Table of Contents

C Plus Plus Design and Evolution Simula and Distributed Systems

Simula and Distributed Systems

Part I 1. The Prehistory of C++ 2. C with Classes

1. The Prehistory of C++

“In olden days, when EVIL ruled!” – Kristen Nygaard

Simula and distributed systems — C and systems programming — the influence of mathematics, history, philosophy, and literature.

1.1 Simula and Distributed Systems

“The prehistory of C++ – the couple of years before the idea of adding Simula-like features to C occurred to me – is important because during this time, the criteria and ideals that later shaped C++ emerged. I was working on my Ph.D. Thesis in the Computing Laboratory of Cambridge University in England. My aim was to study alternatives for the organization of system software for distributed systems. The conceptual framework was provided by the capability-based Cambridge CAP computer and its experimental and continuously evolving operating system [Wilkes, 1979]. The details of this work and its outcome [Stroustrup,1979] are of little relevance to C++. What is relevant, though, was the focus on composing software out of well-delimited modules and that the main experimental tool was a relatively large and detailed simulator I wrote for simulating software running on a distributed system.

The initial version of this simulator was written in Simula [Birtwistle, 1979] and ran on the Cambridge University computer center’s IBM 360/165 mainframe. It was a pleasure to write that simulator. The features of Simula were almost ideal for the purpose, and I was particularly impressed by the way the concepts of the language helped me think about the problems in my application. The class concept allowed me to map my application concepts into the language constructs in a direct way that made my code more readable than I had seen in any other language. The way Simula classes can act as co-routines made the inherent concurrency of my application easy to express. For example, an object of class computer could trivially be made to work in pseudo-parallel with other objects of class computer. Class hierarchies were used to express variants of application-level concepts. For example, different types of computers could be expressed as classes derived from class computer and different types of inter-module communication mechanisms could be expressed as classes derived from class IPC. The use of class hierarchies was not heavy, though; the use of classes to express concurrency was much more important in the organization of my simulator.

During writing and initial debugging, I acquired a great respect for the expressiveness of Simula’s type system and its compiler’s ability to catch type errors. I observed that type errors almost invariably reflected either a silly programming error or a conceptual flaw in the design. The latter was by far the most significant and a help that I had not experienced in the use of more primitive “strong” type systems. In contrast, I had found Pascal’s type system to be worse than useless – a straitjacket that caused more problems than it solved by forcing me to warp my designs to suit an implementation-oriented artifact. The contrast I perceived between the rigidity of Pascal and the flexibility of Simula was essential for the development of C++. Simula’s class concept was seen as the key difference, and ever since I have seen classes as the proper primary focus of program design.

I had used Simula before (during my studies at the University of Aarhus, Denmark), but was very pleasantly surprised by the way the mechanisms of the Simula language became increasingly helpful as the size of the program increased. The class and co-routine mechanisms and the comprehensive type checking ensured that problems and errors did not (as I – and I guess most people – would have expected) grow more than linearly with the size of the program. Instead, the total program acted more like a collection of very small programs than a single large program and was therefore easier to write, comprehend, and debug.

The implementation of Simula, however, did not scale in the same way. As a result, the whole project came close to disaster. My conclusion at the time was that the Simula implementation (as opposed to the Simula language) was geared to small programs and was inherently unsuitable for larger programs [Stroustrup,1979]. Link times for separately compiled classes were abysmal: It took longer to compile l/30th of the program and link it to a precompiled version of the rest than it took to compile and link the program as a monolith. This I believe, was more a problem with the mainframe linker than with Simula, but it was still a burden. On top of that, the runtime performance was such that there was no hope of obtaining useful data from the simulator. The poor run-time characteristics were a function of the language and its implementation rather than a function of the application. The overhead problems were fundamental to Simula and could not be remedied. The cost arose from several language features and their interactions: run-time type checking, guaranteed initialization of variables, concurrency support, and garbage collection of both user-allocated objects and procedure activation records. For example, measurements showed that more than 80% of the time was spent in the garbage collector despite the fact that resource management was part of the simulated system so that no garbage was ever produced. Simula implementations are better these days (15 years later), but the order-of-magnitude improvement in run-time performance still has not (to the best of my knowledge) materialized.

To avoid terminating the project – and thus having to leave Cambridge without a Ph.D. – I rewrote the simulator in BCPL and ran it on the experimental CAP computer. The experience of coding and debugging the simulator in BCPL [Richards, 1980] was horrible. BCPL makes C look like a very high-level language and provides absolutely no type checking or run-time support. The resulting simulator did, however, run suitably fast and gave a whole range of useful results that clarified many issues for me and provided the basis for several papers on operating system issues [Stroustrup, 1978,1979b, 1981].

Upon leaving Cambridge, I swore never again to attack a problem with tools as unsuitable as those I had suffered while designing and implementing the simulator. The significance of this to C++ was the notion I had evolved of what constituted a “suitable tool” for projects such as writing a significant simulator, an operating system, and similar systems programming tasks:

[1] A good tool would have Simula’s support for program organization – that is, classes, some form of class hierarchies, some form of support for concurrency, and strong (that is, static) checking of a type system based on classes. This I saw (as I still see it today) as support for the process of inventing programs, as support for design rather than just for implementation.

[2] A good tool would produce programs that run as fast as BCPL programs and share BCPL’s ability to easily combine separately compiled units into a program. A simple linkage convention is essential for combining units written in languages such as C, Algol68, Fortran, BCPL, assembler, etc., into a single program so that programmers can avoid getting caught by inherent limitations in a single language.

[3] A good tool should also allow for highly portable implementations. My experience was that the “good” implementation I needed would typically not be available until “next year” and then only on a machine I couldn’t afford. This implied that a tool must have multiple sources of implementations (no monopoly would be sufficiently responsive to users of “unusual” machines or to poor graduate students), that there should be no complicated run-time support system to port, and that there should be only very limited integration between the tool and its host operating system.

These criteria were not fully formed when I left Cambridge. Some matured only on further reflection on my experience with the simulator, on programs written over the next couple of years, and on the experiences of others that I learned of through discussions and reading of code. C++ as defined at the time of Release 2.0 strictly fulfills these criteria; the fundamental tensions in the effort to design templates and exception handling mechanisms for C++ arise from the need to depart from some aspects of these criteria. I think the most important aspect of these criteria is that they are only loosely connected with specific programming language features. Instead, they specify constraints on a solution.

At the time I was there, the Cambridge Computing Laboratory was headed by Maurice Wilkes. I received my main technical guidance from my supervisor, David Wheeler, and from Roger Needham. My background in operating systems and my interest in modularization and communication had permanent effects on C++. The C++ model of protection, for example, is based on the notion of granting and transferring access rights; the distinction between initialization and assignment has its root in thoughts about transferring capabilities; C++’s notion of const is derived from hardware read/write access protection mechanisms; and the design of C++’s exception handling mechanism was influenced by work on fault-tolerant systems done by Brian Randell’s group in Newcastle during the seventies.

1.2 C Plus Plus Design and Evolution C and Systems Programming

I had briefly encountered C in London in 1975 and acquired some respect for it compared to other languages of the kind referred to as systems programming languages, machine-oriented languages, or low-level languages. Of those, I knew PL360, Coral, Mary, and others, but my main experience with languages of this class was BCPL. In addition to being a BCPL user, I had once implemented BCPL by microcoding its intermediate form, O-code, so I had a detailed understanding of the low-level efficiency implications of this class of languages.

After finishing my Ph.D. Thesis in Cambridge and getting a job at Bell Labs, I (re)learned C from [Kernighan,1978]. Thus, at the time, I was not a C expert and saw C primarily as the most modern and prominent example of the systems programming languages. Only later did I achieve a fuller understanding of C based on personal experience and discussion with people such as Stu Feldman, Steve Johnson, Brian Kernighan, and Dennis Ritchie. The general idea of a systems programming language thus determined the growth of C++ to at least the same extent as did the specific language-technical details of C.

I knew Algol68 [Woodward, 1974] pretty well from using it for minor projects in Cambridge. I appreciated the relationship between its constructs and those of C, and sometimes find it useful to consider C constructs as specialized versions of Algol68’s more general concepts. Curiously enough, I did not see Algol68 as a systems programming language (despite having used an operating system written in Algol68). I suspect the reason was the emphasis I placed on portability, ease of linkage to code written in other languages, and run-time efficiency. I have on occasion described my dream language as Algol68 with Simula-like classes. However, for building a practical tool, C seemed a much better choice than Algol68.

1.3 C Plus Plus Design and Evolution General Background

It is often claimed that the structure of a system reflects the structure of the organization that created it. Within reason, I subscribe to that idea. It follows that when a system is primarily the work of an individual, the system reflects the fundamental outlook of that individual. In retrospect, I think the overall structure of C++ was shaped as much by my general “world view” as it was shaped by the detailed computer science concepts used to form its individual parts.

I studied pure and applied mathematics so that my Danish “masters degree” (a Cand.Scient. degree) is in mathematics and computer science. This left me with an appreciation of the beauty of mathematics, but also with a bias towards mathematics as a practical tool for problem solving as opposed to an apparently purposeless monument to abstract truth and beauty. I have a lot of sympathy for the student Euclid reputedly had evicted for asking, “But what is mathematics for?” Similarly, my interest in computers and programming languages is fundamentally pragmatic. Computers and programming languages can be appreciated as works of art, but aesthetic factors should complement and enhance utility, not substitute for or compromise utility.

My long-term (continuous for at least 25 years) hobby is history, and I spent significant time in university and later studying philosophy. This has given me a rather conscious view of where my intellectual sympathies lie and why. Among the longstanding schools of thought, I feel most at home with the empiricists rather than with the idealists – the mysticists I just can’t appreciate. That is, I tend to prefer Aristotle to Plato, Hume to Descartes, and shake my head sadly over Pascal. I find comprehensive “systems” like those of Plato and Kant fascinating, yet fundamentally unsatisfying in that they appear to me dangerously remote from everyday experiences and the essential peculiarities of individuals.

I find Kierkegaard’s almost fanatical concern for the individual and keen psychological insights much more appealing than the grandiose schemes and concern for humanity in the abstract of Hegel or Marx. Respect for groups that doesn’t include respect for individuals of those groups isn’t respect at all. Many C++ design decisions have their roots in my dislike for forcing people to do things in some particular way. In history, some of the worst disasters have been caused by idealists trying to force people into “doing what is good for them.” Such idealism not only leads to suffering among its innocent victims, but also to delusion and corruption of the idealists applying the force. I also find idealists prone to ignore experience and experiment that inconveniently clashes with dogma or theory. Where ideals clash and sometimes even when pundits seem to agree, I prefer to provide support that gives the programmer a choice.

My preferences in literature have reinforced this unwillingness to make a decision based on theory and logic alone. In this sense, C++ owes as much to novelists and essayists such as Martin A. Hansen, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, who never saw a computer, as it does to computer scientists such as David Gries, Don Knuth, and Roger Needham. Often, when I was tempted to outlaw a feature I personally disliked, I refrained from doing so because I did not think I had the right to force my views on others. I know that much can be achieved in a relatively short time by the energetic pursuit of logic and by ruthless condemnation of “bad, outdated, and confused habits of thought.” However, the human cost is often high. A high degree of tolerance and acceptance that different people do think in different ways and strongly prefer to do things differently is to me far preferable.

My preference is to slowly – often painfully slowly – persuade people to try new techniques and adapt the ones that suit their needs and tastes. There are effective techniques for achieving “religious conversions” and “revolutions,” but I have fundamental qualms about those techniques and grave doubts about their effects in the long term and on a large scale. Often, if someone can be easily converted to “religion” X, a further conversion to “religion” Y is likely, and the gain ephemeral. I prefer skeptics to “true believers.” I value a small piece of solid evidence over most theories, and a solid experimental result over most logical arguments.

These views could easily lead to fatalistic acceptance of status quo. After all, one cannot make an omelet without cracking a few eggs and most people do not actually want to change – at least “not just now” or in ways that will disrupt their everyday lives. This is where respect for facts comes in – and a modicum of idealism. Things in programming and in the world in general really aren’t in a very good state, and much can be done to improve them. I designed C++ to solve a problem, not to prove a point, and it grew to serve its users. The underlying view is that it is possible to achieve improvements through gradual change. The ideal situation is to maintain the greatest rate of change that improves the welfare of the individuals involved. The main difficulties are to determine what constitutes progress, to develop techniques to smooth transitions, and to avoid excesses caused by over-enthusiasm.

I’m willing to work hard for the adoption of ideas that I have become convinced will be of help to people. In fact, I consider it the obligation of scientists and intellectuals to ensure that their ideas are made accessible and thus useful to society instead of being mere playthings for specialists. However, I’m not willing to sacrifice people to ideas. In particular, I do not try to enforce a single style of design through a narrowly defined programming language. People’s ways of thinking and working are so diverse that an attempt to force a single style would do more harm than good. Thus, C++ is deliberately designed to support a variety of styles rather than a would-be “one true way.”

Chapter 4 presents the more detailed and practical rules that guided the design of C++. In those rules, you can find the echoes of the general ideas and ideals mentioned here.

A programming language can be the most important factor in a programmer’s day. However, a programming language is really a very tiny part of the world, and as such, it ought not be taken too seriously. Keep a sense of proportion and – most importantly – keep a sense of humor. Among major programming languages, C++ is the richest source of puns and jokes. That is no accident.

Philosophy, like discussion of language features, does tend to get overly serious and preachy. For this, I apologize, but I felt like acknowledging my intellectual roots and I guess this is harmless – well, mostly harmless. And no, my preferences in literature are not limited to writers emphasizing philosophical and political themes; those are just the ones who left the most obvious traces in the fabric of C++.”

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