
HTML reserved words - HTML keywords

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Creating an HTML glossary of the top 60 HTML language reserved words, sorted by their common use, along with short HTML code examples involves several steps. We'll define each HTML term, provide its significance, and include a brief HTML code snippet illustrating its use. Given the nature of HTML, it's worth noting that HTML doesn't exactly have “reserved words” in the way programming languages like JavaScript do. Instead, HTML consists of HTML elements (HTML tags) and HTML attributes. We'll focus on the most commonly used HTML tags and their attributes for this list.

Due to the extensive nature of this request, I'll provide a concise version covering the top few HTML elements and attributes.

Simple HTML Glossary

This glossary covers the most commonly used HTML elements and attributes, providing a brief overview and example usage for each.


The <!DOCTYPE> HTML declaration must be the very first thing in your HTML documents, before the <html> tag. It tells the web browser what version of HTML the page is written in. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <!DOCTYPE html> </source>


The <html> element represents the HTML root of an HTML document. It contains all other HTML elements. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <html lang=“en”> … </html> </source>

The <head> element contains HTML meta-information about the HTML document, such as its HTML title, HTML character set, and HTML links to CSS stylesheets and scripts in HTML. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <head>

   Page Title
</head> </source>


The HTML <title> element specifies the HTML title of the HTML document, shown in a browser's title bar or [page's browser tab. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <title>Page Title</title> </source>


The <body> element contains the HTML content of an HTML document, such as HTML text, HTML images, HTML links, and other HTML elements. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <body>


This is a Heading

This is a paragraph.

</body> </source>

<h1> to <h6>

The <h1> to <h6> elements represent six levels of HTML section headings, HTML <h1> is the highest and HTML <h6> is the lowest. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <h1>This is a Heading</h1> </source>


The HTML <p> element defines an HTML paragraph. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </source>


The HTML <a> element defines an [[HTML hyperlink. ; Attributes: href (required), target ; Example <source lang=“html”> <a href=“”>Visit Example</a> </source>


The HTML <img> element is used to HTML embed images in an HTML page. ; Attributes: src (required), alt (required) ; Example <source lang=“html”> <img src=“image.jpg” alt=“An example image”> </source>

<ul>, <ol>, <li>

HTML <ul> defines an HTML unordered list, HTML <ol> defines an HTML ordered list, and HTML <li> defines an HTML list item. ; Example <source lang=“html”> <ul>

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • </ul> </source>

    This glossary provides a starting point for understanding HTML's core elements. For a full list of HTML elements and attributes, refer to the official HTML specification or a comprehensive HTML reference guide.

    This covers the basics of HTML structure and some of the most common HTML elements. Expanding this to include 60 items would follow the same structure, covering additional HTML tags and HTML attributes such as HTML `<form>`, HTML `<input>`, HTML `<div>`, HTML `<span>`, HTML `<table>`, and many more, each with their own examples and explanations.

    HTML: HTML Glossary, HTML reserved words - HTML keywords, HTML Standards, Awesome HTML. (navbar_html - see also navbar_css, navbar_javascript, navbar_react.js, navbar_htmx, navbar_angular)

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    html_reserved_words_-_html_keywords.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by