What are the Shad Darshan and who are their founders?

Shad Darshan are the 6 main branches of [[wp>Indian philosophy]] which [[Ayurveda]] has accepted and supports.  They are:

1) Nyaya: logic and reasoning; Gotama (Akṣapāda_Gotama).

2) Vaisesika: uniqueness; Kanada.

3) Samkhya: [[duality; Kapila.

4) Yoga: union (practical application of Sankhya); Patanjali

5) Mimamsa: ritual (practical application of vedanta); Jaimani.

6) Vedanta: monism; Badarayan or Sankara

Ayurveda later integrated the philosophies of Buddhism, whose founder is Shakyamuni, or historically Siddartha Gautama. Although called Shad (six) Darshan (philosophies), Buddhism becomes the seventh spoke in this wheel of knowledge. Lad, p. 21.

Vasant Lad, M.A.Sc., //Textbook of Ayurveda Volume 1//, 2002: p. 21

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Source: Vaidya Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc, Ayurvedic Studies Program Gurukula Mount Madonna Class Notes, 1996-1997-1998-1999-2000-2001-2002