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JetBrains RubyMine IDE

Ruby: Ruby Fundamentals, Ruby Inventor - Ruby Language Designer: Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995; Ruby scripting, Rails, RubyGems, Ruby keywords, Ruby Built-In Data Types, Ruby data structures - Ruby algorithms, Ruby syntax, Ruby OOP - Ruby design patterns, Ruby for Chef, Ruby for Puppet, Ruby on Linux, Ruby on macOS, Ruby on Windows, Ruby installation, Ruby containerization, Ruby configuration, Ruby compiler - Ruby interpreter (Matz's Ruby Interpreter or Ruby MRI, also called CRuby), Ruby IDEs (RubyMine), Ruby development tools, Ruby DevOps - Ruby SRE, Ruby data science - Ruby DataOps, Ruby machine learning, Ruby deep learning, Functional Ruby, Ruby concurrency, Ruby history, Ruby bibliography, Ruby glossary, Ruby topics, Ruby courses, Ruby Standard Library, Ruby libraries, Ruby frameworks (Ruby on Rails), Ruby research, Ruby GitHub, Written in Ruby, Ruby popularity, Ruby Awesome list, Ruby Versions. (navbar_ruby)


Features RubyMine is an integrated development environment that helps you be more productive in every aspect of Ruby/Rails projects development – from writing and debugging code to testing and deploying a completed application. This section will give you a brief overview of some of the most essential features available in RubyMine.

Smart editor Write error-free code faster with smart, type-aware code completion, intelligent code inspections, live templates, and intention actions.

Code completion Code completion Code faster with autocompletion. It works as you type, suggesting a list of matching variables, methods, and keywords.

Completion works for Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB, HAML, CSS, and Sass.

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Refactoring Refactoring Refactor your code with the fast and safe rename and delete refactoring. You can perform all kinds of refactorings: extract variables, parameters, methods or superclasses, introduce constants, and more.

All the refactorings are Ruby on Rails aware, and renaming a controller will also rename the related helper, views, and tests.

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Code styling and formatting Code styling and formatting Configure and use a consistent code style for any language. Set the formatting for indents, spaces, aligning rules, and so forth, and share it with your teammates.

RubyMine automatically applies the configured code style as you write, or it can reformat whole files all at once.

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Documenting code Documenting code View documentation in a popup, create missing YARD tags using intention actions, and check their validity.

RubyMine utilizes YARD annotations for better code insight, allowing it to suggest relevant results in code completion and parameter hints for methods.

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Live templates Live templates Live templates (aka Code snippets) allow you to type less when you use the most common pattern structures in your code. Customize the existing templates and create your own.

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Code inspections and quick-fixes Code inspections and quick-fixes You’ll always see when there are any errors and code smells, such as unreachable code, incorrect call argument count, unused variables, and so on.

Resolve these problems automatically by applying quick-fixes suggested by the IDE.

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Navigation and search Quickly identify how everything in a project works, with powerful navigation and search capabilities.

Go to declaration Go to declaration With just one click you can navigate to declarations, super methods, tests, usages, implementations, and more. You can not only jump to project entities but also to definitions within external gems.

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Find usages Find usages Quickly see all the places that use a class, method, variable, or symbol.

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Search everywhere Search everywhere RubyMine can help you find what you’re looking for, be it an item in the source code, a user action, or a UI element. Press Shift twice and start typing the name of what you need.

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Structure view Structure view Easily navigate your code structure: switch between class methods (including inherited ones), or jump between HTML tags.

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Ruby on Rails RubyMine enhances your productivity with Rails and natively supports all major web development practices.

Rails-aware code maintenance Rails-aware code maintenance RubyMine recognizes Rails concepts and enhances code insight features. For example:

Autocompletion works for DB fields, associations, and methods defined by named and resource routes The Rails-aware rename refactoring takes into account names of controllers, views, tests, and helpers ERB/HAML/Slim/Liquid editor ERB/HAML/Slim/Liquid editor RubyMine offers support for editing ERB views, with braces, folding, syntax highlighting, code completion, and more. If you use HAML or Slim views, you'll find syntax highlighting for the injected Ruby code as well as coding assistance for HTML code inside.

MVC-based navigation MVC-based navigation You can quickly navigate between Rails controllers, actions, views, models, database schemas, and tests using the Navigate | Related Symbol command.

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Rails generators Rails generators Add new Rails entities, such as models, controllers, and migrations, to your project with a UI that provides quick and context-sensitive access to Rails generators.

Run anything with completion Specific UIs for generating Rails entities Learn more

Rails internationalization (i18n) support Rails internationalization (i18n) support Create or edit local properties using intention actions right in the editor, run an inspection to find missing keys, preview localized values, and so on.

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Model dependency diagram Model dependency diagram Take a bird's-eye view of your project models with their attributes to analyze the project structure and navigate to the code you need.

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Ruby tools RubyMine has tight integration with all the popular Ruby tools, including Rubocop, Bundler, Rake, and many more.

Bundler integration Bundler integration Handle gem dependencies for your application right inside the IDE using the Bundler integration. You can run Bundler commands right from the Run Anything popup.

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Version managers and gemsets support Version managers and gemsets support Quickly switch between the different Ruby versions installed using version managers, such as RVM, rbenv, asdf, and chruby. You can also work with RVM and rbenv gemsets in the IDE.

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Rake support Rake support Run any Rake task in your project using the Run Anything popup (double Ctrl). You can also run tasks right from the editor using gutter icons.

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Rubocop integration Rubocop integration Fix Rubocop offenses right inside the IDE, or check the entire project and display all RuboCop warnings in a single report.

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Built-in IRB and Rails consoles Built-in IRB and Rails consoles Interact with your application using the IRB and Rails consoles without ever leaving the IDE.

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Integrated Ruby profiler Integrated Ruby profiler RubyMine’s integration with the rbspy sampling profiler allows you to profile Ruby and Rails applications easily.

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Testing Generate, run, and manage your tests with ease. RubyMine supports all popular frameworks.

Gui-based test runner Gui-based test runner Run and debug RSpec, Minitest, Shoulda, and Cucumber tests right from the IDE. The runner will show you the progress using a tree view for all running tests, including information about the status and duration of a particular test.

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Generate tests from templates Generate tests from templates Generate tests from predefined customizable templates. You can even create a test when navigating to it from a class, replicating the directory structure based on the path to the test subject.

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Navigate between tests and test subjects Navigate between tests and test subjects In RubyMine, you can quickly navigate between a test and the test subject. If you are using FactoryBot, you can even navigate from models to factories and vice-versa.

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View code coverage View code coverage Measure how much of your code is covered with tests using integration with SimpleCov. You can analyze the percentage of covered files and lines in a separate tool window and editor, generate HTML reports, and so on.

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Debugging RubyMine has a clever debugger with a graphical UI for Ruby, JS, and CoffeeScript.

Debugger with a graphical UI Debugger with a graphical UI RubyMine provides a visual debugger for Ruby. Run your code step by step with all the information available there at your fingertips.

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Configurable breakpoints Configurable breakpoints Place a breakpoint on a line of code and define the hit conditions – a set of Boolean expressions that are evaluated to determine whether to stop executing the code.

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Smart stepping Smart stepping Descend into any method call or block on the current line. If there are multiple method calls or blocks, you can choose the desired target.

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Interactive debug console Interactive debug console Examine the state of a suspended program using an interactive IRB-like console. In this console, you can check variable values, examine complex objects, call methods, and so on.

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Debugging JavaScript and Node.js Debugging JavaScript and Node.js Debug client-side JavaScript code in your application, and debug Node.js applications.

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Remote debugging Remote debugging Debug your program with a remote interpreter, such as Docker, Vagrant, SSH, or WSL. You can even attach to remote processes and debug them.

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VCS Use popular version control systems without leaving your IDE: browse the change history, manage branches, merge conflicts, and much more. Even without VCS, you can use the local history to find and restore any changes made between commits.

Support for all major Version Control Systems Support for all major Version Control Systems Work with Git and GitHub, Mercurial, Subversion, Perforce, and others from the IDE.

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Pre-commit code checks Pre-commit code checks The Commit tool window allows you to perform code analysis, check for TODOs left in your code, and reformat the code.

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Built-in Diff and Merge tool Built-in Diff and Merge tool A built-in visual merge tool helps resolve conflicts quickly and intuitively.

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Full-featured VCS history support Full-featured VCS history support Keep track of the changes made in the source code: quickly switch between branches, filter by a user, choose the desired date, and so on.

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VCS-independent Local History VCS-independent Local History Restore deleted files, bring back separate changes, or roll back to any state of a file, even if a version control system has not yet been enabled.

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GitHub pull request support GitHub pull request support Manage incoming pull requests in RubyMine. You can complete the entire pull request workflow, from viewing pull requests to submitting comments and accepting changes, without leaving the IDE.

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Customizable environment Set up everything the way you like it with customizable shortcuts, interface themes, and plugins.

Themes Themes RubyMine comes with several editor color schemes bundled and it’s even possible to create your own custom schemes or modify existing ones.

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Keyboard schemes Keyboard schemes For higher productivity, use the keyboard for all your tasks. You can choose from predefined keyboard layouts or create your own.

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Switch between viewing modes Switch between viewing modes RubyMine provides viewing modes for specific usage patterns. For example, you can turn off all distractions by hiding all UI elements except the code.

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Fine-tune the IDE with plugins Fine-tune the IDE with plugins Extend RubyMine with plugins and get support for additional VCS, integration with various tools and frameworks, and editor enhancements. Use the Marketplace tab to browse and install plugins from the Plugin Marketplace.

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Built-in developer tools Streamline your workflow right from the start with a database plugin, a terminal emulator, Capistrano support, and much more.

Embedded Terminal emulator Embedded Terminal emulator Use an embedded terminal emulator for working with a command-line shell from inside the IDE. Use it to work with the Ruby environment, run Git commands, and perform other command-line tasks without switching to a dedicated terminal application.

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Work with Databases within the IDE Work with Databases within the IDE Explore and edit databases with the bundled Database Tools and SQL plugin. The plugin supports database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others.

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HTTP client in the code editor HTTP client in the code editor Test the API inside the IDE with the integrated HTTP client. You can compose and run HTTP requests right in the editor.

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Remote development Remote development Run, debug, and test your code in a remote environment using Docker, WSL, Vagrant, or SSH. All you need to do is configure a remote interpreter.

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Deployment tools Deployment tools RubyMine helps you work with deployment tools. You can run Capistrano tasks right from the IDE, work with Kubernetes configuration files in YAML, and so on.

Configuration management Configuration management RubyMine helps you work with infrastructure automation and configuration management tools, such as Chef and Puppet.

Snippet from Wikipedia: JetBrains

JetBrains s.r.o. (formerly IntelliJ Software s.r.o.) is a Czech software development private limited company which makes tools for software developers and project managers. The company has its headquarters in Prague, and has offices in China, Europe, and the United States.

The company offers integrated development environments (IDEs) for a variety of programming languages. The company created the Kotlin programming language, which can run in a Java virtual machine (JVM), in 2011.

InfoWorld magazine awarded the firm "Technology of the Year Award" in 2011 and 2015.

JetBrains: Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem 2022, JetBrains Fleet, JetBrains DevOps - JetBrains SRE, JetBrains Cloud Native - JetBrains and Kubernetes, JetBrains Cloud - JetBrains Data Centers, JetBrains GitHub - JetBrains Open Source (), JetBrains Development Tools (), JetBrains Programming Languages (), JetBrains APIs, JetBrains and Concurrent Parallel Programming (), JetBrains and Functional Programming (), JetBrains and Microservices, JetBrains Security - JetBrains Security Breaches, JetBrains Research, JetBrains Networking, JetBrains Data Science - JetBrains DataOps - JetBrains Databases, JetBrains Artificial Intelligence (JetBrains ML - JetBrains MLOps, JetBrains DL, JetBrains AR - JetBrains VR), JetBrains IoT, JetBrains Products - JetBrains Services (), JetBrains Operating Systems (), JetBrains Software (), JetBrains Hardware - JetBrains Devices (), JetBrains Support (), JetBrains Media (), JetBrains Communication (), JetBrains Concepts (), JetBrains acronyms (), JetBrains Founders (), JetBrains People (), JetBrains Outline, JetBrains History, JetBrains Timeline, JetBrains Subsidiaries (), JetBrains Privacy (), JetBrains Censorship (), JetBrains Criticism (), JetBrains Bibliography, JetBrains Courses, JetBrains Certification (), JetBrains Glossary, JetBrains Topics, JetBrains Blog, JetBrains Awesome List, Big Tech. (navbar_jetbrains and navbar_ide)

JetBrains IDEs (AppCode, CLion, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, IntelliJ, Android Studio, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, WebStorm), Kotlin, JetBrains MPS, TeamCity, Upsource, YouTrack, KTor - KTor Framework, Datalore, JetBrains Academy, Integrated Team Environment, Integrated Team Environments, JetBrains Space Integrated Team Environment

IDEs: Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Development Tools, Cloud IDEs, Visual Studio, VSCode, VsCode Extensions, EmEditor for Big Data, JetBrains and JetBrains IDEs (JetBrains Plugins, AppCode, CLion, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, IntelliJ, Android Studio, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, WebStorm), Blocks, CodeLite, Eclipse, Eclipse Che, NetBeans, RStudio, Xcode, Apple Xcode, Jupyter Notebooks. Text editor, Source-code editor: Emacs, Vim, Vi, GNU nano, Atom Editor, Sublime Text, Brackets, jEdit, LaTeX, Notepad++, Windows Notepad, Edlin, Comparison of text editors, List of text editors, Editor war. (navbar_ide - see also navbar_jetbrains, navbar_vscode)

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