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See: Ada (programming language), Ada GitHub

The Ada programming language, designed in the late 1970s by Jean Ichbiah and his team at CII Honeywell Bull under a contract from the United States Department of Defense (DoD), is a high-level, statically typed, multiparadigm programming language. Named after Ada Lovelace, who is often credited as the first computer programmer, Ada was created to supersede over 450 programming languages used by the DoD at the time. Its design emphasizes reliability, maintainability, and efficiency, making it particularly suitable for applications with real-time and embedded systems, where safety and security are critical.

Introduction to Ada

Ada's design is rooted in the software engineering principles of the 1970s but remains highly relevant today due to its focus on readability, reliability, and portability. It supports object-oriented programming (OOP), concurrent programming, and features strong typing, modularity, run-time checking, parallel processing capabilities, and exception handling.

Features of Ada

The language's features aim to avoid common programming errors like type mismatches, buffer overflows, and unhandled exceptions. Ada's strong typing system, explicit concurrency support, and built-in security and safety features distinguish it from other programming languages.

Ada's Usage

While Ada is prominently used in high-integrity and safety-critical systems, such as aviation, aerospace, and military applications, its adoption spans across various domains including transportation, banking, and healthcare due to its robustness and reliability.

The Ada Standard

The Ada language has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The most recent version, Ada 2012, introduces contract-based programming features, enhancing its capabilities in system and software assurance.

Ada's Development Environment

The Ada development environment includes a range of compilers, integrated development environments (IDEs), and toolchains that support cross-platform development. GNAT, part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), is among the most widely used Ada compilers.

Learning Resources and Documentation

The Ada Information Clearinghouse (s:// provides extensive resources, including tutorials, documentation, and case studies, facilitating both beginners and experienced developers' understanding and application of Ada.

Community and Support

The Ada community is active and supportive, offering various forums, mailing lists, and annual conferences like the International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences among Ada professionals.

Ada on GitHub

While there isn't a centralized Ada repository on GitHub, numerous projects and libraries are available across various GitHub repositories. Developers can find Ada-related projects by searching for the Ada language tag on GitHub.

Online Compilers and Playgrounds

Online platforms like [AdaPlayground]( allow users to write, compile, and execute Ada code snippets directly in a web browser, making it easier to experiment with Ada code without setting up a local development environment.

Integration with Other Languages

Ada supports interfacing with other programming languages, including C, C++, and Fortran, facilitating the integration of Ada components into broader systems and leveraging existing codebases.

Real-Time Systems Programming

Ada's real-time systems programming capabilities are exemplified in its support for real-time multitasking, synchronous and asynchronous tasking features, and real-time scheduling, making it ideal for developing complex real-time systems.

Safety-Critical Applications

Ada's design principles cater to safety-critical applications, with features that enforce coding standards, rigorous testing, and formal verification methods to ensure system integrity and reliability.

Ada's Future

Despite its niche position in the programming language landscape, Ada continues to evolve, with ongoing developments aimed at enhancing its usability, integration capabilities, and support for modern computing paradigms.

Educational Institutions and Ada

Several universities and educational institutions include Ada in their curriculum, emphasizing its principles in software engineering, system programming, and critical systems development courses.

Government and Industry Support

The support of the Ada language by government and defense agencies worldwide underscores its importance in critical applications. Industry sectors that require high reliability also adopt Ada for their core systems.

Books and Publications on Ada

A wide range of books, academic papers, and online publications provide insights into Ada programming, covering introductory topics, advanced programming techniques, and specialized applications.

Ada for Embedded Systems

Ada's features make it particularly suitable for embedded systems programming, where efficiency, reliability, and direct hardware access are crucial.

Comparisons with Other Languages

Comparisons between Ada and other programming languages often highlight Ada's unique approach to safety, concurrency, and type safety, demonstrating its advantages in specific application domains.

Code Example

: Hello World

A simple Ada program to print “Hello, World!” demonstrates Ada's syntax and structure.

   with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
   procedure Hello is
      Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
   end Hello;

20. Code Example: Concurrent Tasks

This Ada example showcases the creation and synchronization of concurrent tasks, a core feature of the language.

   with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
   task type Worker is
       entry Start;
   end Worker;
   task body Worker is
       accept Start;
       Put_Line("Task executed.");
   end Worker;
   Worker_Task: Worker;


GitHub Repo: For Ada projects, GitHub is a resourceful platform, though Ada lacks a unified official repository. Explore Ada projects by searching for Ada tags on GitHub.

Official Website: For official Ada resources, including the latest standards and community links, visit

These paragraphs and examples provide a broad overview of the Ada programming language, emphasizing its significance in safety-critical applications, its robust feature set, and the resources available for learning and using Ada in various projects.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Ada (programming language)

Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative, and object-oriented high-level programming language, inspired by Pascal and other languages. It has built-in language support for design by contract (DbC), extremely strong typing, explicit concurrency, tasks, synchronous message passing, protected objects, and non-determinism. Ada improves code safety and maintainability by using the compiler to find errors in favor of runtime errors. Ada is an international technical standard, jointly defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). As of May 2023, the standard, called Ada 2022 informally, is ISO/IEC 8652:2023.

Ada was originally designed by a team led by French computer scientist Jean Ichbiah of Honeywell under contract to the United States Department of Defense (DoD) from 1977 to 1983 to supersede over 450 programming languages used by the DoD at that time. Ada was named after Ada Lovelace (1815–1852), who has been credited as the first computer programmer.

Ada: Ada Fundamentals, Ada Inventor: Ada Language Designer: Jean Ichbiah in 1984 (MIL-STD-1815, Ada 83); Ada DevOps - Ada SRE, Cloud Native Ada (Ada on Kubernetes - Ada on AWS - Ada on Azure - Ada on GCP), Ada Microservices, Ada Containerization (Ada Docker - Ada on Docker Hub), Serverless Ada, Ada Data Science - Ada DataOps - Ada and Databases (Ada ORM), Ada ML - Ada DL, Functional Ada (1. Ada Immutability, 2. Ada Purity - Ada No Side-Effects, 3. Ada First-Class Functions - Ada Higher-Order Functions, Ada Lambdas - Ada Anonymous Functions - Ada Closures, Ada Lazy Evaluation, 4. Ada Recursion), Reactive Ada), Ada Concurrency - Ada Parallel Programming - Async Ada, Ada Networking, Ada Security - Ada DevSecOps - Ada OAuth, Ada Memory Allocation (Ada Heap - Ada Stack - Ada Garbage Collection), Ada CI/CD - Ada Dependency Management - Ada DI - Ada IoC - Ada Build Pipeline, Ada Automation - Ada Scripting, Ada Package Managers, Ada Modules - Ada Packages, Ada Installation (Ada Windows - Chocolatey Ada, Ada macOS - Homebrew Ada, Ada on Linux), Ada Configuration, Ada Observability (Ada Monitoring, Ada Performance - Ada Logging), Ada Language Spec - Ada RFCs - Ada Roadmap, Ada Keywords, Ada Operators, Ada Functions, Ada Data Structures - Ada Ada, Ada Syntax, Ada OOP (1. Ada Encapsulation - 2. Ada Inheritance - 3. Ada Polymorphism - 4. Ada Abstraction), Ada Design Patterns - Ada Best Practices - Ada Style Guide - Clean Ada - Ada BDD, Ada Generics, Ada I/O, Ada Serialization - Ada Deserialization, Ada APIs, Ada REST - Ada JSON - Ada GraphQL, Ada gRPC, Ada Virtualization, Ada Development Tools: Ada SDK, Ada Compiler - Ada Transpiler, Ada Interpreter - Ada REPL, Ada IDEs (JetBrains Ada, Ada Visual Studio Code), Ada Linter, Ada Community - Adaaceans - Ada User, Ada Standard Library - Ada Libraries - Ada Frameworks, Ada Testing - Ada TDD, Ada History, Ada Research, Ada Topics, Ada Uses - List of Ada Software - Written in Ada - Ada Popularity, Ada Bibliography - Ada Courses, Ada Glossary - Ada Official Glossary, Ada GitHub, Awesome Ada. (navbar_Ada)

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ada.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 (external edit)