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Linux Skills

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What are the most important Linux skills you must have as a developer?

You should know Linux file commands and Linux directory commands.

List files

Copy files

Move files

Delete files

In Linux / the root is the top of the file tree, /home is the home directory, /var/logs is where you find log files for different system services and also usually web servers. /etc is where configuration files for system services reside and also where you change network settings. /bin,/sbin,/usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin is where you normally find the system binaries you can ls these directories to look for commands.

This takes you to the root

Go to the parent of the current directory, one level up in the directory tree closer to the root.

Change to a specific directory, in this case the Apache web server log files in /var/log/apache2

In Linux system the system administrator account is usually called root and is the superuser which has userid UID 0. In order to use system administration commands you must first become root. As a normal user you have command prompt $, the superuser has command prompt hash #.

Kill a process that you no longer want running, kill takes a signal and a PID number. Kill -9 means hard kill.

Package management so that you can install missing packages that you need for development.

Apt-cache for Debian based distributions

Yum for Red Hat based distributions

Install package

Apt-get] for Debian-based distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

Source control

Know how to use source revision control systems that track changes in source code and allows collaboration with other developers such as Git and Subversion

Clone a public git repository

Pull and merge upstream changes into your repository

Commit source code changes to git

Push up source code changes to the source control server/repo

Know how to shutdown and reboot the system.

Shutdown and power off the Linux machine, remember to use sudo or su to become super user first

  1. shutdown -h now

Reboot / restart the machine

  1. reboot