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CPP98 - C++ 98

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C++98, formally known as ISO/IEC 14882:1998, marked the first standardized version of the C++ programming language. This standard solidified many of the core features and the standard library components that developers had been using informally. Below is a summary of C++98's key aspects and contributions to the programming world, formatted in MediaWiki style.


C++98 was the result of many years of work and discussion by the C++ standards committee to unify and standardize the C++ programming language, setting a foundation for future development and innovation.

Core Language Features

The standard formalized core language features such as classes, templates, and exceptions, which had become essential tools for C++ developers.

Standard Template Library (STL)

C++98 included the Standard Template Library (STL), introducing containers, iterators, algorithms, and function objects, significantly enhancing the language's ability to handle complex data structures and operations.


The introduction of namespaces helped solve the problem of name conflicts by encapsulating identifiers in distinct scopes.

Exception Handling

Standardized exception handling provided a structured approach to error detection and recovery, using try, catch, and throw keywords.

Type Identification

Runtime Type Identification (RTTI) allowed the type of an object to be determined during program execution, facilitating more dynamic and flexible code.

The `bool` Data Type

C++98 introduced the `bool` type, formalizing the use of Boolean values (`true` and `false`) in C++ programs.

The `const_cast`, `static_cast`, `dynamic_cast`, and `reinterpret_cast` Operators

These cast operators were introduced to provide safer and more readable alternatives to traditional C-style casts.

Member Function `const` Qualification

The ability to qualify member functions as `const`, indicating that they do not modify the object on which they are called, was formalized.

Template Specialization

Template specialization allowed developers to define specific implementations of templates for particular data types.

The `mutable` Keyword

`mutable` was introduced to allow modification of class member variables even within `const` member functions.

Default Template Arguments

C++98 allowed default values for template parameters, simplifying the use of templates by reducing the need for explicit specification of all arguments.

The `inline` Keyword

The `inline` keyword was standardized to suggest to the compiler that a function's code should be expanded inline where it is called.

The `this` Pointer

The standard formalized the use of the `this` pointer, representing a pointer to the current instance of a class.

Function Overloading

C++98 provided the ability to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters, enhancing the language's expressiveness.

Operator Overloading

The standard described the ability to overload operators, allowing user-defined types to behave similar to built-in types in expressions.

The `auto_ptr` Smart Pointer

Although later replaced in C++11, `auto_ptr` was the first attempt to introduce smart pointer semantics to manage dynamic memory automatically.

The One Definition Rule

C++98 specified the One Definition Rule (ODR) to prevent multiple definitions of the same entity across different translation units.

Compilation and Linkage

The standard outlined rules for compilation and linkage, ensuring interoperability across different compilers and platforms.


C++98 laid the groundwork for modern C++ development, standardizing key features that have made the language both powerful and versatile. While subsequent standards have introduced significant enhancements, C++98 remains the foundation upon which the evolution of C++ is built.

For more detailed information on C++98 and its specifications, the official ISO C++ website (s:// serves as the primary resource. Unfortunately, a direct GitHub repository link specifically for C++98 documentation cannot be provided here, but interested readers can find further resources and discussions on C++ standards development through the ISO C++ website and associated forums.

This summary encapsulates the major contributions of C++98 to the programming community, highlighting the importance of this initial standard in providing a solid foundation for the C++ language's ongoing development and standardization.

C++: C++ Fundamentals, C++ Inventor - C++ Language Designer: Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985; C++ Keywords, C++ Built-In Data Types, C++ Data Structures (CPP Containers) - C++ Algorithms, C++ Syntax, C++ OOP - C++ Design Patterns, Clean C++ - C++ Style Guide, C++ Best Practices ( C++ Core Guidelines (CG)) - C++ BDD, C++ Standards ( C++ 23, C++ 20, C++ 17, C++ 14, C++ 11, C++ 03, C++ 98), Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Glossary,,,, C++ Compilers (Compiler Explorer, MinGW), C++ IDEs, C++ Development Tools, C++ Linter, C++ Debugging, C++ Modules ( C++20), C++ Packages, C++ Package Manager ( Conan - the C/C++ Package Manager), C++ Standard Library, C++ Libraries, C++ Frameworks, C++ DevOps - C++ SRE, C++ CI/CD ( C++ Build Pipeline), C++ Data Science - C++ DataOps, C++ Machine Learning, C++ Deep Learning, Functional C++, C++ Concurrency, C++ History, C++ Topics, C++ Bibliography, Manning C++ Series, C++ Courses, CppCon, C++ Research, C++ GitHub, Written in C++, C++ Popularity, C++ Awesome , C++ Versions. (navbar_cplusplus – see also navbar_cpp_containers, navbar_cppcon, navbar_cpp_core_guidelines, navbar_cpp23, navbar_cpp20, navbar_cpp17, navbar_cpp14, navbar_cpp11)

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cpp98.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 by