
Return to Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Chocolatey Tools, InstChoco - choco-package-list-backup - choco-cleaner by Bill Curran


A BCURRAN3 original! So of course I endorse and use it. :) If you don't like the default scheduled time to run, you can easily change it using Window's TaskScheduler. I'm open to suggestions - open a GitHub issue please. DO YOU WANT TO RECOVER SOME DISK SPACE USED BY UNNECESSARY RESIDUAL CHOCOLATEY FILES? YOU JUST FOUND THE EASY WAY! This package creates a Windows Scheduled Task to run Choco-Cleaner.ps1 every Sunday at 11:00 PM. BEFORE and AFTER Choco-Cleaner: (198 packages installed and does not include temp folder deletions.) schreenshot of files and diskspace before Choco-Cleaner schreenshot of files and diskspace after choco-cleaner

Sure, you're probably not going to get gigabytes of space back, but every few KB matters on some computers and to some people! Due to slack space small files such as 6 byte .ignore files actually take up 4 KB of HDD space each.

FEATURES: Set it and forget it! Choco-Cleaner cleans up your Chocolatey installation every Sunday at 11 PM in the background so you don't have to be bothered with it.

Choco-Cleaner is completely configurable, just edit C:\tools\BCURRAN3\choco-cleaner.config and set true/false for any grouping of file types you want to delete or not. License and log files default to false. This has been mandated to me for passing moderation. Everything else listed below is deleted by default.

Choco-Cleaner deletes:

.log files that are not the most current one (NOT default) .zip, .rar, .iso, and various archive files left over from packages that forgot to delete them post install .zip.txt and other archive-extensions.txt are lists of files that were extracted from an archive file for installation .msi, .msu, and .msp are Microsoft intall packages left over from packages that forgot to delete them post install .ignore files that are created to not shim executables during package install but not needed after shim operations are finished (This may change in a future version of Chocolatey.) credits.txt are program credits (of contributors) files you can read on the web readme.txt files you can read on the web .md files are usually markdown readme files that you can read on the web .old files are Chocolatey files that have been replaced by newer versions (exe's and dll's mostly) chocolatey.config.backup is a backup of your chocolatey.config file _processed.txt - I have no idea what made this file or why it exists lib-bad holds packages that failed to install and lib-bkp contains aborted packages (during updates?) archives and executables out of .nuspkg files which are ZIP archives with NuGet package information - this is similar to what Package Reducer does \users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey is where new package files are downloaded to during pre-installation (if you haven't changed your cacheLocation in chocolatey.config) files in cacheLocation if set in chocolatey.config \users\username\AppData\Local\Nuget\Cache if Nuget client is installed and caching files there \Windows\Temp\chocolatey license.txt and verification.txt files are included when packages include binaries, you can read them on the package web page, programname.license.txt files are license files for Chocolatey default tools (NOT default) orphaned shim files for programs that no longer exist INSTALL EXAMPLES: choco install choco-cleaner - (default) installs Choco-Cleaner to run every Sunday at 11:00 PM choco install choco-cleaner –params “'/NOTASK:TRUE'” - installs Choco-Cleaner without the scheduled task. INSTRUCTIONS: To manually run Choco-Cleaner:

Command Prompt: \ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\choco-cleaner\tools\Choco-Cleaner-manual.bat PowerShell: \ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\Choco-Cleaner.ps1 Windows Start Menu: click the icon. If you have choco-shortcuts-winconfig installed you'll find it with the rest of the Chocolatey Shortcuts. If you have a previous release of Choco-Cleaner installed, upgrading to a new version will NOT modify your current scheduled task or preferences.

11:00 PM was chosen as not to conflict with default installs of choco-upgrade-all-at, choco-persistent-packages, and choco-optimize-at.

Organizations with software license compliance auditing should probably NOT delete the license and verification files for legal protection. The supplied configuration file defaults to false for these types of files. As ferventcoder/Rob has said many times, corporations are not advised to use the community repository and should be using Chocolatey for Business with their own internalized local packages.

Chocolatey Software Package Manager: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Chocolatey Glossary, Chocolatey Fundamentals, Chocolatey Inventor - Chocolatey Designer: Rob Reynolds, Chocolatey DevOps - Chocolatey WinOps - WinOps, Chocolatey Tools (InstChoco, choco-package-list-backup and choco-cleaner by bcurran3), Boxstarter, Chocolatey Community Package Repository, Idempotent, Chocolatey install (InstChoco), Refreshenv, PowerShell on Windows, Package managers, Windows Package Managers, Windows Configuration Management - Windows Server Configuration Management, Ansible on Windows, Chef on Windows, Puppet on Windows, Debloat, choco-package-list-backup, Choco Cleaner, (navbar_choco - see also navbar_brew, navbar_package_manager)

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