
Spring Framework 5 - Beginner to Guru by John Thompson the Spring Framework Guru

Spring Framework 5 - Beginner to Guru by John Thompson the Spring Framework Guru

Return to Cloud DevOps and Software Engineering Courses Completed by Cloud Monk Losang Jinpa

53 hours long course.

See also Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass - Learn Spring Framework 5 by Tim Buchalka

Spring Framework Guru

John Thompson the Spring Framework Guru

John Thompson

Spring Framework 5 - Beginner to Guru

Spring Framework Courses

John Thompson Spring Framework Guru

Spring Framework 5: Learn Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, Hibernate 4.4 (9,125 ratings) 42,975 students enrolled Created by John Thompson Last updated 1/2020

English, Italian [Auto-generated], 3 more

What you'll learn

  • Learn the Spring Framework from an instructor who has worked for Pivotal customers as a Spring Source consultant, and has spoken at Spring One
  • Learn step by step how to build Spring applications using Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2
  • You will develop Spring applications using best practices such as SOLID OOP, GitHub, Test Driven Development, and Continuous Integration Testing
  • You will understand how to access data using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate

Use Spring Framework 5 to build an end to end Reactive application with MongoDB

  • Learn About Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5
  • Build web applications using Spring MVC
  • See how to run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container
  • Get access to a Spring Boot Application Cookbook

Course content outline

498 lectures

53:07:59 - 53 hours

Introduction to Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru


Building a Spring Boot Web App


  • Code Examples in GitHub - 03:03

Dependency Injection with the Spring Framework


Dependency Injection with the Spring Framework - DI - DI with Spring - Spring DI - Spring Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection Assignment Review 04:20 Spring Bean Life Cycle Demo 05:14 Flashcards 05:46 Single Responsibility Principle Preview 03:53 Open Closed Principle Preview 05:21 Liskov Substitution Principle Preview 04:41 Interface Segregation Principle Preview 06:53 Dependency Inversion Principle 06:23 Interface Naming Conventions 07:59 Spring Pet Clinic - POJO Data Model 08:09 Spring Pet Clinic - Multi-Module Maven Builds 20:04 Spring Pet Clinic - Using the Maven Release Plugin 12:59 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Interfaces for Services 08:33 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Base Entity 04:56 Conclusion 01:00

Building A Spring Boot Jokes App

01:21:06 Introduction to Building a Spring Boot Jokes App 02:39 Assignment - Build a Spring Boot Jokes App 02:15 Creating the Spring Boot Project 04:15 Adding Maven Dependencies 02:56 Creating the Spring Service Layer 04:28 Creating the Spring MVC Controller 03:56 Creating the View Layer 06:05 Tips and Tricks - Custom Banner 02:05 Spring Pet Clinic - Refactor Services to Common Interface 09:26 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Map Based Services 11:08 Spring Pet Clinic - Using and Image for Custom Banner 03:10 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Index Page and Controller 10:39 Spring Pet Clinic - Task Planning 06:04 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Vet Page and Controller 05:07 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Owner Page and Controller 05:33 Conclusion 01:20

Spring Framework Configuration

01:51:40 Introduction to Spring Framework Configuration 00:40 Spring Configuration Options 05:11 Spring Framework Stereotypes 06:27 Spring Component Scan 06:30 Java Configuration Example 04:31 Spring XML Configuration Example 05:35 Using Spring Factory Beans 07:16 Spring Boot Configuration 08:45 Spring Boot Configuration Demo 07:58 Spring Bean Scope 05:28 Spring Framework Configuration Flashcards 08:31 Spring Pet Clinic - Load Data on Startup with Java 11:26 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Spring Configuration 05:30 Spring Pet Clinic - List Owners 08:11 Spring Pet Clinic - List Vets 05:47 Spring Pet Clinic - Auto Generate Map IDs 12:08 Conclusion 01:46

External Properties with Spring Framework

48:15 Section Overview 01:30 Property Source 08:38 Spring Environment Properties 06:32 Multiple Property Files 04:42 Spring Boot Application.properties 05:01 Introduction to YAML Preview 06:26 Spring Boot YAML Properties 03:09 Property Hierarchy Used by Spring Boot 04:35 Spring Boot Profile Properties 06:15 Conclusion 01:27

Web Development with Spring MVC

03:19:39 Introduction to Web Development with Spring MVC 02:58 Assignment: Create a Recipe Project using Spring Boot 01:29 Assignment Review - Create Recipe Project 04:11 Introduction to Thymeleaf 07:27 Create Index Page 08:36 HTTP Protocol 09:28 HTTP Request Methods 11:47 Chrome Developer Tools 04:31 Firefox Firebug 02:50 Firefox Developer Edition 02:26 Safari Web Inspector 02:51 Axis TCPMon 06:01 Spring Boot Development Tools 07:39 IntelliJ Compiler Configuration for Spring Boot Development Tools 06:46 Spring Pet Clinic - Static Resources 05:36 Spring Pet Clinic - Copy Master Template from Spring Pet Clinic 05:11 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Web Resource Optimizer for Java 09:48 Spring Pet Clinic - Apply Master Layout to Index Page 04:18 Spring Pet Clinic - Internationalization Properties 07:05 Spring Pet Clinic - Apply Master Layout to Owner Page 04:13 Spring Pet Clinic - Apply Master Layout to Vet Page 06:27 Spring Pet Clinic - Task Planning 08:34 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Pet Type, Pet, and Visit Entities 05:02 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Vet Speciality Entity, Add to Vet 03:02 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Contact Info to Owner 03:58 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Pet Type Map Service 04:46 Spring Pet Clinic - Pet Type Data on Startup 05:30 Spring Pet Clinic - Enhance Owners with Pets and Contact Info 13:18 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Specialty Map Service 06:21 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Specialities to Vets on Startup 15:49 Spring Pet Clinic - Fixing Broken Links 10:00 Conclusion 01:41

JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate

03:46:17 Introduction - JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate 01:34 JPA Entity Relationships 10:44 Recipe Data Model 06:39 Forking in GitHub 05:15 One To One JPA Relationships 09:55 One To Many JPA Relationships 05:35 Assignment - Create One to One Relationship 02:45 Assignment - Review 05:37 JPA Enumerations 04:51 Many To Many JPA Relationships 10:19 Creating Spring Data Repositories 05:22 Database Initialization with Spring 11:54 Spring Data JPA Query Methods 08:20 Assignment: Display List of Recipes on Index Page 03:05 Assignment Review: Display List of Recipes 15:53 Pro-Tips - Using Setters for JPA Bidirectional Relationships 07:37 Flashcards 09:20 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Base Entity 07:02 Spring Pet Clinic - Convert Owners to JPA Entities 10:20 Spring Pet Clinic - Convert Vets to JPA Entities 06:05 Spring Pet Clinic - Create Visit Entity 05:19 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Repositories 08:43 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Owner Service 12:30 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Vet Service 04:30 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Pet Type Service 04:17 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Pet Service 03:57 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Vet Speciality Service 05:37 Spring Pet Clinic - Task Planning 07:45 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Map Based Visit Service 07:04 Spring Pet Clinic - Add Spring Data JPA Visit Service 07:52 Spring Pet Clinic - Using Spring Profiles for Configuration 09:30 Conclusion 01:01

Project Lombok

51:51 Introduction to Project Lombok 01:46 Project Lombok Features 09:30 Adding Project Lombok and IDE Configuration 03:27 Using Project Lombok 03:50 Assignment - Complete Refactoring with Project Lombok 01:10 Assignment Review 04:22 Gotchas with Project Lombok 06:10 Spring Pet Clinic - Refactoring for Project Lombok 11:39 Spring Pet Clinic - Amending Commit Messages 09:57

Testing Spring Framework Applications

03:08:31 Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Applications 01:42 Using Bootstrap CSS 09:02 Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Apps 17:28 Creating a JUnit Test 05:04 Using Mockito Mocks 08:05 Assignment - Write Test for IndexController 01:43 Assignment Review 06:15 Mockito Argument Capture 08:27 Introduction to Spring MockMVC 04:36 Spring Integration Test 05:20 Maven Failsafe Plugin 04:04 Continuous Integration Testing with Circle CI 09:07 Introduction to JUnit 5 07:42 Spring Pet Clinic - Convert to JUnit 5 11:30 Spring Pet Clinic - i18N French Message Properties 07:44 Spring Pet Clinic - CRUD Tests for Owner Map Service 13:56 Spring Pet Clinic - CRUD Tests for Owner SD JPA Service 19:14 Spring Pet Clinic - Testing Owner Controller with MockMVC 14:38 Spring Pet Clinic - CI with CircleCI 16:29 Spring Pet Clinic - CircleCI Build Badge 04:49 Spring Pet Clinic - Bug - JUnit 5 Tests not running from Maven 10:45 Conclusion 00:51


CRUD Operations with Spring MVC

33 lectures 04:42:34 Introduction 01:23 Using WebJars with Spring Boot 05:12 Display a Recipe by ID 12:16 Assignment - Display remaining recipe properties 01:06 Assignment Review - Display Remaing Recipe Properties 11:54 Processing Form Posts with Spring MVC 07:50 Creating a Command Object and Type Conversions in Spring 16:16 Create a Recipe 11:39 Update a Recipe 09:08 Delete a Recipe 06:03 View Ingredients 05:47 Show Ingredient 09:51 Update Ingredient 13:30 Create an Ingredient 09:26 Assignment - Delete an Ingredient 01:16 Assignment Review - Delete Ingredient 06:03 Enumeration Dropdowns with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf 07:47 Using the Debugger 03:59 Uploading Images with Spring MVC 08:54 Persisting images to Database 05:35 Displaying images from Database 07:20 Spring Pet Clinic - Display Owner Record 11:30 Spring Pet Clinic - Git Feature Branch 11:00 Spring Pet Clinic - Web Data Binder 05:07 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Find Owner 19:10 Spring Pet Clinic - Fix Find Owner Like 03:48 Spring Pet Clinic - Create or Update Owner 12:14 Spring Pet Clinic - Model Attribute 06:29 Spring Pet Clinic - Create or Update Pet 15:51 Spring Pet Clinic - Bug - Create Pet Not working 10:37 Spring Pet Clinic - Create or Update Visit 14:16 Spring Pet Clinic - Task Planning 08:19 Conclusion 01:58 + Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC 23 lectures 02:14:37 Introduction to Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC 01:44 Overview of Exception Handling 08:46 Using Spring MVC Annotation @ResponseStatus 05:12 Spring MVC Exception Handler 05:00 Showing Error Data on 404 Error Page 05:00 Assignment: Handle Number Format Exception 02:56 Assignment Review: Handle Number Format Exception 06:40 Spring MVC Controller Advice 03:30 Data Validation with JSR-303 08:12 Data Validation with Spring MVC 07:17 Displaying Validation Errors with Thymeleaf 05:01 Customizing Error Messages with Message Source 04:38 Introduction to Internationalization 08:12 Internationalization with Spring MVC 10:08 Spring Pet Clinic - Java 8 Bug Crashing CircleCI Builds 04:00 Spring Pet Clinic - Upgrading to Java 11 14:54 Spring Pet Clinic - Test Contribution 02:59 Spring Pet Clinic - Visit Controller Tests 08:36 Spring Pet Clinic - Pet Birthdate Binding 05:05 Spring Pet Clinic - CRUD Tests Pet Map Service 04:02 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Vets List View 05:26 Spring Pet Clinic - Implement Vets JSON Endpoint 05:05 Conclusion 02:14 + Introduction to Docker 11 lectures 58:59 Course Extra - Docker 03:10 Discussion about Docker with Rob A 14:08 Introduction 00:51 What is Docker 14:20 Docker Editions 09:17 Installing Docker 01:49 Hello World with Docker 03:52 Docker Hub 06:06 Introducing KiteMatic 03:21 Assignment - Run Hello World Nginx 01:01 Conclusion 01:04 + Working with Containers and Images 15 lectures 01:29:33 Introduction 01:53 Running Mongo DB Docker Container 10:01 Assignment - Download and Run Spring Boot Project 01:18 Assignment Review 05:53 Docker Images 07:50 Docker Files 08:01 Non Persistent Container Storage 07:38 Assigning Storage 09:30 Assignment - Run Rabbit MQ Container 02:28 Assignment Review 07:56 Assignment - Run MySQL in a Container 02:33 Assignment Review 07:11 Docker House Keeping 08:36 Flash Cards 06:56 Conclusion 01:49 + Running Spring Boot in a Centos Image 10 lectures 48:23 Introduction 00:53 Preparing CentOS for Java development 08:25 Sample Spring Boot Application 04:35 Running Spring Boot from Docker 10:33 Assignment: Run Your Own Spring Boot App 00:52 Assignment - Fix Dockerfile 01:02 Assignment Review 02:04 Interview with James Labocki of Red Hat 17:07 Conclusion 01:01 Docker Section Conclusion 01:51 + Introduction and Installation of MySQL 12 lectures 01:05:00 Introduction 02:00 History of MySQL 10:33 RDBMS Deployment Architectures 09:17 SQL Data Types 16:26 Review of MySQL Installation Options 03:20 MySQL Windows Quick Start 00:39 MySQL Windows 10 Installation 06:07 MySQL OSX Quick Start 01:07 MySQL OSX Installation 06:05 MySQL Linux Installation Quick Start 01:14 MySQL Linux Installation Ubuntu 03:21 MySQL Linux Installation CentOS 04:51 + Connecting to MySQL 8 lectures 31:42 Introduction 01:58 Connecting to MySQL Overview 07:41 MySQL Command Line for OSX & Linux 05:06 MySQL Command Line for Docker 07:47 MySQL Workbench Windows Installation Quick Start 00:40 MySQL Workbench OSX Installation Quick Start 00:21 MySQL Workbench OSX Installation 07:14 MySQL Workbench Linux Installation Quick Start 00:55 + Using MySQL with Spring Boot 11 lectures 01:00:53 Introduction 02:02 Introduction to MySQL 09:29 Application Code Review 10:41 Assignment - Configure MySQL 03:07 Assignment Review - Configuration of MySQL 05:56 CircleCI Configuration 04:13 Code Coverage Configuration for CodeCov.io 04:49 Spring Boot Configuration for MySQL 06:11 Schema Generation With Hibernate 04:56 Refactor Database Initialization for MySQL 07:52 Conclusion 01:37 + Spring Data MongoDB 10 lectures 46:49 Introduction to Spring Data MongoDB 01:43 Introduction to MongoDB 06:40 Mongo Application Code Review 04:53 CircleCI Configuration 04:14 Code Coverage Configuration for CodeCov.io 02:55 Embedded MongoDB Configuration 02:49 Refactoring Data Model for MongoDB 08:04 Correcting Application Defects Under MongoDB 07:18 Integration Testing with MongoDB 06:37 Conclusion 01:36 + Introduction to Reactive Programming 6 lectures 40:38 Introduction to Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5 01:00 Reactive Manifesto 12:18 What is Reactive Programming? 10:57 Reactive Streams 07:02 Reactive Programming Examples 08:10 Conclusion 01:11 + Reactive Programming with Spring and MongoDB 15 lectures 01:24:08 Introduction 01:51 Reactive Repositories 06:38 Assignment - Convert to Reactive Repositories 01:27 Assignment Review - Convert to Reactive Repositories 09:52 Reactive Service Layer 06:04 Assignment - Refactor Ingredient Service 01:34 Assignment Review - Refactor Ingredient Service 14:24 A Better Way with Reactive Streams 02:53 Failed CI Build 05:24 Refactoring Data Model for Reactive MongoDB 05:46 Assignment - Refactor Recipe Service 01:16 Assignment Review - Refactor Recipe Service 15:02 Assignment - Refactor Image Service 01:29 Assignment Review - Refactor Image Service 09:16 Conclusion 01:12 + Introduction to Spring Framework WebFlux 16 lectures 01:11:28 Introduction to Spring Web Flux 02:18 Spring WebFlux Dependencies 06:15 Reactive Thymeleaf Configuration 04:29 Going Reactive With Thymeleaf 05:38 Assignment - Refactor Recipe and Ingredient Controllers 01:29 Assignment Review - Refactor Recipe and Ingredient Controllers 03:29 Binding Validation 04:32 Assignment - Update Binding Validation for Ingredient Controller 01:28 Assignment Review - Update Binding Validation for Ingredient Controller 14:12 Common Model Attributes 03:26 WebFlux Exception Handling 03:50 WebFlux Controller Advice 06:22 Multipart Upload 01:17 Introduction to Router Functions 06:13 Introduction to Spring WebTestClient 05:15 Spring WebFlux Conclusion 01:15 + Introduction to RESTFul Web Services 12 lectures 01:07:12 Introduction to RESTFul Web Services 03:15 Beginners Guide to REST 08:49 Richardson Maturity Model 07:38 Introduction to Postman 04:34 Assignment - Create Data Model 03:15 Assignment Review - Create Data Model 03:23 Introduction to Spring RestTemplate 09:29 Using WebFlux to Display API Data 05:15 URI Components Builder 03:41 Rest Template Examples 10:18 Going Reactive with Spring WebClient 06:34 Conclusion 01:01 + RESTFul WebServices with Spring MVC 22 lectures 01:51:14 Introduction to RESTFul Web Services with Spring MVC 02:45 New Spring Boot Project 03:58 Spring Boot Command Line Runner 03:38 Introduction to MapStruct 06:59 Using MapStruct 05:42 MapStruct IntelliJ Plugin 02:20 Category Service 05:41 List Categories 05:49 Testing with Postman 02:38 Assignment - Create Get API for Customers 02:09 Assignment Review 10:21 Create New Customer With Post 09:54 Update Customer with PUT 04:43 Integration Testing with DataJPATest 06:13 Update Customer with PATCH 04:52 Delete Customer 03:59 Externalize API URL Value 03:15 Exception Handling 05:49 Spring Rest Controller 04:14 Assignment: Create Vendors API 02:24 Assignment Review 12:32 Conclusion 01:19 + Using Swagger with Spring Boot 11 lectures 48:35 Introduction to Swagger 01:08 What is Swagger 08:29 Configuring Swagger 06:01 Swagger UI 03:46 Customizing Swagger with Meta Data 03:14 Customizing Endpoint Documention 07:17 Assignment: Customize Vendors 01:22 Assignment Review 04:18 Introduction to Swagger Editor 04:34 Swagger Code Gen 06:43 Conclusion 01:43 + RESTFul WebServices with Spring WebFlux 19 lectures 01:48:35 Introduction 01:42 New Spring Boot Project 04:00 Creating Data Model and Repositories 03:50 Assignment - Create Vendor Data Model, Populate Data 02:41 Assignment Review 12:37 Create Category Controller 04:17 Testing Category Controller 06:30 Assignment: Create Get Endpoints for Vendors 01:57 Assignment Review: Create Get Endpoints for Vendors 10:51 Create Category with POST 08:39 Update Category with PUT 07:23 Assignment: Implement POST for Vendors 01:23 Assignment Review: Implement POST for Vendors 08:21 Assignment: Implement PUT for Vendors 01:18 Assignment Review: Implement PUT for Vendors 08:55 Update Category with PATCH 10:14 Assignment Implement PATCH for Vendors 01:38 Assignment Review: Implement PATCH for Vendors 10:41 Conclusion 01:38 + Spring MVC Content Negotiation 9 lectures 01:03:43 Introduction 01:28 Spring MVC Content Negotiation Overview 06:56 Maven Dependencies to Render XML with Spring MVC 08:58 Introduction to XML Schema 06:37 Using Multi-Module Maven Builds with Spring Boot 10:40 Using JAXB to Generate Java Classes 09:24 Refactor for JAXB Generated Classes 08:45 Testing and Running JAXB Generated Classes in Spring Boot Application 09:35 Conclusion 01:20 + Spring MVC REST Docs 16 lectures 01:18:27 Introduction 02:01 Spring REST Docs Introduction 05:06 Project Code Review 05:54 Maven Configuration 06:20 Spring Mock MVC Configuration 04:32 Documenting Path Parameters 06:08 Documenting Query Parameters 02:26 Documenting Responses 03:12 Documenting Requests 04:12 Documenting Validation Constraints 10:41 URI Customization 03:17 Documentation Generation 08:53 Serving Docs with Spring Boot 04:03 Assignment - Add Spring REST Doc to Project 02:25 Assignment Review 07:24 Conclusion 01:53 + JMS Messaging 14 lectures 01:32:43 Introduction 02:38 Introduction to JMS 12:29 Initial Project and Maven Dependencies 07:29 Java Message Object 04:44 Embedded Server Configuration 04:58 Task Configuration 03:14 Message Converter Configuration 05:49 Sending JMS Messages 05:42 Receiving JMS Messages 11:02 Send and Receive of JMS Messages 12:17 Running Active MQ in Docker 06:39 Using Local ActiveMQ Broker with Spring Boot 06:39 JMS and Spring Message Data Types 07:14 Conclusion 01:49 + Troubleshooting Spring 10 lectures 01:54:48 Debugging Thymeleaf 06:43 Problems with Spring Security and H2 Database Console 09:45 Configuring Spring Sec DAO Provider 34:27 Troubleshooting Spring MVC Request Mapping 04:32 H2 Database Connection Timeouts 12:01 Troubleshooting Spring Cloud Sleuth 07:14 Troubleshooting NPE with Mockito Mocks 07:39 500 Error from Thymeleaf 06:28 Missing tables in H2 Console 07:17 Troubleshooting Maven Release Plugin 18:42 + Spring Boot Cookbook 14 lectures 02:11:40 Spring Boot Cookbook Introduction 01:28 Spring Boot Mongo DB 06:04 Spring Boot MySQL 08:11 Spring Boot Postgres Example 09:03 Spring Boot Maria DB Example 09:37 Spring Boot DB2 Express Example 07:32 Spring Boot Oracle Database Example 12:46 Spring Boot Redis Example 06:48 Spring Boot Neo4J Example 08:50 Spring Boot Cassandra Example 10:17 Spring Boot Active MQ Example 09:15 Spring Boot RabbitMQ Example 11:56 Spring Framework Guru - August 2017 Group Coaching Call 29:49 Bonus Lecture: Get My Other Udemy Courses! 00:04 + Appendix A: Using GitHub 1 lecture 00:51 Git and GitHub Basics - Start here! 00:51 + Appendix B: Spring Framework YouTube Tutorials 3 lectures 01:26:04 RESTful Webservices with Spring MVC 5 49:47 Dependency Injection Best Practices with Spring 18:49 Introduction to Testing with Spring 17:28


  • Basic Java knowledge is required
  • HTML Knowledge is very helpful
  • Knowledge of SQL and databases is helpful


Learn Spring with the most modern and comprehensive course available for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. You will see how to build multiple real world applications using Spring Framework 5.

This is the only major Spring Framework course on Udemy developed completely on version 5 of the Spring Framework.

Be careful of Spring Framework 4 courses, which have just added some content for Spring Framework 5.

This course shows you the latest Spring programing technologies and real world industry best practices.

You will learn to be a Spring Framework Guru!

★★★★★ What real Students are saying about this course ★★★★★

★★★★★ Really great course :) Tons of information about not only spring but also testing, docker, databases. Really recommend you this one! Thank you John :)

★★★★★ John Thompson is one the best instructors on Udemy and is the best Spring instructor. Awesome voice and clear explanations and slides.

★★★★★ I am an experienced Client side programmer with over 7 years of experience, currently in the process of migrating to the back-end. Before this course, I have tried many other courses, so I really mean this when I say it, this course is outstanding! The instructor is so expired and passionate about programming, It's addictive.

★★★★★ This course covers Spring Framework from A - Z, including newer concepts like Reactive and Webflux. The apps built along the way mimic real world apps and the assignments help reinforce the learning along the way. It assumes some Java experience, although not much. Overall I feel competent in Spring after having taken this course.

★★★★★ This has to be the best bang-for-buck course I've taken - ANYWHERE! This course covers a LOT of ground, getting your hands dirty with lots of other technologies and frameworks along the way (Mockito, Lombok, Docker, MySQL, H2, MongoDB, JUnit, CicleCI). If you're sitting on the fence about taking this course, take the plunge!

★★★★★ Unparalleled quality. The sheer volume of content in this course is absurd. There are so many unique resources that you can take advantage of to help you learn Spring. I have never seen an instructor work this hard to provide his students value from a course.

Inside This Course

The in demand technologies you will use to build Spring Framework applications, include:

Spring Framework 5

Spring Boot 2

Spring Data JPA

Spring MVC

Spring MockMVC

Spring WebFlux

Spring Web Client

Spring Data MongoDB

Spring RestDocs


Project Lombok




JUnit 4 and JUnit 5


All source code examples used in this course have been developed using the latest version of the Spring Framework - Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2.

You will see how modern Spring Framework development is done by leveraging the features of Spring Boot 2.

Jump In and Build a Spring MVC App with Spring Boot

We'll jump right into web development with the Spring Framework. I'll show you how kick off a Spring Boot project by using the Spring Initializr. We will then go step by step to build a simple Book / Author web application.

You will see how easy it is to use Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data JPA to create a functional web application running under Tomcat with a H2 in-memory database.

Use Test Driven Development

In addition to teaching you Spring Framework 5, you will learn about modern best practices used in enterprise application development.

As we build the applications, you'll see me using Test Driven Development (TDD) with JUnit and Mockito.

You will learn how to test Spring applications using JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. While JUnit 5 has been released for some time, many companies are still using JUnit 4.

See how using Mockito mocks will keep your Spring Framework unit tests light and fast!

You'll also see how the Spring context can be used for more complex integration tests.

These techniques are best practices used by companies all over the world to build and manage large scale Spring Framework applications.

GitHub Source Code

You will have complete access to all source code examples used in the course.

In each lesson where we write code, you will have a link to GitHub with two branches in the Github repository.

The first branch is the starting state of the code.

The second branch is the ending state of the code.

You can see exactly what changed in each lesson. Each step of the way, you have a working example you can use for troubleshooting.

In fact, you will get access to 24 (and growing!) different GitHub repositories - each packed with Spring Framework programming examples.

And, you're encouraged to fork my GitHub repositories so you can share the Spring Framework applications, which you built, to future employers!

Continuous Integration Builds

Since we are using GitHub and have great test coverage, I also show you how easy it is to set up Continuous Integration builds with CircleCI.

Continuous Integration builds are another best practice used by enterprise developers.

Using CircleCI makes your CI builds a snap!

Project Lombok

We all know Java development can require a lot of boiler plate code. It's just the nature of Java.

Would you like to see how to slash your boiler plate code using Project Lombok?

Spring Data JPA and Hibernate

Spring MVC and Hibernate have long been cornerstones of the Spring Framework. You will learn how to use Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA and Hibernate to build a real world web application. You'll learn about Hibernate configuration, and about the mapping of JPA entities.

The Thymeleaf template engine is hugely popular with the Spring community. You will see how easy Spring Boot makes using Thymeleaf with Spring MVC.

While Bootstrap CSS is not a focus of the course, we will leverage Bootstrap CSS to make our web pages look awesome!

Spring MVC

Spring MVC has a lot of robust capabilities.

I start you off showing you how to build recipe application (using TDD, of course).

Initially, it's all happy path development. We go back and add custom exception handling, form validation, and internationalization.

In the course you will also learn how to use Spring MVC to create RESTful APIs.

Reactive Programming

A big theme of Spring Framework 5 is Reactive Programming.

Inside the course we build a web application using Thymeleaf, Spring MVC, Spring Data MongoDB, and MongoDB.

We then take the MongoDB application we built and convert it to a Reactive application. You'll see how you can leverage the new Reactive types inside the Spring Framework from the data tier to the web tier.

You will get to see step by step how to convert a traditional Spring MVC application to an end to end reactive application using the WebFlux framework - which is brand new to Spring Framework 5.

Spring Pet Clinic

Spring Pet Clinic is a classic reference application used to demonstrate best practices. The Pet Clinic application actually has it's origin within the J2EE/JEE community.

The Spring Framework team took the original Pet Clinic application and rebuilt it using Spring, to demonstrate best practices.

In this course, we will re-create the Spring Pet Clinic application.

You will get to see how to create a Spring Framework application from the ground up. Step by Step.

The approach used to develop the Spring Pet Clinic application is slightly different than the other applications developed in the course.

In addition to showing you how to build a Spring Framework application, you will see best practices in software development.

We start off the Pet Clinic project by creating a GitHub repository. Then using Spring Initializer to generate the basic shell of Spring Boot project.

Next you see how to use GitHub to mimic Agile development practices, such as using issues and a backlog.

We plan development of the Spring Pet Clinic using GitHub Issues. Planning work into issues creates a work backlog, which is an important Agile concept.

In fact, many organizations have a formal rule that no code is changed without having an issue or some type of ticket (in Github, Jira, or some other issue tracker)

From there, we use GitHub issues to complete programming assignments. Lessons start with a GitHub ticket, then we complete the programming assignment.

You will see how to build a Spring Framework application, step by step, using best practices in software development.

Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Students enrolling in the course can receive a free 4 month trial license to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience using the Java IDE preferred by Spring Framework professionals!

Course Extra - Access to a Private Slack Community

You're not just enrolling in a course –> You are joining a community learning Spring.

With your enrollment to the course, you can access an exclusive Slack community. Get help from the instructor and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - in real time! This community is only available to students enrolled in this course.

This is a very active Slack community with over 8,000 Spring Framework Gurus!

This is the largest online community of people learning Spring in the world.

With your enrollment, you can join this community of awesome gurus!

Course Extra - Spring Boot Cookbook!

Inside this course, I'm including a Spring Boot Cookbook (Spring Boot Cookbook by John Thompson the Spring Framework Guru). You will have complete examples of using the Spring Framework with popular open source technologies. When you get hired as a Spring Framework developer, you'll have ready made Spring Framework examples!

My Spring Boot Cookbook includes example Spring Boot projects for:

Course Extra - Learn Docker!

Docker is an exciting technology that is on fire right now!

As a course extra, I'm including the first 3 sections from my top rated Docker for Java Developers course. You will learn more about what Docker is and how you can deploy and run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container.

For Java developers, Docker really is a game changer!

Closed Captioning / Subtitles

Closed captioning in English is available for all course videos!

PDF Downloads

All keynote presentations are available for you to download as PDFs.

Lifetime Access

When you purchase this course, you will receive lifetime access! You can login anytime from anywhere to access the course content.

No Risk - Money Back Guarantee

You can buy this course with no risk. If you are unhappy with the course, for any reason, you can get a complete refund. The course has a 30 day Money Back Guarantee.

Future Proof Your Programming Career

There is huge demand for Spring Framework developers. Downloads of Spring Boot are up 425% year over year, while Gartner Research is calling Java EE “Obsolete”.

The market trends are clear.

Popularity for JEE is rapidly declining.

The popularity for the Spring Framework is growing.

Spring Framework 5 is packed with exciting and innovative new features making it a natural choice for enterprise application development.

Excellent Course! It has a lot of useful material. The instructor is a passionate person and he is really helpful. You can always count on him. This course includes Slack Room. So, you can be part of the Java Community and there is always someone who help you. I recommend this course, it's really very good.

★★★★★ The course is amazing and I am learning so much from this course. I am getting vibes that i'll become spring framework Guru!

★★★★★ Right now it seems like he is cool and funny and seems to know what he does. He also seems to update the course regularly and to interact with his students. If I could give him more than 5 stars I definitely would!

★★★★★ The lecture so amazing I learn this for about one month with great results I got new job as backend developer. Thank you GURU! Keep working for another great lecture!

Future proof your programming career. Start learning how to building modern applications using the Spring Framework and enroll in this course today!

Who this course is for

This course is ideal for Java developers who wish to use the Spring Framework for enterprise application development

Julio Avalos - “this course exceeded my expectations, I learnt a lot about different technologies that are currently using in the it industry. (Still waiting for the spring security section). It took me like a year to finish this course, well, because it's a lot of information, and mainly because of my job. But overall I'm confident this course will land you in the right path.”

Fair Use Sources

spring_framework_5_-_beginner_to_guru_by_john_thompson_the_spring_framework_guru.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:23 by