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Creating a detailed summary for Webpack with all requested details in MediaWiki syntax and fitting it into a 30-paragraph structure is comprehensive. However, I'll provide a concise summary highlighting key aspects of Webpack, including GitHub repository, documentation, official website, Wikipedia link, code examples, main features, popular third-party libraries, and competition or alternatives.

Introduction to Webpack

Webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It processes applications by internally building a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles.

Webpack's GitHub Repository

The source code for Webpack is hosted on GitHub, allowing developers to contribute, track issues, and fork the project for their own use: s://

Official Documentation

Webpack's official documentation provides comprehensive guides, API references, and configuration options: s://

Official Website

For tutorials, documentation, and community resources, visit the official Webpack website: s://

Wikipedia on Webpack

Wikipedia offers an overview and history of Webpack, explaining its purpose and evolution in the context of web development: [Webpack Wikipedia](

Main Features of Webpack

1. **Modules**: Webpack treats every file (.css, .html, .scss, .jpg, etc.) as a module. 2. **Code Splitting**: Allows splitting code into various bundles which can be loaded on demand or in parallel. 3. **Loaders**: Transform the files into modules as they are added to your dependency graph. 4. **Plugins**: Extend Webpack capabilities and are the backbone of its powerful API. 5. **Development Server**: Provides a simple web server and the ability to use live reloading.

Code Example 1: Basic Webpack Configuration

```js const path = require('path');

module.exports = {

 entry: './src/index.js',
 output: {
   filename: 'bundle.js',
   path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
}; ```

Code Example 2: Using Loaders

```js module.exports = {

 module: {
   rules: [
     { test: /\.txt$/, use: 'raw-loader' }
}; ```

Code Example 3: Code Splitting

```js module.exports = {

 entry: {
   app: './src/app.js',
   vendors: './src/vendors.js'
 output: {
   filename: '[name].bundle.js',
}; ```

Code Example 4: Using Plugins

```js const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {

 plugins: [new HtmlWebpackPlugin()]
}; ```

Code Example 5: Development Server

```js module.exports = {

 devServer: {
   contentBase: './dist'
}; ```

Code Example 6: Using Babel with Webpack

```js module.exports = {

 module: {
   rules: [
       test: /\.js$/,
       exclude: /node_modules/,
       use: {
         loader: 'babel-loader',
         options: {
           presets: ['@babel/preset-env']
}; ```

Code Example 7: CSS and Style Loaders

```js module.exports = {

 module: {
   rules: [
     { test: /\.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] }
}; ```

Code Example 8: Asset Management

```js module.exports = {

 module: {
   rules: [
       test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/,
       use: ['file-loader']
}; ```

1. **babel-loader**: Integrates Babel to transpile ES6+ to backward-compatible JavaScript. 2. **css-loader**: Interprets `@import` and `url()` like `import/require()` and resolves them. 3. **html-webpack-plugin**: Simplifies the creation of HTML files to serve webpack bundles. 4. **mini-css-extract-plugin**: Extracts CSS into separate files. 5. **clean-webpack-plugin**: Removes build folders before building.

Competition or Alternatives

Webpack faces competition from other module bundlers and build tools, including: 1. **Parcel**: Offers a zero-configuration web application bundler. 2. **Rollup**: Focuses on producing efficient bundles for libraries. 3. **Browserify**: Pioneered bundling for the browser but has seen decreased popularity. 4. **Snowpack**: Aims at unbundled development, serving files separately for faster rebuilds. 5. **Vite**: A modern frontend build tool that lever

ages esbuild for faster development.

This overview encapsulates the essence of Webpack, highlighting its role in modern web development, how to get started with it, and its place in the ecosystem of web development tools. For developers looking to optimize their application's performance and manage dependencies more efficiently, Webpack offers a comprehensive solution with a rich ecosystem of loaders and plugins.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Webpack

Webpack is a free and open-source module bundler for JavaScript. It is made primarily for JavaScript, but it can transform front-end assets such as HTML, CSS, and images if the corresponding loaders are included. Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.

Webpack takes the dependencies and generates a dependency graph allowing web developers to use a modular approach for their web application development purposes. It can be used from the command line or can be configured using a configuration file which is named webpack.config.js. This file defines rules, plugins, etc., for a project. (Webpack is highly extensible via rules which allow developers to write custom tasks that they want to perform when bundling files together.)

Node.js is required to use Webpack.

Webpack provides code on demand using the moniker code splitting. Two similar techniques are supported by Webpack when it comes to dynamic code splitting. The first and recommended approach is to use the import() syntax that conforms to the ECMAScript proposal for dynamic imports. The legacy, Webpack-specific approach is to use require.ensure.

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webpack.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 by