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Haskell CI/CD

Return to CI/CD, Haskell, Haskell DevOps - Haskell SRE - Haskell CI/CD, Cloud Native Haskell - Haskell Microservices - Serverless Haskell, Haskell Security - Haskell DevSecOps, Functional Haskell, Haskell Concurrency, Haskell Data Science - Haskell and Databases, Haskell Machine Learning, Haskell Bibliography, Haskell Courses, Haskell Glossary, Awesome Haskell, Haskell GitHub, Haskell Topics

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Haskell: Haskell Fundamentals, Haskell Inventor - Haskell Language Designer: Lennart Augustsson, Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones, John Launchbury, Erik Meijer, Philip Wadler in 1990 (see Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPCA 1987); Haskell keywords, Haskell data structures - Haskell algorithms, Haskell syntax, Haskell OOP, Haskell compiler (ghc - Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System), Haskell installation (brew install ghc, choco install ghc) Haskell IDEs, Haskell development tools, Haskell DevOps - Haskell SRE - Haskell CI/CD, Cloud Native Haskell - Haskell Microservices - Serverless Haskell, Haskell Security - Haskell DevSecOps, Haskell and databases, Haskell data science - Haskell DataOps, Haskell machine learning - Haskell DL, Haskell deep learning, Functional Haskell, Haskell concurrency - Haskell parallel programming - Async Haskell, Haskell and scientific computing, Haskell history, Haskell bibliography, Haskell courses, Haskell glossary, Haskell topics, Haskell courses, Haskell Standard Library, Haskell libraries, Haskell frameworks, Haskell scientific computing, Haskell research, Haskell GitHub, Written in Haskell, Haskell popularity, Haskell Awesome list, Haskell topics, Haskell Versions (navbar_haskell - see also navbar_haskell_standard_library, navbar_haskell_libraries, navbar_haskell_reserved_words, navbar_haskell_functional, navbar_haskell_concurrency)

CI/CD: Continuous, Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment. Key Book: Continuous Delivery - Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

Introduction to Continuous Delivery, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, The Deployment Pipeline, Automated Testing, Quality Assurance in Continuous Delivery, Managing Data in Continuous Delivery, Version Control for Everything, Build and Deployment Scripting, Environments on Demand, The Role of QA, Decoupling Deployment from Release, Managing Infrastructure and Environments, Monitoring and Feedback Loops, Implementing Continuous Delivery, Cultural and Organizational Change, Scaling Continuous Delivery, Advanced Continuous Delivery Practices, CI/CD Case Studies, CI/CD Conclusion

Continuous Delivery, Automation, Software Development, Build, Test, Deployment, Continuous Integration, Automated Testing, Deployment Pipeline, Configuration Management, Version Control, Quality Assurance, Infrastructure as Code, Monitoring, Feedback Loops, Cultural Change, Organizational Change, DevOps, Build Scripts, Deployment Scripts, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Performance Testing, Security Testing, Code Quality, Code Review, Feature Toggles, Branching Strategies, Merge Conflicts, Build Tools, CI/CD Tools, Virtualization, Containerization, Docker, Cloud Computing, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Microservices, Database Management, Schema Evolution, Data Migration, Environment Management, Production Environment, Staging Environment, Development Environment, Load Balancing, Rollback Strategies, Zero Downtime Deployment, Scalability, Reliability, High Availability, Risk Management, Change Management, Release Management, User Acceptance Testing, Feature Branching, Mainline Development, Trunk-Based Development, Artifact Repository, Log Management, Incident Management, Post-mortem Analysis, Compliance, Regulatory Requirements, Software Licensing, Open Source Software, Third-party Dependencies, Build Optimization, Test Automation Frameworks, Scripting Languages, System Administration, Networking, Data Storage, Encryption, Authentication, Authorization, API Design, Service-Oriented Architecture, Legacy Systems, Technical Debt, Documentation, User Documentation, Developer Documentation, Operational Documentation.

Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Travis CI, Bamboo, TeamCity, Azure DevOps, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, Spinnaker, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, Argo CD, Tekton Pipelines, JFrog Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker in CI/CD, Kubernetes in CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management Tools, Automated Testing in CI/CD, Deployment Strategies, Monitoring and Logging in CI/CD, Security in CI/CD, Microservices and CI/CD, CI/CD for Machine Learning, GitOps, Artifact Repository Management, Build Automation, Test Automation, Deployment Automation, Pipeline as Code, Environment Management, Feature Flag Management, Canary Releases, Blue/Green Deployments, Rollback Strategies, Load Testing in CI/CD, Performance Testing in CI/CD, Integration Testing in CI/CD, Service Virtualization, Secrets Management in CI/CD, Cloud-Native CI/CD, DevSecOps, Version Control Systems, Code Review Practices, CI/CD Metrics and KPIs, Container Orchestration in CI/CD, Serverless Deployments in CI/CD, Compliance in CI/CD, UI Testing in CI/CD, Mobile CI/CD, CDN Integration in CI/CD, Database Changes in CI/CD

Software Release Lifecycle, Software Development Lifecycle, Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment, Continuous X, CI/CD Tools, Continuous Improvement, DevOps, DevSecOps, Automation: Pipelines, Automation over Documentation, Artifact Repository, Build Automation - Automated Build - Build Pipeline, Build Server, Test Automation - Automated Testing, Change Management, Configuration Management, Deployment Pipeline; Delivery Ecosystem, Scripting (Build Scripting, Deployment Scripting), Version Control (Git, GitHub, GitHub Alternatives), CI/CD and Serverless - CI/CD and SRE - Cloud Native and CI/CD - CI/CD for Microservices - CI/CD Security - CI/CD and DevSecOps, CI/CD for Data Science - CI/CD and Databases, CI/CD for Machine Learning, CI/CD Bibliography (Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and David Farley), CI/CD Courses, CI/CD Glossary, Awesome CI/CD, CI/CD GitHub, CI/CD Topics. (navbar_cicd - see also navbar_devops, navbar_iac, navbar_gitops)

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