
Rust in Action, 1st Edition, Index

Fair Use Sources


! type 79–90

? operator 275

() type 79–90

  • const fn() → () type 406
  • const i8 413
  • const T 183
  • mut i32 183
  • mut i8 411–413
  • mut T 183
  • mut u32 376
  • mut u8 376

&dyn Trait 256

&mut dyn Trait 256

&mut T 119

&str type 61, 189, 222, 242, 292, 387

&T 119

&Trait 256

&[u8] 292, 387

  1. ![allow(unused_variables)] attribute 78
  1. ![core_intrinsics] attribute 373
  1. ![no_main] attribute 374
  1. ![no_mangle] attribute 373, 389
  1. ![no_std] attribute 373–374, 389
  1. ![repr(u8]) 389
  1. [cfg(all(…))] 227
  1. [cfg(any(…))] 227
  1. [cfg(not(…))] 227
  1. [cfg(target_os ! 227
  1. [derive(…)] block 152
  1. [derive(Debug)] 98, 272–273


abort() function 373

abort exception 391

absolute time 296

abstract classes 40

ActionKV 228, 231


conditional compilation 226–228

front-end code 224–228

full code listing 237–241

overview 222–223

ActionKV::load(). open() 228

ActionKV::open() 228–229

activation frames 188

address space 177

add_with_lifetimes() 57

akv_mem executable 223

alloc::raw_vec::RawVec type 187

alloc() 194, 201

allocation records 188

allocator 194

alloc module 187

always on mode 314

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2

anonymous functions 9, 199, 329–330

application-level protocol 254

Arc 354

Arc<Mutex<_» 363

Arc<Mutex<T» 133, 354

Arc<T> 133, 185

arena::Arena 201

arena::TypedArena 201

arrays, making lists with 64–65

Artist struct 344–345

as keyword 39

asm! macro 395

as operator 39

associative arrays 242

asynchronous interrupts 392

asynchronous programming 362

atomic operations 411

atomic reference counter 133

avatar generator 341–360

generating SVGs 346

input parsing 344

running 342

spawning a thread per logical task 351–353

functional programming style 351–352

parallel iterators 352–353

thread pools 353–360

channels 356

implementing task queues 358–360

one-way communication 354–356

AWS (Amazon Web Services) 2


back pressure 354

base 2 (binary) notation 37–38

base 8 (octal) notation 37–38

base 16 (hexadecimal) notation 37–38

b as i32 type cast 39

big endian format 143

BigEndian type 232

bin section 223

bit endianness 143

bit numbering 143

bit patterns and types 137–139

bool 87

boot image 367

bootimage crate 366–367

bootloader 377

borrow checker 107

bounded queues 354

bounds checking 47

Box::new(T) 192

Box<dyn Error> 271–272

Box<dynstd::error::Error> type 255

Box<dyn Trait> 256

Box<T> 187, 191

Box<Trait> 256

break keyword 50, 80

breaking from nested loops 49

overview 48–49


deciding between 245–246

retrieving values from 244–245

buffered I/O 73

buffer overflow 13

buffers 21

BufReader. BufReader 72

bug 22

build-command 371

byteorder::LittleEndian 232

byteorder::ReadBytesExt trait 232

byteorder::WriteBytesExt trait 232

byteorder crate 232

ByteString type 228

ByteStr type 228


cache-friendly data structures 19

capitals 244

capitals[“Tonga”] 245

capitals.index(“Tonga”) 245

captures 330

cargo-binutils crate 366–367

cargo bootimage command 374

cargo build command 371

cargo commands 11

cargo doc –no-deps flag 106

cargo doc utility 18

cargo-edit crate 45

cargo init command 34

cargo new command 6, 18

cargo run command 6, 8, 10, 18, 34, 44, 54, 90, 265

cargo test 154

cargo tool

creating projects with 6, 18

rendering docs with 104–106

testing projects with 154

cargo xbuild 371

carry flag 165

c_char type 182

Cell<T> 185

cfg annotation 326

cfg attribute 226, 250

–cfg ATTRIBUTE command-line argument 227

ch6-particles 200

char type 62

check_status() function 109, 111–112, 115–116

CHIP-8 specification 165

choose() method 257

chrono::Local 299

chunks() option 219

clap::App type 301

clap::Arg type 301

class keyword 84

clear intent 221

Clock::set(t) 313

clock command 302

Clock struct 300, 306

clock synchronization 314

.clone() method 129–130, 153

Clone trait 129–131, 153

close() method 87

closures 9

functions vs. 340–341

overview 330–331

collect() method 351–352

collection 47

Color type 382

Command::Noop 360

command-line arguments, supporting 70–72

command-line utilities 23–24

Common control flow mechanisms 8

compilers 33

compiler target 226, 369

compile time 11

compiling 10

complex numbers 43–45

compound data types


defining 95–96

using to manage internal state 96–98

inline documentation 103–106

rendering docs for crates and dependencies 104–106

rendering docs for single source file 104

modeling files with struct 80–83

plain functions 78–80

protecting private data 102

returning errors 87–94

Result return type 92–94

traits 98–102

creating Read traits 98–99

implementing std::fmt::Display 99–102

computer architecture 206

concurrency 328

anonymous functions 329–330

avatar generator 341–360

spawning a thread per logical task 351–353

thread pools 353–360

closures vs. functions 340–341

task virtualization and 360–363

containers 363

context switches 362

processes 363

reasons for using operating systems 363

threads 362

WebAssembly 363

threads 330–340

closures 330–331

effect of spawning many threads 333

effect of spawning some threads 331–332

reproducing results 335–338

shared variables 338–340

spawning threads 331

thread::yield_now() method 338

conditional branching 49–51

conditional compilation 9, 226

constellation 108

const keyword 88, 91

const USAGE 226

const values 381, 405

containers 363

container variable 45

context switches 362

contiguous layout 194

continue keyword 8, 47

convert() function 345–346

copy semantics 113, 153

Copy trait 111–112, 114, 129–131, 153

implementing 386–387

core::intrinsics::abort() 385

core::ptr::Shared type 187

core::ptr::Unique, core::ptr::Shared type 185

core::ptr::Unique type 187

core module 187

CPU emulation 158–173

CPU 4 173

CPU RIA/1 (Adder) 159–163

defining CPU 159

full code listing 163–164

interpreting opcodes 161–163

loading values into registers 159–160

terminology 159

CPU RIA/2 (Multiplier) 164–167

expanding CPU to support memory 164–165

full code listing 166–167

handling integer overflow 165

reading opcodes from memory 165

CPU RIA/3 (Caller) 167–173

defining functions and loading into memory 168–169

full code listing 170–173

cpu.position_in_memory variable 170 170

CPU struct 164

CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check returning 32 bits) 235

create() method 219

cryptographic hash function 235

CubeSat 108, 111, 115, 119–120

CubeSat. CubeSat.mailbox 118

CubeSat.messages vector 120

current_instruction field 164

Cursor.print() 383

Cursor struct 382–383


dangling pointers 12


bit patterns and types 137–139

CPU emulation 158–173

CPU 4 173

CPU RIA/1 (Adder) 159–163

CPU RIA/2 (Multiplier) 164–167

CPU RIA/3 (Caller) 167–173

floating-point numbers 144–152

dissecting 150–152

inner workings of f32 type 144–145

isolating exponent 146–147

isolating mantissa 148–150

isolating sign bit 146

representing decimals 143–144

generating random probabilities from random bytes 157–158


endianness 142–143

integer overflow 139–143

data-oriented programming 19

data processing 24

data races 13

DateTime<FixedOffset> 306

debug_assertions attribute 228

debugging 221

Debug trait 99, 153, 272–273

declaration statements 51

decode_f32_parts() 150

deconstruct_f32() 150

DELETE case 95

delete <key> 224

dereference operator 53, 192

dereferencing a pointer 183

deserialization 249

Deserialize trait 214

desktop applications 25

dive() 408 283

domain_name 264

domain name resolution 261

Drop 115, 132

drop(&mut self) 115

Dwarf struct 257

dynamically-sized types 65, 190, 256

dynamic dispatch 256

dynamic memory allocation 194

defined 194–199

impact of 199–201

dynamic typing 65


Elf struct 257

else blocks 49–51

enchant() method 257, 259

encoding 138

endianness 137, 142–143

entry point 377

enumerate() method 63

enums 51, 77, 84, 109

annotating with #[derive(Debug)] 273

controlling in-memory representation of 382

defining 95–98

defining enums that include upstream errors as variants 273

reasons for using 382

using to manage internal state 96–98

EOF (end of file) 230

epochs 296

eprintln! 10

Eq trait 152–153

Err 219

Err(E) 10

Err(err) 270

Err(String) 92

errno 87, 91

error handling 268–277

clock project 313

inability to return multiple error types 269–271

returning errors 87–94

Result return type 92–94

unwrap() and expect() 277

wrapping downstream errors 272–276

annotating with #[derive(Debug)] 273

defining enums that include the upstream errors as variants 273

map_err() 274–276

std::convert::From trait 276

std::error::Error trait 274

Error trait 274 283

exceptions 391

defined 391–393

handling 379–380, 411

revising 417

executable 361

_exit() function 377

.expect() method 219, 228, 264, 277, 292

exponents, isolating 146–147

expression statement 51

extending applications 24

extern “C” 374, 411


f1_length 81

f1_name 81

f32_from_parts() method 150

f32—i32 139

f32 type 38, 41, 144, 150, 154–155, 232

f4 variable 92

f64 type 38, 41, 155

fast clocks 297

faults 391–392

fearless concurrency 27

fields variable 10

File::create method 220

File::open method 220, 271

<file> command 33

file descriptor 87

File object 84

files and storage


conditional compilation 226–228

front-end code 224–228

overview 222–223

file formats

defined 213–214

file operations 219–222

std::fs::Path trait 220–222

hexdump clones 217–219

key-value stores 222–223

actionkv 222–223

key-value model 222

FileState subtype 100

File struct 81


File type 81, 96, 100

FledgeOS 365–368

compilation instructions 370

development environment

setting up 366–367

verifying 367–368

exception handling 379–380

first boot 368–369

loops 377–379

panic handling 374–375, 385–387

core::fmt::Write trait 385–387

source code 370–374, 378–380, 383, 387

_start() function 377

text output 381–383

enums 382

printing to screen 383

writing colored text to screen 381

writing to screen with VGA-compatible text mode 375–377

floating-point numbers 36–37, 144–152

dissecting 150–152

inner workings of f32 type 144–145

isolating exponent 146–147

isolating mantissa 148–150

isolating sign bit 146

representing decimals 143–144

flow control 45–52

break keyword

breaking from nested loops 49

overview 48–49

continue keyword 47

else blocks 49–51

for loop

anonymous loops 46

index variable 46–47

overview 45–46

if else blocks 49–51

if keyword 49–51

loop keyword 48

match keyword 51–52

while loop

endless looping 48

overview 47

fmt::Result 100

.fmt() method 100

fn keyword 35, 404–405, 417

fn noop() 406

for item in collection 47

for loop

anonymous loops 46

index variable 46–47

overview 45–46

format! macro 99

frame buffer 374, 376

frames 279 function 84

f.read_exact() method 219

free() 194, 201

freestanding applications 363

from() method 220, 276, 318

From<f64> implementation 154

From trait 154, 276, 318–319

functions 56–60

anonymous functions 329–330

calling 35–36

closures vs. 340–341

defining 52

explicit lifetime annotations 56–58

generic functions 58–60

intrinsic functions

defined 411

setting up 409–412

using plain functions to experiment with APIs 78–80

fview 217–218


GC (garbage collection) 131

generate_svg() 346

generic functions 58–60

generic type 58

.get() method 245

git clone –depth 90

global variables

using to indicate that shutdown has been initiated 402–405

goto fail 22

goto fail; bug 22–23

goto keyword 49

grep-lite 60–63

grep-lite –help 72

ground station, definition 108

GroundStation type 119–120, 123


handlers 338

handlers.pop() 336

handlers vector 336

handle_signals() function 402

handle_sigterm() 404

handle_sigterm as usize 405

handle_sigusr1() 404

hardware interrupts 391, 395

hashes 241


deciding between 245–246

retrieving values from 244–245

hash map 242

hash table 241–242

haystack 53

heading 344

HeapAlloc() call 194

HeapFree() 194

Heartbleed 21–22

“Hello, world!” 5–8

hexdump clones 217–219

high accuracy 297

high byte 161

higher-order programming 9

high nibble 161

high resolution 297

hlt x86 instruction 378

hostnames, converting to IP addresses 261–268


HTTP GET requests, generating with reqwest library 254–256

raw 283–292

http-equiv attribute 254 file 283


i16 type 38, 232

i32 type 38, 183

i64 type 38

i8 type 38

if else blocks 49–51

if keyword 49–51

if let construct 10

if let Ok(T) 10

impl blocks 78, 84, 130, 274, 276

impl keyword 98

INDEX_KEY value 247

Index trait 245

infix notation 36

inline assembly 379

inline documentation 103–106

rendering docs for crates and dependencies 104–106

rendering docs for single source file 104

insert <key> <value> 224


base 2, base 8, and base 16 notation 37–38

endianness 142–143

integer overflow 139–143

interior mutability 132–133, 185


defined 391–393

hardware interrupts 395

signals vs. 391–393

software interrupts 395

.into() method 318

intrinsic functions 373

defined 411

setting up 409–412

intrinsics::abort() 375, 389

IP addresses, converting hostnames to 261–268

ip tuntap list subcommand 283

isize type 38

.iter() method 245

iterator invalidation 13

.iter_mut() variant 245

it object 257


jmp_buf type 413

join() function 331, 336


kernel 365–368

compilation instructions 370

development environment

setting up 366–367

verifying 367–368

exception handling 379–380

first boot 368–369

loops 377–379

panic handling 374–375, 385–387

core::fmt::Write trait 385–387

source code 378–380, 383, 387

source code listings 370–374

_start() function 377

text output 381–383

enums 382

printing to screen 383

writing colored text to screen 381

writing to screen with VGA-compatible text mode 375–377

.keys() method 245

.keys_mut() variant 245

key-value stores 222–223

actionkv 222–223

key-value model 222

kill command 398–399


lambda functions 9, 199, 329

language items 380

Last In, First Out (LIFO) 188

let keyword 91

letters variable 16

lexical scopes 35

libactionkv::ActionKV 228


deciding between 245–246

retrieving values from 244–245


deciding between 245–246

retrieving values from 244–245

initializing ActionKV struct 228–230

libc::SIG_IGN 407

libc::signal() 404, 407

libc::timeval 308

libc library

non-Windows clock code 307–308

setting the time 306–308

type naming conventions 306–307

lifetime 110–112

lifetime elision 57

LIFO (Last In, First Out) 188

linear memory 363

link_name attribute 411

lists 63–67

arrays 64–65

slices 65

vectors 66–67

little endian format 143

LLVM 411–412 411

llvm-tools-preview component 367

llvm-tools-preview toolchain component 368

load() 236

long int 298

longjmp 408–409, 412, 414, 417

loop keyword 48, 80, 281


break keyword

breaking from nested loops 49

overview 48–49

continue keyword 47

FledgeOS 377–379

interacting with CPU directly 377–378

source code 378–379

for loop

anonymous loops 46

index variable 46–47

overview 45–46

loop keyword 48

while loop

endless looping 48

overview 47

low byte 161

low-level programming 2

low nibble 161


MAC addresses 277–281

macros 36 file 283

mantissa 144, 148–150

map() method 351–352

map_err() method 272, 274–276

match keyword 51–52, 281

mem::transmute 157


pointers 178–187

pointer ecosystem 185–186

raw pointers 183–185

smart pointer building blocks 186–187

providing programs with 187–201

dynamic memory allocation 194–201

virtual memory 202–211

having processes scan their own memory 203–205

reading from and writing to process memory 211

scanning address spaces 208–210

translating virtual addresses to physical addresses 205–207

memory fragmentation 206

memory management unit (MMU) 203, 206

message ID 263

messages.push() 120

Message struct 263

MessageType 264

message type 263

<meta> HTML tag 254

mkdir <project> 34

MMU (memory management unit) 203, 206

mobile applications 25

mock CubeSat ground station

lifetime issue 110–112

mock_rand() 158

most significant bit 143

most significant byte 143

move keyword 330, 340

move semantics 113, 153

multicast mode 279

Mutex 354


NaiveTime 298

name mangling 373

namespaces 363

NAN (Not a Number) values 148

NativeEndian type 232

n_bits 149


error handling 268–277

inability to return multiple error types 269–271

unwrap() and expect() 277

wrapping downstream errors 272–276

generating HTTP GET requests with reqwest 254–256

implementing state machines with enums 281–282

MAC addresses 277–281

overview 252–254

raw HTTP 283–292

TCP 260–268

converting hostnames to IP addresses 261–268

port numbers 261

raw 282

defined 256

function of 256

virtual networking devices 282–283

Network Time Protocol. SeeNTP (Network Time Protocol)

newtype pattern 81

nibbles 161

nightly toolchain 367

nnn variable 161

non-blocking I/O 362

None variant 177

nonlocal control transfer 408

noop() function 406

No Rust 2.0 27

Not a Number (NAN) values 148

Notify opcodes 264

nth() method 219

converting between time representations that use different precisions and epochs 318–319

sending requests and interpreting responses 314–316

NTPResult 316

null pointer 177

num::complex::Complex type 44

numbers 36–45


complex numbers 43–45


base 2, base 8, and base 16 notation 37–38

rational numbers 43–45


offset() method 376–377, 389

Ok state 92

one_at_bit_i 149

OpCode enum 264


interpreting 161–163

reading from memory 165

open() method 87, 92, 219

open cargo doc 105

Operation enum 344

operator overloading 36

Option<&V> 245

Option<T> type 177

Option type 52, 250, 263

-O rustc 141

ownership 115

lifetime issue 110–112

overview 115

resolving issues with 118–133

using fewer long-lived values 123–126

wrapping data within specialty types 131–133

shifting 115–117


[package.metadata.bootimage] 371

page fault 202

pages, memory 202, 206

page table 202

panic handling 385–387

core::fmt::Write trait

implementing 386–387

PanicInfo struct 375

parallelism 328

parallel iterators 352–353

.par_bytes() method 353

.par_iter() method 351, 353

parity_bit() function 235

parity checking 235

parse::<f32>() annotation 10

parse::<Ipv6Addr>() 271

parse() function 10, 351, 358

.parse() method 10, 345

PartialEq trait 99, 152–153

Particle struct 195

<path> tag 346

PathBuf value 220

Path trait 220–222

Path value 220–221

pause variable 338

PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller) 395

PID (process ID) 398

pointers 178–187

pointer ecosystem 185–186

raw pointers 183–185

smart pointer building blocks 186–187

Pointers type 178

polymorphism 256

pop() 336

portability 221

port numbers 261

position_in_memory 164–165, 167, 173

predicates 47

prelude 353

print() method 386

println! 10, 36–37, 98–99, 139, 153, 250

processes 361, 363

process ID (PID) 398

process_record() function 231

process_vm_readv() 211

process_vm_writev() 211

program counter 165

Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) 395

programs 361

promotion 39

push() method 360


Q7 154

-q cargo 11

QEMU 366–367

Q format 152

quantizing the model 152

queries 263

Query opcodes 264

Query struct 263


radix 144

rand::random() 401

rand::seq::SliceRandom trait 257

random bytes, generating random probabilities from 157–158

rational numbers 43–45

raw pointers 183–185

Raw pointers type 178

Rc<RefCell<T» 132–133, 185

Rc<T> 131–133, 185

Rc<T>. Rc<T> 131

RDTSC instruction 296

read(f, buffer) method 84

read function 78

.read_opcode() method 165

ReadProcessMemory() 211

Read trait 98–99, 219

real memory 202

real-time clock 294, 296

Receiver 354

Receiver<i32> 356

Receiver<T> 356

.recv() method 120, 354

recv(rx) → 356

refactoring 128

RefCell<T> 185

reference counting 18, 91, 131

reference operator 53

References type 178

registers 164

register_signal_handler() function 403

register_signal_handlers() function 402

regular expressions, adding support for 68–69

release build 11

.remove() method 245


running 342

generating SVGs 346

input parsing 344

repeat expression 64

report() function 79

ReportingAllocator struct 195

repr attribute 382

request::get(url) method 292

request/response mode 314

reqwest::get() 255

reqwest library, generating HTTP GET requests with 254–256

resource-constrained environments 24–25

resource record type 263

response 314

response.text() method 255

response variable 255

Result 35, 40, 94, 228, 255, 272

Result<File, String> function 92

Result return type 92–94

Result<T, E> 269

Result type 268, 313

ret() method 170

RETURN_HERE mutable static 413

RFC 3339 301

RPC 2822 301

run() method 160

run_command 371


“Hello, world!” 5–8

advocating for at work 3–4

command-line arguments 70–72

compiling single files with rustc 33

deployments 23–26

command-line utilities 23–24

data processing 24

desktop applications 25

extending applications 24

mobile applications 25

resource-constrained environments 24–25

server-side applications 25

systems programming 26

web browsers 26

downloading source code 8

downsides of 20–21

compile times 20–21

cyclic data structures 20

hype 21

size of language 21

strictness 21

features of 11–12, 19–20

community 26

concurrency 20

memory efficiency 20

performance 19–20

flow control 45–52

break keyword 48–49

conditional branching 49–51

continue keyword 47

for loop 45–47

loop keyword 48

match keyword 51–52

while loop 47–48

functions 52, 56–60

explicit lifetime annotations 56–58

generic functions 58–60

goals of

control 18–19

productivity 16–18

safety 12–16

grep-lite 60–63

lists 63–67

arrays 64–65

slices 65

vectors 66–67

numbers 36–45

base 2, base 8, and base 16 notation 37–38

complex numbers 43–45

integers 36–38

rational 43–45


from stdin 74

references 53–54


defining variables and calling functions 35–36

overview 34–36

technology leaders and startups that use 2–3

terminology 26–27

text processing 8–11

third-party code 67–70

adding support for regular expressions 68–69

generating the third-party crate documentation locally 69–70

managing toolchains with rustup 70

TLS security case studies 21–23

goto fail 22–23

Heartbleed 21–22

rustc 33, 141, 412

rustc compiler, compiling single files with 33

rustc <file> command 33

rustdoc tool, rendering docs for single source file 104

rust-src component 367

rust-strip 367

rustup default stable command 367

rustup doc 70

rustup install nightly 414

rustup target list 369

rustup tool, managing toolchains with 70


-s argument to resolve 262

sat_id 111

save scum 362

segmentation fault 203–204

select! macro 356

self.messages collection 126

semantic versioning 27

send() method 120, 354

Sender 354

Sender<i32> 356

Sender<T> 356

serialization 249

Serialize trait 214

server-side applications 25

set() type 300

SetConsoleCtrlHandler handler function 417

set_extension() method 221

setjmp 408–409, 412, 417

setjmp/longjmp 411

SetSystemTime() 313

settimeofday function 306–308, 313

shared ownership 185

shared variables 338–340

SHUT_DOWN value 401

SIGCONT signal 397, 399–400, 417


SIGHUP signal 399

SIGINT signal 396, 399

SIGKILL signal 396, 398, 400, 407

applying techniques to platforms without signals 417

defined 391–393

handling 395–400

default behavior 395–396

listing all signals supported by OS 399–400

suspending and resuming program operation 397–399

with custom actions 400–405

interrupts vs. 391–393

sjlj project 409

casting pointers to another type 412–413

compiling 413–414

setting up intrinsics 409–412

sign bit, isolating 146

significand 144

signs 144

SIGQUIT signal 400

SIGSTOP signal 397–398, 400, 407, 417

SIGTERM signal 396, 399

SIGTSTP signal 400



Sized 188

sjlj project 409

casting pointers to another type 412–413

compiling 413–414

setting up intrinsics 409–412

slices, making lists with 65

smart pointers 185–187

software interrupts 391, 395

Some(T) variant 177

specialty types, wrapping data within 131–133

spin_loop_hint() instruction 338

src/ 54

SSLVerifySignedServerKeyExchange function 22

stack 18

stack frames 188

_start() function 374, 377, 383

static binaries 24

static dispatch 256

static keyword 401

static methods 44, 84

static mut 88, 401

static values 405

static variable 405

Status opcodes 264

std::arc::Weak type 187

std::cell::RefCell type 187

std::cell::UnsafeCell type 187

std::clone::Clone 128–129

std::cmp::PartialEq 38

std::cmp::PartialOrd 38

std::collections::BTreeMap 246

std::collections::HashMap 224, 246

std::convert::From 153, 174, 270, 272, 276, 318

std::convert::TryFrom 154, 174

std::convert::TryInto 40

std::env::args 219, 301

std::error::Error 274

std::error:Error 255, 292

std::ffi::OsStr 221

std::ffi::OSString 62

std::ffi::OsString 221

std::fmt::Binary 139

std::fmt::Debug 139

std::fs::File type 219

std::fs::OpenOptions 220

std::fs::Path 220–222

std::fs::PathBuf 221

std::io::Error 271–272

std::io::Error::last_os_error() 313

std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof type 230

std::io::File 232

std::io::prelude 217

std::io::Read 217, 232

std::io::Write 232

std::io trait 217

std::iter::Iterator 353, 364

std::marker::Copy 129

std::marker::Copy. Copy 128

std::mem::drop 192

std::mem::transmute() function 139

std::net::AddrParseError 271

std::net::TcpStream 260

std::ops::Add 59

std::ops::Fn 341, 364

std::ops::FnMut 341

std::ops::FnOnce 340

std::os:raw module 182

std::path::Path 62, 220

std::path::PathBuf 220

std::path::PathBuf type 250

std::path::Path string 221

std::path::Path type 250

std::prelude module 40

std::rc::Rc<T> 129

std::rc::Weak type 185, 187

std::String string 221

std::sync::Arc 354

std::sync::atomic::spin_loop_hint() 338

std::sync::mpsc module 354

std::sync::Mutex 354

std::thread::spawn() 330

std::thread::yield_now() 338

std:rc::Rc. std:rc::Rc wrapper type 131

stdin, reading from 74

steady clock 297

steps variable 352

String 61, 81–82, 118, 183, 189–190, 215, 255

String::from() 81

struct blocks 84


modeling files with 80–83

str value 61, 229

suseconds_t 307

SVGs, generating 346

swapping 202

switch keyword 51

synchronous interrupts 391–392

system clock 296

systems programming 2, 26


system time 294


target_arch attribute 227

target_endian attribute 227

target_env attribute 227

target_family attribute 227

target_has_atomic attribute 227

target_os attribute 227

target platform 369

target_pointer_width attribute 227

target_vendor attribute 228

task queues, implementing 358–360

tasks 361

task virtualization 360–363

containers 363

context switches 362

processes 363

reasons for using operating systems 363

threads 362

WebAssembly 363

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 260–268

converting hostnames to IP addresses 261–268

port numbers 261

raw 282

TcpStream::connect() 261

TcpStream type 232

Terminated 403

test attribute 228

text output 381–383


controlling in-memory representation of 382

reasons for using 382

printing to screen 383

writing colored text to screen 381

text processing 8–11

thetime_t 307

Thing type 257

third-party code 67–70

adding support for regular expressions 68–69

generating the third-party crate documentation locally 69–70

managing toolchains with rustup 70

thread::yield_now() method 338

thread pools 353–360

channels 356

implementing task queues 358–360

one-way communication 354–356

closures 330–331

effect of spawning many threads 333

effect of spawning some threads 331–332

reproducing results 335–338

shared variables 338–340

spawning a thread per logical task 351–353

functional programming style 351–352

parallel iterators 352–353

spawning threads 331

task virtualization 362

thread::yield_now() method 338

time and keeping

definitions 296–297

encoding time 297–298

error handling 313

formatting time 301

full command-line interface 301–303

refactoring clock code to support a wider architecture 300

overview 294–295

representing time zones 298

converting between time representations that use different precisions and epochs 318–319

sending requests and interpreting responses 314–316

setting time 305–310

common behavior 306

for operating systems that use libc 306–308

full code listing 310

sources of time 296

teaching apps to tell time 298–299

timestamp 301

time_t 298

TimeVal 306

timeval 306

time zones 298

TLS (Transport Layer Security) 21–23, 254

goto fail 22–23

Heartbleed 21–22

to_bytes() method 387

todo!() 300

toolchains 70

trait keyword 98

defined 256

function of 256

traits 98–102

Error trait 274

From trait 276

Path trait 220–222

Read trait 98–99

Write trait

implementing 386–387

translation lookaside buffer 206

Transmission Control Protocol. SeeTCP

Transport Layer Security. SeeTLS

traps 391

tree command 6

tree map 242

try! macro 270

turtle variable 345

Type annotations 9

type classes 40

type erasure 272

type keyword 81

type safety 110


[u8] type 62, 222, 232, 356

u8 type 38, 80, 382

u16 type 38–39

u32 type 38, 139, 146

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 262

unbounded queues 354

unicast 279

unikernel 363

unimplemented!() macro 300

unit type 79

UNIX timestamp 301

unsafe() method 40

unsafe blocks 115, 139, 184, 204, 294, 306, 401, 410, 413, 417

unsafe keyword 88, 139, 417

unsigned long int 298

unwinding 379

.unwrap() method 94, 292

unwrap() method 40, 92, 219, 264, 277

UPDATE case 95

update <key> <value> 224

Update opcodes 264

UpstreamError enum 275

use crate:: 364

–use-standard timestamp flag 299

usize integers 413

usize type 38, 65, 165, 177, 185, 406

usize value 404–405

U type 153



using fewer long-lived 123–126

.values() method 245

.values_mut() variant 245

variable bindings 35


defining 35–36

global variables

using to indicate that shutdown has been initiated 402–405

shared variables 338–340

Vec::new() 81

Vec<Cereal> 13

Vec<Command> 345–346, 360

Vec<Message> 119

Vec<Message> message store 125

Vec<Operation> 345

Vec<Result> 354

Vec<String> 301

Vec<T> 190, 243, 256, 351–352, 373

Vec<T> fields 263

Vec<T> vector 66

Vec<Task> 354

vectors 63–64, 66–67

Vec<u8> type 62, 80, 267

Vec<Vec<(usize, String)» 66–67

version flag 367

virtual addresses 204

virtual memory 202–211

having processes scan their own memory 203–205

reading from and writing to process memory 211

scanning address spaces 208–210

translating virtual addresses to physical addresses 205–207

void function pointer 404

V type 245


Wasm (WebAssembly) 363

web browsers 26

while loop 173, 336

endless looping 48

overview 47

window.draw_2d() 199

API integer types 308

clock code 309

representing time in 308

words 202

WORD type 308

World struct 195

wrapping data within specialty types 131–133

WriteProcessMemory() 211

write_str() 386

Write trait

implementing 386–387

write_volatile() method 376


zero-cost abstractions 27, 98

ZST (zero-sized type) 300, 326

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rust_in_action_1st_edition_index.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:24 by