
“objc.io was founded 2013 in Berlin by Chris Eidhof, Daniel Eggert, and Florian Kugler. We started objc.io to create a platform for in-depth technical topics relevant to all iOS and macOS developers.

From June 2013 to May 2015 we published 24 monthly issues, containing 125 articles written by 67 authors. We're very humbled by the feedback of the community and the huge effort put in by all the contributors.

After two years of publishing an issue every month, we decided to take a break and to focus on some more long-form writing. We published our first Swift bookFunctional Swift – in late 2014. In 2015 we published two new books: Advanced Swift and Core Data.

In June 2016 we returned to publishing regular online content with our Swift Talk series. We publish in-depth videos every week, in which we showcase and discuss solutions to problems we encounter while building projects in Swift.

In June 2017 we published Optimizing Collections — our first book written by an external author, Károly Lőrentey. In early 2018 we published App Architecture, which we co-authored with Matt Gallagher. Finally, we published our latest book Thinking in SwiftUI in the spring of 2020.

Next to our regular publishing of articles, books, and videos, we also teach workshops, focusing on advanced Swift and SwiftUI topics.


Swift Talk Books Issues SwiftUI Workshop Bundle

The Complete Collection Every book we’ve published, at a great deal.


App Architecture (+ Videos) - iOS Application Design Patterns in Swift

App Architecture - iOS Application Design Patterns in Swift by Chris Eidhof, Matt Gallagher, and Florian Kugler

Advanced Swift (+ Videos) - A deep dive into Swift’s features, from Swift low-level programming to Swift high-level abstractions. By Chris Eidhof, Ole Begemann, Florian Kugler, and Ben Cohen

Functional Swift - Learn core concepts of functional programming with Swift and leverage them in real world Swift code. By Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, and Wouter Swierstra

Core Data - Core Data best practices by example, from Core Data persistency to Core Data multithreading and Core Data syncing. By Florian Kugler and Daniel Eggert

Optimizing Collections - Write custom collections in Swift with a strong focus on Swift performance - By Károly Lőrentey

Swift: Swift Fundamentals, Swift Inventor - Swift Language Designer: Chris Lattner, Doug Gregor, John McCall, Ted Kremenek, Joe Groff of Apple Inc. on June 2, 2014; SwiftUI, Apple Development Kits - Apple SDKs (CloudKit, CoreML-ARKit - SiriKit - HomeKit, Foundation Kit - UIKit - AppKit, SpriteKit), Swift Keywords, Swift Built-In Data Types, Swift Data Structures (Swift NSString String Library, Swift NSArray, Swift NSDictionary, Swift Collection Classes) - Swift Algorithms, Swift Syntax, Swift Access Control, Swift Option Types (Swift Optionals and Swift Optional Chaining), Swift Protocol-Oriented Programming, Swift Value Types, Swift ARC (Swift Automatic Reference Counting), Swift OOP - Swift Design Patterns, Clean Swift - Human Interface Guidelines, Swift Best Practices - Swift BDD, Swift Apple Pay, Swift on iOS - Swift on iPadOS - Swift on WatchOS - Swift on AppleTV - Swift on tvOS, Swift on macOS, Swift on Windows, Swift on Linux, Swift installation, Swift Combine framework (SwiftUI framework - SwiftUI, UIKit framework - UIKit, AppKit framework - AppKit, Cocoa framework - Cocoa API (Foundation Kit framework, Application Kit framework, and Core Data framework (Core Data object graph and Core Data persistence framework, Core Data object-relational mapping, Core Data ORM, Core Data SQLite), Apple Combine asynchronous events, Apple Combine event-processing operators, Apple Combine Publisher protocol, Apple Combine Subscriber protocol), Swift containerization, Swift configuration, Swift compiler, Swift IDEs (Apple Xcode (Interface Builder, nib files), JetBrains AppCode), Swift development tools (CocoaPods dependency manager, Swift Package Manager, Swift debugging), Swift DevOps (Swift scripting, Swift command line, Swift observability, Swift logging, Swift monitoring, Swift deployment) - Swift SRE, Swift data science (Core Data, Realm-RealmSwift, Swift SQLite, Swift MongoDB, Swift PostgreSQL), Swift machine learning (Core ML), Swift AR (ARKit), SiriKit, Swift deep learning, Swift IoT (HomeKit), Functional Swift (Swift closures (lambdas - effectively “Swift lambdas”), Swift anonymous functions), Swift concurrency (Apple Combine framework, Swift actors, Swift async, Swift async/await, Grand Central Dispatch (GCD or libdispatch), Swift on multi-core processors, Swift on symmetric multiprocessing systems, Swift task parallelism, Swift thread pool pattern, Swift parallelism), Reactive Swift (RXSwift), Swift testing (XCTest framework, Swift TDD, Swift mocking), Swift security (Swift Keychain, Swift secrets management, Swift OAuth, Swift encryption), Swift server-side - Swift web (Swift Vapor, Swift Kitura), Swift history, Swift bibliography, Manning Swift Series, Swift glossary, Swift topics, Swift courses, Swift Standard Library (Swift REST, Swift JSON, Swift GraphQL), Swift libraries, Swift frameworks (Apple Combine framework, SwiftUI), Swift research, WWDC, Apple GitHub - Swift GitHub, Written in Swift, Swift popularity, Swift Awesome list, Swift Versions, Objective-C. (navbar_swift - see also navbar_iphone, navbar_ios, navbar_ipad, navbar_mobile)

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