Functional Programming Languages

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Expanding the list to include the ten most popular functional programming languages, we capture a wider array of languages that are either purely functional, have functional programming capabilities as a primary feature, or strongly encourage functional programming practices. The popularity of these languages can vary based on different criteria, such as usage in industry projects, community activity, and educational value. As of my last update in April 2023, here's an overview:

1. Haskell - A purely functional programming language known for its high level of abstraction, strong static type system, and lazy evaluation. It's widely used in academia and industries that require rigorous mathematical correctness.

2. Scala - A hybrid functional and object-oriented programming language for the JVM. It blends functional programming with Java's object-oriented features, offering a powerful toolset for building scalable enterprise applications.

3. Clojure - A modern, dynamic functional programming language that is a dialect of Lisp. It runs on the JVM, CLR, and JavaScript engines, promoting immutability and functional programming principles.

4. F - A functional-first language targeting the .NET platform, F# integrates functional programming with .NET's object-oriented and imperative programming, making it versatile for various software development projects.

5. Erlang - Designed for building concurrent and fault-tolerant systems, Erlang supports a functional programming style, making it ideal for telecommunications, finance, and e-commerce applications.

6. Elm - A purely functional language for frontend web development, compiling to JavaScript. It emphasizes simplicity and developer friendliness, with a strong type system that eliminates runtime exceptions.

7. OCaml - A general-purpose programming language with a powerful type system and support for functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming. It's used in areas ranging from financial analysis to systems programming.

8. Elixir - A dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications, Elixir runs on the Erlang VM and is used for web development and distributed systems.

9. Racket - A descendant of Scheme, Racket is both a functional programming language and a tool for developing new languages. It is used in education, scripting, and software development.

10. PureScript - A strongly-typed, purely functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. It's designed for building robust, type-safe applications and libraries for the web.

Each of these languages contributes uniquely to the functional programming ecosystem, catering to different needs and preferences. From web development with Elm and PureScript to scalable systems with Erlang and Elixir, and the academic strength of Haskell and OCaml, the diversity of functional programming languages offers a wide range of tools for developers and researchers alike.

Functional Programming: Functional Programming Compare and Contrast 10 Languages by Cloud Monk (December 2024)

Purely Functional Languages, Purely Functional Programming Languages (Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Agda, Idris, Coq, Lean, Miranda, Erlang, F#)

Popular Functional Programming Languages (Haskell, Scala, Clojure, F#, Erlang, Elm, OCaml, Elixir, Racket, PureScript, Lisp, Scheme, Common Lisp, Rust, Swift, Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby)

FP, Functional Clojure, Functional Haskell, Functional Erlang, Functional Elixir, Functional F#. Data Oriented Programming, Functional C++, Functional C#, Functional Java, Functional Kotlin, Functional Scala, Functional Go, Functional Rust, Functional JavaScript (Functional React), Functional TypeScript (Functional Angular), Functional Swift; Lisp, FP (programming language), Functional Programming Bibliography - Manning's Programming Functional in, Functional Programming Glossary, Awesome Functional Programming, Functional Programming Topics, Concurrency. (navbar_functional - see also , navbar_python_functional, navbar_django_functional, navbar_flask_functional, navbar_javascript_functional, navbar_typescript_functional, navbar_react_functional, navbar_angular_functional, navbar_vue_functional, navbar_java_functional, navbar_kotlin_functional, navbar_spring_functional, navbar_scala_functional, navbar_clojure_functional, navbar_csharp_functional, navbar_dotnet_functional, navbar_fsharp_functional, navbar_haskell_functional, navbar_rust_functional, navbar_cpp_functional, navbar_swift_functional, navbar_elixir_functional, navbar_erlang_functional, navbar_functional, navbar_functional_reactive)

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