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Sodium is an element<ref>Wile, Dr. Jay L. Exploring Creation With Physical Science. Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc. 1999, 2000</ref> in the alkali metals class of the periodic table. It is so chemically active that it is never found free (in elemental form) in nature. In its elemental form, sodium reacts violently with water, forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Sodium metal is usually stored in an oil based solution to prevent it from reacting with moisture in the air.

Sodium was isolated as an element in 1807, by Sir Humphrey Davy.


Sodium is often combined with other elements and has a range of applications, such as salt (sodium chloride), “soda ash” or “mineral alkali” (sodium carbonate), lye or “caustic soda” (sodium hydroxide).

Elements Metals