
21st Century C - C Tips from the New School by Ben Klemens

Book Summary

Throw out your old ideas about C and get to know a programming language that’s substantially outgrown its origins. With this revised edition of 21st Century C, you’ll discover up-to-date C techniques missing from other C tutorials, whether you’re new to the C language or just getting reacquainted.

C isn’t just the foundation of modern programming languages; it is a modern language, ideal for writing efficient, state-of-the-art applications. Get past idioms that made sense on mainframes and learn the tools you need to work with this evolved and aggressively simple language. No matter what programming language you currently favor, you’ll quickly see that 21st century C rocks.

This edition also includes new material on C concurrent threads, C virtual tables, C99 numeric types, and other C features.

About the Author

Ben Klemens has been doing statistical analysis and computationally intensive modeling of populations ever since getting his Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Caltech. He is of the opinion that writing code should be fun, and has had a grand time writing analyzes and models (mostly in C) for the Brookings Institution, the World Bank, National Institute of Mental Health, et al. As a nonresident fellow at Brookings and with the Free Software Foundation, he has done work on ensuring that creative authors retain the right to use the software they write. He currently works for the United States Federal Government.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Ben Klemens

Ben Klemens (born April 10, 1975) is an Australian economist, author, and co-host of the podcast 'Pod, Paper, Scissors'. He works for the US Treasury Department and was previously a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution's Center on Social and Economic Dynamics. He holds a PhD in Social Sciences from Caltech.

Klemens is the author of the proposal to the Unicode consortium for the Falafel emoji, which will be appearing across web platforms in 2019.

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Fair Use Sources

C Language: C Fundamentals, C Inventor - C Language Designer: Dennis Ritchie in 1972; C Standards: ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) / SC 22 (Subcommittee 22) / WG 14 (Working Group 14) (ISO C); C Keywords, C Pointers, C Data Structures - C Algorithms, C Syntax, C Memory Management, C Recursion, C on Android, C on Linux, C on macOS, C on Windows, C Installation, C Containerization, C Configuration, C Compiler, C IDEs (CLion), C Development Tools, C DevOps - C SRE, C Data Science - C DataOps, C Machine Learning, C Deep Learning, C Concurrency, C History, C Bibliography, Manning C Programming Series, C Glossary, C Topics, C Courses, C Standard Library, C Libraries, C Frameworks, C Research, C GitHub, Written in C, C Popularity, C Awesome List, C Versions. (navbar_c)

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