
First in, first out

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Also called: FIFO (computing)

A queue (Queue (abstract data type)) operates first in, first out, referred to by the acronym FIFO (computing and electronics). By contrast, the order in which an element added to the stack (Stack (abstract data type) or an element removed from the stack is described as last in, first out, referred to by the acronym LIFO.

Snippet from Wikipedia: FIFO (computing and electronics)

In computing and in systems theory, first in, first out (the first in is the first out), acronymized as FIFO, is a method for organizing the manipulation of a data structure (often, specifically a data buffer) where the oldest (first) entry, or "head" of the queue, is processed first.

Such processing is analogous to servicing people in a queue area on a first-come, first-served (FCFS) basis, i.e. in the same sequence in which they arrive at the queue's tail.

FCFS is also the jargon term for the FIFO operating system scheduling algorithm, which gives every process central processing unit (CPU) time in the order in which it is demanded. FIFO's opposite is LIFO, last-in-first-out, where the youngest entry or "top of the stack" is processed first. A priority queue is neither FIFO or LIFO but may adopt similar behaviour temporarily or by default. Queueing theory encompasses these methods for processing data structures, as well as interactions between strict-FIFO queues.

Memory management: Dynamic memory management, C language memory management, C dynamic memory allocation - C memory (malloc, realloc, calloc, C free, mimalloc), C++ memory (automatic storage duration, C++ auto, RAII), C# memory, Binary prefixes (kilo-mega-giga-tera-peta-exa-zetta-yotta), Manual memory management, Memory management (operating systems) (Linux memory - UNIX memory, Android memory, IBM mainframe memory, iOS memory, macOS memory, Windows memory), Memory: Memory address, Address space, Memory allocation - Memory allocator, Bash memory, Memory deallocation - Deallocation, Memory debugger (Memwatch, mtrace), Memory diffusion, Dynamic memory, Memory fence (Memory barrier), Memory fragmentation] - Fragmentation, Free list, Garbage collection - Garbage collector, Golang memory, Heap or Free store (Heap-based memory allocation), Stack (Call stack - Stack-based memory allocation - Stack (abstract data type) - LIFO (computing) - Stack frame - Stack unwinding), JVM memory (Java memory - Kotlin memory - Scala memory), Memory leak, Memory model, Memory paging, Out of memory, Page (computer memory), Pointers, C language pointers, Automatic pointer, Pointer swizzling, Memory pool, Memory protection, Physical memory, PowerShell memory, Python memory, RAM, Memory reference (Reference counting - Soft reference - Weak reference), Resource allocation (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization - RAII), Resource leak, Rust memory, Memory segmentation, Memory utilization, Shared memory, Static variable - Automatic variable, Virtual memory, Virtual address space. Memory management. (navbar_memory_management. See also navbar_memory or navbar_data_storage)

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