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DevSecOps Tools

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DevSecOps integrates security practices within the DevOps process. Here's a list of top tools essential for DevSecOps, facilitating continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, monitoring, and security assessment. Note that some tools may not have an official GitHub repository if they are proprietary or hosted elsewhere, but where possible, links to their official documentation and websites are provided.

Top 30 DevSecOps Tools

This list includes a variety of tools that are invaluable for integrating security into DevOps workflows, from code analysis to infrastructure monitoring and compliance.

1. Jenkins

2. Docker

3. Ansible

4. Kubernetes

5. Terraform

6. GitLab CI/CD

7. SonarQube

8. Aqua Security


10. HashiCorp Vault

11. Chef InSpec

12. Prometheus

13. Grafana

14. Clair

15. Sysdig

16. Trivy

17. Snyk

18. JFrog Xray

19. Black Duck

20. Checkmarx

Additional DevSecOps Tools

The remaining 10 tools are critical for various stages of the DevSecOps cycle, including security testing, infrastructure as code, configuration management, and more:

Each tool provides unique capabilities to integrate security practices into the DevOps pipeline, ensuring that applications are developed, deployed, and maintained securely.

This curated list aims to equip DevSecOps teams with a comprehensive set of tools for integrating security into every phase of the software development lifecycle, enhancing both the efficiency of DevOps practices and the security posture of the final product.

DevSecOps: DevOps, Cybersecurity, Security Automation

Secure Coding Practices, Threat Modeling, Security Automation, Compliance as Code, Vulnerability Management, Security Scanners, Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), Container Security, Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Infrastructure as Code Security, Secrets Management, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Zero Trust Architecture, Encryption in Transit and At Rest, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Web Application Firewall (WAF), API Security, DevOps Integration, Incident Response Automation, Penetration Testing Automation, Security Policy as Code, Risk Assessment Automation, Security Dashboards and Metrics, Third-Party Security Assessment, Compliance Monitoring, Patch Management Automation, Security Training for DevOps Teams, Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), Cyber Threat Intelligence, Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC), Code Signing, Access Control Models, Network Segmentation, Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR), DevSecOps Tools and Platforms, Microservices Security, Blockchain Security in DevOps, Machine Learning Security in DevOps, Security Champions Program, Secure Configuration Management, Automated Security Testing in CI/CD Pipelines, Cloud Native Security, Security Observability, Secure Artifact Management, Privacy by Design in DevOps

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