
Balancing Vata Dosha

Dry Oil massage. Avoid dry and raw foods. Cook with oil or add ghee. Use butter, cheese, warm milk, avocado, coconut milk, banana, chicken, eggs, shrimp, fish. Light Avoid windy weather, autumn season, high altitude, running, jumping, flying, and staying up late. Do not consume light foods, fasting, and alcohol. Use heavy bedding and clothing. Daytime sleep can be good. Nutmeg milk or garlic milk at night. Valerian, skullcap, and vidhari are herbs that ground vata. Cold Avoid exposure to cold food, weather, season, or room. Keep warm and avoid air conditioning. No cold drinks, coffee, smoking, ice cream or frozen yoghurt. Eat warm, spicy food. Good spices are ginger, black pepper, cumin, mustard seeds. Rough No rough, raw foods. Do not sleep or sit on a rough surface. No black beans, pinto beans, aduki beans, chick peas. Avoid hard, rough behavior. Be gentle, loving, and kind. Subtle Avoid psychedelic drugs and alcohol. Be aware of subtle emotions. Let go. Mobile Avoid erratic or excessive physical or mental activities. No running, jumping, swaying, swinging, or flying. Rest, read, and relax. Keep to a regular daily routine. Avoid alternate hot and cold shower. Clear Do not use repeated enemas, colonics, or drastic purgatives. Avoid obsessive cleaning, such as repeated baths or hand washing. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Astringent Avoid unripe or astringent foods, such as apple, pear, pomegranates. Rajas Avoid excesive stimulation and activities. HERBS Ashvagandha, Bala, Vidhari, Dashamula. Basti (medicated enema) is given for many vata disorders.

  (LadHd: 2000)

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