
Table of Contents

Parts of Speech

Return to Korean Buddhism, 2000 Most Common Korean Words in Context, Learn Korean, Hangul, Hanja

Part of Speech

Here is a short introduction on the parts of speech used for each word on this list. Parts of speech means what kind of word it is, whether it is a verb or noun or adjective etc.

[n] – noun; names of things or objects (i.e. book, Korea)

[num.] – number (i.e. one, twenty)

[pron.] – pronoun; words that refer to a noun (i.e. this, it)

[v] – verb; words that express actions (i.e. eat, read)

[assistant v.] – assistant verb; verbs that are added to other verbs (i.e. do, can)

(adjective) – adjective; words that describe nouns (i.e. quiet, beautiful)

(adverb) – adverb; words that describe verbs (i.e. quickly, slowly)

determiner – a word that is used before a noun to show which particular example of the noun you are referring to (i.e. my, this)

interjection – a word for a sudden expression of emotion (i.e. ah, hey)

Knowing the parts of speech can be useful when you are learning new words because you can take an existing sentence like the ones we provided here, and replace a single word to get an entirely new sentence with minimal effort! Here is an example of how we do it:

그는 지금 집에 있다.

He is at home now.

Now we replace 그 (he) with 그녀(she) and 집(home) with 회의(meeting), we get a brand-new expression.

그녀는 지금 회의 중에 있다.

She is at meeting now.

This process of mixing and matching can increase your language skills. So, once you master 2000 words and sample expressions, do not forget to experiment by replacing words in the sentence with another word you learned.

Fair Use Sources

'Korean:' Korean Buddhism, Korean Hangul Alphabet (IPA Korean Hangul Consonants, IPA Korean Hangul Vowels), Korean Vocabulary, Learn Korean, Korean Word List, Typing Korean, Reading Korean, Writing Korean (Hangul, Hangul IME), Speaking Korean, Awesome Korean, GitHub Korean, Korean Buddhism Topics. (navbar_korean - navbar_korea)

Korean Hangul: Korean Buddhism, Korean Hangul Alphabet (IPA Korean Hangul Consonants, IPA Korean Hangul Vowels), Chinese Character Cognates in Korean - Hanja Index, Chinese Character Cognates in Korean - Chinese Radical Index, Chinese Character Cognates in Korean - Hanzi Index, Chinese Character Cognates in Japanese - Kanji Index, Chinese Character Cognates - 808 Common Hanzi Kanji & Korean Hanja, Learn Korean, 2000 Most Common Korean Words in Context - Get Fluent & Increase Your Korean Vocabulary with 2000 Korean Phrases, Awesome Hangul. (navbar_hangul - see also navbar_korean, navbar_hanja, navbar_radicals).

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parts_of_speech.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/20 01:50 by