
The Jamstack Book - Beyond static sites with JavaScript, APIs, and markup by Brian Rinaldi, Raymond K. Camden

Book Summary

Jamstack = JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. Use established standard technologies to build super-fast static websites without sacrificing rich, dynamic features.

In The Jamstack Book, you will learn how to:

Use different static site generators to build websites Deploy Jamstack sites with 11ty, Next.js, Hugo, and Jekyll Add dynamic capabilities like form processing and eCommerce Enhance your Jamstack site with serverless capabilities Integrate a CMS with a Jamstack site

Jamstack sites use JavaScript, APIs, and Markup to create fast, dynamic pages without the overhead of heavyweight frameworks. The Jamstack Book is your essential guide to this exciting new web architecture. Written by renowned Jamstack experts Raymond Camden and Brian Rinaldi, it’s filled with real-world projects to develop and hone your skills.

You’ll learn how to lay out and generate a site, set up your own CMS, and add dynamic features like user logins and search functionality. Confusing jargon is demystified. Plus, you’ll get the chance to try out different static site generators and find the one that works best for you. Pick up this book today, and you’ll discover how the Jamstack answers your need for speed and simplicity.

About the technology

JavaScript, APIs, and pre-rendered Markup put the JAM in Jamstack. This modern web architecture delivers the quick load times of static sites along with the dynamic functionality you need for user-friendly interactive features. Built with lightweight standards and tools, Jamstack sites are fast, secure, easy to maintain, and naturally optimized for mobile and SEO.

About the book

The Jamstack Book teaches effectively by creating a portfolio of sites, ranging from a simple blog to an eCommerce store. Each new project introduces important skills, including cloud deployment, user logins, and search. You’ll get hands-on experience with tools like 11ty, Next.js, and Netlify. As your skills grow, the examples become more sophisticated, including serverless technology, dynamic forms, and an integrated CMS.

What's inside

Use different static site generators to build websites Add dynamic capabilities like form processing and eCommerce Enhance your Jamstack site with serverless capabilities Integrate a CMS with a Jamstack site

About the reader

For web developers and CMS site developers.

Brief Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Jamstack?
  • 2 Building a basic Jamstack site
  • 3 Building a blog
  • 4 Building a documentation site
  • 5 Building an e-commerce site
  • 6 Deployment
  • 7 Adding dynamic elements
  • 8 Working with serverless computing
  • 9 Adding a content management system
  • 10 Migrating to the Jamstack

Explanation of Table of Contents

How this book is organized: A road map

The book has 10 individual chapters:

  • Chapter 1 explains what exactly is meant by Jamstack and why developers should consider it.
  • Chapter 2 introduces Eleventy and demonstrates a very simple brochure-ware site.
  • Chapter 3 introduces Jekyll and walks you through building a blog.
  • Chapter 4 makes use of the Hugo static site generator and explains how to build a documentation site.
  • Chapter 5 demonstrates e-commerce with the Jamstack and uses Next.js.
  • Chapter 6 explains how Jamstack sites can be moved into production.
  • Chapter 7 demonstrates adding dynamic elements back into static web pages.
  • Chapter 8 introduces serverless computing, with a focus on how it complements the Jamstack.
  • Chapter 9 talks about how CMSs (content management systems) can be integrated with the Jamstack.
  • Chapter 10 wraps things up with a look at how you can migrate to the Jamstack.

Developers can choose to read the book directly from beginning to end; however, chapters 2 through 5 serve as examples of different types of sites that can be built with the Jamstack and can be read in any order.

About the Author

Raymond Camden is the author of multiple books on web development and has been blogging and presenting for almost twenty years. Brian Rinaldi has been involved in static site development and Jamstack development since the early days.

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Fair Use Sources

Jamstack JavaScript Frameworks: Jamstack "Inventor" (Coined the Term): Mathias Biilmann Christensen, CEO and Cofounder of Netlify, Jamstack, Static Site Generator (SSG), Jamstack Keywords, Jamstack Data Structures - Jamstack Algorithms, Jamstack Syntax, Jamstack OOP - Jamstack Design Patterns, Jamstack Installation, Jamstack Containerization, Jamstack Configuration, Jamstack Compiler, Jamstack IDEs (Visual Studio Code - JetBrains WebStorm), Jamstack Development Tools, JetBrains, Jamstack on Android, Jamstack on Windows, Jamstack on macOS, Jamstack on Linux, Jamstack DevOps - Jamstack SRE, Jamstack Data Science - Jamstack DataOps, Jamstack Machine Learning, Jamstack Deep Learning, Functional Jamstack, Jamstack Concurrency, Jamstack History, Jamstack Bibliography, Jamstack Glossary, Jamstack Topics, Jamstack Courses, Jamstack Security - Jamstack DevSecOps, Jamstack Standard Library, Jamstack Libraries, Jamstack Frameworks: (Jamstack with React, Jamstack with Express, Jamstack with jQuery, Jamstack with Next.js, Jamstack with Vue, Jamstack with Gatsby, Jamstack with Netlify, Jamstack with Netlify CMS, Jamstack with Nuxt.js, Jamstack with Angular, Jamstack with 11ty, Jamstack with Jekyll, Jamstack with Hugo), Jamstack Research, Jamstack GitHub, Written in Jamstack, Jamstack Popularity, Jamstack Awesome List. (navbar_jamstack - see also navbar_gatsby)

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the_jamstack_book_-_beyond_static_sites_with_javascript_apis_and_markup_by_brian_rinaldi_raymond_k._camden.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:47 by