1. Functional Programming Paradigms in .NET 2. Programming 3. Immutability in .NET 4. and Functional Programming Features 5. and F# 6. Higher-Order Functions in .NET 7. Lambda Expressions in C 8. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) for Functional Data Manipulation 9. Discriminated Unions in F 10. and C# 11. Active Patterns in F 12. Asynchronous Programming with Async/Await in F 13. Type Providers in F 14. Computation Expressions in F 15. Monads in .NET 16. Reactive Extensions (Rx.NET) for Functional Reactive Programming 17. Option Type in F 18. Functional Collections in F 19. Tail Call Optimization in F 20. Pipelining in F 21. Units of Measure in F 22. and C# 23. Concurrency and Parallelism in F 24. Dependency Injection in Functional .NET Applications 25. Type System Features