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4 bits = half a byte.

Snippet from Wikipedia: 4-bit computing

4-bit computing is the use of computer architectures in which integers and other data units are 4 bits wide. 4-bit central processing unit (CPU) and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) architectures are those that are based on registers or data buses of that size. A group of four bits is also called a nibble and has 24 = 16 possible values.

4-bit processors were widely used in electronic calculators and other roles where decimal math was used, like electronic cash registers, microwave oven timers, and so forth. This is because a 4-bit value holds a single binary coded decimal (BCD) digit, making it a natural size for directly processing decimal values. As a 4-bit value is generally too small to hold a memory address for real-world programs or data, the address bus of these systems was generally larger. For instance, the canonical 4-bit microprocessor, the Intel 4004, had a 12-bit address format.

4-bit designs were used only for a short period when integrated circuits were still expensive, and were found primarily in cost-sensitive roles. While 4-bit computing is mostly obsolete, 4-bit values are still used in the same decimal-centric roles they were developed for, and modern implementations are generally much wider and process multiple 4-bit values in parallel. An example of such a system is the HP Saturn design of the 1980s. By the 1990s, most such uses had been replaced by general purpose binary designs.

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Computer History: Big Tech Silicon Valley Technocracy, Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex - History of the Internet, Facebook (zuck.pdf), Tesla / Space X / Twitter (musk.pdf), History, IT History, Cloud History (Azure History, AWS History, GCP History), Amazon.com / Blue Origin (Bezos - bezos.pdf), Internet History, Email History, Bell Labs, Xerox PARC, OS History (UNIX History - Linux History - Minicomputer - Mainframe History - IBM History - Personal Computer History (Apple I - Apple II - Apple III, IBM PC, Compaq, Macintosh 128K, Apple Lisa), Vintage Apple Resources, Computer Stores, macOS History - Apple History - Apple, Inc. (Steve Jobs jobs.pdf), Windows History - Windows Server History - Microsoft History - Microsoft (Bill Gates gates.pdf, Programming History (C History - C++ History - C# History - COBOL History - Golang History - Java History - JavaScript History - Python History - PowerShell History), Computing History, Computing Hardware History, Software Engineering History, Software History, Networking History, Vintage Computing - Vintage Computers - Retrocomputing, Legacy - Defunct Microprocessor Companies (MOS Technology - 6502, Motorola - Motorola 68000, Zilog - Zilog Z80), Legacy - Defunct Computer Companies, Legacy - Defunct Software Companies, History of Computer Hardware, History of Computing, History of Programming Languages, Legacy - Defunct Electronics Companies, PowerPC architecture family, List of PowerPC processors, CPU - Microprocessors, Discontinued Intel processors, 4-bit computing - 4-bit, 8-bit computing - 8-bit, 16-bit computing - 16-bit, 32-bit computing - 32-bit, History of Microsoft Exchange Server (Microsoft Mail - formerly Network Courier), Computer History Museum, Military-Digital Complex - Military-Industrial Complex (Read Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex), Computer History Bibliography, Awesome Retrocomputing, WinWorldPC.com. (navbar_ithistory - see also navbar_bigtech, navbar_technocracy, navbar_programminghistory)

Bits: Binary Digit = Bit, 1024-bit, 512-bit, 256-bit, 128-bit, 72-bit, 64-bit, 32-bit, 24-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit, 4-bit; Units of information: Metric bit units (kilobit, megabit, gigabit, terabit, petabit, exabit, zettabit, yottabit); IEC bit units (kibibit, mebibit, gibibit, tebibit, pebibit, exbibit, zebibit, yobibit). Byte, Word (computer architecture). (navbar_bits - see also navbar_bytes)

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4-bit.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:43 by