How long did it take you to go from knowing nothing about web - software development to being certified (and even being hired) through self-study?

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Alan Mellor, Programmed since 8 bit days

“I think this will help you: forget programming certifications, unless you mean a Bachelors degree. And even then, that’s not going to adequately prepare you.

You’ll get hired when you can tell a convincing story as to why we can trust you to work on our projects.

It’s hard to define what that means.

Having built a decent quality web site / application or two is a minimum - learning on your own dollar.

Being able to explain your development process. How you keep code quality high and what that means to you. How you test software. How you release software to live in a controlled way. How you go from idea in customers head to delivered software. Source control. Coding standards. Working in teams.

Certifications are not a good proxy for assuring you can do all that. So we ignore them.

To cheer you up, it’s the same for everyone. Even degrees don’t adequately teach this unless you do the extra work yourself and apply yourself.”

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