Why do people continue to complain about Java even though it is the most widely adopted enterprise programming language of choice?

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“From what I’ve seen, it is because they don’t use Java effectively. And that’s not including the non-users who parrot something not even true.”

Java is capable. Java is fast. Java is readable. Java can be concise. Java supports class based OOP (Java OOP) well. It offers useful Java FP additions. It has great Java tools, Java test frameworks, Java libraries.

“But I see loads of complaints where it’s just the user at fault.

Non-OO code being touted as ‘Java is bad at OO’. No, you are.

Endless nonsense about ‘Java garbage collection being slow’ when it isn’t.

Complaints about Java verbosity when you have not bothered to use good software engineering best practices and Java best practices.

The worst are the uninformed rants you see. People who write a crappy Java program in class and then proudly announce this is a Java problem when it is an incompetence problem.

There are other programming languages that are good. There are better languages for certain viewpoints of ‘what does good code look like’

But the complaints don’t normally address those nuances.”

Author: Alan Mellor, Learned programming on a Sinclair ZX81

Fair Use Source: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-continue-to-complain-about-Java-even-though-it-is-the-most-widely-adopted-enterprise-programming-language-of-choice