Table of Contents

Fluent C - Principles, Practices, and Patterns by Christopher Preschern

Return to C Language Design Patterns

Fluent C by Christopher Preschern

Fluent C by Christopher Preschern

Return to C Language Design Patterns, C Language, C Language Bibliography, C Language Courses, C Language DevOps - C Language CI/CD, C Language Security - C Language DevSecOps, C Language Functional Programming, C Language Concurrency, C Language Data Science - C Language and Databases, C Language Machine Learning, C Language Glossary, Awesome C Language, C Language GitHub, C Language Topics

Fair Use Source: 1492097330 (FlueC 2023)

Book Summary

Expert advice on C programming is hard to find. While much help is available for object-oriented programming languages, there's surprisingly little for the C language. With this hands-on guide, beginners and experienced C programmers alike will find guidance about design decisions, including how to apply them bit by bit to running code examples when building large-scale programs.

You'll find C design patterns for:

Error handling Returning error information Memory management Returning data from C functions Data lifetime and ownership Flexible APIs Flexible iterator interfaces Organizing files in modular programs Escaping #ifdef Hell

About the Author

Christopher Preschern is a leading member of the design patterns community. He actively takes part in the organization of design pattern conferences and in initiatives to improve pattern writing. As a C programmer at the company ABB he gathered and documented hands-on knowledge on how to write industrial strength code. He lectured at the Technical University of Graz courses on coding & quality and he holds a PhD in computer science.

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Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:

C Language: C Fundamentals, C Inventor - C Language Designer: Dennis Ritchie in 1972; C Standards: ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) / SC 22 (Subcommittee 22) / WG 14 (Working Group 14) (ISO C); C Keywords, C Pointers, C Data Structures - C Algorithms, C Syntax, C Memory Management, C Recursion, C on Android, C on Linux, C on macOS, C on Windows, C Installation, C Containerization, C Configuration, C Compiler, C IDEs (CLion), C Development Tools, C DevOps - C SRE, C Data Science - C DataOps, C Machine Learning, C Deep Learning, C Concurrency, C History, C Bibliography, Manning C Programming Series, C Glossary, C Topics, C Courses, C Standard Library, C Libraries, C Frameworks, C Research, C GitHub, Written in C, C Popularity, C Awesome List, C Versions. (navbar_c)

Design Patterns: Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by GoF, Awesome Design Patterns, Awesome Software Design, Pattern, Design, Anti-Patterns, Code Smells, Best Practices, Software Architecture, Software Design, Design Principles, Design Patterns Bibliography, C Language Design Patterns, C++ Design Patterns, C# Design Patterns, Golang Design Patterns, Java Design Patterns, JavaScript Design Patterns, Kotlin Design Patterns, Node.js Design Patterns, Python Design Patterns, TypeScript Design Patterns, Scala Design Patterns, Swift Design Patterns. (navbar_designpatterns)

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