Time Protocol (NTP) Distribution nu]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Object-oriented, Lisp-like programming language nu-smv]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Reimplementation and extension of SMV symbolic model checker nudoku]] - ver. 1.0.0 - ncurses based sudoku game nuget]] - ver. 5.4.0 - Package manager for Microsoft development platform including .NET num-utils]] - ver. 0.5 - Programs for dealing with numbers from the command-line numpy]] - ver. 1.18.1 - Package for scientific computing with Python numpy@1.16 - 1.16.6 - Package for scientific computing with Python nushell]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Modern shell for the GitHub era nut]] - ver. 2.7.4 - Network UPS Tools: Support for various power devices nutcracker]] - ver. 0.4.1 - Proxy for memcached and redis nuttcp]] - ver. 8.1.4 - Network performance measurement tool nuvie]] - ver. 0.5 - The Ultima 6 engine nuxeo]] - ver. 10.10 - Enterprise Content Management nvc]] - ver. 1.4.0 - VHDL compiler and simulator nvi]] - ver. 1.81.6 - 44BSD re-implementation of vi nvm]] - ver. 0.35.2 - Manage multiple Node.js versions nwchem]] - ver. 6.8.1 - NWChem: Open Source High-Performance Computational Chemistry nxengine]] - ver. - Rewrite of Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) nyancat]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Renders an animated, color, ANSI-text loop of the Poptart Cat nylon]] - ver. 1.21 - Proxy server nyx]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Command-line monitor for Tor nzbget]] - ver. 21.0 - Binary newsgrabber for nzb files oath-toolkit]] - ver. 2.6.2 - Tools for one-time password authentication systems oauth2_proxy]] - ver. 2.2 - Reverse proxy for authenticating users via OAuth 2 providers oauth2l]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Simple CLI for interacting with Google oauth tokens objc-codegenutils]] - ver. 1.0 - Three small tools to help work with XCode objc-run]] - ver. 1.4 - Use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks objfw]] - ver. 0.90.2 - Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language ocaml]] - ver. 4.08.1 - General purpose programming language in the ML family ocaml-findlib]] - ver. 1.8.1 - OCaml library manager ocaml-num]] - ver. 1.3 - OCaml legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic ocamlbuild]] - ver. 0.14.0 - Generic build tool for OCaml ocamlsdl]] - ver. 0.9.1 - OCaml interface with the SDL C library oclgrind]] - ver. 19.10 - OpenCL device simulator and debugger ocp]] - ver. 0.2.1 - UNIX port of the Open Cubic Player ocproxy]] - ver. 1.60 - User-level SOCKS and port forwarding proxy ocrad]] - ver. 0.27 - Optical character recognition (OCR) program ocrmypdf]] - ver. 9.6.0 - Adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files octant]] - ver. 0.10.2 - Kubernetes introspection tool for developers octave]] - ver. 5.2.0 - High-level interpreted language for numerical computing octomap]] - ver. 1.9.3 - Efficient probabilistic 3D mapping framework based on octrees ode]] - ver. 0.16 - Simulating articulated rigid body dynamics odo]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Atomic odometer for the command-line odpi]] - ver. 3.2.2 - Oracle Database Programming Interface for Drivers and Applications odt2txt]] - ver. 0.5 - Convert OpenDocument files to plain text offlineimap]] - ver. 7.3.2 - Synchronizes emails between two repositories oggz]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Command-line tool for manipulating Ogg files ogmtools]] - ver. 1.5 - OGG media streams manipulation tools ohcount]] - ver. 4.0.0 - Source code line counter okteto]] - ver. 1.7.3 - Build better apps by developing and testing code directly in Kubernetes ola]] - ver. 0.10.7 - Open Lighting Architecture for lighting control information olsrd]] - ver. - Implementation of the optimized link state routing protocol] omega - ver. 1.4.14 - Packaged search engine for websites, built on top of Xapian omega-rpg]] - ver. 0.80.2 - The classic Roguelike game omniorb]] - ver. 4.2.3 - IOR and naming service utilities for omniORB ompl]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Open Motion Planning Library consists of many motion planning algorithms ondir]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Automatically execute scripts as you traverse directories one-ml]] - ver. 0.1 - Reboot of ML, unifying its core and (now first-class) module layers onefetch]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Git repository summary on your terminal onetime]] - ver. 1.81 - Encryption with one-time pads oniguruma]] - ver. 6.9.4 - Regular expressions library onioncat]] - ver. 0.2.8 - VPN-adapter that provides location privacy using Tor or I2P onnxruntime]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models onscripter]] - ver. 20191116 - NScripter-compatible visual novel engine ooniprobe]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Network interference detection tool opa]] - ver. 0.17.2 - Open source, general-purpose policy engine opam]] - ver. 2.0.6 - The OCaml package manager open-babel]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Chemical toolbox open-cobol]] - ver. 1.1 - COBOL compiler open-completion]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Bash completion for open open-image-denoise]] - ver. 1.0.0 - High-performance denoising library for ray tracing open-jtalk]] - ver. 1.11 - Japanese text-to-speech system open-mesh]] - ver. 8.0 - Generic data structure to represent and manipulate polygonal meshes open-mpi]] - ver. 4.0.2 - High performance message passing library open-ocd]] - ver. 0.10.0 - On-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing open-scene-graph]] - ver. 3.6.5 - 3D graphics toolkit open-sp]] - ver. 1.5.2 - SGML parser open-tyrian]] - ver. 2.1.20130907 - Open-source port of Tyrian open-zwave]] - ver. 1.6.962 - Library that interfaces with selected Z-Wave PC controllers openal-soft]] - ver. 1.20.1 - Implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API openapi-generator]] - ver. 4.2.3 - Generate clients, server & docs from an OpenAPI spec (v2, v3) openblas]] - ver. 0.3.7 - Optimized BLAS library opencascade]] - ver. 7.4.0 - 3D modeling and numerical simulation software for CAD/CAM/CAE opencbm]] - ver. - Provides access to various floppy drive formats opencc]] - ver. 1.0.5 - Simplified-traditional Chinese conversion tool openclonk]] - ver. 7.0 - Multiplayer action game opencoarrays]] - ver. 2.8.0 - Open-source coarray Fortran ABI, API, and compiler wrapper opencolorio]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Color management solution geared towards motion picture production openconnect]] - ver. 8.05 - Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN opencore-amr]] - ver. 0.1.5 - Audio codecs extracted from Android open source project opencsg]] - ver. 1.4.2 - The CSG rendering library opencv]] - ver. 4.2.0 - Open source computer vision library opencv@2 - - Open source computer vision library opencv@3 - 3.4.9 - Open source computer vision library opendbx]] - ver. 1.4.6 - Lightweight but extensible database access library in C opendetex]] - ver. 2.8.5 - Tool to strip TeX or LaTeX commands from documents openexr]] - ver. 2.4.0 - High dynamic-range image file format openfortivpn]] - ver. 1.11.0 - Open Fortinet client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services openh264 - 2.0.0 - H.264 codec from Cisco openhmd]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Free and open source API and drivers for immersive technology openimageio]] - ver. 2.1.11 - Library for reading, processing and writing images openjazz]] - ver. 20190106 - Open source Jazz Jackrabit engine openjdk]] - ver. 13.0.2+8 - Development kit for the Java programming language openjdk@11 - 11.0.6+10 - Development kit for the Java programming language openjpeg]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Library for JPEG-2000 image manipulation openkim-models]] - ver. 2019-07-25 - All OpenKIM Models compatible with kim-api openldap]] - ver. 2.4.49 - Open source suite of directory software openmotif]] - ver. 2.3.8 - LGPL release of the Motif toolkit openmsx]] - ver. 0.15.0 - MSX emulator openrct2 - 0.2.4 - Open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 openrtsp]] - ver. 2018.10.17 - Command-line RTSP client opensaml]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Library for Security Assertion Markup Language opensc]] - ver. 0.20.0 - Tools and libraries for smart cards openshift-cli]] - ver. 4.1.0 - OpenShift command-line interface tools openslide]] - ver. 3.4.1 - C library to read whole-slide images (a.k.a. virtual slides) openslp]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Implementation of Service Location Protocol openssh]] - ver. 8.2p1 - OpenBSD freely-licensed SSH connectivity tools openssl@1.1 - 1.1.1d]] - ver. Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit opensubdiv]] - ver. 3.4.0 - Open-source subdivision surface library opentracing-cpp]] - ver. 1.6.0 - OpenTracing API for C++ opentsdb]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Scalable, distributed Time Series Database openttd]] - ver. 1.9.3 - Simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe openvdb]] - ver. 7.0.0 - Sparse volume processing toolkit openvpn]] - ver. 2.4.8 - SSL/TLS VPN implementing OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension operator-sdk]] - ver. 0.15.2 - SDK for building Kubernetes applications ophcrack]] - ver. 3.8.0 - Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables optipng]] - ver. 0.7.7 - PNG file optimizer opus]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Audio codec opus-tools]] - ver. 0.2 - Utilities to encode, inspect, and decode .opus files opusfile]] - ver. 0.11 - API for decoding and seeking in .opus files orbit]] - ver. 2.14.19 - CORBA 2.4-compliant object request broker (ORB) orc]] - ver. 0.4.31 - Oil Runtime Compiler (ORC) orc-tools]] - ver. 1.6.2 - ORC java command-line tools and utilities ori]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Secure distributed file system orientdb]] - ver. 2.2.29 - Graph database orocos-kdl]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library ortp]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Real-time transport protocol] (RTP, RFC3550) library osc - ver. 0.167.2 - The command-line interface to work with an Open Build Service oscats]] - ver. 0.6 - Computerized adaptive testing system osm-gps-map]] - ver. 1.1.0 - GTK+ library to embed OpenStreetMap maps osm-pbf]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Tools related to PBF (an alternative to XML format) osm2pgrouting]] - ver. 2.3.6 - Import OSM data into pgRouting database osm2pgsql]] - ver. 1.2.1 - OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter osmfilter]] - ver. 0.9 - Command-line tool to filter OpenStreetMap files for specific tags osmium-tool]] - ver. 1.11.1 - Libosmium-based command-line tool for processing OpenStreetMap data osmosis]] - ver. 0.47 - Command-line OpenStreetMap data processor ospray]] - ver. 1.8.5 - Ray-tracing-based rendering engine for high-fidelity visualization osqp]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Operator splitting QP solver osquery]] - ver. 3.3.2 - SQL powered operating system instrumentation and analytics osrm-backend]] - ver. 5.22.0 - High performance routing engine osslsigncode]] - ver. 2.0 - OpenSSL based Authenticode signing for PE/MSI/Java CAB files ossp-uuid]] - ver. 1.6.2 - ISO-C API and CLI for generating UUIDs osx-cpu-temp]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX osxutils]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Collection of macOS command-line utilities otf2 - 2.1.1 - Open Trace Format 2 file handling library otf2bdf]] - ver. 3.1 - OpenType to BDF font converter ott]] - ver. 0.30 - Tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi overmind]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Process manager for Procfile-based applications and tmux owamp]] - ver. 3.4-10 - Implementation of the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol owfs]] - ver. 3.2p3 - Monitor and control physical environment using Dallas/Maxim 1-wire system oxipng]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Multithreaded PNG optimizer written in Rust oysttyer]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Command-line Twitter client p0f]] - ver. 3.09b]] - ver. Versatile passive OS fingerprinting, masquerade detection tool p11-kit]] - ver. 0.23.20 - Library to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules p7zip]] - ver. 16.02 - 7-Zip (high compression file archiver) implementation pacapt]] - ver. 2.4.3 - Package manager in the style of Arch's pacman pachi]] - ver. 12.40 - Software for the Board Game of Go/Weiqi/Baduk packer]] - ver. 1.5.4 - Tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms packer-completion]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Bash completion for Packer packetq]] - ver. 1.4.1 - SQL-frontend to PCAP-files packmol]] - ver. 20.010 - Packing optimization for molecular dynamics simulations pacman4console]] - ver. 1.3 - Pacman for console pacparser]] - ver. 1.3.7 - Library to parse proxy auto-config (PAC) files pacvim]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Learn vim commands via a game pagmo]] - ver. 2.13.0 - Scientific library for massively parallel optimization pakchois]] - ver. 0.4 - PKCS #11 wrapper library paket]] - ver. 5.242.2 - Dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet and Git repositories pam-u2f]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Provides an easy way to use U2F-compliant authenticators with PAM pam_yubico]] - ver. 2.26 - Yubico pluggable authentication module pandoc]] - ver. 2.9.2 - Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion pandoc-citeproc]] - ver. 0.17 - Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc pandoc-crossref]] - ver. - Pandoc filter for numbering and cross-referencing pango]] - ver. 1.44.7 - Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text pangomm]] - ver. 2.42.0 - C++ interface to Pango paperkey]] - ver. 1.6 - Extract just secret information out of OpenPGP secret keys paps]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Pango to PostScript converter par]] - ver. 1.52 - Paragraph reflow for email par2 - 0.8.1 - Parchive: Parity Archive Volume Set for data recovery parallel]] - ver. 20200222 - Shell command parallelization utility parallelstl]] - ver. 20191218 - C++ standard library algorithms with support for execution policies pari]] - ver. 2.11.2 - Computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory parquet-tools]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Apache Parquet command-line tools and utilities parrot]] - ver. 8.1.0 - Open source virtual machine (for Perl6, et al.) partio]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Particle library for 3D graphics pass]] - ver. 1.7.3 - Password manager pass-otp]] - ver. 1.2.0 - The Pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens passenger]] - ver. 6.0.4 - Server for Ruby, Python, and Node.js apps via Apache/NGINX passpie]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Manage login credentials from the terminal passwdqc]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement toolset pastebinit]] - ver. 1.5 - Send things to pastebin from the command-line pastel]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors patchelf]] - ver. 0.10 - Modify dynamic ELF executables patchutils]] - ver. 0.3.4 - Small collection of programs that operate on patch files path-extractor]] - ver. 0.2.0 - UNIX filter which outputs the filepaths found in stdin pax-construct]] - ver. 1.5 - Tools to setup and develop OSGi projects quickly pax-runner]] - ver. 1.8.6 - Tool to provision OSGi bundles payara]] - ver. 5.192 - Java EE application server forked from GlassFish pazpar2 - 1.14.0 - Metasearching middleware webservice pbc]] - ver. 0.5.14 - Pairing-based cryptography pbc-sig]] - ver. 0.0.8 - Signatures library pbzip2 - 1.1.13 - Parallel bzip2 pc6001vx]] - ver. 3.1.3 - PC-6001 emulator pcal]] - ver. 4.11.0 - Generate Postscript calendars without X pcapplusplus]] - ver. 19.12 - C++ network sniffing, packet parsing and crafting framework pcb]] - ver. 4.2.2 - Interactive printed circuit board editor pcb2gcode]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Command-line tool for isolation, routing and drilling of PCBs pce]] - ver. 0.2.2 - PC emulator pcl]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Library for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing pcre]] - ver. 8.44 - Perl compatible regular expressions library pcre2 - 10.34 - Perl compatible regular expressions library with a new API pcre++]] - ver. 0.9.5 - C++ wrapper for the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions pcsc-lite]] - ver. 1.8.26 - Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API pdal]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Point data abstraction library pdf-redact-tools]] - ver. 0.1.2 - Securely redacting and stripping metadata pdf2htmlex]] - ver. 0.14.6 - PDF to HTML converter pdf2image]] - ver. 0.53 - Convert PDFs to images pdf2json]] - ver. 0.70 - PDF to JSON and XML converter pdf2svg]] - ver. 0.2.3 - PDF converter to SVG pdfcpu]] - ver. 0.3.2 - PDF processor written in Go pdfcrack]] - ver. 0.18 - PDF files password cracker pdfgrep]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Search PDFs for strings matching a regular expression pdflib-lite]] - ver. 7.0.5p3 - Subset of the functionality of PDFlib 7 pdfpc]] - ver. 4.4.0 - Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files pdfsandwich]] - ver. 0.1.7 - Generate sandwich OCR PDFs from scanned file pdftk-java]] - ver. 3.0.9 - Port of pdftk in java pdftohtml]] - ver. 0.40a]] - ver. PDF to HTML converter (based on xpdf) pdftoipe]] - ver. - Reads arbitrary PDF files and generates an XML file readable by Ipe pdns]] - ver. 4.2.1 - Authoritative nameserver pdnsd]] - ver. 1.2.9a-par]] - ver. Proxy DNS server with permanent caching pdnsrec]] - ver. 4.2.1 - Non-authoritative/recursing DNS server pdsh]] - ver. 2.34 - Efficient rsh-like utility, for using hosts in parallel peco]] - ver. 0.5.7 - Simplistic interactive filtering tool peg]] - ver. 0.1.18 - Program to perform pattern matching on text peg-markdown]] - ver. 0.4.14 - Markdown implementation based on a PEG grammar pegtl]] - ver. 2.8.1 - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library pelikan]] - ver. 0.1.2 - Production-ready cache services perceptualdiff]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Perceptual image comparison tool percol]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Interactive grep tool percona-server]] - ver. 8.0.17-8 - Drop-in MySQL replacement percona-toolkit]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Percona Toolkit for MySQL percona-xtrabackup]] - ver. 2.4.14 - Open source hot backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB databases perkeep]] - ver. 0.10 - Lets you permanently keep your stuff, for life perl]] - ver. 5.30.1 - Highly capable, feature-rich programming language perl-build]] - ver. 1.30 - Perl builder perl@5.18 - 5.18.4 - Highly capable, feature-rich programming language perltidy]] - ver. 20200110 - Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read peru]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Dependency retriever for version control and archives petsc]] - ver. 3.12.4 - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (real) petsc-complex]] - ver. 3.12.4 - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (complex) pev]] - ver. 0.80 - PE analysis toolkit pex]] - ver. 1.20140409 - Package manager for PostgreSQL pg_top]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Monitor PostgreSQL processes pgbadger]] - ver. 11.1 - Log analyzer for PostgreSQL pgbouncer]] - ver. 1.12.0 - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL pgcli]] - ver. 2.2.0 - CLI for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting pgdbf]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Converter of XBase/FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL pgformatter]] - ver. 4.2 - PostgreSQL syntax beautifier pgloader]] - ver. 3.6.1 - Data loading tool for PostgreSQL pgpdump]] - ver. 0.33 - PGP packet visualizer pgplot]] - ver. 5.2.2 - Device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs pgpool-ii]] - ver. 4.1.1 - PostgreSQL connection pool server pgroonga]] - ver. 2.2.2 - PostgreSQL plugin to use Groonga as index pgrouting]] - ver. 2.6.3 - Provides geospatial routing for PostGIS/PostgreSQL database pgtoolkit]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Tools for PostgreSQL maintenance pgtune]] - ver. 0.9.3 - Tuning wizard for postgresql.conf pgweb]] - ver. 0.11.6 - Web-based PostgreSQL database browser phoon]] - ver. 04A]] - ver. Displays current or specified phase of the moon via ASCII art phoronix-test-suite]] - ver. 9.2.1 - Open-source automated testing/benchmarking software php]] - ver. 7.4.3 - General-purpose scripting language php-code-sniffer]] - ver. 3.5.4 - Check coding standards in PHP, JavaScript and CSS php-cs-fixer]] - ver. 2.16.1 - Tool to automatically fix PHP coding standards issues php@7.2 - 7.2.28 - General-purpose scripting language php@7.3 - 7.3.15 - General-purpose scripting language phplint]] - ver. 4.0-20190206 - Validator and documentator for PHP 5 and 7 programs phpmd]] - ver. 2.8.1 - PHP Mess Detector phpmyadmin]] - ver. 5.0.1 - Web interface for MySQL and MariaDB phpstan]] - ver. 0.12.11 - PHP Static Analysis Tool phpunit]] - ver. 9.0.1 - Programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP physfs]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Library to provide abstract access to various archives pianobar]] - ver. 2019.02.14 - Command-line player for pianod]] - ver. 301 - Pandora client with multiple control interfaces picard-tools]] - ver. 2.21.8 - Tools for manipulating HTS data and formats picat]] - ver. 2.8 - Simple, and yet powerful, logic-based multi-paradigm programming language pick]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Utility to choose one option from a set of choices picoc]] - ver. 2.1 - C interpreter for scripting picocom]] - ver. 3.1 - Minimal dumb-terminal emulation program pict]] - ver. 3.7.1 - Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Tool pidcat]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Colored logcat script to show entries only for specified app pidgin]] - ver. 2.13.0 - Multi-protocol] chat client pidof - ver. 0.1.4 - Display the PID number for a given process name pig]] - ver. 0.17.0 - Platform for analyzing large data sets pigz]] - ver. 2.4 - Parallel gzip pijul]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Patch-based distributed version control system pike]] - ver. 8.0.702 - Dynamic programming language piknik]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Copy/paste anything over the network pillar]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Manage migrations for Cassandra data stores pilosa]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Distributed bitmap index that queries across data sets pinboard-notes-backup]] - ver. - Efficiently back up the notes you've saved to Pinboard pinentry]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol] pinentry-mac - ver. 0.9.4 - Pinentry for GPG on Mac pinfo]] - ver. 0.6.13 - User-friendly, console-based viewer for Info documents pioneer]] - ver. 20200203 - Game of lonely space adventure pioneers]] - ver. 15.5 - Settlers of Catan clone pip-completion]] - ver. 20190723 - Bash completion for Pip pipebench]] - ver. 0.40 - Measure the speed of STDIN/STDOUT communication pipemeter]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Shows speed of data moving from input to output pipenv]] - ver. 2018.11.26 - Python dependency management tool pipes-sh]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Animated pipes terminal screensaver pipx]] - ver. - Execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments pit]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Project manager from hell (integrates with Git) pius]] - ver. 3.0.0 - PGP individual UID signer pixman]] - ver. 0.38.4 - Low-level library for pixel manipulation pixz]] - ver. 1.0.6 - Parallel, indexed, xz compressor pjproject]] - ver. 2.9 - C library for multimedia protocol]s such as SIP, SDP, RTP and more pk - ver. 1.0.2 - Field extractor command-line utility pkcrack]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Implementation of an algorithm for breaking the PkZip cipher pkcs11-helper]] - ver. 1.26.0 - Library to simplify the interaction with PKCS#11 pkg-config]] - ver. 0.29.2 - Manage compile and link flags for libraries pkgdiff]] - ver. 1.7.2 - Tool for analyzing changes in software packages (e.g. RPM, DEB, TAR.GZ) pktanon]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Packet trace anonymization pla]] - ver. 1.2 - Tool for building Gantt charts in PNG, EPS, PDF or SVG format planck]] - ver. 2.24.0 - Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL plank]] - ver. 1.6 - Framework for generating immutable model objects plantuml]] - ver. 1.2020.1 - Draw UML diagrams platformio]] - ver. 4.2.1 - An open-source ecosystem for embedded development platypus]] - ver. 5.3 - Create macOS applications from {Perl,Ruby,sh,Python} scripts plenv]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Perl binary manager plod]] - ver. 1.9 - Keep an online journal of what you're working on ploticus]] - ver. 2.42 - Scriptable plotting and graphing utility plotutils]] - ver. 2.6 - C/C++ function library for exporting 2-D vector graphics plowshare]] - ver. 2.1.7 - Download/upload tool for popular file sharing websites plplot]] - ver. 5.15.0 - Cross-platform software package for creating scientific plots plustache]] - ver. 0.4.0 - C++ port of Mustache templating system plzip]] - ver. 1.8 - Data compressor pmccabe]] - ver. 2.6 - Calculate McCabe-style cyclomatic complexity for C/C++ code pmd]] - ver. 6.21.0 - Source code analyzer for Java, JavaScript, and more pmdmini]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Plays music in PC-88/98 PMD chiptune format pms]] - ver. 0.42 - Practical Music Search, an ncurses-based MPD client pnetcdf]] - ver. 1.12.1 - Parallel netCDF library for scientific data using the OpenMPI library png2ico]] - ver. 2002-12-08 - PNG to icon converter png++]] - ver. 0.2.10 - C++ wrapper for libpng library pngcheck]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Print info and check PNG, JNG, and MNG files pngcrush]] - ver. 1.8.13 - Optimizer for PNG files pngnq]] - ver. 1.1 - Tool for optimizing PNG images pngpaste]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Paste PNG into files pngquant]] - ver. 2.12.5 - PNG image optimizing utility pnpm]] - ver. 4.7.1 - 📦🚀 Fast, disk space efficient package manager poco]] - ver. 1.10.1 - C++ class libraries for building network and internet-based applications pod2man]] - ver. 4.14 - Perl documentation generator podiff]] - ver. 1.1 - Compare textual information in two PO files podofo]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Library to work with the PDF file format poetry]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Python package management tool points2grid]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Generate digital elevation models using local griding pokerstove]] - ver. 1.0 - Poker evaluation and enumeration software polipo]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Web caching proxy polyglot]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Protocol adapter to run UCI engines under XBoard polyml]] - ver. 5.8 - Standard ML implementation polynote]] - ver. 0.3.0 - The polyglot notebook with first-class Scala support pony-stable]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Dependency manager for the Pony language ponyc]] - ver. 0.33.2 - Object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure programming language ponysay]] - ver. 3.0.3 - Cowsay but with ponies poppler]] - ver. 0.85.0 - PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base) popt]] - ver. 1.16 - Library like getopt(3) with a number of enhancements portaudio]] - ver. 19.6.0 - Cross-platform library for audio I/O portmidi]] - ver. 217 - Cross-platform library for real-time MIDI I/O posh]] - ver. 0.13.2 - Policy-compliant ordinary shell poster]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Create large posters out of PostScript pages postgis]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL postgresql]] - ver. 12.2 - Object-relational database system postgresql@10 - 10.12 - Object-relational database system postgresql@11 - 11.7 - Object-relational database system postgresql@9.4 - 9.4.26 - Object-relational database system postgresql@9.5 - 9.5.21 - Object-relational database system postgresql@9.6 - 9.6.17 - Object-relational database system postgrest]] - ver. 6.0.2 - Serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database postmark]] - ver. 1.53 - File system benchmark from NetApp potrace]] - ver. 1.16 - Convert bitmaps to vector graphics povray]] - ver. - Persistence Of Vision RAYtracer (POVRAY) pow]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Zero-config Rack server for local apps on macOS powerline-go]] - ver. 1.15.0 - Beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell powerman]] - ver. 2.3.25 - Control (remotely and in parallel) switched power distribution units ppl]] - ver. 1.2 - Parma Polyhedra Library: numerical abstractions for analysis, verification pprint]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Pretty printer for modern C++ ppss]] - ver. 2.97 - Shell script to execute commands in parallel ppsspp]] - ver. 1.9.4 - PlayStation Portable emulator pqiv]] - ver. 2.11 - Powerful image viewer with minimal UI pre-commit]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Framework for managing multi-language pre-commit hooks precomp]] - ver. 0.4.7 - Command-line precompressor to achieve better compression predictionio]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Source machine learning server prefixsuffix]] - ver. 0.6.9 - GUI batch renaming utility premake]] - ver. 4.4-beta5 - Write once, build anywhere Lua-based build system prest]] - ver. 0.3.4 - Serve a RESTful API from any PostgreSQL database prestodb]] - ver. 0.230 - Distributed SQL query engine for big data prestosql]] - ver. 329 - Distributed SQL query engine for big data prettier]] - ver. 1.19.1 - Code formatter for JavaScript, CSS, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, YAML prettyping]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Wrapper to colorize and simplify ping's output primer3 - 2.4.0 - Program for designing PCR primers primesieve]] - ver. 7.5 - Fast C/C++ prime number generator prips]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Print the IP addresses in a given range privoxy]] - ver. 3.0.28 - Advanced filtering web proxy procmail]] - ver. 14 - Autonomous mail processor procs]] - ver. 0.9.12 - Modern replacement for ps written by Rust proctools]] - ver. 0.4pre1 - pgrep, pkill, and pfind for OpenBSD and Darwin (macOS) procyon-decompiler]] - ver. 0.5.36 - Modern decompiler for Java 5 and beyond prodigal]] - ver. 2.6.3 - Microbial gene prediction profanity]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Console based XMPP client proftpd]] - ver. 1.3.6c]] - ver. Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software progress]] - ver. 0.14 - Progress: Coreutils Progress Viewer proguard]] - ver. 6.2.2 - Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator proj]] - ver. 6.3.1 - Cartographic Projections Library prometheus]] - ver. 2.16.0 - Service monitoring system and time series database proof-general]] - ver. 4.4 - Emacs-based generic interface for theorem provers proper]] - ver. 1.3 - QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang proselint]] - ver. 0.10.2 - Linter for prose proteinortho]] - ver. 6.0.14 - Detecting orthologous genes within different species protobuf]] - ver. 3.11.4 - Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format) protobuf-c]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Protocol buffers library protobuf-swift]] - ver. 4.0.6 - Implementation of Protocol Buffers in Swift protobuf@3.6 - - Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format) protobuf@3.7 - 3.7.1 - Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format) protoc-gen-go]] - ver. 1.3.4 - Go support for Google's protocol] buffers protoc-gen-grpc-web - ver. 1.0.7 - Protoc plugin that generates code for gRPC-Web clients prototool]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Your Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers prover9 - 2009-11A]] - ver. Automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic proxychains-ng]] - ver. 4.14 - Hook preloader proxytunnel]] - ver. 1.9.1 - Create TCP tunnels through HTTPS proxies ps2eps]] - ver. 1.68 - Convert PostScript to EPS files psc-package]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Package manager for PureScript based on package sets psftools]] - ver. 1.1.10 - Tools for fixed-width bitmap fonts psgrep]] - ver. 1.0.9 - Shortcut for the 'ps aux | grep' idiom pspg]] - ver. 2.6.6 - Unix pager optimized for psql psql2csv]] - ver. 0.11 - Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV psqlodbc]] - ver. 12.01.0000 - Official PostgreSQL ODBC driver pssh]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools pstoedit]] - ver. 3.75 - Convert PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics pstree]] - ver. 2.39 - Show ps output as a tree psutils]] - ver. p17 - Collection of PostScript document handling utilities ptex]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Texture mapping system pth]] - ver. 2.0.7 - GNU Portable THreads ptunnel]] - ver. 0.72 - Tunnel over ICMP pueue]] - ver. 0.1.6 - Command-line tool for managing long-running shell commands puf]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Parallel URL fetcher pugixml]] - ver. 1.10 - Light-weight C++ XML processing library pulledpork]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Snort rule management pulp]] - ver. 13.0.0 - Build tool for PureScript projects pulseaudio]] - ver. 13.0 - Sound system for POSIX OSes pulumi]] - ver. 1.11.1 - Cloud native development platform pumba]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Chaos testing tool for Docker pup]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Parse HTML at the command-line pure-ftpd]] - ver. 1.0.49 - Secure and efficient FTP server purescript]] - ver. 0.13.6 - Strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript pushpin]] - ver. 1.26.0 - Reverse proxy for realtime web services putmail]] - ver. 1.4 - MTA or SMTP client designed to replace the sendmail command putmail-queue]] - ver. 0.2 - Putmail queue package putty]] - ver. 0.73 - Implementation of Telnet and SSH puzzles]] - ver. 20191231 - Collection of one-player puzzle games pv]] - ver. 1.6.6 - Monitor data's progress through a pipe pwgen]] - ver. 2.08 - Password generator pwnat]] - ver. 0.3-beta]] - ver. Proxy server that works behind a NAT pwntools]] - ver. 4.0.1 - CTF framework used by Gallopsled in every CTF pwsafe]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Generate passwords and manage encrypted password databases py2cairo]] - ver. 1.18.2 - Python 2 bindings for the Cairo graphics library py3cairo]] - ver. 1.19.1 - Python 3 bindings for the Cairo graphics library pybind11 - 2.4.3 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python pycodestyle]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Simple Python style checker in one Python file pyenv]] - ver. 1.2.16 - Python version management pyenv-ccache]] - ver. 0.0.2 - Make Python build faster, using the leverage of `ccache` pyenv-pip-migrate]] - ver. 20130527 - Migrate pip packages from one Python version to another pyenv-virtualenv]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv pyenv-virtualenvwrapper]] - ver. 20140609 - Alternative to pyenv for managing virtualenvs pyenv-which-ext]] - ver. 0.0.2 - Integrate pyenv and system commands pygitup]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Nicer 'git pull' pygments]] - ver. 2.4.2 - Generic syntax highlighter pygobject3 - 3.34.0 - GNOME Python bindings (based on GObject Introspection) pyinstaller]] - ver. 3.6 - Bundle a Python application and all its dependencies pyinvoke]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Pythonic task management & command execution pylint]] - ver. 2.4.4 - It's not just a linter that annoys you! pympress]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Simple and powerful dual-screen PDF reader designed for presentations pypy]] - ver. 7.3.0 - Highly performant implementation of Python 2 in Python pypy3 - 7.3.0 - Implementation of Python 3 in Python pyqt]] - ver. 5.14.0 - Python bindings for v5 of Qt pyside]] - ver. 5.13.2 - Official Python bindings for Qt python]] - ver. 3.7.6 - Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language python-markdown]] - ver. 3.2.1 - Python implementation of Markdown python-yq]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Command-line YAML and XML processor that wraps jq python@3.8 - 3.8.1 - Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language pytouhou]] - ver. 634 - Libre implementation of Touhou 6 engine pyvim]] - ver. 2.0.24 - Pure Python Vim clone q]] - ver. 2.0.9 - Treat text as a database qalculate-gtk]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Multi-purpose desktop calculator qbs]] - ver. 1.15.0 - Build tool for developing projects across multiple platforms qca]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) qcachegrind]] - ver. 18.04.3 - Visualize data generated by Cachegrind and Calltree qcli]] - ver. 1.0 - Report audiovisual metrics via libavfilter qd]] - ver. 2.3.22 - C++/Fortran-90 double-double and quad-double package qdae]] - ver. 0.0.10 - Quick and Dirty Apricot Emulator qdbm]] - ver. 1.8.78 - Library of routines for managing a database qemu]] - ver. 4.2.0 - x86 and PowerPC Emulator qhull]] - ver. 2019.1 - Computes convex hulls in n dimensions qjackctl]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon qjson]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Map JSON to QVariant objects qmmp]] - ver. 1.3.6 - Qt-based Multimedia Player qpdf]] - ver. 9.1.1 - Tools for and transforming and inspecting PDF files qpid-proton]] - ver. 0.30.0 - High-performance, lightweight AMQP 1.0 messaging library qpm]] - ver. 0.11.0 - Package manager for Qt applications qprint]] - ver. 1.1 - Encoder and decoder for quoted-printable encoding qrencode]] - ver. 4.0.2 - QR Code generation qrupdate]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions qscintilla2 - 2.11.4 - Port to Qt of the Scintilla editing component qsoas]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Versatile software for data analysis qstat]] - ver. 2.14 - Query Quake servers from the command-line qt]] - ver. 5.14.1 - Cross-platform application and UI framework qtads]] - ver. 2.1.7 - TADS multimedia interpreter qtfaststart]] - ver. 12.3 - Utility for Quicktime files qtkeychain]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely quantlib]] - ver. 1.17 - Library for quantitative finance quasi88 - 0.6.4 - PC-8801 emulator quazip]] - ver. 0.8.1 - C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package questdb]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Time Series Database quex]] - ver. 0.70.0 - Generate lexical analyzers quickjs]] - ver. 2020-01-19 - Small and embeddable JavaScript engine quicktype]] - ver. 15.0.200 - Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL quilt]] - ver. 0.66 - Work with series of patches quotatool]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Edit disk quotas from the command-line quvi]] - ver. 0.4.2 - Parse video download URLs qwt]] - ver. 6.1.4 - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications qwtpolar]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Library for displaying values on a polar coordinate system qxmpp]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library r]] - ver. 3.6.2 - Software environment for statistical computing r3 - 1.3.4 - High-performance URL router library rabbitmq]] - ver. 3.8.2 - Messaging broker rabbitmq-c]] - ver. 0.10.0 - RabbitMQ C client rack]] - ver. 1.2 - CLI for Rackspace radamsa]] - ver. 0.5 - Test case generator for robustness testing (a.k.a. a “fuzzer”) radare2 - 4.2.1 - Reverse engineering framework ragel]] - ver. 6.10 - State machine compiler rails-completion]] - ver. 2 - Bash completion for Rails rainbarf]] - ver. 1.4 - CPU/RAM/battery stats chart bar for tmux (and GNU screen) rake-completion]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Bash completion for Rake rakudo]] - ver. 2020.01 - Perl 6 compiler targeting MoarVM rakudo-star]] - ver. 2019.03 - Perl 6 compiler rancher-cli]] - ver. 2.3.2 - The Rancher CLI is a unified tool to manage your Rancher server rancher-compose]] - ver. 0.12.5 - Docker Compose compatible client to deploy to Rancher rancid]] - ver. 3.10 - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ randomize-lines]] - ver. 0.2.7 - Reads and randomize lines from a file (or STDIN) range-v3 - 0.10.0 - Experimental range library for C++14/17/20 ranger]] - ver. 1.9.3 - File browser rapidjson]] - ver. 1.1.0 - JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX and DOM style APIs raptor]] - ver. 2.0.15 - RDF parser toolkit rargs]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Util like xargs + awk with pattern matching support rarian]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Documentation metadata library rasqal]] - ver. 0.9.33 - RDF query library ratfor]] - ver. 1.03 - Rational Fortran rats]] - ver. 2.4 - Rough auditing tool for security rav1e]] - ver. 0.3.1 - The fastest and safest AV1 encoder rawgl]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Rewritten engine for Another World rawtoaces]] - ver. 1.0 - RAW to ACES Utility raxml-ng]] - ver. 0.9.0 - RAxML Next Generation: faster, easier-to-use and more flexible raylib]] - ver. 2.6.0 - Simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming rbenv]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Ruby version manager rbenv-aliases]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Make aliases for Ruby versions rbenv-binstubs]] - ver. 1.5 - Make rbenv aware of bundler binstubs rbenv-bundle-exec]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Integrate rbenv and bundler rbenv-bundler]] - ver. 1.00 - Makes shims aware of bundle install paths rbenv-bundler-ruby-version]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Pick a ruby version from bundler's Gemfile rbenv-chefdk]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Treat ChefDK as another version in rbenv rbenv-communal-gems]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Share gems across multiple rbenv Ruby installs rbenv-ctags]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Automatically generate ctags for rbenv Ruby stdlibs rbenv-default-gems]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Auto-installs gems for Ruby installs rbenv-gemset]] - ver. 0.5.9 - Adds basic gemset support to rbenv rbenv-use]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Switch between rubies without reference to patch levels rbenv-vars]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Safely sets global and per-project environment variables rbenv-whatis]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Resolves abbreviations and aliases to Ruby versions rbspy]] - ver. 0.3.8 - Sampling profiler for Ruby rc]] - ver. 1.7.4 - Implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell rclone]] - ver. 1.51.0 - Rsync for cloud storage rcs]] - ver. 5.9.4 - GNU revision control system rdate]] - ver. 1.5 - Set the system's date from a remote host rdesktop]] - ver. 1.9.0 - UNIX client for connecting to Windows Remote Desktop Services rdfind]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Find duplicate files based on content (NOT file names) rdiff-backup]] - ver. 1.2.8 - Backs up one directory to another–also works over networks rds-command-line-tools]] - ver. 1.19.004 - Amazon RDS command-line toolkit rdup]] - ver. 1.1.15 - Utility to create a file list suitable for making backups re-flex]] - ver. 1.4.3 - The regex-centric, fast and flexible scanner generator for C++ re2 - 20200101 - Alternative to backtracking PCRE-style regular expression engines re2c]] - ver. 1.3 - Generate C-based recognizers from regular expressions react-native-cli]] - ver. 2.0.1 - The React Native CLI tools readline]] - ver. 8.0.4 - Library for command-line editing readosm]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Extract valid data from an Open Street Map input file reattach-to-user-namespace]] - ver. 2.8 - Reattach process (e.g., tmux) to background reaver]] - ver. 1.4 - Implements brute force attack to recover WPA/WPA2 passkeys rebar]] - ver. 2.6.4 - Erlang build tool rebar3 - 3.13.0 - Erlang build tool recode]] - ver. 3.7-beta2 - Convert character set (charsets) recon-ng]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Web Reconnaissance Framework recoverjpeg]] - ver. 2.6.3 - Tool to recover JPEG images from a file system image recutils]] - ver. 1.8 - Tools to work with human-editable, plain text data files redex]] - ver. 2017.10.31 - Bytecode optimizer for Android apps redir]] - ver. 2.2.1-9 - Port redirector redis]] - ver. 5.0.7 - Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface redis-leveldb]] - ver. 1.4 - Redis-protocol] compatible frontend to leveldb redis@3.2 - 3.2.13 - Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface redis@4.0 - 4.0.14 - Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface redland - ver. 1.0.17 - RDF Library redpen]] - ver. 1.10.3 - Proofreading tool to help writers of technical documentation redshift]] - ver. 1.12 - Adjust color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings redsocks]] - ver. 0.4 - Transparent socks redirector redstore]] - ver. 0.5.4 - Lightweight RDF triplestore powered by Redland regex-opt]] - ver. 1.2.4 - Perl-compatible regular expression optimizer regina-rexx]] - ver. 3.9.1 - Regina REXX interpreter regldg]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Regular expression grammar language dictionary generator rem]] - ver. 20150618 - Command-line tool to access OSX database remake]] - ver. 4.2.1-1.4 - GNU Make with improved error handling, tracing, and a debugger remarshal]] - ver. 0.11.2 - Convert between TOML, YAML and JSON remctl]] - ver. 3.16 - Client/server application for remote execution of tasks remind]] - ver. 03.03.00 - Sophisticated calendar and alarm reminiscence]] - ver. 0.4.6 - Flashback engine reimplementation ren]] - ver. 1.0 - Rename multiple files in a directory rename]] - ver. 1.601 - Perl-powered file rename script with many helpful built-ins renameutils]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Tools for file renaming reop]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Encrypted keypair management repl]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Wrap non-interactive programs with a REPL repo]] - ver. 2.4.1 - Repository tool for Android development reposurgeon]] - ver. 3.48 - Edit version-control repository history reprepro]] - ver. 5.3.0 - Debian package repository manager residualvm]] - ver. 0.3.1 - 3D graphic adventure game interpreter rest-shell]] - ver. 1.2.1.RELEASE]] - ver. Shell to work with Spring HATEOAS-compliant REST resources restic]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Fast, efficient and secure backup program restund]] - ver. 0.4.12 - Modular STUN/TURN server restview]] - ver. 2.9.2 - Viewer for ReStructuredText documents that renders them on the fly resty]] - ver. 3.0 - Command-line REST client that can be used in pipelines rethinkdb]] - ver. 2.4.0 - The open-source database for the realtime web rex]] - ver. 1.8.1 - Command-line tool which executes commands on remote servers rfcmarkup]] - ver. 1.119 - Add HTML markup and links to internet-drafts and RFCs rfcstrip]] - ver. 1.03 - Strips headers and footers from RFCs and Internet-Drafts rgbds]] - ver. 0.3.9 - Rednex GameBoy Development System rgxg]] - ver. 0.1.1 - C library and command-line tool to generate (extended) regular expressions rhash]] - ver. 1.3.9 - Utility for computing and verifying hash sums of files rhino]] - ver. 1.7.12 - JavaScript engine riemann]] - ver. 0.3.5 - Event stream processor riemann-client]] - ver. 1.10.4 - C client library for the Riemann monitoring system riff]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Function As A Service on top of Kubernetes, riff is for functions rig]] - ver. 1.11 - Provides fake name and address data rinetd]] - ver. 0.62 - Internet TCP redirection server ringojs]] - ver. 1.2.1 - CommonJS-based JavaScript runtime ripgrep]] - ver. 11.0.2 - Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher ripgrep-all]] - ver. 0.9.3 - Wrapper around ripgrep that adds multiple rich file types ripmime]] - ver. - Extract attachments out of MIME encoded email packages rke]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Rancher Kubernetes Engine, a Kubernetes installer that works everywhere rkflashtool]] - ver. 6.1 - Tools for flashing Rockchip devices rkhunter]] - ver. 1.4.6 - Rootkit hunter rlog]] - ver. 1.4 - Flexible message logging facility for C++ rlwrap]] - ver. 0.43 - Readline wrapper: adds readline support to tools that lack it rmate]] - ver. 1.5.8 - Edit files from an SSH session in TextMate rmcast]] - ver. 2.0.0 - IP Multicast library rmlint]] - ver. 2.9.0 - Extremely fast tool to remove dupes and other lint from your filesystem rmtrash]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Move files to macOS's Trash rnv]] - ver. 1.7.11 - Implementation of Relax NG Compact Syntax validator robodoc]] - ver. 4.99.43 - Source code documentation tool robot-framework]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Open source test framework for acceptance testing robotfindskitten]] - ver. 2.7182818.701 - Zen Simulation of robot finding kitten rocksdb]] - ver. 6.6.4 - Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage rofs-filtered]] - ver. 1.7 - Filtered read-only filesystem for FUSE rogue]] - ver. 5.4.4 - Dungeon crawling video game roll]] - ver. 2.5.0 - CLI program for rolling a dice sequence rolldice]] - ver. 1.16 - Rolls an amount of virtual dice rom-tools]] - ver. 0.218 - Tools for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator root]] - ver. 6.20.00 - Object oriented framework for large scale data analysis roswell]] - ver. - Lisp installer and launcher for major environments roundup]] - ver. 0.0.6 - Unit testing tool rp]] - ver. 1.0 - Tool to find ROP sequences in PE/Elf/Mach-O x86/x64 binaries rpcgen]] - ver. 66 - Protocol Compiler rpg]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Ruby package management for UNIX rpl]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Text replacement utility rpm]] - ver. 4.15.1 - Standard unix software packaging tool rpm2cpio]] - ver. 1.4 - Tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive rrdtool]] - ver. 1.7.2 - Round Robin Database rsnapshot]] - ver. 1.4.3 - File system snapshot utility (based on rsync) rssh]] - ver. 2.3.4 - Restricted shell for use with OpenSSH rsstail]] - ver. 2.1 - Monitors an RSS feed and emits new entries when detected rst-lint]] - ver. 1.3.0 - ReStructuredText linter rswift]] - ver. 5.0.0 - Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues rsync]] - ver. 3.1.3 - Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer rsync-time-backup]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Time Machine-style backup for the terminal using rsync rsyslog]] - ver. 8.2001.0 - Enhanced, multi-threaded syslogd rt-audio]] - ver. 5.1.0 - API for realtime audio input/output rtags]] - ver. 2.38 - Source code cross-referencer like ctags with a clang frontend rtf2latex2e]] - ver. 2.2.3 - RTF-to-LaTeX translation rtmidi]] - ver. 4.0.0 - C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output rtmpdump]] - ver. 2.4+20151223 - Tool for downloading RTMP streaming media rtptools]] - ver. 1.22 - Set of tools for processing RTP data rtv]] - ver. 1.27.0 - Command-line Reddit client rubberband]] - ver. 1.8.2 - Audio time stretcher tool and library ruby]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language ruby-build]] - ver. 20200224 - Install various Ruby versions and implementations ruby-completion]] - ver. 2 - Bash completion for Ruby ruby-install]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Install Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby, or mruby ruby@2.4 - 2.4.9 - Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language ruby@2.5 - 2.5.7 - Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language ruby@2.6 - 2.6.5 - Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language rubyfmt]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Ruby autoformatter run]] - ver. 0.7.1 - Easily manage and invoke small scripts and wrappers runcocoa]] - ver. 20120108 - Tools to run Cocoa/Objective-C and C code from the command-line runit]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Collection of tools for managing UNIX services rush]] - ver. 2.1 - GNU's Restricted User SHell rust]] - ver. 1.41.0 - Safe, concurrent, practical language rustc-completion]] - ver. 0.12.1 - Bash completion for rustc rustup-init]] - ver. 1.21.1 - The Rust toolchain installer rxvt-unicode]] - ver. 9.22 - Rxvt fork with Unicode support ry]] - ver. 0.5.2 - Ruby virtual env tool rzip]] - ver. 2.1 - File compression tool (like gzip or bzip2) s-lang]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Library for creating multi-platform software s-nail]] - ver. 14.9.17 - Fork of Heirloom mailx s-search]] - ver. 0.5.14 - Web search from the terminal s2geometry]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Computational geometry and spatial indexing on the sphere s3-backer]] - ver. 1.5.4 - FUSE-based single file backing store via Amazon S3 s3cmd]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Command-line tool for the Amazon S3 service s3fs]] - ver. 1.85 - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 s3ql]] - ver. 3.3.2 - POSIX-compliant FUSE filesystem using object store as block storage s6 - - Small & secure supervision software suite safe-rm]] - ver. 0.12 - Wraps rm to prevent dangerous deletion of files sagittarius-scheme]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Free Scheme implementation supporting R6RS and R7RS saldl]] - ver. 40 - CLI downloader optimized for speed and early preview salt]] - ver. 3000 - Dynamic infrastructure communication bus sampler]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting samtools]] - ver. 1.10 - Tools for manipulating next-generation sequencing data samurai]] - ver. 1.0 - Ninja-compatible build tool written in C sane-backends]] - ver. 1.0.28 - Backends for scanner access sassc]] - ver. 3.6.1 - Wrapper around libsass that helps to create command-line apps savana]] - ver. 1.2 - Transactional workspaces for SVN saxon]] - ver. - XSLT and XQuery processor saxon-b]] - ver. - XSLT and XQuery processor sbcl]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Steel Bank Common Lisp system sbjson]] - ver. 5.0.2 - JSON CLI parser & reformatter based on SBJson v5 sblim-sfcc]] - ver. 2.2.8 - Project to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux system sbt]] - ver. 1.3.8 - Build tool for Scala projects sbt@0.13 - 0.13.18 - Build tool for Scala projects sbtenv]] - ver. 0.0.15 - Command-line tool for managing sbt environments sbuild]] - ver. 0.7.7 - Scala-based build system sc-im]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Spreadsheet program for the terminal, using ncurses sc68 - 2.2.1 - Play music originally designed for Atari ST and Amiga computers scala]] - ver. 2.13.1 - JVM-based programming language scala@2.11 - 2.11.12 - JVM-based programming language scala@2.12 - 2.12.10 - JVM-based programming language scalaenv]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Command-line tool to manage Scala environments scalapack]] - ver. 2.1.0 - High-performance linear algebra for distributed memory machines scalariform]] - ver. 0.2.10 - Scala source code formatter scalastyle]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Run scalastyle from the command-line scale2x]] - ver. 4.0 - Real-time graphics effect scamper]] - ver. 20191102 - Advanced traceroute and network measurement utility scc]] - ver. 2.11.0 - Fast and accurate code counter with complexity and COCOMO estimates sccache]] - ver. 0.2.13 - Used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible scdoc]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Small man page generator sceptre]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Build better AWS infrastructure schema-evolution-manager]] - ver. 0.9.41 - Manage postgresql database schema migrations scheme48 - 1.9.2 - Scheme byte-code interpreter schroedinger]] - ver. 1.0.11 - High-speed implementation of the Dirac codec scipy]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Software for mathematics, science, and engineering scm-manager]] - ver. 1.59 - Manage Git, Mercurial, and Subversion repos over HTTP scmpuff]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Adds numbered shortcuts for common git commands scons]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Substitute for classic 'make' tool with autoconf/automake functionality scour]] - ver. 0.37 - SVG file scrubber scrcpy]] - ver. 1.12.1 - Display and control your Android device screen]] - ver. 4.8.0 - Terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation screenfetch]] - ver. 3.9.1 - Generate ASCII art with terminal, shell, and OS info screenresolution]] - ver. 1.6 - Get, set, and list display resolution scriptcs]] - ver. 0.17.1 - Tools to write and execute C# scrollkeeper]] - ver. 0.3.14 - Transitional package for scrollkeeper scrub]] - ver. 2.6.1 - Writes patterns on magnetic media to thwart data recovery scrypt]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Encrypt and decrypt files using memory-hard password function scs]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Conic optimization via operator splitting scummvm]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Graphic adventure game interpreter scummvm-tools]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Collection of tools for ScummVM scw]] - ver. 1.20 - Manage BareMetal Servers from command-line (as easily as with Docker) scws]] - ver. 1.2.3 - Simple Chinese Word Segmentation sd]] - ver. 0.6.5 - Intuitive find & replace CLI sdb]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Ondisk/memory hashtable based on CDB sdcc]] - ver. 3.9.0 - ANSI C compiler for Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, and Zilog Z80 sdcv]] - ver. 0.5.2 - StarDict Console Version sdedit]] - ver. 4.01 - Tool for generating sequence diagrams very quickly sdf]] - ver. 2.6.3 - Syntax Definition Formalism: high-level description of grammars sdhash]] - ver. 3.1 - Tool for correlating binary blobs of data sdl]] - ver. 1.2.15 - Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics sdl2 - 2.0.10 - Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics sdl2_gfx]] - ver. 1.0.4 - SDL2 graphics drawing primitives and other support functions sdl2_image]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Library for loading images as SDL surfaces and textures sdl2_mixer]] - ver. 2.0.4 - Sample multi-channel audio mixer library sdl2_net]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Small sample cross-platform networking library sdl2_ttf]] - ver. 2.0.15 - Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications sdl_gfx]] - ver. 2.0.26 - Graphics drawing primitives and other support functions sdl_image]] - ver. 1.2.12 - Image file loading library sdl_mixer]] - ver. 1.2.12 - Sample multi-channel audio mixer library sdl_net]] - ver. 1.2.8 - Sample cross-platform networking library sdl_rtf]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Sample library to display Rich Text Format (RTF) documents sdl_sound]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Library to decode several popular sound file formats sdl_ttf]] - ver. 2.0.11 - Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications sdlpop]] - ver. 1.20 - Open-source port of Prince of Persia sec]] - ver. 2.8.2 - Event correlation tool for event processing of various kinds securefs]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Filesystem with transparent authenticated encryption seexpr]] - ver. 2.11 - Embeddable expression evaluation engine selecta]] - ver. 0.0.7 - Fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select selenium-server-standalone]] - ver. 3.141.59 - Browser automation for testing purposes sendemail]] - ver. 1.56 - Email program for sending SMTP mail sentencepiece]] - ver. 0.1.85 - Unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer seqtk]] - ver. 1.3 - Toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats ser2net]] - ver. 3.5.1 - Allow network connections to serial ports serd]] - ver. 0.30.2 - C library for RDF syntax serf]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Service orchestration and management tool serialosc]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Opensound control server for monome devices sersniff]] - ver. 0.0.5 - Program to tunnel/sniff between 2 serial ports serve]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Static http server anywhere you need one serveit]] - ver. 0.0.3 - Synchronous server and rebuilder of static content serverless]] - ver. 1.65.0 - Build applications with serverless architectures servus]] - ver. 1.5.2 - Library and Utilities for zeroconf networking setweblocthumb]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Assigns custom icons to webloc files sf-pwgen]] - ver. 1.5 - Generate passwords using SecurityFoundation framework sfcgal]] - ver. 1.3.7 - C++ wrapper library around CGAL sfk]] - ver. - Command-line tools collection sflowtool]] - ver. 5.05 - Utilities and scripts for analyzing sFlow data sfml]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Multi-media library with bindings for multiple languages sfst]] - ver. 1.4.7e]] - ver. Toolbox for morphological analysers and other FST-based tools sgrep]] - ver. 1.94a]] - ver. Search SGML, XML, and HTML sha1dc]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Tool to detect SHA-1 collisions in files, including SHAttered sha2 - 1.0.1 - Implementation of SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 hash algorithms sha3sum]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Keccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, and RawSHAKE checksum utilities shadowenv]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Reversible directory-local environment variable manipulations shadowsocks-libev]] - ver. 3.3.4 - Libev port of shadowsocks shairport]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Airtunes emulator shairport-sync]] - ver. 3.3.6 - AirTunes emulator that adds multi-room capability shakespeare]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Write programs in Shakespearean English shapelib]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Library for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles shared-mime-info]] - ver. 1.15 - Database of common MIME types shc]] - ver. 4.0.3 - Shell Script Compiler shellcheck]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Static analysis and lint tool, for (ba)sh scripts shellharden]] - ver. 4.1.2 - Bash syntax highlighter that encourages/fixes variables quoting shellinabox]] - ver. 2.20 - Export command-line tools to web based terminal emulator shellshare]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Live Terminal Broadcast shelltestrunner]] - ver. 1.9 - Portable command-line tool for testing command-line programs shellz]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Small utility to track and control custom shellz shfmt]] - ver. 3.0.2 - Autoformat shell script source code shibboleth-sp]] - ver. 3.0.4 - Shibboleth 2 Service Provider daemon ship]] - ver. 0.52.0 - Reducing the overhead of maintaining 3rd-party applications in Kubernetes shivavg]] - ver. 0.2.1 - OpenGL based ANSI C implementation of the OpenVG standard shmcat]] - ver. 1.9 - Tool that dumps shared memory segments (System V and POSIX) shml]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Style Framework for The Terminal shmux]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Execute the same command on many hosts in parallel shntool]] - ver. 3.0.10 - Multi-purpose tool for manipulating and analyzing WAV files shogun]] - ver. 6.1.4 - Large scale machine learning toolbox shorten]] - ver. 3.6.1 - Waveform compression shpotify]] - ver. 2.1 - Command-line interface for Spotify on a Mac shtool]] - ver. 2.0.8 - GNU's portable shell tool shunit2 - 2.1.7 - xUnit unit testing framework for Bourne-based shell scripts shyaml]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Command-line YAML parser sic]] - ver. 1.2 - Minimal multiplexing IRC client sickle]] - ver. 1.33 - Windowed adaptive trimming for FASTQ files using quality siege]] - ver. 4.0.5 - HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility sift]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Fast and powerful open source alternative to grep signal-cli]] - ver. 0.6.5 - CLI and dbus interface for WhisperSystems/libsignal-service-java signify-osx]] - ver. 1.4 - Cryptographically sign and verify files sile]] - ver. 0.10.3 - Modern typesetting system inspired by TeX silk]] - ver. 3.19.0 - Collection of traffic analysis tools simg2img]] - ver. 1.1.3 - Tool to convert Android sparse images to raw images and back simgrid]] - ver. 3.25 - Studies behavior of large-scale distributed systems simh]] - ver. 3.10 - Portable, multi-system simulator simple-amqp-client]] - ver. 2.4.0 - C++ interface to rabbitmq-c simple-mtpfs]] - ver. 0.3.0 - Simple MTP fuse filesystem driver simple-obfs]] - ver. 0.0.5 - Simple obfusacting plugin of shadowsocks-libev simple-scan]] - ver. 3.34.4 - GNOME document scanning application simple-tiles]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Image generation library for spatial data simutrans]] - ver. 121.0 - Transport simulator since]] - ver. 1.1 - Stateful tail: show changes to files since last check singular]] - ver. 4.1.2p2 - Computer algebra system for polynomial computations sip]] - ver. 4.19.21 - Tool to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries sipcalc]] - ver. 1.1.6 - Advanced console-based IP subnet calculator sipp]] - ver. 3.6.0 - Traffic generator for the SIP protocol] sipsak - ver. 0.9.7 - SIP Swiss army knife siril]] - ver. 0.9.12 - Astronomical image processing tool sisc-scheme]] - ver. 1.16.6 - Extensive Java based Scheme interpreter sispmctl]] - ver. 4.2 - Control Gembird SIS-PM programmable power outlet strips sjk]] - ver. 0.10.1 - Swiss Java Knife sk]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Fuzzy Finder in rust! skaffold]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development skafos]] - ver. 1.7.7 - CLI for the Metis Machine A.I. and machine learning deployment platform ski]] - ver. 6.13 - Evade the deadly Yeti on your jet-powered skis skinny]] - ver. 3.0.3 - Full-stack web app framework in Scala skktools]] - ver. 1.3.4 - SKK dictionary maintenance tools skopeo]] - ver. 0.1.41 - Work with remote images registries skymaker]] - ver. 3.10.5 - Generates fake astronomical images sl]] - ver. 5.02 - Prints a steam locomotive if you type sl instead of ls slackcat]] - ver. 1.6 - Command-line utility for posting snippets to Slack slacknimate]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Text animation for Slack messages slashem]] - ver. 0.0.8E0F1 - Fork/variant of Nethack sleepwatcher]] - ver. 2.2.1 - Monitors sleep, wakeup, and idleness of a Mac sleuthkit]] - ver. 4.8.0 - Forensic toolkit slimerjs]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Scriptable browser for Web developers sloc]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Simple tool to count source lines of code sloccount]] - ver. 2.26 - Count lines of code in many languages slowhttptest]] - ver. 1.8.1 - Simulates application layer denial of service attacks slrn]] - ver. 1.0.3a]] - ver. Powerful console-based newsreader slugify]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Convert filenames and directories to a web friendly format slurm]] - ver. 0.4.3 - Yet another network load monitor smake]] - ver. 1.2.5 - Portable make program with automake features smali]] - ver. 2.3.4 - Assembler/disassembler for Android's Java VM implementation smartmontools]] - ver. 7.1 - SMART hard drive monitoring smartypants]] - ver. 1.5.1 - Typography prettifier smimesign]] - ver. 0.0.13 - S/MIME signing utility for use with Git smpeg]] - ver. 0.4.5 - SDL MPEG Player Library smpeg2 - 2.0.0 - SDL MPEG Player Library sn0int]] - ver. 0.17.1 - Semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager snag]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Automatic build tool for all your needs snakemake]] - ver. 5.10.0 - Pythonic workflow system snap-telemetry]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Snap is an opensource telemetry framework snap7 - 1.4.2 - Ethernet communication suite that works natively with Siemens S7 PLCs snapcraft]] - ver. 3.10 - Package any app for every Linux desktop, server, cloud or device snappy]] - ver. 1.1.8 - Compression/decompression library aiming for high speed snappystream]] - ver. 1.0.0 - C++ snappy stream realization (compatible with snappy) snapraid]] - ver. 11.3 - Backup program for disk arrays sng]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Enable lossless editing of PNGs via a textual representation sngrep]] - ver. 1.4.6 - Command-line tool for displaying SIP calls message flows sniffglue]] - ver. 0.10.1 - Secure multithreaded packet sniffer snobol4 - 1.5 - String oriented and symbolic programming language snort]] - ver. 2.9.12 - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System snow]] - ver. 20130616 - Whitespace steganography: coded messages using whitespace snownews]] - ver. 1.6.10 - Text mode RSS newsreader sntop]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Curses-based utility that polls hosts to determine connectivity snzip]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Compression/decompression tool based on snappy socat]] - ver. - SOcket CAT: netcat on steroids soci]] - ver. 4.0.0 - Database access library for C++ sofia-sip]] - ver. 1.12.11 - SIP User-Agent library softhsm]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface solarus]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Action-RPG game engine solid]] - ver. 3.5.6 - Collision detection library for geometric objects in 3D space solr]] - ver. 8.4.1 - Enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project solr@7.7 - 7.7.2 - Enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project somagic]] - ver. 1.1 - Linux capture program for the Somagic variants of EasyCAP somagic-tools]] - ver. 1.1 - Tools to extract firmware from EasyCAP sonar-completion]] - ver. 1.0 - Bash completion for Sonar sonar-scanner]] - ver. - Launcher to analyze a project with SonarQube sonarqube]] - ver. - Manage code quality sonarqube-lts]] - ver. 7.9.1 - Manage code quality sonobuoy]] - ver. 0.17.2 - Kubernetes component that generates reports on cluster conformance sops]] - ver. 3.5.0 - Editor of encrypted files sord]] - ver. 0.16.4 - C library for storing RDF data in memory sound-touch]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Audio processing library soundpipe]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Lightweight music DSP library source-highlight]] - ver. 3.1.9 - Source-code syntax highlighter source-to-image]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Tool for building source and injecting into docker images sourcedocs]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Generate Markdown files from inline source code documentation sourcekitten]] - ver. 0.29.0 - Framework and command-line tool for interacting with SourceKit sourcery]] - ver. 0.17.0 - Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code sox]] - ver. 14.4.2 - SOund eXchange: universal sound sample translator spaceinvaders-go]] - ver. 1.2 - Space Invaders in your terminal written in Go spaceman-diff]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Diff images from the command-line spades]] - ver. 3.13.1 - De novo genome sequence assembly spandsp]] - ver. 0.0.6 - DSP functions library for telephony spark]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Sparklines for the shell sparkey]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Constant key-value store, best for frequent read/infrequent write uses sparse]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Static C code analysis tool spatialindex]] - ver. 1.9.3 - General framework for developing spatial indices spatialite-gui]] - ver. 1.7.1 - GUI tool supporting SpatiaLite spatialite-tools]] - ver. 4.3.0 - CLI tools supporting SpatiaLite spawn-fcgi]] - ver. 1.6.4 - Spawn fast-CGI processes spdlog]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Super fast C++ logging library spdylay]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Experimental implementation of SPDY protocol] versions 2, 3, and 3.1 speech-tools - ver. 2.5.0 - C++ speech software library from the University of Edinburgh speedread]] - ver. 1.0 - Simple terminal-based rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) reader speedtest-cli]] - ver. 2.1.2 - Command-line interface for bandwidth tests speex]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Audio codec designed for speech speexdsp]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Speex audio processing library sphinx]] - ver. 2.2.11 - Full-text search engine sphinx-doc]] - ver. 2.4.3 - Tool to create intelligent and beautiful documentation spice-gtk]] - ver. 0.37 - GTK client/libraries for SPICE spice-protocol] - ver. 0.14.0 - Headers for SPICE protocol] spidermonkey - ver. 1.8.5 - JavaScript-C Engine spigot]] - ver. 20190901 - Command-line streaming exact real calculator spim]] - ver. 9.1.20 - MIPS32 simulator spin]] - ver. 6.5.2 - The efficient verification tool of multi-threaded software spiped]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Secure pipe daemon spirv-cross]] - ver. 2019-07-26 - Performing reflection and disassembling SPIR-V spirv-tools]] - ver. 2019.2 - API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules splint]] - ver. 3.1.2 - Secure Programming Lint spoof-mac]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Spoof your MAC address in macOS spotbugs]] - ver. 3.1.12 - Tool for Java static analysis (FindBugs's successor) spring-completion]] - ver. 0.0.1 - Bash completion for Spring spring-loaded]] - ver. 1.2.6 - Java agent to enable class reloading in a running JVM spring-roo]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Rapid application development tool for Java developers sproxy]] - ver. 1.02 - HTTP proxy server collecting URLs in a 'siege-friendly' manner sql-translator]] - ver. 0.11024 - Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more) sqlcipher]] - ver. 4.3.0 - SQLite extension providing 256-bit AES encryption sqldiff]] - ver. 3.31.1 - Displays the differences between SQLite databases sqlite]] - ver. 3.31.1 - Command-line interface for SQLite sqlite-analyzer]] - ver. 3.31.1 - Analyze how space is allocated inside an SQLite file sqliteodbc]] - ver. 0.9996 - SQLite ODBC driver sqlmap]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Penetration testing for SQL injection and database servers sqlparse]] - ver. 0.2.4 - Non-validating SQL parser sqoop]] - ver. 1.4.7 - Transfer bulk data between Hadoop and structured datastores sqtop]] - ver. 2015-02-08 - Display information about active connections for a Squid proxy squashfs]] - ver. 4.4 - Compressed read-only file system for Linux squashfuse]] - ver. 0.1.103 - FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives squid]] - ver. 4.10 - Advanced proxy caching server for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher squirrel]] - ver. 3.1.0 - High level, imperative, object-oriented programming language sratom]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Library for serializing LV2 atoms to/from RDF sratoolkit]] - ver. 2.10.0 - Data tools for INSDC Sequence Read Archive src]] - ver. 1.27 - Simple revision control: RCS reloaded with a modern UI srecord]] - ver. 1.64 - Tools for manipulating EPROM load files srmio]] - ver. 0.1.1~git1 - C library to access the PowerControl of a SRM bike power meter srt]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Secure Reliable Transport srtp]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol ssdb]] - ver. 1.9.4 - NoSQL database supporting many data structures: Redis alternative ssdeep]] - ver. 2.14.1 - Recursive piecewise hashing tool ssed]] - ver. 3.62 - Super sed stream editor ssh-audit]] - ver. 2.1.1 - SSH server & client auditing ssh-copy-id]] - ver. 8.2p1 - Add a public key to a remote machine's authorized_keys file ssh-permit-a38 - 0.2.0 - Central management and deployment for SSH keys ssh-vault]] - ver. 0.12.6 - Encrypt/decrypt using SSH keys sshfs]] - ver. 2.10 - File system client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol sshguard]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Protect from brute force attacks against SSH sshtrix]] - ver. 0.0.3 - SSH login cracker sshuttle]] - ver. 0.78.5 - Proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN ssldump]] - ver. 0.9b3 - SSLv3/TLS network protocol] analyzer sslh - ver. 1.20 - Forward connections based on first data packet sent by client ssllabs-scan]] - ver. 1.5.0 - This tool is a command-line client for the SSL Labs APIs sslmate]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Buy SSL certs from the command-line sslscan]] - ver. 1.11.13 - Test SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites sslsplit]] - ver. 0.5.5 - Man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL encrypted network connections sslyze]] - ver. 2.1.4 - SSL scanner ssss]] - ver. 0.5 - Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation sstp-client]] - ver. 1.0.13 - SSTP (Microsofts Remote Access Solution for PPP over SSL) client st]] - ver. 1.1.4 - Statistics from the command-line stanford-corenlp]] - ver. 3.9.2 - Java suite of core NLP tools stanford-ner]] - ver. 3.9.2 - Stanford NLP Group's implementation of a Named Entity Recognizer stanford-parser]] - ver. 3.9.2 - Statistical NLP parser star]] - ver. 1.5.3 - Standard tap archiver starship]] - ver. 0.36.1 - The cross-shell prompt for astronauts startup-notification]] - ver. 0.12 - Reference implementation of startup notification protocol] statik - ver. 0.22.2 - Python-based, generic static web site generator aimed at developers stdman]] - ver. 2018.03.11 - Formatted C++11/14/17 stdlib man pages from stella]] - ver. 6.0.2 - Atari 2600 VCS emulator stellar-core]] - ver. 12.1.0 - The backbone of the Stellar (XLM) network step]] - ver. 0.13.3 - Crypto and x509 Swiss-Army-Knife stern]] - ver. 1.11.0 - Tail multiple Kubernetes pods & their containers stgit]] - ver. 0.21 - Push/pop utility built on top of Git stk]] - ver. 4.6.1 - Sound Synthesis Toolkit stlink]] - ver. 1.6.0 - STM32 discovery line Linux programmer stlviewer]] - ver. 0.1 - View stl files stm32flash]] - ver. 0.5 - Open source flash program for STM32 using the ST serial bootloader stockfish]] - ver. 11 - Strong open-source chess engine stoken]] - ver. 0.92 - Tokencode generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES) stolon]] - ver. 0.15.0 - Cloud native PostgreSQL manager for high availability stone]] - ver. 2.3e]] - ver. TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer stone-soup]] - ver. 0.24.0 - Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: a roguelike game storm]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Distributed realtime computation system to process data streams stormlib]] - ver. 9.22 - Library for handling Blizzard MPQ archives stormssh]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Command-line tool to manage your ssh connections stormssh-completion]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Completion for storm-ssh stout]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Reliable static website deploy tool stow]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Organize software neatly under a single directory tree (e.g. /usr/local) streamlink]] - ver. 1.3.1 - CLI for extracting streams from various websites to a video player streamripper]] - ver. 1.64.6 - Separate tracks via Shoutcasts title-streaming stress]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system stress-ng]] - ver. 0.11.00 - Stress test a computer system in various selectable ways strongswan]] - ver. 5.8.2 - VPN based on IPsec stubby]] - ver. 0.2.6 - DNS privacy enabled stub resolver service based on getdns stunnel]] - ver. 5.56 - SSL tunneling program stuntman]] - ver. 1.2.15 - Implementation of the STUN protocol] style-check - ver. 0.14 - Parses latex-formatted text in search of forbidden phrases sub2srt]] - ver. 0.5.5 - Convert subtitles from .sub to subviewer .srt format subliminal]] - ver. 2.0.5 - Library to search and download subtitles subnetcalc]] - ver. 2.4.15 - IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator subversion]] - ver. 1.13.0 - Version control system designed to be a better CVS subversion@1.8 - 1.8.19 - Version control system suil]] - ver. 0.10.6 - Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs suite-sparse]] - ver. 5.6.0 - Suite of Sparse Matrix Software sundials]] - ver. 5.1.0 - Nonlinear and differential/algebraic equations solver superlu]] - ver. 5.2.1 - Solve large, sparse nonsymmetric systems of equations supermodel]] - ver. 0.2a]] - ver. Sega Model 3 arcade emulator supertux]] - ver. 0.5.1 - Classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game supervisor]] - ver. 4.1.0 - Process Control System surfraw]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web suricata]] - ver. 5.0.2 - Network IDS, IPS, and security monitoring engine svdlibc]] - ver. 1.4 - C library to perform singular value decomposition svg2pdf]] - ver. 0.1.3 - Renders SVG images to a PDF file (using Cairo) svg2png]] - ver. 0.1.3 - SVG to PNG converter svgcleaner]] - ver. 0.9.5 - Cleans your SVG files by removing unnecessary data svgo]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files svtplay-dl]] - ver. 2.4 - Download videos from swagger-codegen]] - ver. 3.0.16 - Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec swagger-codegen@2 - 2.4.12 - Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec swagger2markup-cli]] - ver. 1.3.3 - Swagger to AsciiDoc or Markdown converter swaks]] - ver. 20190914.0 - SMTP command-line test tool swfmill]] - ver. 0.3.6 - xml2swf and swf2xml processor swftools]] - ver. 0.9.2 - SWF manipulation and generation tools swi-prolog]] - ver. 8.0.3 - ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter swift]] - ver. 4.2.1 - High-performance system programming language swift-protobuf]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift swiftformat]] - ver. 0.44.4 - Formatting tool for reformatting Swift code swiftgen]] - ver. 6.1.0 - Swift code generator for assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … swiftlint]] - ver. 0.39.1 - Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions swiftplate]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Cross-platform Swift framework templates from the command-line swig]] - ver. 4.0.1 - Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code swig@3 - 3.0.12 - Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code swimat]] - ver. 1.6.2 - Command-line tool to help format Swift code switch-lan-play]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Make you and your friends play games like in a LAN switchaudio-osx]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Change macOS audio source from the command-line sword]] - ver. 1.8.1 - Cross-platform tools to write Bible software sxiv]] - ver. 26 - Simple X Image Viewer syck]] - ver. 0.70 - Extension for reading and writing YAML sylpheed]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Simple, lightweight email-client sync_gateway]] - ver. 2.7.0 - Make Couchbase Server a replication endpoint for Couchbase Lite syncthing]] - ver. 1.3.4 - Open source continuous file synchronization application syncthing-inotify]] - ver. 0.8.7 - File watcher intended for use with Syncthing synfig]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Command-line renderer synscan]] - ver. 5.02 - Asynchronous half-open TCP portscanner syntaxerl]] - ver. 0.14.0 - Syntax checker for Erlang code and config files sysbench]] - ver. 1.0.19 - System performance benchmark tool sysdig]] - ver. 0.26.5 - System-level exploration and troubleshooting tool systemc]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Core SystemC language and examples sz81 - 2.1.7 - ZX80/81 emulator szip]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Implementation of extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm t-completion]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Completion for CLI power tool for Twitter t1lib]] - ver. 5.1.2 - C library to generate/rasterize bitmaps from Type 1 fonts t1utils]] - ver. 1.41 - Command-line tools for dealing with Type 1 fonts ta-lib]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Tools for market analysis tag]] - ver. 0.10 - Manipulate and query tags on macOS files taglib]] - ver. 1.11.1 - Audio metadata library tailor]] - ver. 0.12.0 - Cross-platform static analyzer and linter for Swift takt]] - ver. 0.310 - Text-based music programming language taktuk]] - ver. 3.7.7 - Deploy commands to (a potentially large set of) remote nodes tal]] - ver. 1.9 - Align line endings if they match talisman]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Tool to detect and prevent secrets from getting checked in talloc]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Hierarchical, reference-counted memory pool with destructors tarantool]] - ver. - In-memory database and Lua application server tarsnap]] - ver. 1.0.39 - Online backups for the truly paranoid tarsnap-gui]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Cross-platform GUI for the Tarsnap command-line client tarsnapper]] - ver. 0.4 - Tarsnap wrapper which expires backups using a gfs-scheme task]] - ver. 2.5.1 - Feature-rich console based todo list manager task-spooler]] - ver. 1.0 - Batch system to run tasks one after another taskd]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Client-server synchronization for todo lists taskell]] - ver. 1.9.3 - Command-line Kanban board/task manager with support for Trello tasksh]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Shell wrapper for Taskwarrior commands tass64 - 1.54.1900 - Multi pass optimizing macro assembler for the 65xx series of processors tbb]] - ver. 2020_U1 - Rich and complete approach to parallelism in C++ tbox]] - ver. 1.6.3 - Glib-like multi-platform c library tcc]] - ver. 0.9.27 - Tiny C compiler tccutil]] - ver. 1.2.3 - Utility to modify the macOS Accessibility Database (TCC.db) tcl-tk]] - ver. 8.6.10 - Tool Command Language tclap]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Templatized C++ command-line parser library tcpdump]] - ver. 4.9.3 - Command-line packet analyzer tcpflow]] - ver. 1.5.0 - TCP flow recorder tcping]] - ver. 1.3.5 - TCP connect to the given IP/port combo tcpkali]] - ver. 1.1.1 - High performance TCP and WebSocket load generator and sink tcpreplay]] - ver. 4.3.2 - Replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds tcpsplit]] - ver. 0.2 - Break a packet trace into some number of sub-traces tcpstat]] - ver. 0.1 - Active TCP connections monitoring tool tcptrace]] - ver. 6.6.7 - Analyze tcpdump output tcptraceroute]] - ver. 1.5beta7 - Traceroute implementation using TCP packets tcptunnel]] - ver. 0.8 - TCP port forwarder tcsh]] - ver. 6.22.02 - Enhanced, fully compatible version of the Berkeley C shell td]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Your todo list in your terminal tdkjs]] - ver. 3.2.0 - The TDK lets Tixte Developers Write Fast, Clean, and Human Readable Code tdlib]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients tealdeer]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Very fast implementation of tldr in Rust teapot]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Table editor and planner tectonic]] - ver. 0.1.12 - Modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine tee-clc]] - ver. 14.134.0 - Microsoft Team Explorer Everywhere command-line Client teem]] - ver. 1.11.0 - Libraries for scientific raster data teensy_loader_cli]] - ver. 2.1 - Command-line integration for Teensy USB development boards tektoncd-cli]] - ver. 0.7.1 - CLI for interacting with TektonCD teleconsole]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Free service to share your terminal session with people you trust telegraf]] - ver. 1.13.4 - Server-level metric gathering agent for InfluxDB telegram-cli]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Command-line interface for Telegram teleport]] - ver. 4.2.3 - Modern SSH server for teams managing distributed infrastructure telnet]] - ver. 63 - User interface to the TELNET protocol] telnetd - ver. 63 - TELNET server template-glib]] - ver. 3.34.0 - GNOME templating library for GLib temporal_tables]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Temporal Tables PostgreSQL Extension tenyr]] - ver. 0.9.7 - 32-bit computing environment (including simulated CPU) tepl]] - ver. 4.2.1 - GNOME Text Editor Product Line term]] - ver. 2.1 - Open terminal in specified directory (and optionally run command) termbox]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Library for writing text-based user interfaces terminal-notifier]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Send macOS User Notifications from the command-line termius]] - ver. 1.2.12 - CLI tool for (aka termrec]] - ver. 0.18 - Record videos of terminal output termshare]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Interactive or view-only terminal sharing via client or web termshark]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark termtosvg]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations terraform]] - ver. 0.12.21 - Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure terraform-docs]] - ver. 0.8.2 - Tool to generate documentation from Terraform modules terraform-inventory]] - ver. 0.9 - Terraform State → Ansible Dynamic Inventory terraform-provider-libvirt]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Terraform provisioning with Linux KVM using libvirt terraform-provisioner-ansible]] - ver. 0.0.2 - Ansible provisioner for Terraform terraform@0.11 - 0.11.14 - Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure terraform_landscape]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Improve Terraform's plan output terraformer]] - ver. 0.8.6 - CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure terraforming]] - ver. 0.18.0 - Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) terragrunt]] - ver. 0.22.5 - Thin wrapper for Terraform e.g. for locking state terrahelp]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Tool providing extra functionality for Terraform terrahub]] - ver. 0.4.22 - Terraform automation and orchestration tool tesseract]] - ver. 4.1.1 - OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine tesseract-lang]] - ver. 4.0.0 - Enables extra languages support for Tesseract testdisk]] - ver. 7.1 - Powerful free data recovery utility testssl]] - ver. 3.0 - Tool which checks for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers and flaws texapp]] - ver. 0.6.11 - client based on TTYtter texi2html]] - ver. 5.0 - Convert TeXinfo files to HTML texinfo]] - ver. 6.7 - Official documentation format of the GNU project texlab]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX texmath]] - ver. 0.12 - Haskell library for converting LaTeX math to MathML textql]] - ver. 2.0.3 - Executes SQL across text files tfenv]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv tflint]] - ver. 0.15.0 - Linter for Terraform files tgif]] - ver. 4.2.5 - Xlib-based interactive 2D drawing tool tgui]] - ver. 0.8.5 - GUI library for use with sfml the_platinum_searcher]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Multi-platform code-search similar to ack and ag the_silver_searcher]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Code-search similar to ack thefuck]] - ver. 3.29 - Programatically correct mistyped console commands theharvester]] - ver. 3.1 - Gather materials from public sources (for pen testers) theora]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Open video compression format thors-serializer]] - ver. 1.13.8 - Declarative serialization library (JSON/YAML) for C++ thrift]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Framework for scalable cross-language services development thrift@0.9 - - Framework for scalable cross-language services development thrulay]] - ver. 0.9 - Measure performance of a network tidy-html5 - 5.6.0 - Granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards tidyp]] - ver. 1.04 - Validate and modify HTML tiff2png]] - ver. 0.92 - TIFF to PNG converter tig]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Text interface for Git repositories tiger-vnc]] - ver. 1.10.1 - High-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC tika]] - ver. 1.23 - Content analysis toolkit tile38 - 1.19.5 - In-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence timedog]] - ver. 1.4 - Lists files that were saved by a backup of the macOS Time Machine timelimit]] - ver. 1.9.0 - Limit a process's absolute execution time timewarrior]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Command-line time tracking application timidity]] - ver. 2.15.0 - Software synthesizer tin]] - ver. 2.4.2 - Threaded, NNTP-, and spool-based UseNet newsreader tinc]] - ver. 1.0.36 - Virtual Private Network (VPN) tool tintin]] - ver. 2.02.01 - MUD client tiny-fugue]] - ver. 5.0b8 - Programmable MUD client tinycdb]] - ver. 0.78 - Create and read constant databases tinyproxy]] - ver. 1.10.0 - HTTP/HTTPS proxy for POSIX systems tinysvm]] - ver. 0.09 - Support vector machine library for pattern recognition tinyxml]] - ver. 2.6.2 - XML parser tinyxml2 - 7.1.0 - Improved tinyxml (in memory efficiency and size) tio]] - ver. 1.32 - Simple TTY terminal I/O application tippecanoe]] - ver. 1.35.0 - Build vector tilesets from collections of GeoJSON features titan-server]] - ver. 1 - Distributed graph database titlecase]] - ver. 1.004 - Script to convert text to title case tivodecode]] - ver. 0.2pre4 - Convert .tivo to .mpeg tj]] - ver. 7.0.0 - Line timestamping tool tkdiff]] - ver. 4.3.5 - Graphical side by side diff utility tldr]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Simplified and community-driven man pages tmate]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Instant terminal sharing tmpreaper]] - ver. 1.6.14 - Clean up files in directories based on their age tmpwatch]] - ver. 2.11 - Find and remove files not accessed in a specified time tmux]] - ver. 3.0a]] - ver. Terminal multiplexer tmux-mem-cpu-load]] - ver. 3.4.0 - CPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux tmux-xpanes]] - ver. 4.1.1 - Ultimate terminal divider powered by tmux tmuxinator]] - ver. 1.1.4 - Manage complex tmux sessions easily tmuxinator-completion]] - ver. 1.1.4 - Shell completion for Tmuxinator tmx]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Portable C library to load tiled maps in your games tnef]] - ver. 1.4.18 - Microsoft MS-TNEF attachment unpacker tnftp]] - ver. 20070806 - NetBSD's FTP client (built from macOS Sierra sources) tnftpd]] - ver. 20100324 - NetBSD's FTP server (built from macOS Sierra sources) toast]] - ver. 0.30.0 - Tool for running tasks in containers todo-txt]] - ver. 2.11.0 - Minimal, todo.txt-focused editor todoman]] - ver. 3.7.0 - Simple CalDAV-based todo manager tofrodos]] - ver. 1.7.13 - Converts DOS ↔ UNIX text files, alias tofromdos toilet]] - ver. 0.3 - Color-based alternative to figlet (uses libcaca) tokei]] - ver. 10.1.2 - Program that allows you to count code, quickly tokyo-cabinet]] - ver. 1.4.48 - Lightweight database library tokyo-dystopia]] - ver. 0.9.15 - Lightweight full-text search system tomcat]] - ver. 9.0.31 - Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages tomcat-native]] - ver. 1.2.23 - Lets Tomcat use some native resources for performance tomcat@7 - 7.0.100 - Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages tomcat@8 - 8.5.51 - Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages tomee-jax-rs]] - ver. 1.7.5 - TomeEE Web Profile plus JAX-RS tomee-plume]] - ver. 8.0.0 - Apache TomEE Plume tomee-plus]] - ver. 8.0.0 - Everything in TomEE Web Profile and JAX-RS, plus more tomee-webprofile]] - ver. 8.0.0 - All-Apache Java EE 7 Web Profile stack topgit]] - ver. 0.19.12 - Git patch queue manager topgrade]] - ver. 4.1.0 - Upgrade all the things tor]] - ver. - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP torrentcheck]] - ver. 1.00 - Command-line torrent viewer and hash checker torsocks]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Use SOCKS-friendly applications with Tor tox]] - ver. 3.14.5 - Generic Python virtualenv management and test command-line tool tpl]] - ver. 1.6.1 - Store and retrieve binary data in C tpp]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Ncurses-based presentation tool trace2html]] - ver. 2015-07-07 - Utility from Google Trace Viewer to convert JSON traces to HTML tracebox]] - ver. 0.4.4 - Middlebox detection tool tractorgen]] - ver. 0.31.7 - Generates ASCII tractor art trader]] - ver. 7.14 - Star Traders traefik]] - ver. 2.1.4 - Modern reverse proxy traefik@1 - 1.7.21 - Modern reverse proxy (v1.7) trafficserver]] - ver. 8.0.5 - HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server trafshow]] - ver. 5.2.3 - Continuous network traffic display traildb]] - ver. 0.6 - Blazingly-fast database for log-structured data transcrypt]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Configure transparent encryption of files in a Git repo translate-shell]] - ver. - Command-line translator using Google Translate and more translate-toolkit]] - ver. 2.5.0 - Toolkit for localization engineers transmission-cli]] - ver. 2.94 - Lightweight BitTorrent client trash]] - ver. 0.9.2 - CLI tool that moves files or folder to the trash trash-cli]] - ver. - Command-line interface to the trashcan travis]] - ver. 1.8.10 - Command-line client for Travis CI tre]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Lightweight, POSIX-compliant regular expression (regex) library tree]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output) treecc]] - ver. 0.3.10 - Aspect-oriented approach to writing compilers treefrog]] - ver. 1.24.0 - High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Application trezor-agent]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Hardware SSH/GPG agent for Trezor, Keepkey & Ledger triangle]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Convert images to computer generated art using Delaunay triangulation triton]] - ver. 7.7.1 - Joyent Triton CLI truecrack]] - ver. 3.5 - Brute-force password cracker for TrueCrypt truncate]] - ver. 0.9 - Truncates a file to a given size tsung]] - ver. 1.7.0 - Load testing for HTTP, PostgreSQL, Jabber, and others tta]] - ver. 2.2 - Lossless audio codec ttf2eot]] - ver. 0.0.3 - Convert TTF files to EOT ttf2pt1 - 3.4.4 - True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 converter ttfautohint]] - ver. 1.8.3 - Auto-hinter for TrueType fonts tth]] - ver. 4.12 - TeX/LaTeX to HTML converter tty-clock]] - ver. 2.3 - Digital clock in ncurses tty-share]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Terminal sharing over the Internet tty-solitaire]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Ncurses-based klondike solitaire game ttyd]] - ver. 1.6.0 - Command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web ttygif]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Converts a ttyrec file into gif files ttyplot]] - ver. 1.4 - Realtime plotting utility for terminal with data input from stdin ttyrec]] - ver. 1.0.8 - Terminal interaction recorder and player tundra]] - ver. 2.13 - Code build system that tries to be fast for incremental builds tunnel]] - ver. 0.5.14 - Expose local servers to the internet securely tup]] - ver. 0.7.8 - File-based build system tvnamer]] - ver. 2.5 - Automatic TV episode file renamer that uses data from twarc]] - ver. 1.7.3 - Command-line tool and Python library for archiving Twitter JSON tweak]] - ver. 3.02 - Command-line, ncurses library based hex editor twemcache]] - ver. 2.6.3 - Twitter fork of memcached twine-pypi]] - ver. 3.1.1 - Utilities for interacting with PyPI two-lame]] - ver. 0.4.0 - Optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder twoping]] - ver. 4.3 - Ping utility to determine directional packet loss twtxt]] - ver. 1.2.3 - Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers txr]] - ver. 232 - Original, new programming language for convenient data munging txt2tags]] - ver. 2.6 - Conversion tool to generating several file formats typescript]] - ver. 3.8.2 - Language for application scale JavaScript development typespeed]] - ver. 0.6.5 - Zap words flying across the screen by typing them correctly u-boot-tools]] - ver. 2019.10 - Universal boot loader uade]] - ver. 2.13 - Play Amiga tunes through UAE emulation ubertooth]] - ver. 2018-12-R1 - Host tools for Project Ubertooth ucg]] - ver. 0.3.3 - Tool for searching large bodies of source code (like grep) uchardet]] - ver. 0.0.6 - Encoding detector library ucl]] - ver. 1.03 - Data compression library with small memory footprint ucloud]] - ver. 0.1.30 - The official tool to managment your ucloud services ucommon]] - ver. 7.0.0 - GNU C++ runtime library for threads, sockets, and parsing ucon64 - 2.2.0 - ROM backup tool and emulator's Swiss Army knife program ucspi-tcp]] - ver. 0.88 - Tools for building TCP client-server applications udis86 - 1.7.2 - Minimalistic disassembler library for x86 udns]] - ver. 0.4 - DNS resolver library udptunnel]] - ver. 1.1 - Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection udpxy]] - ver. 1.0.23-12 - UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon udunits]] - ver. - Unidata unit conversion library ufraw]] - ver. 0.22 - Unidentified Flying RAW: RAW image processing utility uftp]] - ver. 4.10.1 - Secure, reliable, efficient multicast file transfer program uggconv]] - ver. 1.0 - Universal Game Genie code convertor uhd]] - ver. - Hardware driver for all USRP devices ultralist]] - ver. 0.9.4 - Simple GTD-style task management for the command-line um]] - ver. 4.2.0 - Command-line utility for creating and maintaining personal man pages umlet]] - ver. 14.3.0 - This UML tool aimed at providing a fast way of creating UML diagrams unac]] - ver. 1.8.0 - C library and command that removes accents from a string unar]] - ver. 1.10.1 - Command-line unarchiving tools supporting multiple formats unarj]] - ver. 2.65 - ARJ file archiver unbound]] - ver. 1.10.0 - Validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver uncrustify]] - ver. 0.70.1 - Source code beautifier ungit]] - ver. 1.5.3 - The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere uni]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Unicode database query tool for the command-line uni2ascii]] - ver. 4.18 - Bi-directional conversion between UTF-8 and various ASCII flavors unibilium]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Very basic terminfo library unicorn]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Lightweight multi-architecture CPU emulation framework unifdef]] - ver. 2.12 - Selectively process conditional C preprocessor directives unison]] - ver. 2.51.2 - File synchronization tool for OSX unittest]] - ver. 0.50-62 - C++ Unit Test Framework unittest-cpp]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Unit testing framework for C++ uniutils]] - ver. 2.27 - Manipulate and analyze Unicode text unixodbc]] - ver. 2.3.7 - ODBC 3 connectivity for UNIX unnethack]] - ver. 5.2.0 - Fork of Nethack unoconv]] - ver. 0.9.0 - Convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice unp]] - ver. 2.0-pre7-nmu1 - Unpack everything with one command unp64 - 2.36 - Generic C64 prg unpacker, unpaper]] - ver. 6.1 - Post-processing for scanned/photocopied books unrar]] - ver. 5.9.1 - Extract, view, and test RAR archives unravel]] - ver. 0.2.2 - Command-line client for Clojure REPLs unrtf]] - ver. 0.21.10 - RTF to other formats converter unshield]] - ver. 1.4.3 - Extract files from InstallShield cabinet files unyaffs]] - ver. 0.9.7 - Extract files from a YAFFS2 filesystem image unzip]] - ver. 6.0 - Extraction utility for .zip compressed archives up]] - ver. 0.3.2 - Tool for writing command-line pipes with instant live preview upscaledb]] - ver. 2.2.0 - Database for embedded devices uptimed]] - ver. 0.4.2 - Utility to track your highest uptimes upx]] - ver. 3.96 - Compress/expand executable files urbit]] - ver. 0.7.4 - Personal cloud computer urdfdom]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parser urdfdom_headers]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Headers for Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parsers urh]] - ver. 2.8.3 - Universal Radio Hacker uriparser]] - ver. 0.9.3 - URI parsing library (strictly RFC 3986 compliant) urlview]] - ver. 0.9-20 - URL extractor/launcher uru]] - ver. 0.8.5 - Use multiple rubies on multiple platforms urweb]] - ver. 20190217 - Ur/Web programming language usbredir]] - ver. 0.8.0 - USB traffic redirection library userspace-rcu]] - ver. 0.11.1 - Library for userspace RCU (read-copy-update) utf8proc]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data util-linux]] - ver. 2.35.1 - Collection of Linux utilities utimer]] - ver. 0.4 - Multifunction timer tool uudeview]] - ver. 0.5.20 - Smart multi-file multi-part decoder uwsgi]] - ver. 2.0.18 - Full stack for building hosting services v]] - ver. 1.1 - Z for vim v2ray-plugin]] - ver. 1.2.0 - SIP003 plugin based on v2ray for shadowsocks v8 - 8.0.426.25 - Google's JavaScript engine v8@3.15 - - Google's open source JavaScript engine vagrant-completion]] - ver. 2.2.7 - Bash completion for Vagrant vala]] - ver. 0.46.6 - Compiler for the GObject type system valabind]] - ver. 1.7.1 - Vala bindings for radare, reverse engineering framework vale]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Syntax-aware linter for prose valgrind]] - ver. 3.15.0 - Dynamic analysis tools (memory, debug, profiling) vamp-plugin-sdk]] - ver. 2.9.0 - Audio processing plugin system sdk vapoursynth]] - ver. 48 - Video processing framework with simplicity in mind vapoursynth-imwri]] - ver. 48 - VapourSynth filters - ImageMagick HDRI writer/reader vapoursynth-ocr]] - ver. 48 - VapourSynth filters - Tesseract OCR filter vapoursynth-sub]] - ver. 48 - VapourSynth filters - Subtitling filter varnish]] - ver. 6.3.2 - High-performance HTTP accelerator vassh]] - ver. 0.2 - Vagrant Host-Guest SSH Command Wrapper/Proxy/Forwarder vault]] - ver. 1.3.2 - Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to secrets vault-cli]] - ver. 3.4.2 - Subversion-like utility to work with Jackrabbit FileVault vaulted]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Allows the secure storage and execution of environments vavrdiasm]] - ver. 3.1 - 8-bit Atmel AVR disassembler vbindiff]] - ver. 3.0_beta5 - Visual Binary Diff vc4asm]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Macro assembler for Broadcom VideoCore IV aka Raspberry Pi GPU vcdimager]] - ver. 2.0.1 - (Super) video CD authoring solution vcftools]] - ver. 0.1.16 - Tools for working with VCF files vcprompt]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Provide version control info in shell prompts vcs]] - ver. 1.13.2 - Creates video contact sheets (previews) of videos vcsh]] - ver. 1.20151229-1 - Config manager based on git vde]] - ver. 2.3.2 - Ethernet compliant virtual network vdirsyncer]] - ver. 0.16.7 - Synchronize calendars and contacts veclibfort]] - ver. 0.4.2 - GNU Fortran compatibility for Apple's vecLib vecx]] - ver. 1.1 - Vectrex emulator vegeta]] - ver. 12.8.0 - HTTP load testing tool and library velero]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Disaster recovery for Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes vera++]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Programmable tool for C++ source code verilator]] - ver. 4.028 - Verilog simulator vert]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Command-line version testing vert.x]] - ver. 3.8.5 - Toolkit for building reactive applications on the JVM vf]] - ver. 0.0.1 - Enhanced version of `cd` command vfuse]] - ver. 2.2.5 - Convert bootable DMG images for use in VMware Fusion vgmstream]] - ver. r1050-2441-gd64c3872 - Library for playing streamed audio formats from video games vice]] - ver. 3.4 - Versatile Commodore Emulator viennacl]] - ver. 1.7.1 - Linear algebra library for many-core architectures and multi-core CPUs viewvc]] - ver. 1.1.27 - Browser interface for CVS and Subversion repositories vifm]] - ver. 0.10.1 - Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings vilistextum]] - ver. 2.6.9 - HTML to text converter vim]] - ver. 8.2.0250 - Vi 'workalike' with many additional features vimpager]] - ver. 2.06 - Use ViM as PAGER vimpc]] - ver. 0.09.2 - Ncurses based mpd client with vi like key bindings vip]] - ver. 19971113 - Program that provides for interactive editing in a pipeline vips]] - ver. 8.9.1 - Image processing library virgil]] - ver. 5.1.7 - CLI tool to manage your Virgil account and applications]] - ver. 1.35 - Script for macOS to create Apache virtual hosts virtualpg]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Loadable dynamic extension for SQLite and SpatiaLite virtuoso]] - ver. - High-performance object-relational SQL database virustotal-cli]] - ver. 0.7.0 - Command-line interface for VirusTotal vis]] - ver. 0.5 - Vim-like text editor visionmedia-watch]] - ver. 0.3.1 - Periodically executes the given command visitors]] - ver. 0.7 - Web server log analyzer visp]] - ver. 3.3.0 - Visual Servoing Platform library vit]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Full-screen terminal interface for Taskwarrior vitetris]] - ver. 0.58.0 - Terminal-based Tetris clone vmdktool]] - ver. 1.4 - Converts raw filesystems to VMDK files and vice versa vmtouch]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Portable file system cache diagnostics and control vncsnapshot]] - ver. 1.2a]] - ver. Command-line utility for taking VNC snapshots vnstat]] - ver. 2.6 - Console-based network traffic monitor vnu]] - ver. 18.11.5 - Nu Markup Checker: command-line and server HTML validator volatility]] - ver. 2.6.1 - Advanced memory forensics framework voldemort]] - ver. 1.10.26 - Distributed key-value storage system volt]] - ver. 0.3.7 - Meta-level vim package manager vorbis-tools]] - ver. 1.4.0 - Ogg Vorbis CODEC tools vorbisgain]] - ver. 0.37 - Add Replay Gain volume tags to Ogg Vorbis files voro++]] - ver. 0.4.6 - 3D Voronoi cell software library vowpal-wabbit]] - ver. 8.7.0 - Online learning algorithm vpcs]] - ver. 0.8 - Virtual PC simulator for testing IP routing vramsteg]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Add progress bars to command-line applications vrpn]] - ver. 07.34 - Virtual reality peripheral network vsftpd]] - ver. 3.0.3 - Secure FTP server for UNIX vstr]] - ver. 1.0.15 - C string library vsts-cli]] - ver. 0.1.4 - Manage and work with VSTS/TFS resources from the command-line vtclock]] - ver. 2005-02-20 - Text-mode fullscreen digital clock vte3 - 0.58.3 - Terminal emulator widget used by GNOME terminal vtk]] - ver. 8.2.0 - Toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization vttest]] - ver. 20190710 - Test compatibility of VT100-compatible terminals vulkan-headers]] - ver. 1.2.133 - Vulkan Header files and API registry vultr]] - ver. 2.0.1 - Command-line tool for Vultr w-calc]] - ver. 2.5 - Very capable calculator w3m]] - ver. 0.5.3 - Pager/text based browser wabt]] - ver. 1.0.13 - Web Assembly Binary Toolkit wagyu]] - ver. 0.6.1 - Rust library for generating cryptocurrency wallets wait_on]] - ver. 1.1 - Provides shell scripts with access to kqueue(3) wakatime-cli]] - ver. 10.4.1 - Command-line interface to the WakaTime api wakeonlan]] - ver. 0.41 - Sends magic packets to wake up network-devices wal2json]] - ver. 2.0 - Convert PostgreSQL changesets to JSON format walkmod]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Java-based open source tool to apply and share code conventions wallpaper]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Manage the desktop wallpaper wandio]] - ver. 4.2.2 - Transparently read from and write to zip, bzip2, lzma or zstd archives waon]] - ver. 0.11 - Wave-to-notes transcriber wapm]] - ver. 0.4.3 - WebAssembly Package Manager (CLI) wartremover]] - ver. 2.4.3 - Flexible Scala code linting tool wasm3 - 0.4.6 - The fastest WebAssembly interpreter wasmer]] - ver. 0.14.1 - 🚀 The Universal WebAssembly Runtime watch]] - ver. 3.3.16 - Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen watch-sim]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Command-line WatchKit application launcher watchexec]] - ver. 1.12.0 - Execute commands when watched files change watchman]] - ver. 4.9.0 - Watch files and take action when they change watson]] - ver. 1.8.0 - Command-line tool to track (your) time wavpack]] - ver. 5.2.0 - Hybrid lossless audio compression wbox]] - ver. 5 - HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server wcslib]] - ver. 7.1 - Library and utilities for the FITS World Coordinate System wdc]] - ver. 1.0.1 - WebDAV Client provides easy and convenient to work with WebDAV-servers wdfs]] - ver. 1.4.2 - Webdav file system wdiff]] - ver. 1.2.2 - Display word differences between text files weaver]] - ver. 1.0.3 - Command-line tool for Weaver web100clt]] - ver. - Command-line version of NDT diagnostic client webalizer]] - ver. 2.23-08 - Web server log file analysis webarchiver]] - ver. 0.9 - Allows you to create Safari .webarchive files webdis]] - ver. 0.1.7 - Redis HTTP interface with JSON output webfs]] - ver. 1.21 - HTTP server for purely static content webkit2png]] - ver. 0.7 - Create screenshots of webpages from the terminal weboob]] - ver. 1.5 - Web Outside of Browsers webp]] - ver. 1.1.0 - Image format providing lossless and lossy compression for web images webpack]] - ver. 4.41.6 - Bundler for JavaScript and friends websocat]] - ver. 1.5.0 - Command-line client for WebSockets websocketd]] - ver. 0.3.1 - WebSockets the Unix way webtorrent-cli]] - ver. 3.0.4 - Command-line streaming torrent client weechat]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Extensible IRC client wego]] - ver. 2.0 - Weather app for the terminal weighttp]] - ver. 0.4 - Webserver benchmarking tool that supports multithreading wellington]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Project-focused tool to manage Sass and spriting wemux]] - ver. 3.2.0 - Enhances tmux's to provide multiuser terminal multiplexing wget]] - ver. 1.20.3 - Internet file retriever wgetpaste]] - ver. 2.29 - Automate pasting to a number of pastebin services whalebrew]] - ver. 0.2.3 - Homebrew, but with Docker images whatmask]] - ver. 1.2 - Network settings helper whatmp3 - 3.8 - Small script to create mp3 torrents out of FLACs when]] - ver. 1.1.38 - Tiny personal calendar whistle]] - ver. 2.4.9 - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy whitedb]] - ver. 0.7.3 - Lightweight in-memory NoSQL database library whohas]] - ver. 0.29.1 - Query multiple distributions' package archives whois]] - ver. 5.5.6 - Lookup tool for domain names and other internet resources widelands]] - ver. 20 - Free real-time strategy game like Settlers II wifi-password]] - ver. 0.1.0 - Show the current WiFi network password wiggle]] - ver. 1.2 - Program for applying patches with conflicting changes wiiuse]] - ver. 0.15.5 - Connect Nintendo Wii Remotes wiki]] - ver. 1.4.1 - Fetch summaries from MediaWiki wikis, like Wikipedia wildfly-as]] - ver. 18.0.1.Final]] - ver. Managed application runtime for building applications willgit]] - ver. 1.0.0 - William's miscellaneous git tools wimlib]] - ver. 1.13.1 - Library to create, extract, and modify Windows Imaging files winetricks]] - ver. 20191224 - Automatic workarounds for problems in Wine winexe]] - ver. 1.00 - Remote Windows-command executor wiredtiger]] - ver. 3.2.0 - High performance NoSQL extensible platform for data management wireguard-go]] - ver. 0.0.20200121 - Userspace Go implementation of WireGuard wireguard-tools]] - ver. 1.0.20200206 - Tools for the WireGuard secure network tunnel wiremock-standalone]] - ver. 2.26.0 - Simulator for HTTP-based APIs wireshark]] - ver. 3.2.2 - Graphical network analyzer and capture tool wirouter_keyrec]] - ver. 1.1.2 - Recover the default WPA passphrases from supported routers with-readline]] - ver. 0.1.1 - Allow GNU Readline to be used with arbitrary programs wla-dx]] - ver. 9.10 - Yet another crossassembler package wmctrl]] - ver. 1.07 - UNIX/Linux command-line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM woboq_codebrowser]] - ver. 2.1 - Generate HTML from C++ Code woff2 - 1.0.2 - Utilities to create and convert Web Open Font File (WOFF) files wolfssl]] - ver. stable]] - ver. Embedded SSL Library written in C woof]] - ver. 20120531 - Ad-hoc single-file webserver wordgrinder]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Unicode-aware word processor that runs in a terminal wordnet]] - ver. 3.1 - Lexical database for the English language wordplay]] - ver. 7.22 - Anagram generator wp-cli]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Command-line interface for WordPress wp-cli-completion]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Bash completion for Wpcli wpscan]] - ver. 3.7.8 - Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner wput]] - ver. 0.6.2 - Tiny, wget-like FTP client for uploading files wrangler]] - ver. 1.2 - Refactoring tool for Erlang with emacs and Eclipse integration write-good]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Naive linter for English prose writerperfect]] - ver. 0.9.6 - Library for importing WordPerfect documents wrk]] - ver. 4.1.0 - HTTP benchmarking tool wrk-trello]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Command-line interface to Trello wsk]] - ver. 1.0.0 - OpenWhisk Command-Line Interface (CLI) wskdeploy]] - ver. 1.0.0 - Apache OpenWhisk project deployment utility wslay]] - ver. 1.1.0 - C websocket library wtf]] - ver. 20200217 - Translate common Internet acronyms wtfutil]] - ver. 0.27.0 - The personal information dashboard for your terminal wu]] - ver. 3.10.0 - CLI that retrieves weather data from Weather Underground wumpus]] - ver. 1.6 - Exact clone of the ancient BASIC Hunt the Wumpus game wv]] - ver. 1.2.9 - Programs for accessing Microsoft Word documents wv2 - 0.4.2 - Programs for accessing Microsoft Word documents wwwoffle]] - ver. 2.9j]] - ver. Better browsing for computers with intermittent connections wxmac]] - ver. 3.0.4 - Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxWidgets for macOS) wxmaxima]] - ver. 20.01.3 - Cross platform GUI for Maxima wxpython]] - ver. 4.0.7.post2 - Python bindings for wxWidgets wy60 - 2.0.9 - Wyse 60 compatible terminal emulator x11vnc]] - ver. 0.9.16 - VNC server for real X displays x264 - r2917 - H.264/AVC encoder x265 - 3.3 - H.265/HEVC encoder x3270 - 3.6ga8 - IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System and Windows x86_64-elf-binutils]] - ver. 2.33.1 - FSF Binutils for x86_64-elf cross development x86_64-elf-gcc]] - ver. 9.2.0 - The GNU compiler collection for x86_64-elf xa]] - ver. 2.3.10 - 6502 cross assembler xalan-c]] - ver. 1.11 - XSLT processor xapian]] - ver. 1.4.15 - C++ search engine library xaric]] - ver. 0.13.7 - IRC client xbee-comm]] - ver. 1.5 - XBee communication libraries and utilities xboard]] - ver. 4.9.1 - Graphical user interface for chess xcenv]] - ver. 1.1.1 - Xcode version manager xclip]] - ver. 0.13 - Command-line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11 xcodegen]] - ver. 2.13.1 - Generate your Xcode project from a spec file and your folder structure xcproj]] - ver. 0.2.1 - Manipulate Xcode project files xctool]] - ver. 0.3.7 - Drop-in replacement for xcodebuild with a few extra features xcv]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Cut, copy and paste files with Bash xdelta]] - ver. 3.1.0 - Binary diff, differential compression tools xdot]] - ver. 1.1 - Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language xdotool]] - ver. 3.20160805.1 - Fake keyboard/mouse input and window management for X xerces-c]] - ver. 3.2.2 - Validating XML parser xgboost]] - ver. 0.90 - Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library xhyve]] - ver. 0.2.0 - Lightweight macOS virtualization solution based on FreeBSD's bhyve xidel]] - ver. 0.9.8 - XPath/XQuery 3.0, JSONiq interpreter to extract data from HTML/XML/JSON xlearn]] - ver. 0.4.4 - High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning package xlispstat]] - ver. 3.52.23 - Statistical data science environment based on Lisp xlslib]] - ver. 2.5.0 - C++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code xmake]] - ver. 2.3.1 - Cross-platform build utility based on Lua xml-coreutils]] - ver. 0.8.1 - Powerful interactive system for text processing xml-security-c]] - ver. 2.0.2 - Implementation of primary security standards for XML xml-tooling-c]] - ver. 3.0.4 - Provides a higher level interface to XML processing xml2 - 0.5 - Makes XML and HTML more amenable to classic UNIX text tools xmlcatmgr]] - ver. 2.2 - Manipulate SGML and XML catalogs xmlformat]] - ver. 1.04 - Format XML documents xmlrpc-c]] - ver. 1.39.12 - Lightweight RPC library (based on XML and HTTP) xmlsectool]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Check schema validity and signature of an XML document xmlsh]] - ver. 1.2.5 - XML shell xmlstarlet]] - ver. 1.6.1 - XML command-line utilities xmlto]] - ver. 0.0.28 - Convert XML to another format (based on XSL or other tools) xmltoman]] - ver. 0.4 - XML to manpage converter xmount]] - ver. 0.7.6 - Convert between multiple input & output disk image types xmp]] - ver. 4.1.0 - Command-line player for module music formats (MOD, S3M, IT, etc) xmrig]] - ver. 5.5.3 - Monero (XMR) CPU miner xonsh]] - ver. 0.9.13 - Python-ish, BASHwards-compatible shell language and command prompt xorriso]] - ver. 1.5.2 - ISO9660+RR manipulation tool xpa]] - ver. 2.1.19 - Seamless communication between Unix programs xpdf]] - ver. 4.02 - PDF viewer xplanet]] - ver. 1.3.1 - Create HQ wallpapers of planet Earth xqilla]] - ver. 2.3.4 - XQuery and XPath 2 command-line interpreter xrick]] - ver. 021212 - Clone of Rick Dangerous xrootd]] - ver. 4.11.1 - High performance, scalable, fault-tolerant access to data xsane]] - ver. 0.999 - Graphical scanning frontend xsd]] - ver. 4.0.0 - XML Data Binding for C++ xshogi]] - ver. 1.4.2 - X11 interface for GNU Shogi xsimd]] - ver. 7.4.6 - Modern, portable C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics xspin]] - ver. 5.2.5 - Software verification tool (developed at Bell Labs) xsv]] - ver. 0.13.0 - Fast CSV toolkit written in Rust xsw]] - ver. 0.3.5 - Slide show presentation tool xtail]] - ver. 2.1 - Watch growth of multiple files or directories (like `tail -f`) xtensor]] - ver. 0.21.3 - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing xtitle]] - ver. 1.0.4 - Set window title and icon for your X terminal xu4 - 1.0beta4+r3088 - Remake of Ultima IV xvid]] - ver. 1.3.7 - High-performance, high-quality MPEG-4 video library xxhash]] - ver. 0.7.2 - Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm xz]] - ver. 5.2.4 - General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio yacas]] - ver. 1.8.0 - General purpose computer algebra system yadm]] - ver. 2.4.0 - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager yaegi]] - ver. 0.7.6 - Yet another elegant Go interpreter yaf]] - ver. 2.11.0 - Yet another flowmeter: processes packet data from pcap(3) yafc]] - ver. 1.3.7 - Command-line FTP client yajl]] - ver. 2.1.0 - Yet Another JSON Library yamcha]] - ver. 0.33 - NLP text chunker using Support Vector Machines yamdi]] - ver. 1.9 - Add metadata to Flash video yaml-cpp]] - ver. 0.6.3 - C++ YAML parser and emitter for YAML 1.2 spec yamllint]] - ver. 1.20.0 - Linter for YAML files yank]] - ver. 1.2.0 - Copy terminal output to clipboard yapf]] - ver. 0.29.0 - Formatter for python code yara]] - ver. 3.11.0 - Malware identification and classification tool yarn]] - ver. 1.22.0 - JavaScript package manager yarn-completion]] - ver. 0.8.0 - Bash completion for Yarn yash]] - ver. 2.49 - Yet another shell: a POSIX-compliant command-line shell yasm]] - ver. 1.3.0 - Modular BSD reimplementation of NASM yaws]] - ver. 2.0.7 - Webserver for dynamic content (written in Erlang) yaz]] - ver. 5.28.0 - Toolkit for Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients/servers yaze-ag]] - ver. 2.40.5 - Yet Another Z80 Emulator (by AG) yazpp]] - ver. 1.6.5 - C++ API for the Yaz toolkit yconalyzer]] - ver. 1.0.4 - TCP traffic analyzer ydcv]] - ver. 0.7 - YouDao Console Version ydiff]] - ver. 1.1 - View colored diff with side by side and auto pager support yelp-tools]] - ver. 3.32.2 - Tools that help create and edit Mallard or DocBook documentation yeti]] - ver. - ML-style functional programming language that runs on the JVM yetris]] - ver. 2.3.0 - Customizable Tetris for the terminal ykclient]] - ver. 2.15 - Library to validate YubiKey OTPs against YubiCloud ykman]] - ver. 3.1.1 - Tool for managing your YubiKey configuration ykneomgr]] - ver. 0.1.8 - CLI and C library to interact with the CCID-part of the YubiKey NEO ykpers]] - ver. 1.20.0 - YubiKey personalization library and tool yle-dl]] - ver. 20200222 - Download Yle videos from the command-line yosys]] - ver. 0.9 - Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis you-get]] - ver. 0.4.1403 - Dumb downloader that scrapes the web youtube-dl]] - ver. 2020.02.16 - Download YouTube videos from the command-line yq]] - ver. 3.2.0 - Process YAML documents from the CLI yubico-piv-tool]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Command-line tool for the YubiKey PIV application yuicompressor]] - ver. 2.4.8 - Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS compressor yydecode]] - ver. 0.2.10 - Decode yEnc archives z]] - ver. 1.9 - Tracks most-used directories to make cd smarter z3 - 4.8.7 - High-performance theorem prover z80asm]] - ver. 1.8 - Assembler for the Zilog Z80 microprcessor and compatibles z80dasm]] - ver. 1.1.5 - Disassembler for the Zilog Z80 microprocessor and compatibles zabbix]] - ver. 4.4.6 - Availability and monitoring solution zabbix-cli]] - ver. 2.1.1 - CLI tool for interacting with Zabbix monitoring system zanata-client]] - ver. 4.6.2 - Zanata translation system command-line client zbackup]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Globally-deduplicating backup tool (based on ideas in rsync) zbar]] - ver. 0.10 - Suite of barcodes-reading tools zboy]] - ver. 0.70 - GameBoy emulator zdelta]] - ver. 2.1 - Lossless delta compression library zebra]] - ver. 2.1.4 - Information management system zeek]] - ver. 3.0.1 - Network security monitor zelda-roth-se]] - ver. 1.2.1 - Zelda Return of the Hylian SE zenity]] - ver. 3.32.0 - GTK+ dialog boxes for the command-line zero-install]] - ver. 2.15.1 - Zero Install is a decentralised software installation system zeromq]] - ver. 4.3.2 - High-performance, asynchronous messaging library zig]] - ver. 0.5.0 - Programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and clarity zile]] - ver. 2.4.14 - Text editor development kit zimg]] - ver. 2.9.2 - Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library zinc]] - ver. 0.3.15 - Stand-alone version of sbt's Scala incremental compiler zint]] - ver. 2.7.1 - Barcode encoding library supporting over 50 symbologies zip]] - ver. 3.0 - Compression and file packaging/archive utility zita-convolver]] - ver. 4.0.3 - Fast, partitioned convolution engine library zlib]] - ver. 1.2.11 - General-purpose lossless data-compression library zlog]] - ver. 1.2.14 - High-performance C logging library zmap]] - ver. 2.1.1 - Network scanner for Internet-wide network studies zmqpp]] - ver. 4.2.0 - High-level C++ binding for zeromq znapzend]] - ver. 0.19.1 - ZFS backup with remote capabilities and mbuffer integration znc]] - ver. 1.7.5 - Advanced IRC bouncer zola]] - ver. 0.10.0 - Fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in zookeeper]] - ver. 3.5.7 - Centralized server for distributed coordination of services zopfli]] - ver. 1.0.3 - New zlib (gzip, deflate) compatible compressor zorba]] - ver. 3.1 - NoSQL query processor zork]] - ver. 1.0.2 - The Dungeon modified from FORTRAN to C zpaq]] - ver. 7.15 - Incremental, journaling command-line archiver zplug]] - ver. 2.4.2 - The next-generation plugin manager for zsh zrepl]] - ver. 0.2.1 - One-stop ZFS backup & replication solution zsdx]] - ver. 1.12.2 - Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX zsh]] - ver. 5.8 - UNIX shell (command interpreter) zsh-autosuggestions]] - ver. 0.6.4 - Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh zsh-completions]] - ver. 0.31.0 - Additional completion definitions for zsh zsh-git-prompt]] - ver. 0.5 - Informative git prompt for zsh zsh-history-substring-search]] - ver. 1.0.2 - Zsh port of Fish shell's history search zsh-lovers]] - ver. 0.9.1 - Tips, tricks, and examples for zsh zsh-navigation-tools]] - ver. 2.2.7 - Zsh curses-based tools, e.g. multi-word history searcher zsh-syntax-highlighting]] - ver. 0.6.0 - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh zshdb]] - ver. 1.0.1 - Debugger for zsh zssh]] - ver. 1.5c]] - ver. Interactive file transfers over SSH zstd]] - ver. 1.4.4 - Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm zsxd]] - ver. 1.12.2 - Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD zsync]] - ver. 0.6.2 - File transfer program zurl]] - ver. 1.11.0 - HTTP and WebSocket client worker with ZeroMQ interface zxcc]] - ver. 0.5.7 - CP/M 2/3 emulator for cross-compiling and CP/M tools under UNIX zydis]] - ver. 3.0.0 - Fast and lightweight x86/x86_64 disassembler library zyre]] - ver. 2.0.0 - Local Area Clustering for Peer-to-Peer Applications zzuf]] - ver. 0.15 - Transparent application input fuzzer zzz]] - ver. 1 - Command-line tool to put Macs to sleep Fork me on GitHub

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