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Fever - Jwara - Jvara:

1. What is basic samprapti (pathogenesis) of jwara (fever)?

2. What are 3 cardinal symptoms of jwara?

3. Fever can be a symptom of what other rogas?

4. Describe samprapti (pathogenesis) of jwara specific to doshas?

5. List some different types of fevers.

6. What are some general guidelines for treatment?

7. What are some anti-pyretic herbs?

8. What are some external measures that can be used for chikitsa?

9. What is a tridoshic tea for internal measure?

10. What is difference between sudarshan and mahasudarshan?

11. What compound can be used for chronic continuous fever?

12. What herbs will treat septic jwara due to infection?

13. What ingredients can be combined to make natural penicillin?

14. Write herbal prescription for fever due to each doshic aggravation.

15. What diet should be followed during jwara?

16. What are post-fever chikitsa measures for each dosha?

17. What are some complications of jwara?

Vaidya Vasant Lad - Anisha Durve - Gurukula Study Questions, 2001

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