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Snippet from Wikipedia: Z shell

The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended Bourne shell with many improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh.

Zsh was created by Paul Falstad in 1990 while he was a student at Princeton University. It combines features from both ksh and tcsh, offering functionality such as programmable command-line completion, extended file globbing, improved variable/array handling, and themeable prompts.

Zsh is available for Microsoft Windows as part of the UnxUtils collection and has been adopted as the default shell for macOS and Kali Linux. The "Oh My Zsh" user community website provides a platform for third-party plug-ins and themes, featuring a large and active contributor base.

zsh or The Z Shell is one of the newest shells with an enhanced command line editing interface.



Find zsh-*.rpm in your distribution or simply search via RPM Search and download the file. run as root

rpm -ihv zsh-*.rpm


<b>zsh</b> can be installed from Debian's <I>main</I> repository, using your APT front end of choice. For example, run as root:

apt-get install zsh
aptitude install zsh
will install <b>zsh</b> and any packages on which zsh depends. <p>A package with documentation, <b>zsh-doc</b> is also available.</p>


Currently avalible 4.2.6 stable version. If you want to install zsh on gentoo, simply type in console:

emerge -av zsh


(cd /usr/ports/shells/zsh;make install clean)


MS Windows

[[Unicode]] support.

At this time the developent versions of zsh support utf-8 (your can simply install zsh from cvs. With this feature you can use zsh with any language.

Default Shell

To setup <b>zsh</b> for day-to-day use, it's posible to change default shell (don't use the feature with root user if you don't understand this).

chsh -s `which zsh`


The Zshell(Zsh) has comfortable history. You can also tune history engine in zsh.

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zsh.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:23 by